Keep Crab Toss after event
second that motion
I didn’t really like it all that much the one time I tried it, but I still think it should be kept around. Any sort of extra side event that players can spend time with is a good thing.
I personally don’t enjoy it, but I see no reason to take it out after the event. What’s the worst that can happen, that somebody plays it?
People took the time to implement it, so I see nothing gained by removing it. So, I won’t be playing it I don’t think, but I wouldn’t want to take it away from the players who enjoy it.
(Plus, I guess it would be nice for future players to be able to get the achievements later, but that’s just a side-thought.)
~ Whips ~ City Minigames ~ City Jumping Puzzles ~
I love this game and would love to see it stick around afterwards. The people complaining about it just don’t know how to play it.