[BUG] The Battle of Fort Trinity
I am not sure if this bug has been fixed already, but for the “Defend the docks” part sometimes an undead spawns inside the ground.
And how do I know this(since you cannot see hostile NPC names holding the ctrl button down if you do not have line-of-sight)?
By exploiting another bug which allows you to temporarily see through walls when you resurface from underwater.
Pretty ironic that it has to take a bug to discover another, else players get the runaround by developers because apparently they must have done something wrongly rather than there is a bug in the coding. No no developers are infallible and players are the idiots, amirite?
Same thing with the dungeons diminishing returns bug, for half a day the developing team gave us players the runaround saying it’s working as intended, until a gigantic sample size showed otherwise.
Kindly not dismiss possibly valid concerns(which are more than likely to be valid reasons) lightly.
In any other case, I sent in a ticket with a screenshot detailing the Putrifier under the ramp, which I “fixed” by placing an AoE directly above the ground it was under. Lo and behold, yet again I used a bug to circumvent another.
P.S. Allowing players to see NPC names through walls, at least temporarily, would go a LONG way to help with the “NPC stuck underground/inside walls” issues, which I am sure accounts for a huge proportion of all stalled progression bugs.
(edited by Pikafan.3792)
We were only two players in the group and have both the same story quest.
We are both level 80 and are an elementalist and a ranger.
The first time i killed some enemys with one of the arrow carts. There were only about 10 enemys in total until we stalled.
The second try there were about 5-6 waves of enemys. Treahearn died but we ressurected him after killing the waves. At the last wave we tried to pull the enems into the fort to getting help from the other NPCs.
(edited October 08, 2012 18:41 by kazimir.9025)
“We”? How many players were in the group?
We’ve now played through this about a dozen times with no blocking issues, so I’m having a hard time trying to identify the problem.
We means all the players that were stuck in the the previous story line and are now stuck again! this is extremely frustrating!
I’m trying to offer a possible workaround for a bug that I cannot reproduce after playing through the story step a dozen times. Since I can only test solo myself, it might be an issue with multiplayer.
Well, I’ve reproduced it three times in 1 day. I wish I had your luck when it came to that. Hell, I wish I could let you all see the data of when I played it earlier today so that if there was something you could use that data to code in a fix. If you need permission to look at player data from a time, then I give you the rights to access my character named Kralahome from today. If not, I wish we had a way to let you devs/admins know when we had the problem so you could get in and look at what is causing our issue.
Just adding that I had this happen to me last night as a solo player as well. I reported it in-game at the time. I made as thorough search as I could to find any straggler and had no luck.
However, when I tried the mission a second time, it went through just fine. The very last enemy of that section (before the giants show up) did end up in a rather weird place- stuck up on one of the vines to the side of the gate. However, my first attempt had stalled long before that point. I think only the first or second waves had appeared on my first try.
This is a very small thing, but the only difference I am conscious of between the two attempts is that I think I actually did a better job on those early waves on my first attempt. I used swiftness to run back from the logging camp and teleported past the group that spawns on top of you to get straight to the group fighting the defenders at the gate and took them down without anyone dying. I tried that again on the second run but I think one of the defenders went down. I guess if you are playing multiplayer, you are more likely to defeat the early waves very quickly like that. That’s the only variable I can think of.
(edited by Ushgarak.1392)
Three attempts on this quest, three times I’ve been stuck in Defend the gates section. I reproduce it just fine.
I’m playing solo, looking in every nook and crane for any risen but nothing and no one.
I’m done playing the personal story (this is not the first issue with it I’ve had, just check my previous posts). There nothing personal about it, its all about Trahearne and not at all about me, and the story is mediocre at best (not to mention the voice acting) and if I want to play a mass-slaughter game there are plenty of FPS shooter out there that can provide that. Not only all that, there are also bug after bug that stops your progress and forces me to play the same tedious part over and over and over again.
I’m done.
Just implement a option to let me hide the quest from the top right corner and I’ll be happy, because the rest of the game (PvE, Dungeons, WvW and PvP) is great fun.
Edit: I just realised that there is one POI that only can be acceptable via the personal story so if I want to have 100% map completion in Straits of Devastation, I have to play the personal story… Great.
(edited by Jaglavak.5806)
I’m trying to offer a possible workaround for a bug that I cannot reproduce after playing through the story step a dozen times. Since I can only test solo myself, it might be an issue with multiplayer.
I mean no offence Jeffrey, but you’re developing an MMOG (Massive Multiplayer Online Game) and you can only test stuff solo? Seriously? This must be the weirderst thing I’ve read on these forums so far…
I remember reading a blog post about all the amazing tools you guys made in-house and this… this just does not compute.
-Mike Obrien
“We don’t need to make mandatory gear treadmills” -Colin Johanson
Just to add my name to the heap of players experiencing problems with this instance. Tried last night 3 different times (post update) to complete the quest and one time it bugged out at defending the front gate, and then twice it bugged when trying to start the initial dialogue with Trahearne. It was a 3-man party and each one of us tried starting the instance once.
I’m trying to offer a possible workaround for a bug that I cannot reproduce after playing through the story step a dozen times. Since I can only test solo myself, it might be an issue with multiplayer.
Find a friend. You must have a few somewhere around there.
My wife and I are stuck on this problem as well now. We’re about to try it solo. I’m personally dreading it because A) I’m an Elementalist and squishy as hell, and B) It’s been hard enough killing everything with 2 people.
I’m trying to offer a possible workaround for a bug that I cannot reproduce after playing through the story step a dozen times. Since I can only test solo myself, it might be an issue with multiplayer.
I’ve never played a single step of the story as anything other than solo.
My story steps were Asura -> Priory -> Dishonored by Allies.
Hope this helps
Same problem.
Quest: Defend Fort Trinity
Step: Defend the gates
Class: Thief
Faction: Order of Whispers
I have done this quest before on both my Guardian and Ranger and did not have this problem on either of them.
After you go to the logging camp and kill the risen, a wave of attackers should spawn and head straight for the gates, shortly followed by the giants
(I know because on my other chars I used to race them to the gates)
This wave simply does not spawn! I killed all the mobs at the logging camp but the attacking wave does not spawn.
Some random smaller packs spawn but killing these does NOT progress the event.
I tried relogging, restarting the game, bringing a friend. Nothing helps.
We just tried this solo, multiple times. We both got stuck at defending the front gates. In my last attempt, my “helper” NPCs stood in a group in front of the gate and did nothing while I got smashed by the undead and didn’t even fight back when the undead started beating on them. The scripting in this event is incredibly broken. The triggers are obviously too specific since the slightest deviation from the “perfect” way of doing things seems to break it.
I’m done bashing my head against this wall.
This is the wife. I have tried this in a group, solo in a party, and solo not in a party.
I chose the “death of innocents” option, although this part of the storyline quest was admittedly completed in a group.
After the latest patch, I keep getting stuck on the defend the gate stage. The first wave spawns, I take them out with the arrow cart and then no further waves appear. I have run around looking for stuck undead, but have found nothing.
An earlier group attempt today was more “successful” in that more undead waves appeared after the the first wave during the defend the gate stage, but the stage still stalled after about the third wave.
Prior to this patch my husband and were able to make it through to the “retake the docks” stage, but were thwarted by repeated respawns.
In case this is relevant, both before and after the patch things seem to go for a loop the first time we die (not downed state) and have to respawn.
interestingly enough I also chose the death of the innocents path (where you pull friendly fire with the mortars) could this be a factor?
So I finally made it through the Defend the Gates stage all the way to the end of the mission. My prior attempts had all occurred during the same login session after I had first attempted the mission with my husband in the party.
This time I exited the game completely, and did not party up at all, and then tried the mission again. This time when the Defend the Gates stage occurred, far more undead spawned and there were multiple waves. I did die (repeatedly) during the course of the Defend the Gates stage, and so did the arrow carts , so my theory that it might have to do with my dying is out the window.
I managed to get through as well, solo, after restarting the game. I died many many times mostly due to Pact NPCs being useless kittens (not fighting back, etc.) but managed get through the defending the gates stage and then went on to finish the rest. The retake the docks stage was much better, having the horde of NPCs, as useless as they are, helped, as did the reduction in undead that spawn.
There was one minor glitch, when I placed the bomb at the door to the Asura gates. The first bomb didn’t blow the door. I might have placed it too close to the door because when I tried with a second bomb a little further back, it worked. Again, probably a case of the scripting triggers being too specific.
As posted above:
1 – Try the story solo. This seems to only pop up when doing it with multiple players.
2 – Look around the gate, it seems to be a nefarious zombie that’s hiding out under/around the ramp leaing into the fort.
Ok, so even though we shouldn’t have to do any of this……especially after over a month of waiting for a fix on the crappiest quest ever known to an MMO….I tried this solo. I was excited that after this long I had finally been special enough to get my cut scene with Trahearne. The logging camp went fine, then after the first wave at the gate it stops. I ran the whole zone looking for mobs. Dropped AE’s in spots where I thought they could be stuck. I AE’d the whole front ramp leading into the keep, and the ramps inside the keeps itself to include the ones going into the water. Absolutely nothing happened. But like I’ve said in previous posts, if you can’t reproduce it in your test server, there are probably thousands of us that can reproduce it for you, or you could test it yourself on the live server. I have the sentiment of many others though, how can you only test a quest solo, when we are suppose to have the ability to do it with a group if we want to? We should be able to do these quests how they are designed. Now I’m to the point where I would rather just not worry about this quest anymore at all, and it shouldn’t be that way.
I’m actually stuck on this as well but I’m having trouble getting the instance started. It looks like Trahearne is near the Asura gate but I’m unable to get up there. The door nearby is closed and the guard won’t let me in. Please help!
What map are you in? The story start point is just outside Fort Triniry in the Straits of Devastation.
What map are you in? The story start point is just outside Fort Triniry in the Straits of Devastation.
Thanks! I’ll give that a try. =)
I am also experiencing this bug at the “Defend the gate” step. After the first wave of zombies nothing spawns and nothing happens. I have tried 2 times now and am about to go for a third after restarting my game. I’ve done all my story quests solo including this one and I’ve tried searching the area for a missing zombie. I submitted a bug report after the second failure. This would be my second character I’ve taken through the quest, my first one completed it with no issues about a month ago (maybe I got super lucky?).
EDIT: I finally managed to finish this quest after the 4th try. The only thing I did differently was let all the NPC’s by the gate die and let the zombies all reset before I started killing them. Of course I don’t know if this is what fixed it or not but for anyone else desperately trying everything they can think of, it might be worth a shot.
(edited by Saraja.6451)
I jumped in to help a friend with this quest and we got this same bug. We searched the whole area for a hidden creature and nothing. She has had a ton of problem soloing this.
What map are you in? The story start point is just outside Fort Triniry in the Straits of Devastation.
Hmmm, my storyline quest marker says to meet Trahearne in Vigil Keep in Gendarran Fields. “The Battle of Fort Trinity — Defend Fort Trinity — Report to Trahearne in Fort Trinity.” Did I miss something?
The marker is probably trying to display the shortest route from your current location, which would be through the asura gate at Vigil Keep. (It doesn’t know whether or not you can actually use the gate.)
The marker is probably trying to display the shortest route from your current location, which would be through the asura gate at Vigil Keep. (It doesn’t know whether or not you can actually use the gate.)
I just pulled up the map while you were writing this and I noticed there’s a star marker west of Murkville in Mount Maelstrom. Doh! Sorry about that…
I have experienced this bug as well.
World: Isle of Janthir
I have attempted to do it 3 times in a party – no success.
I have restarted client and went in solo, without skipping cinematics and custscenes and it has worked!
Good to hear that for you. Although I logged in this morning and tried this first thing, and it did not work. Never skipped anything since I had never got a chance to see any of the cut scenes or cinematics in the past, since they never triggered. Mr. Vaughn are you going to give us any insight as to whether or not this is being looked at since, it seems many people are still having problems? Maybe the whole quest just needs to be re-coded.
Same as a few others, I’ve done all of my storyline solo including this part and it bugged on the “Defending the fort” section… I did however get booted my first run through, I wish I had grabbed a shot of the login error, it was at the same point.
ok i just did it without skipping the cut scene’s tried it 3 times before this twice last night once today 4th try i did it while watching every scene it worked.
Dragin Wind ranger of Duel
So, I took Metal Wing’s advice and stopped skipping the cutscenes. And that worked! Got two more waves of undead at the first gate’s defense and everything else went smoothly after that.
However, I can also confirm that the first time I tried this was with a friend and we did not skip the cutscene. So it seems that, at least for those of us encountering issues, you need to try it solo and watch everything again.
For those who just want to get the POI inside the Fort, you can get close enough to trigger it even if the mission bugs out at the first gate. (I got it by accident as I went searching for potential escaped undead.)
For what it’s worth, I offered the advice in /map chat to someone else who was having the same trouble. And they were successful (first time in four tries). Thanks again to Metal Wing and I hope that the data is helpful to the developers.
After about 10 tries I succeeded in completing the defend the gates section and subsequently managed to finish the quest without any further issues by
so unless something was reset/changed it seems that skipping the cutscene might cause issues. maybe they can look into that?
I was able to finish this quest last night even after skipping all the cutscenes (since it was my second attempt). When I got to the “Defend the gates” step I cleared the risen and had the problem of nothing happening next, just like everyone else. I alt-tabbed to a browser window to begin searching for solutions, and when I tabbed back – there were more risen to kill!
It appears the timing of the second wave of risen is off – and they take a long time to appear if you’ve skipped cutscenes.
Level 80 Elementalist
Sanctum of Rall
I did the same thing bkonkle describes without success. On one occasion, I ran around to every corner of the map for over 20 minutes. On another, I alt-tabbed to look for solutions on Reddit and this forum. I tossed AOE fields wherever I suspected an escaped foe might be hiding. None of it did any good, except as Metal Wing describes above: one player, watching all the cutscenes.
So, if you are having trouble, try both. It takes a few extra seconds to watch the cutscenes and you can make coffee or clean a few dishes while waiting for the final wave(s) of Risen to appear.
I am getting annoyed with this. I have completed it once on my ranger. But I have not been able to complete it on my warrior. I have attempted it multiple times solo and grouped.
Instead of having players run around trying to find these “lost” npcs, why not fix the broken code and put a different trigger in to progress the mission.
To add insult to injury and pour salt into the wound I am not able to finish my zone completion because I can not get the last POI until this broken mission is complete.
Me and some guildmembers are having the same problem. We are in a party, evertime atfer the lumberjack camp, we go to defend the gate. They are already fighting there at the left side of the gate (right side from where we approach), we run to the ramp to have a better fighting position. One wave from theleft to comes, then one more from the right and then it stops, we cheak the whole map several times for stuck risen, lifted every rock etc.
We tried it 4 times and then gave it up cause people where getting annoyed and tired.
Party composition:
1: norn mesmer, female lvl 66 (leveld to 67 during the third try)
2: Norn Guardian, male lvl 68
3: human engineer, female lvl 69
4: Human ranger, male lvl 70 (did it before)
jeffrey, if you want to test it in a party, you are welcome on Gandara, somewhere between 8 and 11 pm GMT (just pm me). I also filed a bug report with a screenshot so you might want to look it up. Although we know your doing your best We are a bit annoyed and hope you get to a quick solution.
Arise, opressed of Tyria!
Me again, posting on this thread over the other as Jeffrey cited it.
I reattempted this story step solo, waiting patiently through each step with no bypasses or skips, and searched the area high and low a number of times, both where they spawned as well as the gate and covered inches with AoE to try and hit something maybe invisible.
..to no avail.
We’re looking forward to a resolution – I’ve had friends with ‘buggy’ experiences but nothing that blocked progress entirely. You’re welcome, too, to ‘drive’ my toon and see for yourself! If it’ll help.
Bringer of Hellfire & “Dirtnapping Diva”
Leader, Transcendent Veneration [TV] – Tarnished Coast
Update: I modified the gate attack sequence and our testers tried it with 1, 2, and 5 players, and it worked every time. Unfortunately, the next content update isn’t until 10/22, so it will be a while before the fix hits the live servers.
I am getting annoyed with this. I have completed it once on my ranger. But I have not been able to complete it on my warrior. I have attempted it multiple times solo and grouped.
Instead of having players run around trying to find these “lost” npcs, why not fix the broken code and put a different trigger in to progress the mission.
To add insult to injury and pour salt into the wound I am not able to finish my zone completion because I can not get the last POI until this broken mission is complete.
Unless they’ve changed it somehow you can get the poi without finishing the quest. I got the poi over a month ago when I couldn’t even get the very first cut scene to trigger. Have to go down into the water and wiggle your way into the spot that will update it for you (don’t come up out of the water trying to get it, stay at the bottom)
Also on a side note, thank you to the people that posted saying that you had to do it multiple times to get it to work. It made me say “what the hell” and I tried it again this morning with absolutely no problem which shocked the crap out of me.
I just completed this part of the story successfully (solo)! Yay! =D
The first attempt failed as I too scouted all the way around the fort and had no success. This was when I took the most direct route to “defend the front gates” after “defending the logging camp.”
During the second attempt, I took another route (a bit to the right) and noticed as each wave of Risen died, another one came until some really big ones. After that, each part of the quest proceeded as desired. I did not skip any scenes and I played each part patiently. Good luck everyone! I hope this strategy will help those who are still having trouble.
(edited by Danielle.8407)
Mercury, I had the same problem today. Tried it over and over and over again, always stuck at the gate. What I did is at the logging camp I didn’t finish off last mob but ran to the gate. When the nps killed last mob, undeads at the gate spawned properly and I managed to finish it. i hope it works for you 2, cuuse 22.10 is far far away
@Jeffrey Vaughan: thanks for the update.
Mercury, I had the same problem today. Tried it over and over and over again, always stuck at the gate. What I did is at the logging camp I didn’t finish off last mob but ran to the gate. When the nps killed last mob, undeads at the gate spawned properly and I managed to finish it.
i hope it works for you 2, cuuse 22.10 is far far away
Thank you,
I made it through (solo). What I did was that after I arrive at the gate, before I agro the foes already there, a group spawns right behind me. Killed those, then the ones at the gate. At the second wave I was unlucky that my tank (trahearne) died and I didn’t have the time to get him up, so I needed to do the third wave without him too. Carefull pulling did the trick.
After that I was almost in shock cause I saw the video off the giant’s, the rest of the story was playable and imo a lot easier cause of the massive help of npc’s
Having said that I still need to bring 2 other guildmembers through. Seeing the high difficlutly level off this mission and the fact that this is an MMO, I do believe that 22-10 is too long. I know this is not in Jeffrey’s hand and I also understand that some steps have to be followed to get new content into the game. This is however a MMO, wich means that soloing things isn’t an acceptable workaround, nor is asking people to run around looking for missing npc’s. So I would like to ask Jeffrey to point the people in charge to this thread and them I would ask to consider an extra content update. First off all cause asking people to do something else for 11 day’s isn’t right, secondly to ask them to do it solo isn’t right. Lats off all cause the level of difficulty in this story is very challenging when doing it solo. Do not keep a solution for a very important problem on the selves for 11 days.
Arise, opressed of Tyria!
I got stuck 3 times in a row in the Defend the Gates section. The three times I did look for a hidden/stuck undead all around for a couple of minutes, and there was none.
I think the issue might be with the wave that spawns when you try to get back to the gate, if some enemies are killed too far from the gates to be registered as properly dead. The time it worked for me I pulled all zombies to the ramp before killing them, and then the mission continued without problems. It is however not a reliable system, since there are plenty of NPCs there that might kill the zombies before you can pull them.
The other funny issue I encountered was when the final artsy cutscene played (where paintings of the risen/dragon/defenders are shown), I could hear no dialogue except for Traharne seemengly replying to someone (probably me?), but that was it. The scene is pretty cool but without dialogue to accompany it it doesn’t make that much sense. My client is in spanish but the sounds are in english, and I could get neither to work.
Hope you guys can fix the mission soon, because it gives a feeling of complete unpolished part of the game at the moment.
I’m hitting a bug in this mission as well. What happens to me is I advance to “Defend the Front Gate” (after “Check on the logging camp” and “defend the logging camp”), fight a few mobs and then nothing else spawns or appears. I ran all over looking for a trigger or a stuck spawn but nothing. I’ve tried twice.
I’ve done all storyline missions solo, last three were “Tower Down”, “To the Core”, “Breaking the Bone Ship”, not skipping any cutscenes, stayed near Traeherne, (I’m just adding info I see others have mentioned). I took the route on the right from the logging camp to the gate, following a bunch of NPCs to a fight at the arrow cart.
I’ll try again and then I guess give up until a patch.
Tried again and this time I let myself get killed at the “Defend the Gate” part, thinking maybe a restart from checkpoint my jigger things around. That worked and I moved on to the “Defend Fort Trinity Docks” portion!
Not the most heroic way to go but I didn’t want to be stuck for another week and a half!
Not sure if this has been mentioned yet, but please consider making all of the dialogue in this quest something that you can skip — especially the opening conversation you have to wait for Treahearn to finish before initiating a cut scene dialogue with him.
I haven’t run into the same problem as the few posts I read here. My game has just crashed during this quest five times in a row. Perhaps my computer was just saving me from having to deal with the bug this thread is addressing. Either way, I’ve wasted enough time listening to that kitten conversation over and over.
im currently stuck at for trinity at the “defend the gate” portion after defending the logging camp. only the first group of undead spawns then nothing happens. im left standing around with the other npcs.
character sylvari
class guardian
lvl 67
entered instance before going into fort trinity. explored logging camp before entering instances. everything was fine up to the logging camp and killed the undead. it automatically came up as “defend the gate”.
i didnt follow the main crowd of npcs and took shortcut straight back to the gate. the first group of undead spawned and i kill them. nothing else spawns after that and just left standing around. After i killed the first group the a group of npcs runs up to the gate from the logging camp. Im thinking they fought and killed some undead on the way and i was not there. if that matters anything.
update: now got past that part. i let some defending npcs die and fought the undead later. i also died 2 times.
(edited by Rising Vengeance.2768)
I believe the problem is caused by an NPC conversation that may or may not trigger depending on the path you walk.
Read my post here: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/support/bugs/Story-Quest-Battle-of-Fort-Trinity-Problem/first#post415495