Settler's armor why soul bound?
Because they were designed that way. Everything you buy from shops that’s rare or exotic is Soulbound on Acquire. It says so in the tooltip. It’s like that for everything, from dungeon armor to cultural armor to karma gear.
Painbow.6059: Ignore what anyone else who doesn’t agree with me has said because its wrong.
I know that. You have to buy Karma armor with the gained Karma and the armor is soul bound, obviously, the Karma is soul bound. How can be soul bound an armor bought with golds and karka shells that are not even account bound?
Cant even put it on mystic forge… 36 golds and 1260karka shell to the dump.
(edited by Mechamilk.7809)
The armor is soul-bound cause its intended?
Otherwise, you can put money/shells in bank, switch to desired character, grab the money/shells & buy armor. There is bank access on Southsun Cove.
There is no need for it to be accountbound. Cause it’s only interesting for level 80 characters that needs the stats. So you can easily go there with the character that needs it, help to free the settlements and then buy the armour or weapon you want to have.
I know that. You have to buy Karma armor with the gained Karma and the armor is soul bound, obviously, the Karma is soul bound. How can be soul bound an armor bought with golds and karka shells that are not even account bound?
Cant even put it on mystic forge… 36 golds and 1260karka shell to the dump.
Whether the currency is soulbound or not doesn’t matter. Some things are bought with karma but are account bound. A lot of things that can be bought with gold are soulbound.
There is no need for it to be accountbound. Cause it’s only interesting for level 80 characters that needs the stats. So you can easily go there with the character that needs it, help to free the settlements and then buy the armour or weapon you want to have.
Or simply sit right inside the gate, wait for the settlements to be freed, and shop at the nearby merchant. That is, if you have the required shells ready.
Ok i will destroy all the stuff.
I seem to recall that the exotics I just bought at the Temple of Grenth gave me the ‘Are you sure you wish to equip this? It will become Soulbound’ warning when I equipped the gear. This would suggest that they were accountbound, and only soulbound on equip. Which makes this Settler gear extra rubbish.
I seem to recall that the exotics I just bought at the Temple of Grenth gave me the ‘Are you sure you wish to equip this? It will become Soulbound’ warning when I equipped the gear. This would suggest that they were accountbound, and only soulbound on equip. Which makes this Settler gear extra rubbish.
Karma weapons and armor are “Soulbound on Acquire,” including the temple armor in Orr. The warning you’re likely remembering is “Are you sure you want to purchase X?”
+1 Avatara. There is not a popup that you remember that is SOUL BOUND.
It s simple to put it ACCOUNT BOUND on aquire and SOUL BOUND when equiped.
+1 Avatara. There is not a popup that you remember that is SOUL BOUND.
It s simple to put it ACCOUNT BOUND on aquire and SOUL BOUND when equiped.
It clearly states that the armor is “Soulbound on Acquire.” I’m sorry that this happened to you but it couldn’t be more clear in the item description. Karma armor and weapons work exactly the same way.
Having said that, I do think that the armor should be usable in the Mystic Forge at least. I can sort of understand why they don’t want you using karma weapons and armor in the forge but if you’re spending actual gold plus other materials, I’m not sure what the harm is in that.
Is this armor good for a necro and if so what build? Please and thank you!
To clear things up. Karma temple armor is soulbound on acquire; karma trinkets and back items aren’t. They’re account-bound, soulbound on use. A simple /wiki or a travel to any temple would have sufficed to know that. Don’t spread wrong informations.
Having said that, this game states clearly if the item is account-bound or not before purchasing the actual item, and every karma or dungeon armor in this game is soulbound on acquire so it’s you and on you only. Delete it and hope it gives some ectos…
To clear things up. Karma temple armor is soulbound on acquire; karma trinkets and back items aren’t. They’re account-bound, soulbound on use. A simple /wiki or a travel to any temple would have sufficed to know that. Don’t spread wrong informations.
Not sure who you’re referring to when it comes to spreading wrong info but I clearly stated karma armor and weapons. Trinkets and back items are the exception, not the rule.
I seem to recall that the exotics I just bought at the Temple of Grenth gave me the ‘Are you sure you wish to equip this? It will become Soulbound’ warning when I equipped the gear. This would suggest that they were accountbound, and only soulbound on equip. Which makes this Settler gear extra rubbish.
The armour is souldbound on acquire, the trinkets are soulbound on use.
There is no good reason for this armour set to be soulbound on acquire. Whoever implemented them didn’t consider the likely scenario of people purchasing the equipment on the wrong character. Unless it’s purchased with with karma or some other character specific requirement, nothing purchased from a vendor in GW2 should be soulbound on acquire. When you have an account bound mechanic, it’s frustrating to see them implement things which could benefit from it, but don’t.
To clear things up. Karma temple armor is soulbound on acquire; karma trinkets and back items aren’t. They’re account-bound, soulbound on use. A simple /wiki or a travel to any temple would have sufficed to know that. Don’t spread wrong informations.
Not sure who you’re referring to when it comes to spreading wrong info but I clearly stated karma armor and weapons.
Trinkets and back items are the exception, not the rule.
You shouldn’t feel personally involved or hurt by things that don’t touch or involve you; in this case, a strong urge to clean up some wrong informations.
Now let’s allow them to talk about what they want, don’t derail the thread further.
You shouldn’t feel personally involved or hurt by things that don’t touch or involve you; in this case, a strong urge to clean up some wrong informations.
Now let’s allow them to talk about what they want, don’t derail the thread further.
Um, ok. I wasn’t hurt or feeling personally involved. I just wasn’t sure who you were referring to with that statement.
Is this armor good for a necro and if so what build? Please and thank you!
Not really. It’s somehing that might be useful for some ranger bunker builds, perhaps, but it’s very niche. Not many people used apothecary, and this is a very similar stat set.
Remember, remember, 15th of November