A request for future content

A request for future content

in Suggestions

Posted by: Auroma.9126


Hi Arenanet,
First of all thank you for making a decent game like Guild Wars 2. Despite its various issues I do like playing it and I am sure in future the game will be even more awesome (not complaining, just showing my high hopes of you). I do have a request to make.

In your future content updates, I would love for you to design an instance where I dont have to go and kill, or see ugly undead/risen creatures. That instance would be a beautiful place, scenically breathtaking, where players can engage in creative activity and reap some rewards from it as well. I know there are many beautiful places in Tyria, but they lack the engagement you get at other much uglier places.

I have been playing games since I was quite young and I have become really really tired of killing. Daily kills, monthly kills, open world kills, WvWvW kills etc. No matter which game you pick it has “Killing and fighting ugly creatures” at its core. I know GW2 likes to be innovative, so please make an instance where killing something, seeing ugly life forms or jumping endlessly are not the main things to do, rather something beautiful, creative and engaging. Thank you.

Note to people who will say,“Omg carebear!” – Since I have leveled by char to 80, got the gear I wanted, I mostly do WvWvW when I play. I am no carebear, I like a good fight but at the same time would love to engage in something beautiful, creative or engaging.

Note to Fanbois – Please do not take this suggestion in negative light. I like GW2 and I play it. Yes the game can improve at certain things but I am sure Arenanet is working on those issues. Giving a polite suggestion is not hating.

My fellow players, if you have some ideas on what such type of place can be then please post them here (no Farmville suggestions lol, never played it). Lets keep it constructive and creative.

A request for future content

in Suggestions

Posted by: Vick.6805


Good suggestion. ANet did something similar with Tihark Orchard in Nightfall, although there was some combat involved. That mime was a pain!

I’ve always wanted a maze-like instance that used puzzles and riddles (kinda like Dr. Brain or Myst) to grant progress. The problem with it is that once all of the riddles are documented on a wiki somewhere, the instance becomes a joke and easily farmable. Not sure how to fix that, unless ANet creates a database of riddles that’s so vast no one takes the time to document it. That’d be a gigantic project by itself.

A request for future content

in Suggestions

Posted by: Blueroseknight.7954


Have you guys done the Jumping Puzzles? They may not be the aesthetic you are going for but some don’t have mobs, and all are very atmospheric. You can make your own fun in taverns or many of the towns. I don’t see why a reward is necessary; that isn’t what this game is about.

A request for future content

in Suggestions

Posted by: Vick.6805


Yep. The jumping puzzles are very fun, and definitely along the lines of what I was thinking of, but the OP’s suggestion was specifically for an instance (i.e. dungeon).

And, honestly, this game is all about rewards. You get rewarded for anything and everything you do. This game just ignores the never-ending gear escalation in favor of aesthetic rewards. Either way, I play for the challenge and fun, so a reward would not necessarily be required for me to play through the content, but it’s always a nice incentive.

A request for future content

in Suggestions

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


Cities could work for that without the need for intances.

There could be city events to do things like playing hide-and-seek with NPC kids and other players, playing music, dance, and things like those.

No exceptions!

A request for future content

in Suggestions

Posted by: callidus.7085


Good suggestion. ANet did something similar with Tihark Orchard in Nightfall, although there was some combat involved. That mime was a pain!

I’ve always wanted a maze-like instance that used puzzles and riddles (kinda like Dr. Brain or Myst) to grant progress. The problem with it is that once all of the riddles are documented on a wiki somewhere, the instance becomes a joke and easily farmable. Not sure how to fix that, unless ANet creates a database of riddles that’s so vast no one takes the time to document it. That’d be a gigantic project by itself.

This seems awesome! A maze! There are random maze generation algorithms that they could use.. perhaps an enchanted maze instance, every time you go in, it’s different.. the riddles could perhaps be randomized from a large set, but wouldn’t need to be too big.. also the usage of randomized slider puzzles that depict in game artwork or something, those could be randomly generated as well, so they couldn’t be documented.. lots to do with this idea.. I REALLY hope they use it..

Also more interactive jumping puzzles, instanced to be more interactive would be fine.. like indiana jones treasure hunting dungeons.

The rewards at the end of these could be less than dungeons but greater than regular jumping puzzles..

Slow down and smell the pixels.

A request for future content

in Suggestions

Posted by: callidus.7085


Cities could work for that without the need for intances.

There could be city events to do things like playing hide-and-seek with NPC kids and other players, playing music, dance, and things like those.

This too! although I think it should be it’s own suggestion in a different thread. These seem along the lines of the mini-games.


Slow down and smell the pixels.

A request for future content

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zoris.5870


I believe that this world, Tyria, is lucious and wonderful. Unfortunately we are only exposed to a biased view so far. I loved the idea of keg foot ball (what ever its called) and I think its most important to create a side of enjoyment/creativity where everyone can relish in eachother.

To ArenaNet : This is a world, not a war.

A request for future content

in Suggestions

Posted by: The LZ.7891

The LZ.7891

I love the OP’s suggestion. You shouldn’t underestimate the value of these
small things, not at all. I think players really do love jumping puzzles and it’s
kin; creative games. I know that ArenaNet could do some really LOVELY stuff
with GW2.