The RNG box aint bad this time
Oh really? I’ve been playing 6 hours a day since Southsun release, found a total of 9-10 supply crates.
(No minis or weapon tickets.)
I don’t think that you can make a statistical claim based on just one person’s experience (I think you were very lucky with your drop rate.)
~ Whips ~ City Minigames ~ City Jumping Puzzles ~
I have not seen a single Southsun Cove box. Perhaps I’m not playing as long as you (only ~2 hours a day), but it seems strange that I haven’t seen one. Perhaps I’m not killing enough Veteran Karkas. =/
I have seen ONE box since this event has started.
Welcome to AION 2
i just hate that even with the 200% magic find boost
its near impossible
imagine if they hadn’t given us the boost
makes me wonder whats the point of magic find
What are you guys NOT farming?
Stop wasting time with the instigator karma train. Start killing mobs on the island.
Even after lots of playtime, including getting both back pieces—NOT ONE CRATE.
Been running around with the mob killing everything—NOTHING—-as per usual.
The OP is just extremly lucky.
I have not seen a single Southsun Cove box. Perhaps I’m not playing as long as you (only ~2 hours a day), but it seems strange that I haven’t seen one. Perhaps I’m not killing enough Veteran Karkas. =/
All Southsun mobs have an equal chance of dropping the supply crates as far as I know. I’m with OP on this one as I already explained in another thread. Stop farming karkas, go farm skelks. You can kill what… 4-8 veteran karkas maybe every 10 minutes with a large and fast zerg? Meanwhile, if you were farming skelks, you could have killed anywhere from 10-30 skelks in that 10 minutes. I’ve farmed for 6 hours in total since the release and I average 1-4 crates per hour just from farming skelks, and I’ve gotten 19 crates so far.
EDIT: Also, this is with the 200% MF buff ONLY. No MF gear or other boosts at all.
And @Blude: Maybe you’re just extremely unlucky or not farming skelks? I haven’t met a single person who I’ve farmed skelks with yet that haven’t gotten a crate from them.
i just hate that even with the 200% magic find boost
its near impossible
imagine if they hadn’t given us the boost
makes me wonder whats the point of magic find
I have tested the MF in this game several times in many ways. MF is nothing but a placebo. If you feel it works good for you. No harm in that.
*Note: prior to this event a friend of mine farmed our legendary mats.. We saw around 1 drop per hour per person. After the event we see around 3 an hour. He had MF and I had Zero MF. We both got the same drop rates. Multiple days, multiple times. The only thing we have noticed is that they have increased the drop rates IN THE ZONE. MF has done nothing for our chances. *
But I see the exact drop rates with and without 260% MF in this game.
AION did this same garbage with their players making them believe that something was placed in the game to increase drop rates. People started doing calculations and found the company had done nothing.
MF = Placebo, nothing more. It’s a sugar pill to relieve Aunt Bee’s so called chronic pain she think she has.
(edited by Crawford.4135)
Magic find dont do nothing its same RNG like everything else.
Just abandon southsun and for future reference ignore anything that has RNG crates from here on out.
Until rng and dr is looked at seriously, just farm your daily bosses and abandon hope for everything else.
peasants had no bread and who responded: “Let them eat brioche.”
RNG is always bad. It makes players mad and quite the game.
Buying skins outright may not seem as profitable at first. But over time it is a lose for Anet.
No, this is not better. I’ve spent hours in Southsun and only found 2 crates. Compare to BLCs where I’m guaranteed a key every 25 minutes just running the level 1-10 personal story.
The crates are so much worse because it’s RNG (the crates actually dropping) on top of RNG (the items within the crates).
I have not seen a single Southsun Cove box. Perhaps I’m not playing as long as you (only ~2 hours a day), but it seems strange that I haven’t seen one. Perhaps I’m not killing enough Veteran Karkas. =/
All Southsun mobs have an equal chance of dropping the supply crates as far as I know. I’m with OP on this one as I already explained in another thread. Stop farming karkas, go farm skelks.
Yes, they all drop them, so stop farming skelks and kill mosquitos, they’re even faster and the respawns won’t aggro you in the back (I got several crates from animals.)
The crates also drop on whatever event mobs drop, so in any defend or skirmish events you have the same chance, with ADDED karma.
~ Whips ~ City Minigames ~ City Jumping Puzzles ~
3-5 boxes an hour? You must have a lot of luck or an amazing farming strategy. Probably both.
I’ve found 4 boxes total over maybe 15 hours in Southsun since the patch. And thats running the Settler magic find bonus almost 100% of the time, since I only used the Consortium bonus for about 20 mins for the achievement, and occassionally running full Magic Find gear as well (3 of the 4 boxes I’ve gotten have been without MF gear and only using the settler boost and food… which is how it usually is, my luck with magic find seems wonky, I get better loot without it seems even though it makes no sense).
Mind you, I’m not doing any heavy farming, mostly doing achievements, resource nodes and events. But even so, I can’t imagine getting 3-5 an hour even if I was. I’d consider one an hour lucky.
I think part of the problem with Magic Find is a lot of people misunderstand how it works. If I understand it correctly (and I’m not completely sure I do) it’s a lot more specific and limited than most people seem to think.
As I understand it Magic Find only affects the rarity of the item you get, which is determined separately (and presumably after) the type. So higher MF won’t increase your chance of getting a trophy instead of a weapon, it will only give you a better chance at a higher tier of weapon.
You’ve also got to remember that the game doesn’t perceive item rarity and value the same way we do. In the code a rare is a rare is a rare. It doesn’t matter if one sells on the TP for 2 gold and another for 20. If they’re the same rarity then they’re just as valuable. (There could be some allowance for things which are in other special categories like Precursors, but still, within those groups they’ll all be treated the same. The code considers Venom to be equal with Dusk for example.)
This can lead to some really odd situations from a profit making perspective. For example last time I checked butter is worth about 5 times what thick leather sections sell for. But butter is a T1 mat and thick leather is T5 so (if they drop from the same enemy) higher MF gives you an increased chance of getting leather and making less profit.
Also it will have no effect at all on items which are in their own category and don’t have rarity tiers, which might well include the Southsun Crates.
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
Yeah I found that if you stick to the instigator fights that happen just about one after the other and only run between the two, you get no boxes, or very few. If you attach the Karak though you get boxes.
Example, I spent 3 hours doing the instigator shuffle and got a lot of karka shells but no boxes. I then spent 2 hours running around with a group of 10 people attacking the karka and got 3 boxes.
Also, magic find doesn’t work on the boxes.
Wow. Some people have incredible luck. 3-5 crates per hour?! I have got one crate since the whole thing began! And it only had a passionfruit and 5 Karka shells in it. Its so disappointing to open a crate and get basically nothing. I could have collected that stuff in 5mins if I really wanted it. : (
I personally hate the RNG stuff. I just don’t have enough time for it and if I really wanted to mindlessly grind, I’d go play WoW. Wish the RNG gods would bless me sometime… the kittens ;P
Instigator chest farming is nice for chances at Rares/Exotics, but not so good for Crates. The OP is correct in that you’ll have better chances at those by just farming regular mobs. However, most of the Crate stuff isn’t exceptionally valuable unless you get lucky and get a mini Kasmeer/Faren. All in all, farm with whatever suits you.
Personally I got one Crate from a random Young Karka I killed while on my way to an Ancient Sapling. Nothing but crafting materials in it.
Some people are just lucky. I’ve farmed with someone who gotten like 5 boxes while I continued to get 0. Do you use MF gear, cuz it feels like you need 350+400%+ MF to qualify for crates from what I’ve seen others get.
Base MF in Guild Wars 2: .001%
Example of MF in use: 250% MF = .003.500% MF
If stacking 400% is your thing, then by all means enjoy it. I’ll take more DPS/HP/Toughness/ect., etc., over .005% MF any-day.
I think this is a good drop rate for future boxes, I do wish the tickets had a higher chance. Opened ~20 from drops 0 tickets.
Would be nice to have it drop tokens which could be traded in for the weapons also say 50 tokens for a skin where each box drops 1-5 tokens.
Well thus far I’ve spent several hours in SC and got no crates at all. I’ll give skelk/mosquito farming a go and see if matters improve.
Piken Square
About 10 hours of farming so far and 1 crate drop. I kinda wish that those things would drop even once a day :P
Farming for about 1 hour, I could get between 3 to 5 box drops in Southsun Cove.
First, i must congratulate you for your amazing box drop rates – i don’t come even close.
Second… the RNG problem with the boxes lies elsewhere – in the ticket drop rate, that was best illustrated by the post of someone that opened 100 boxes and got one (yes, one) ticket out of it.
Remember, remember, 15th of November