Achivements and Alts

Achivements and Alts

in Suggestions

Posted by: Crasus Akechi.6183

Crasus Akechi.6183

I have tried multiple times to level up an Alternate character in GW2 to no success… Every time I get on a character that isn’t my main its just agonizing thinking of how long its going to take and all the things I have to repeat in a now mostly empty environment.

In other games there are various ways that your main character help your Alts other than in gold and crafted gear. A little extra help to get you though something that you have basically already done. I think GW2 is missing this and I see potential in the achievement system to make something new no other game has tried before.

The idea is basically to give bonuses to characters in your account based on how much you have in your achievements (and by extension your Main character). This could include some basic gear for leveling without having to depend on your luck on drops. Karma bonus at certain levels (10, 20, 30 etc) which also help you stay geared. It can also include a exp and/or karma bonus or a crafting bonus if you have your crafting maxed on your main.

All these bonuses could help alleviate the very tedious task of leveling an Alt in GW2. On your first character you don’t feel like you are going slow because everything is new. Even on a new character it can be ok for the first 30 or so levels while your story is different but past that when it starts getting slow it really starts to grind on the player.

So what does everyone think or what other bonuses can be given to your account for getting achievements ?

TL;DR Achievements on your main make you level up alts faster.

Achivements and Alts

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ngeluz.4860


I have tried multiple times to level up an Alternate character in GW2 to no success… Every time I get on a character that isn’t my main its just agonizing thinking of how long its going to take and all the things I have to repeat in a now mostly empty environment.

In other games there are various ways that your main character help your Alts other than in gold and crafted gear. A little extra help to get you though something that you have basically already done. I think GW2 is missing this and I see potential in the achievement system to make something new no other game has tried before.

The idea is basically to give bonuses to characters in your account based on how much you have in your achievements (and by extension your Main character). This could include some basic gear for leveling without having to depend on your luck on drops. Karma bonus at certain levels (10, 20, 30 etc) which also help you stay geared. It can also include a exp and/or karma bonus or a crafting bonus if you have your crafting maxed on your main.

All these bonuses could help alleviate the very tedious task of leveling an Alt in GW2. On your first character you don’t feel like you are going slow because everything is new. Even on a new character it can be ok for the first 30 or so levels while your story is different but past that when it starts getting slow it really starts to grind on the player.

So what does everyone think or what other bonuses can be given to your account for getting achievements ?

TL;DR Achievements on your main make you level up alts faster.

Omg, so true I totally agree with you in this. Its rather hard to level a new character. This affect more the casuals I think that the hardcore players. I tried many times to make a new profession but just thinking about all that, achievements, levels, even gaining the colors… again is a pain. Maybe if the personal story became part of your every level until the end I guess it be better but even that’s just last until level 30 then Trahearne takes over.

++1 for this post.

Achivements and Alts

in Suggestions

Posted by: Isende.2607


then you get to someone like me who plays through 12 characters and really doesn’t have a “main,” per se — oh, and it’s not just me, pretty much my whole guild functions this way. not to mention, it’s already pretty fast to level your alts! and, i’ve found new content here and there throughout the world … the ability to learn the new profession, for me, takes away from the “humdrum” of the repetitive material. and always, if i get tired of it? i just go craft.

just my .02 worth …

Achivements and Alts

in Suggestions

Posted by: Pixelpumpkin.4608


Well, you can get your dailies and monthlies on your main and then finish them on your alt, who will get the XP and the karma.

You can send other levelling rewards such as black lion kits, karma items, transmutation stones etc. to your alts (or from your alt to your main). I send food, potions and gear from my main to my alts already.

Gold is account-bound so while your main starts out with pocket money, your alt starts out with gold in the bank. And stacks of crafting materials that you’ve collected on your main.

So, I don’t know, I’ve recently started two alts, and the have large bags, gold, and a bunch of other neat stuff available to them that my main didn’t have at the time – and that really makes a difference. I honestly don’t think that we need any more than that.

PS: I come from a game where characters’ inventories were strictly separated and every new character truly started over from scratch. So maybe that’s why I’m not blind to all the bonuses we already get for alts in GW2.

PPS: a wording thing – achievements as such are account-bound anyway, I don’t think the game cares which character you used to play through a specific fractal or get weapon mastery or whatever.)

Achivements and Alts

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ngeluz.4860


Congrats Crassus it seems Arena Net will be implementing this after all with this last patch! Interesting enough its the idea you suggested not with levels but with the account wide achievements system and its FINE by me.


(edited by Ngeluz.4860)