Bounty for events.

Bounty for events.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kite.2510


Current problem:
Some events get completly ignored by players for ages, weeks or months for varius reasons.

  • Ether they are in an invarioment that the player doesn’t feel comfortable in, making them not very fun (ex: underwater).
  • Or they are away from event hot spot areas, perhaps in an unpopular map.
  • Or they are unnaturally hard compared to the rest of the content of the area.
  • Or the most likelly reason, they are “groupe events” an no one would want to make the start, cause he doesn’t trust that 4 other players will come to help.
  • Or all the above…(I’m looking at you undead sharks!)

Have such event’s that have a high tendency to fail many times in a row, or stay unsolved for many hours/days, get a “bounty icon”. Events with a “bounty icon” will reward the player upon solving them with higher percentage of gold & karma (depending on the time the event left unchalenged) but not XP (so players won’t level faster in case it is a low level area) and/or will reward them with a unique chests (via mail), that among other minor goodies has a very rare chance to drop some unique exotics (an exotic cowboy hat named “Bounty_Hunter’s_Hat” for example).

If an event is getting a new bounty very often, it should take longer to recieve the next one with an ellement of randomness in the time, to avoid exploiting the system. Players shouldn’t be limited in the amount of bounties they can get per day.


  • It’ll give an excuse for player to go and even ask for help to complete events away from hot spots, that otherwise wouldn’t get as much attention.
  • It will drive players to attempt and poppulate less poppular areas for the better chance of encountering bountied events. If another area becomes less poppulated due to this change, the problem will fix it self automatically.
  • If Arena-net, track the bounties and the events that are getting them, they might get a clear indication of the areas needing “Improvement”.
  • Players might start going underwater a little more…
  • New Players might start choosing the less poppulated servers on purpose!
…and don’t be toxic!

(edited by Kite.2510)

Bounty for events.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Arathor.5819


This is actually a really well thought-out solution. It isn’t as big of an issue on more populated servers though. Love the idea about that hat.

I do luv me sum hats.

Bounty for events.

in Suggestions

Posted by: DinoDoll.3682


i like the idea too.

Bounty for events.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Malik.2639


Good topic and well thought out, what made you think of “Bountys”

Bounty for events.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Evrae Altana.1295

Evrae Altana.1295

they should bring back Zaishen Bounty’s from GW where you had a bounty for a boss, dungeon, mission, etc…
it made some of the most abandoned places in GW just boom for a day

Bounty for events.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kite.2510


Good topic and well thought out, what made you think of “Bountys”

For once there is a logic to it. Since most of events evolve around killing things, and what I ask is for the NPCs to put extra rewards to whoever takes the initiative to “do” them because they need them “done”, since nobody is “doing” them on his own, the name bounty fitted nicelly.
Also it sounds nicelly to say on the chat “There is a bounty on the [That kitten undead shark] groupe event north!” and then have people gather to do it.

they should bring back Zaishen Bounty’s from GW where you had a bounty for a boss, dungeon, mission, etc…
it made some of the most abandoned places in GW just boom for a day

That would benefit only dungeons and only one per time.
I’m talking about a system that would enhance the lesser used content equally and automatically.

…and don’t be toxic!

Bounty for events.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Isslair.4908


Really nice idea. I like it.
I encountered this problem of unpopular events far too often. Sometimes people are even plainly ignore them, just running past or leaving after one downned state.

EU Aurora Glade

Bounty for events.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kite.2510


Really nice idea. I like it.
I encountered this problem of unpopular events far too often. Sometimes people are even plainly ignore them, just running past or leaving after one downned state.

I’ve also encountered this a lot.

Things are especially tragic in Orr…
That place require you to follow an attack from 3 sides, and 2 of them are from the sea… Nobody bothers to go from there, including me! There are only hard undead mobs so you can’t get your daylly just from there, hard events that despite the higher rewards, aren’t worth the swett.
I’m guessing that when the next Dragon-Area appea Orr will become complettly empty, so a future that encurages you to deal with unpopular content will become nessessary.

…and don’t be toxic!

Bounty for events.

in Suggestions

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


That sounds nice.

Much like with the bonus exp in creatures that have been alive for a long time, events that go without being successfully completed for a long time should ‘build up’ rewards.

And showing it on screen would make focus more people in the even, so that’ll increase the chances of it being completed.

It may also be a reason to fight in those group events with a champion that have no chest and crappy rewards so people end up simple avoiding them altogether.

No exceptions!