I will try my best to keep this short…
Me and some friends who loved Gw1 have/are losing interest in the Gw2.
why? Because despite the beautiful graphics, amazing events, diversity of quests, there is something lacking.
what? Adventure. This sounds silly because there is so much to do and so many great places to see. But let me explain. Adventure isn’t seeing great things and doing stuff no one else has done… Adventure only really happens when something goes wrong. It is an imminent and ever present sense of danger and failing.
I still don’t understand what you mean… Let’s use an example. In Gw1 you enter an instance with a party of 8, if you die you get -10dp, keep dying and you eventually get -60dp and are effectively useless. you have no choice but to return to the nearest town and start all over again. Losing hours of work and in essence failing your quest. In Gw2 you enter an area and start doing a quest or dungeon, if you die your armour breaks, eventually it breaks completely and you are useless.. you wp to a safe spot, fix it, and wp back in. losing about 5 minutes of your time, your progress in the dungeon/quest is unaffected and you continue…. there is no loss except a couple silver.
So how would you fix it?…. I would create a perma-instance area.
you just made that up! Yes I did. What I mean is a new lvl 80 area, which you can’t Wp out of unless dead. There needs to be a huge over arcing dynamic event, so that enemies don’t simply respawn when you kill them, but they come from somewhere.
Sounds interesting I guess. Can you give an example of your idea? Ok. Deep in the bowels of Tyria the Grawl are amassing an army. Somewhere in a mass of twisting caverns, deadly creatures and lost ruins they’re building countless outposts. It is up to you and your fellow adventurers to stop them.
Essentially it needs to work in the same way as WvW but with NPC’s. Each outpost they own spawns Grawl, and the outlying areas become hostile. The players have to capture each outpost and key point to drive the grawl back. Once everything in the area except the main Grawl base is taken no grawl enemies spawn. However there are still events to defend supplies from spiders, or protect an outpost from destroyers etc Every 6 hours the Grawl do a massive push to break out and capture more outposts. including sneak attacks on bases held by players.
I really hope you have read this far. I promise I’m almost done.
This Idea takes a whole bunch of things implemented already in Gw2 and combines them with the difficulty of not being able to respawn as well as a sense of achievement because stuff doesn’t just keep keep spawning. I realize it is very similar to the centaur camps in gendarren fields but the refresh rate of the events and spawn rate of centaurs is too high to feel like something has been achieved.
please comment/criticize and generally have your say on this idea, because it is very important to me, and if something like this isn’t implemented I will undoubtedly lose interest in this game soon, and I really don’t want that to happen.