Didn't get achievement and solo'd playhouse
Yeah, the achievement is only granted if you complete the Playhouse without even getting downed. It’s unknown if this is a bug or if the achievement has an incorrect description.
Yup. Can’t even get downed. Shouldn’t be much of a problem though, as it’s very easy to solo.
Only part I had trouble with was the final fight. Knockdown + Torment with no cooldown apparently had me sweating. Beat her on the first trip in though without any anguish. I was expecting harder solo. Actually, the only part I liked was when I fought her for real as opposed to the gimmick fights (make her hit that red circle/barrel).
[TTBH] [HATE], Yak’s Bend(NA)
It’s actually very easy to avoid Scarlet’s Torment during her final phase. Simply stand next to a barrel and shoot at her with a ranged weapon. When she does her teleport jump to you, back off slightly and then dodge roll right into the center of the red circle. This will let you evade all of her hits and the associated Torment stacks.
i ave problems at the begining cant solo that part, then again im not zerk lke most
Not even downed? Wait, was this only tested with Warrior and Guardian again? I play a pretty defence heavy Elementalist, and downing is common. No wonder I didn’t get this class biased achievement!
Not even downed? Wait, was this only tested with Warrior and Guardian again? I play a pretty defence heavy Elementalist, and downing is common. No wonder I didn’t get this class biased achievement!
Just run past all the minyawn-o’s to Scarlet, and you should do fine. Elementalist UNITE!!
Not even downed? Wait, was this only tested with Warrior and Guardian again? I play a pretty defence heavy Elementalist, and downing is common. No wonder I didn’t get this class biased achievement!
I’ve done it with my condition Mesmer. Wasn’t really that hard to not get downed, unless when I was trying to get the achievement for saving Faren within 3 minutes. While doing so, I did get downed once or twice (but I made it in the end). But yeah… it’s not that hard to play it safe (for the “don’t get downed” achievement); just skip the mobs in between the fights. Oh, and you should kill those mobs that are already with Scarlet when you reach Faren first, before you start to extinguish the fire for the first time. This way, it will also be a bit easier as you won’t have as many mobs on you at once.
Only part I had trouble with was the final fight. Knockdown + Torment with no cooldown apparently had me sweating. Beat her on the first trip in though without any anguish. I was expecting harder solo. Actually, the only part I liked was when I fought her for real as opposed to the gimmick fights (make her hit that red circle/barrel).
you like tank n spank brainless hp pools better than real mechanics?
head here to discuss wvw without fear of infractions
Not even downed? Wait, was this only tested with Warrior and Guardian again? I play a pretty defence heavy Elementalist, and downing is common. No wonder I didn’t get this class biased achievement!
Then you’re doing something wrong, because I don’t play a defense heavy elementalist and I got the achievement.
My mesmer didn’t even break a sweat fighting her. She’s easily distracted by clones. Maybe try elementals.
Not even downed? Wait, was this only tested with Warrior and Guardian again? I play a pretty defence heavy Elementalist, and downing is common. No wonder I didn’t get this class biased achievement!
I had soloed it, without getting downed, using my necro and my mesmer, and some guildies did it using engineers, rangers, and eles. Doesn’t know their builds, but this dung is pretty soloeable, imho. Just need to study the mob’s movements.
@ Sorrow’s Furnace (VE)
Person sitting next to me didnt get the achievement. And Im pretty sure he didnt get downed (was sitting next to him, same party, would have seen him dying) so…. yeah. Bugged.
Not even downed? Wait, was this only tested with Warrior and Guardian again? I play a pretty defence heavy Elementalist, and downing is common. No wonder I didn’t get this class biased achievement!
Did fine on my ele, who is trying to mix up offense and defense (think i was going 0/0/10/30/30 though so should be no prob)? Got a lot harder with others though.
I didn’t get achievement either got downed once but won the 3 fights. It’s like I didn’t do the playhouse.