I loved Scarlet's Playhouse ^_^
I loved Scarlet’s Playhouse !! It was so much fun, I had a great time doing it <3
After the disaster that was Liadri, and the horrible achievements that go with her, this was absolutely awesome ^3^
The end fight with Scarlet wasn’t too easy and it wasn’t too hard. It was perfect!!
It’s how Liadri should have been. It’s how she should be, when the gauntlet comes back.
Thank yooouu (=^_^=)/
Do you know what the best part was? I could actually see during the fight. It was shocking to me, and it shouldn’t be. I was really surprised. When I walked in there I was expecting another dome incident. It was such a surprise to be able to see.
It was a fun fight, and I like that dodging was important. I enjoyed the entire thing. My absolute favorite part though was just being able to see for once. I can only hope they will have more content in the future where I can see.
Some of you don’t understand what it’s like playing as a charr/norn. It’s horrible most of the time. You end up unable to see through most of the new content. Imagine doing some of those bosses that people find so hard, but now you can only see the inside of your own skull.
After fighting in the Gauntlet, I was very happy that the fight was, well, very easy since all the attacks and mechanics were in a similar fashion. I would have liked to see more forms is all I could ask for.
I loved it too, did it 4 times today
Its a shame the reward for repeating t is so bad though :’(
And i also think they shouldve made an explorable version thats harder/repeatable for better rewards :o.
Warning: link may contain traces of awesome.
Lyssa’s Grimoire – a guide every Mesmer should read.
I enjoyed it a lot. Got every achievement for it except for saving Lord Faren is less than 3 minutes (got a Vet Horror with two Menders spawned on me and couldn’t kill it quick enough).
I love Tara Strong’s work as Scarlet. She clearly had a great time eviling it up!
Yes, evil is now a verb.
Dakka Warforge- Level 80 Charr Engineer
Xairro – Level 80 Asura Revenant
Sorry for the maybe silly question but how do you get to the playhouse?
Sorry for the maybe silly question but how do you get to the playhouse?
You have to complete all the achievements for Vorrp (5 of them), in order to create a portal you can use to enter the “playhouse.”
Dakka Warforge- Level 80 Charr Engineer
Xairro – Level 80 Asura Revenant
This is reasonably cool as an instance, not terribly hard and there is obviously some story to come for people who like that sort of thing. On the down side, my positional relay thingy is on my main character, my WvW character, who for very good reason isn’t exactly a DPS machine.
That positional relay thingy is soulbound and I’m not doing those events again to get another one on my DPS necro. Lord Faren has been reduced to soup stock in my personal story line.
Poor Lord Faren, we hardly wanted to know him.
This is reasonably cool as an instance, not terribly hard and there is obviously some story to come for people who like that sort of thing. On the down side, my positional relay thingy is on my main character, my WvW character, who for very good reason isn’t exactly a DPS machine.
That positional relay thingy is soulbound and I’m not doing those events again to get another one on my DPS necro. Lord Faren has been reduced to soup stock in my personal story line.
Poor Lord Faren, we hardly wanted to know him.
Before you jump to conlusions, how about actually trying with another char?
Maybe you will find out that you can go straight in like you normally would…
This is reasonably cool as an instance, not terribly hard and there is obviously some story to come for people who like that sort of thing. On the down side, my positional relay thingy is on my main character, my WvW character, who for very good reason isn’t exactly a DPS machine.
That positional relay thingy is soulbound and I’m not doing those events again to get another one on my DPS necro. Lord Faren has been reduced to soup stock in my personal story line.
Poor Lord Faren, we hardly wanted to know him.
Before you jump to conlusions, how about actually trying with another char?
Maybe you will find out that you can go straight in like you normally would…
While I did the achievements to get the positional relay thingy on my warrior, I found my mesmer was able to open the portal into the playhouse without the positional relay thing in her inventory. Maybe the npc reacts directly to your account being eligible for the mission?
I loved it. The voice acting was great, too.
Faren’s lines were so funny, and Scarlet’s remaks were also great. I ran both solo and with a full group, and it is enjoyable either way.
I’ve completed it solo with my main (Ranger). With the group, I used my warrior.
Edit: I deleted everything related to the portal and all my characters are still able to go in. I did the achievements with my main.
Astrid Strongheart, Norn Ranger.
“I wish juvenile wolves were bigger”
(edited by Gabby.3205)
I loved Scarlet’s Playhouse !! It was so much fun, I had a great time doing it <3
After the disaster that was Liadri, and the horrible achievements that go with her, this was absolutely awesome ^3^
The end fight with Scarlet wasn’t too easy and it wasn’t too hard. It was perfect!!
It’s how Liadri should have been. It’s how she should be, when the gauntlet comes back.
Thank yooouu (=^_^=)/
No. Liadri is/was perfect. Just because you can’t do something, doesn’t mean Anet should be making easy mode for all content. Please let us have our challenging content, and you can have Scarlet. Then everyone is happy!
I enjoyed the dungeon
I loved Scarlet’s Playhouse !! It was so much fun, I had a great time doing it <3
After the disaster that was Liadri, and the horrible achievements that go with her, this was absolutely awesome ^3^
The end fight with Scarlet wasn’t too easy and it wasn’t too hard. It was perfect!!
It’s how Liadri should have been. It’s how she should be, when the gauntlet comes back.
Thank yooouu (=^_^=)/
No. Liadri is/was perfect. Just because you can’t do something, doesn’t mean Anet should be making easy mode for all content. Please let us have our challenging content, and you can have Scarlet. Then everyone is happy!
100% agree… The only way ANET can cater to our likes, is to have a variety of content. You are happy with Scarlet, and we are happy with Liadri. Leave it at that. No nerfing required. More Liadri and more Scarlet contents in the future pls. TY for Liadri ANET!
This is reasonably cool as an instance, not terribly hard and there is obviously some story to come for people who like that sort of thing. On the down side, my positional relay thingy is on my main character, my WvW character, who for very good reason isn’t exactly a DPS machine.
That positional relay thingy is soulbound and I’m not doing those events again to get another one on my DPS necro. Lord Faren has been reduced to soup stock in my personal story line.
Poor Lord Faren, we hardly wanted to know him.
Before you jump to conlusions, how about actually trying with another char?
Maybe you will find out that you can go straight in like you normally would…
I tend to take tool-tips for what they say. If what you say is so, why aren’t you blowing raspberries at Anet, and their woefully lacking QA dept?
Oh, no. I know. You’re a fanboy. Poor you.
Oh and, I don’t mind that Lord Faren has been reduced to soup stock.
I loved Scarlet’s Playhouse !! It was so much fun, I had a great time doing it <3
After the disaster that was Liadri, and the horrible achievements that go with her, this was absolutely awesome ^3^
The end fight with Scarlet wasn’t too easy and it wasn’t too hard. It was perfect!!
It’s how Liadri should have been. It’s how she should be, when the gauntlet comes back.
Thank yooouu (=^_^=)/
No. Liadri is/was perfect. Just because you can’t do something, doesn’t mean Anet should be making easy mode for all content. Please let us have our challenging content, and you can have Scarlet. Then everyone is happy!
100% agree… The only way ANET can cater to our likes, is to have a variety of content. You are happy with Scarlet, and we are happy with Liadri. Leave it at that. No nerfing required. More Liadri and more Scarlet contents in the future pls. TY for Liadri ANET!
Screw nerfing it, I will take care of her…I just can’t see in the domes =( I managed to get almost to her one shotting most things, but I just can’t take the view anymore. I got a horrible head ache from the kitten spinning and the camera jerking in and out.
I loved Scarlet’s Playhouse !! It was so much fun, I had a great time doing it <3
After the disaster that was Liadri, and the horrible achievements that go with her, this was absolutely awesome ^3^
The end fight with Scarlet wasn’t too easy and it wasn’t too hard. It was perfect!!
It’s how Liadri should have been. It’s how she should be, when the gauntlet comes back.
Thank yooouu (=^_^=)/
No. Liadri is/was perfect. Just because you can’t do something, doesn’t mean Anet should be making easy mode for all content. Please let us have our challenging content, and you can have Scarlet. Then everyone is happy!
100% agree… The only way ANET can cater to our likes, is to have a variety of content. You are happy with Scarlet, and we are happy with Liadri. Leave it at that. No nerfing required. More Liadri and more Scarlet contents in the future pls. TY for Liadri ANET!
Anet is a good game company, as it has released content that makes all types of players, of all different skill levels happy.
Thoroughly enjoyed it as well. It said 5 player, but clearly was soloable. Felt like a good old fashioned GW1 mission in many ways.
Very satisfying and good fun
It’s how Liadri should have been. It’s how she should be, when the gauntlet comes back.
I’m sorry, but no. First off, the gauntlet is already back, just go in since you already did the instance. Second, she’s fine as she is. My biggest problem was the lag from all the farming going on in the place. I did it again without the masses, and for me, it was easier than the first time.
No, her mechanics are fine. They’re punishing and forces you to learn and really know your classes capabilities. Let’s also be real, we ALL can’t be good at everything i.e. I personally suck at jumping puzzles.
It’s how Liadri should have been. It’s how she should be, when the gauntlet comes back.
I’m sorry, but no. First off, the gauntlet is already back, just go in since you already did the instance. Second, she’s fine as she is. My biggest problem was the lag from all the farming going on in the place. I did it again without the masses, and for me, it was easier than the first time.
No, her mechanics are fine. They’re punishing and forces you to learn and really know your classes capabilities. Let’s also be real, we ALL can’t be good at everything i.e. I personally suck at jumping puzzles.
She is fine, how the fight is set up isnt.
AoE indicators dont show up because of kittenty floor, the fact that are different arena sizes/positions adds idiotic rng to a mostly scripted fight and if your monitor is any bigger than a iphone, most of it is useless because of the kittenty camera (that got hacked/we got proof its just lazy devs not imossible/hard to code).
Back on topic yeah the fight is awesome. My personal little gripe was that she doesnt have a mild description of what she does pre phase under her target so that you gotta break combat to slot in skills to counter or kittenslap her around and avoid stuff when you could just stop it with utility/weapons you have.
(edited by Andele.1306)
I liked the Scarlet fight(s) just because they are one of the few I’ve encountered in game that doesn’t use the invincibility mechanic outside of common video game sense. Not saying Liadri fight wasn’t good too, just that I felt the fights for Scarlet played out a lot smoother (whether it was lack of timer, or just better visibility).
The ability to pretty much avoid all the trash was a little odd, even if soloable (I totally understand the need for ‘some’ trash for atmosphere, but it seemed a little vacant even so; granted shes throwing hundreds of her minions at people in the open world :P). Might as well had been no trash, because other then the first little bit with Faren I didn’t fight anything other then Scarlet.
I enjoyed the Playhouse though. I will agree that it did kind of seem like a GW1 mission almost (I Just wish Rox and Braham actually helped; seems a little disappointing since they want to be heroes/fight).
(edited by Katreyn.4218)
Scarlet didn’t have new mechanics per se.. but it was fairly interesting. Although, I found it incredibly easy to solo which kind of bored me. Liadri was a lot more fun in my opinion.
Scarlet had to have relatively known mechanics because she was gating content.
The boss fight:
I enjoyed it. A lot.
- Scarlet gave us hints so we could work out the mechanics on our own (“Cannonballs, my only weakness…”, etc.)
- … plus we knew the mechanics already from other boss fights (such as Mai Trin and the first gauntlet dude).
- It didn’t wipe us all the time. It could have been a little harder, sure, but mainly I’m happy that it wasn’t the frust-fest that Mai Trinn was.
- It wasn’t on a timer.
- Even if we would have wiped, we wouldn’t have had to start over, but only start with the current phase.
All in all, well done. I enjoyed this a lot and ran the dungeon a few more times than absolutely necessary because of it.
The Playhouse itself:
- IT SCALES. (And people said it couldn’t be done…)
- Re-using the pavillion was a good idea, but I do wish Scarlet would have re-decorated it a little more to give it a more distinct flair.
- The cauldron was fun.
- Playing Pac-Man in the centaur section was fun.
- Sneaking around mobs was… appreciated.
- LOTS of NPC dialogue, lovely. Hobo-Tron, lovely. Some of the dialogue should have been (skippable) cinematic, such as the talk between Anise and Logan at the end.
- The “Faren in 3 minutes” one took us more than a few tries, but eventually we got it.
- Staying alive, doable in a small group and reminded me of fractal achievements. We took turns – some of us would do the kiting of Scarlet into cannon balls and barrels while others hung back to be safe. It seemed to encourage teamplay and different roles this way, which I enjoyed.
- Haystack: Silly fun, but would have been even more silly fun with goggles.
While I’m at it, goggles on top of the giant Hawk would have been great, too.
~ Whips ~ City Minigames ~ City Jumping Puzzles ~
(edited by Pixelpumpkin.4608)
Even though the playhouse suggests a five man team I strongly advise trying it solo first. I made it to the end without getting downed and it only took a few tries to finish her off. The instance will scale when you add 4 more people to your group.
After the disaster that was Liadri, and the horrible achievements that go with her, this was absolutely awesome ^3^
The end fight with Scarlet wasn’t too easy and it wasn’t too hard. It was perfect!!
It’s how Liadri should have been. It’s how she should be, when the gauntlet comes back.
Thank yooouu (=^_^=)/
Liandri wasn’t a disaster. It was one of the best fights they’ve added to the game. The only thing I would have changed in that fight was the floor/grate color. More fights needs to involve challenge and the elements of the Nintendo Hard Era.
There needs to be some challenging fights.
Call of Fate[CoF]
Ehmry Bay
Even though the playhouse suggests a five man team I strongly advise trying it solo first. I made it to the end without getting downed and it only took a few tries to finish her off. The instance will scale when you add 4 more people to your group.
True, but I found it easier to get the achievement for saving Faren in 3 minutes or less with a full group. If you have two people putting the fire out and the other three holding back the enemies, it gets done before you realize it.
Just a tip for people that might be struggling to get it solo.
The best thing about this IMO is that I can do it with only two more people if I want to. I usually do everything with my two best friends, so it is nice to being able to run the Playhouse with them and not having to go after two more people.
Astrid Strongheart, Norn Ranger.
“I wish juvenile wolves were bigger”
I loved Scarlet’s Playhouse !! It was so much fun, I had a great time doing it <3
After the disaster that was Liadri, and the horrible achievements that go with her, this was absolutely awesome ^3^
The end fight with Scarlet wasn’t too easy and it wasn’t too hard. It was perfect!!
It’s how Liadri should have been. It’s how she should be, when the gauntlet comes back.
Thank yooouu (=^_^=)/
No. Liadri is/was perfect. Just because you can’t do something, doesn’t mean Anet should be making easy mode for all content. Please let us have our challenging content, and you can have Scarlet. Then everyone is happy!
No Liadri wasn’t perfect. Liadri herself as a boss fight was fine. What wasn’t fine was the camera and the cosmic rifts pulling you into death. It was impossible to keep an eye on the entire arena due to the camera to see if a rift spawned.
You got lucky with the RNG. I am not a fan of artificial difficulty. Liadri herself has never actually downed me. It was always either a clone (That both downs me and turns into a crystal), or the wells after i’ve been pulled into the AOE from a rift and then couldn’t get up in time to react.
Anyway yeah the playhouse was fun. I love Scarlet as a villain and look forward to seeing more of her.
I would have really enjoyed a explorable version of this dungeon, grouped up with a pug and got all the achievements for it on our first try. Felt more like I was running Cof path 1 then actualy doing a dungeon. Something more like aetherblade retreat or the molten facility wouldve have been welcome.
Haystack: Silly fun, but would have been even more silly fun with goggles. While I’m at it, goggles on top of the giant Hawk would have been great, too.
The haystack is an ac nod.
The boss fight:
I enjoyed it. A lot.
(snipped the list)
I agree with everything listed. The Playhouse itself was very enjoyable. The extra achievements made for a fun challenge and added replay-value for me. Even without the achievements, I’m willing to go back in again because I like the instance so much.
Easy. And horribly childish. Did it solo. No fun. No answers. No challenge.
Poor Faren didn’t even have water in his pot. As 400 level cooker, I can say for sure – Scarlet isn’t very clever.
It can be done solo or in groups. You can avoid or fight the extra enemies, and it has mechanics that makes the fight engaging enough, yet not to hard if you get the mechanics, but are not “do or die” kind of unforgiving.
And, more importantly, it’s fun.
I did it solo with a double dagger soldier elementalist, and it was fun.
I should try with parties once I’m done with all 13 areas.
I was expecting some answers from the dungeon and some difficulty. I didn’t get any of it so i’m disappointed.
(edited by Chicho Gosho.6507)
I loved Scarlet’s Playhouse !! It was so much fun, I had a great time doing it <3
After the disaster that was Liadri, and the horrible achievements that go with her, this was absolutely awesome ^3^
The end fight with Scarlet wasn’t too easy and it wasn’t too hard. It was perfect!!
It’s how Liadri should have been. It’s how she should be, when the gauntlet comes back.
Thank yooouu (=^_^=)/
No. Liadri is/was perfect. Just because you can’t do something, doesn’t mean Anet should be making easy mode for all content. Please let us have our challenging content, and you can have Scarlet. Then everyone is happy!
No Liadri wasn’t perfect. Liadri herself as a boss fight was fine. What wasn’t fine was the camera and the cosmic rifts pulling you into death. It was impossible to keep an eye on the entire arena due to the camera to see if a rift spawned.
You got lucky with the RNG. I am not a fan of artificial difficulty. Liadri herself has never actually downed me. It was always either a clone (That both downs me and turns into a crystal), or the wells after i’ve been pulled into the AOE from a rift and then couldn’t get up in time to react.
Anyway yeah the playhouse was fun. I love Scarlet as a villain and look forward to seeing more of her.
I can do Liadri whenever I want, cause I win because of skill, not RNG. Camera is perfectly fine for me, I’m short human, not tall Norn.
i like the scarlet battle, not difficult, but not too easy.
i also like that the ’dungeon’scaled with numnber of people
all storymode dungeons should have thjat
that you can go in alone to have it scaled to solo, but with 5 its scaled to 5
(only story, let explorable for what they are)
Joker’s Playhouse* :O
Joker’s Playhouse* :O
Yea, the loading picture reminded me of the Batman Arkham Asylum game.