Battle of Claw Island bugged???
I have been having the same issue after lighting the beacons.
Same. I get massive lag while doing that part of the quest (after beacons usually). Then eventually I get disconnected. It’s not my internet, as I can do WvW zerg vs zerg or whatever perfectly fine. I’m not lagging in any parts of the game except for this story quest.
I’m also having this issue. I’ve tried with a friend and solo and I get to the point where you have to go revive the soldier/captain on the beach and all skills and attacks freeze. I can still move around then about a minute later I get disconnected and sent back to the character select screen. I’ve tried to do this for the past 3 days with no change. I also haven’t had issues anywhere else in the game. I’d eventually like to continue on with my storyline. My character is a Norn thief.
yeah this is exactly what happens to me. Things are fine, then skills freeze, I can still move but the rest of the game is frozen. then I get sent to character select screen.
It happens at various times. Once when reviving Mira, once just as I was about to light the beacons. Again at the point I was regrouping with the Commander, and again when I was trying to get to the beacons to light them …
There does not seem to be any particular place the problem occurs. It’s random.
I tried “Best Performance” graphics, reducing my screen resolution, etc. Nothing makes any difference. At some point during the Battle of Claw Island the connection to the server is lost.
Tried to complete The Battle of Claw Island five different times today; each time I DCed. I actually managed to make it to the beacons on my latest attempt. When I get the DC, my chat and everything non-instance related is fine.
Having the same issue and I tried 3 times… Anet pls do something…
I’m having the same issues can’t even really get past reviving Mira
Same to me just now, 3 times I have tried and it lags out and disconnects.
Having this issue trying to complete it on my asura today. Good to know I’m not the only one getting kicked to the character select screen at the beacon lighting section, because my internet connection wasn’t giving me issues anywhere else!
Same issue for me the past 2 days.
I completed it but I also got DCed twice. First time was talking to watch captain before trebuchet part and second time was in the beginning where you first warn Mira.
Ok this is annoying, I have same issue, DC mid way through 4 times now…. seriously Anet – Fix the ISSUE!!!!
same issue here, extremely frustrating
I did this one last night with no DC issues, but during the courtyard battle when there are something like a half-dozen skirmishes going on, it started to run a little bit slower than usual.
I’ve not managed to complete it once yet, due to the disconnection issues. There’s also a lot of lag. No issues anywhere else in the game, either.
Is this fixed yet?
can this please be fixed ?
Any crash logs are sent off to the server/programming team, so hopefully it’s something they can address soon. I’ve run through this story step multiple times myself in the past couple of days with no crashes/disconnects, so there doesn’t appear to be anything I can do on the content end, sorry!
Just finished it after the build, so ty Anet or RNG
Beastgate: GoF – Trolling you makes me happy.
Same problem for me. My alt has run into a dead end and cannot continue because every time he tried this mission I can disconnected. My brother had this problem too.
Bugged for me also, yesterday and today, in group or solo, at exactly the same point, when needing to use the Trebuchet, one of them will not let me “use” it the other does let me “use” but then says “you cannot fire the weapon in that direction”…. regardless of which direction i aim….
Come on Anet fix please :-)
The original post is about crashing, the trebs are another matter. If you have “Fast cast ground targeting” turned on in options, it will try to fire the trabuchet at your mouse cursor, which you might have in a bad spot. Also, many siege weapons require you to hold down the fire button to “charge” the shot, or it might try to fire too close.
For me its bugged at telling the deputy on the beach. I can’t warn them. So is can’t progress in the story.
Same problem for me. My alt has run into a dead end and cannot continue because every time he tried this mission I can disconnected. My brother had this problem too.
I had this problem on Sunday night. There was a small update yesterday and I tried it again a couple hours after that and I was able to complete the mission. Though I don’t remember the fight in the courtyard after lighting the beacon taking so long the last time. That might be because I was fighting in the wrong place the first several minutes. Either way, no disconnects to character screen this time and I was able to finish. You might want to try again. Good luck!
I’ve just had a very similar issue, being disconnected just before going to light the beacons. It may have been a network glitch but the question remains – why is it necessary to be kicked from the instance and lose all progress on a personal story step when disconnected for just a few seconds. Surely it should be possible to give a few minutes grace period where you can log back into the same instance again.
I cannot use one of the two available trebuches and the one I can use, says “Cannot fire in that direction” no matter what direction I choose. WTF? Please fiX!!
Had problem with trying to bring a party with me. If I brought a team with me the story wouldn’t start. If I went in alone it would run normally.
Sister Mary Madness- Mesmer [VLK]
Tianu Light Feather- Ranger/HoD since beta
I’ve done this on other characters just fine, but tried it last night (5/9/13) and it crashed 4 times in the same exact spot, right after the risen abominations appear up by the trebs. Today when I tried it, it started lagging in the same place but i didnt get disconnected until i went to revive Deputy Whatsherface. I dont seem to be having internet connection issues other than that.
yeah. ive tried this multiple times now and each time same thing. lag snowball until i get disconnected. no other part of the game (except for fractals) has this issue. Ive noticed since the last patch that fractals have become unplayable because of the lag. some of the people i play with have the same problems and some dont.
For some reason, every time i try doing this I get lagged out and booted today. It is driving me insane.
Yup still having the same problem after 5 months..
I have just tried it three times today and have crashed to the character screen…I can’t stay connected long enough to finish it and when luck should have it and i actually progress it is with MASSIVE lag and I end up being killed by undead
There are clearly connection issues and I’m surprised it hasn’t been fixed after 5 months even though a dev has replied in the forums
I am having a similar issue to this… I can play so fine outside the world but whenever I try to do this quest it seems that I am always having this HEAVY PING LAG not sure if its PING though… but it delays all information (damage, animation, etc.) and it kicks me out to the player selection screen…
Just to add…had this same issue 3-4 days ago…..6 tries in those two days all resulted in being disconnected. Other things I did in-game, both before and after attempting this personal story step, worked just fine without connection issues. I tried it again the next day and completed it without a problem. There is definitely still an issue with this particular personal story mission and I feel fortunate that I was able to complete it the one time I needed to.
My issue is different, I arrive at Claw Island nothing is triggered and all enemy NPC’s are invulnerable since the light house mission doesn’t get triggered.
Done this many times before on other characters as well….
I had this problem – disconnected on this story step – and fixed it by adding -repair to my GW2 shortcut.
Confirmed, that worked for me. Thanks for the heads up.