Ability to Change Item Stats!
Upside to this idea. Prevents you from having to waste your time buying new armor.
Downside. Everything else.
However maybe a armorsmith could be used to fix it for a fee that could make the idea bit better.
(edited by Thomassassinate.9370)
Thumbs down.
Right now (aside from cosmetics) you run the different dungeons for different stats.
Currently, players are free to play around with different stats & builds in the Heart of the Mists before committing to dungeon running or crafting for a set.
In closing, reforging makes sense in a game with tiered progression, not in GW2.
It would accomplish the same objective, without messing with the economy, to give you a soulbound equipment locker to keep extra sets of gear.
If you just want to experiment without buying, you can already do it in sPvP.
Would completely destroy many of the loot and crafting mechanics. There are only ever seven tiers of items in the game (and the highest tier, ascended, isn’t finished being implemented) in addition to an eighth cosmetic only tier (legendary) and the currently available stat spreads exist for balance reasons.
Allowing players to just change stats on items would remove any utility in finding an equal item of equal tier, ever. They’d be worthless to use, and worthless to trade since nobody would need your items.
This is a bad idea in a game with an intentiaonally short and easy vertical progression. Acquiring sidegrades and cosmetics is the only thing that makes looting or trading actually worthwhile or rewarding.
Writer/Director – Quaggan Quest
It would accomplish the same objective, without messing with the economy, to give you a soulbound equipment locker to keep extra sets of gear.
If you just want to experiment without buying, you can already do it in sPvP.
Except that that a set in SPVP actually produce higher numbers than a set in PVE.