Bring Previewing back.

Bring Previewing back.

in Suggestions

Posted by: StormageddonBK.9842


Agreed with OP, bring it back please.

Bring Previewing back.

in Suggestions

Posted by: PainShot.7154


Agree. No need to limit an option like this…

Bring Previewing back.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Power.2957



This was very useful (especially for me since changing chars on my 19th century pc results in 2 year load times). Doubt anyone cared about the clipping issues after all the convenience it provided.

“Power is like the illuminati of Guild Wars.” -Loshon

Bring Previewing back.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jink Bonestealer.9274

Jink Bonestealer.9274


Bring back the preview, clipping bugs or not.

Leader of the Wind Riders [WIND]
I support Tengu as a playable race.

Bring Previewing back.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Blueshield.6291


Bring back the preview, clipping bugs or not.

Agreed, clipping issues for armor that you can’t possibly wear anyway aren’t issues at all.

Bring Previewing back.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Neferteri.7342


While I miss the preview, I imagine it’s better for Anet than the constant complaints and such from the surprisingly large number of people who can’t read and buy the wrong thing, and don’t figure out that their character can’t wear a certain thing until after they buy it.

Bring Previewing back.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Blackwolfe.5649


I have 8 characters and often on the lookout for nice looking armor for them. I like to be able to look at other peoples armor when they link it in chat (to show how it looks or if Im just curious). WHO CARES about the graphical glitches in the PREVIEW. There are several armors that cause clipping issues and other oddities already, heck my female necro has the feathered armor that shows her buttcrack.

ANET, you have very strange priorities…

When you sober up, please revert this uncalled for “fix” please.

Colin Johansen casts – Working As Intended
Colin Johansen hits you for 239407889 damage
Game over

Bring Previewing back.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Oddcl.1507


While I miss the preview, I imagine it’s better for Anet than the constant complaints and such from the surprisingly large number of people who can’t read and buy the wrong thing, and don’t figure out that their character can’t wear a certain thing until after they buy it.

I feel people that do not pay attention need to accept their mistakes…Heck I bought wrong class items before and I never filed or complained to a gm….my mistake is my own and I will just spend some more time earning gold to get what I want.

Previewing being restricted is just inconceivable!

Bring Previewing back.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Idolicious.6091


Bring it back, also it is about time to implement TP previewing also.

Bring Previewing back.

in Suggestions

Posted by: SlimDante.6875


^ I agree with the OP and with TP previewing/chat linking. Was so sad to find out I couldn’t link/preview the Emberspire to show my guild that I was going to work on getting one when I leveled high enough.

Love, Strength, and Self-Control.
First Officer of the Shadowheart Pack on Kaineng

Bring Previewing back.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kosai.7458


daily bump here, to keep this thread alive

they may think: “oh maybe if we dont answer they’ll get bored and stop”

but no! we will not give up! we will fight for this, because this is worth fighting for!

who’s with me?

Bring Previewing back.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jarin Arenos.2736

Jarin Arenos.2736

@Arimik, Generally aesthetic as far as I know. Like texture maps applying themselves in places they shouldn’t be, on armors you’re not previewing. As well as lots of clipping of course. I liked being able to see them too, but I can understand why that decision was made. If you have ideas or features you’d like to see I’d say post em on the suggestion forum. I can’t promise it would be implemented, but the more people who say they want something the better!

Well here’s your bloody suggestion thread. You promised us TP previewing and instead removed 2/3 of our already existing previewable content. Clipping? Seriously? You have armor that does this when actively worn in-game. Wonderful priorities. Kitten your kittening designer kittens in the kittening kitten kitten.

(on an entirely unrelated note, the censor on this forum is one of my favorite things ever, so there’s a bit of random positivity amid my complaining)

Bring Previewing back.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ethros.1453


I am not sure why this was removed to begin with. The graphical err was not that big of a deal and a simple disclaimer would have been appropriate.

~Mr. Illuminati
Inspiration is only as good as it’s interpreter

Bring Previewing back.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Oglaf.1074



I don’t care about the clipping issues or whatver. I want the ability to hunt for good-looking armour with my main, for my alts!!!

I can do thirty Five-Dolyak Arm Curls.

Do you even lift, bro?

(edited by Oglaf.1074)

Bring Previewing back.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kosai.7458


they said working as intented O_O

similar post to this in the game bugs section

Bring Previewing back.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Golgathoth.3967


I can’t freaking believe it’s intended. How about working on the actual clipping issues of the armor you can wear all at once instead of visual bugs with armor you’d literally never make a set out of?

Sylvari: 7 Humans: 3 Charr: 2 Norn: 1 Asura: 0
“Tarnished Coast” since head start!

Bring Previewing back.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Arimik.2460


its just unfortunate to see arenanet making such decisions. i just cant understand the necessity of removing it entirely. in the back of my mind i keep thinking that maybe they removed it until they can fix the glitching thing, but even that doesnt make any sense.

That which does not kill me, has made a tactical error.

Bring Previewing back.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kosai.7458


personally, i never did care about the graphical issues or clipping issues in preview. and im sure everyone didnt care either.

it was like a small ant bite. didnt feel, didnt notice, didnt care. didnt hurt

Bring Previewing back.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Eli The Yahoo.9782

Eli The Yahoo.9782

I won’t get into aussumptions on why you really removed this feature, but the fact is that many/everybody liked this feature. it doesn’t effect gameplay – bugs regarding texturing can be either solved or be left alone since frankly – nobody cares how to combine 5 different armor, you usually go for a set of the same (and maybe change the helmet).

so please bring it back.

any response from the GW2 team will be appreciated

Bring Previewing back.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lamont.5973


According to the official response in another thread this was done become of “CLIPPING ISSUES IN THE PREVIEW WINDOW”?????

An incredibly useful feature was removed because of clipping issues in a preview pane that could be solved by the player merely removing the piece of clothing the previewed item clipped with?


Please bring it back.

Bring Previewing back.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Bonesetter.7824



I too want to see this put back into place. The clipping could be annoying at times, but at least it was one could just restart the preview process over.

I’m not one to complain about much, but being that I really enjoyed saving unique looking pieces for my alts, this change is a huge downgrade. It is also major pain in the you know what to log in and out just to preview how a piece of armor looks.

Please… fix this.

Bring Previewing back.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nefera.4568


Agreed, please bring armor previews back. Having clipping issues on a preview window is at most a minor annoyance, lack of preview-ability on all (or nearly all) items is being a pain in the… I’d rather see what those armor/weapon pieces look like on MY character, than have to go to an external site which has screencapped images of them on a generic norn female / human female / asura.

Bring Previewing back.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Danigar.3795


I’m perfectly fine with minor graphic bugs, please bring this feature back!!

Bring Previewing back.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Weebitt.3157


Clipping issues in Preview?!! It’s preview…I can’t believe there was enough complaints to make such a drastic change. Please bring it back, it was one of the best features in the game.

Bring Previewing back.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Stereo Sage.6758

Stereo Sage.6758

I feel that when we were able to preview armor for other classes before, we assumed that we couldn’t actually equip these pieces of armor for our current characters. I have other guild members that get rare and obscure pieces of armor that they want to show off, but I have to take their word for it because I can’t preview the armor anymore.

I personally don’t see clipping in the preview pane an issue. I think that we all accept clipping when we’re previewing armor not designed for our current character.

tl;dr – I still think that we should bring back previewing

Bring Previewing back.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Arimik.2460


i have already posted here a few times, but i am stiff baffled by the fact that with all the other glaring issues in the game, they chose this “problem” to overreact on. bring back previewing.

That which does not kill me, has made a tactical error.

Bring Previewing back.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lempo.8361



I’d much rather have a preview with a warning text and possibly some clipping issues than no preview at all for 2/3 of the armor items.

Bring Previewing back.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Father Busho.2796

Father Busho.2796


The preview option was really nice to have regardless of a few clipping issues. It was nice to see the armor other people got/wore and could serve as an incentive to start playing other classes.
Or at least bring us the TP preview instead of that

Band Of Royal Daggers [BORD]
Aurora Glade

Bring Previewing back.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Munky.1356


Not being able to preview another classes armor made it extremely difficult to choose if an item I’ve gotten is worth keeping. I would have to put the item in the bank go to the character selection screen and preview the piece of armor on the appropriate class assuming I have the class to preview it on instead of just simply previewing it.

I also enjoy going into Heart of the Mist and previewing their armor selection before I make a new character. It would be easier for someone like me to do this all on one character instead of having to go through tutorial every time I want to preview something.

(edited by Munky.1356)

Bring Previewing back.

in Suggestions

Posted by: IsmertIdegen.2401


I find this “patch” illogical. People should have been aware of clipping in preview. Also, Guild Wars 2 is rather heavy on the customization factor (transmuting armor and such), and this change is a huge blow against that.
“You’re not able to wear those anyway” is also a bad argument I would say. Surely the players can notice that without the game not allowing them to even glance at it.

Bring Previewing back.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Negativity.5801


signed, bring it back.

who the hell cares if it occasionally bugs or applies textures in the wrong place, its not like you cant close the window and re-preview to fix it.

All this does is limit functionality. Bring it back.

Bring Previewing back.

in Suggestions

Posted by: xerca.6135


I do not care about clipping issues in the preview window! I want to get an idea of how the armor will look like before I sell or salvage it, or decide to keep it for another character! I do not want to have to fill my bags, run to the bank all the time, leave the armor in some free slot, log over to another character, run to bank, preview, decide what I want to to with the armor, log back to first character.

No. Just no.

Bring it back!

Bring Previewing back.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Malakai.7381


Agreed with OP, there’s no need to remove this. Please bring it back.

Bring Previewing back.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ratchet.5416


Signed. Bring this back. I really want to see what an armor piece looks like, even if I cannot wear it, one of my other characters can.

Vote Gnashblade!
And revive Baelfire.

Bring Previewing back.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Neowulf.9038


Signed. Please bring it back! I really enjoy looking at what other classes of armor would look like on my Charr, and drooling at all the fancy medium coats I can never wear as a Warrior.

aim for the stars, and you’ll at least get over the trees

Bring Previewing back.

in Suggestions

Posted by: xerca.6135


And another note: You can still preview all the weapons, even though most of them clip through almost every armor! So I do not buy that clipping is really that much of an issue. I do not care if the coat I am previewing is clipping through the light skirt I am wearing. I can just take off said skirt and preview again to get an idea of how the coat would look like.

Bring Previewing back.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Blackwolfe.5649


And another note: You can still preview all the weapons, even though most of them clip through almost every armor! So I do not buy that clipping is really that much of an issue. I do not care if the coat I am previewing is clipping through the light skirt I am wearing. I can just take off said skirt and preview again to get an idea of how the coat would look like.

Quiet, dont let them know or they’ll remove all weapons in the game! :P No really, that seems to be the way they are thinking with this change.

Colin Johansen casts – Working As Intended
Colin Johansen hits you for 239407889 damage
Game over

(edited by Blackwolfe.5649)

Bring Previewing back.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Eleos.8472


Please bring it back. I don’t care about any clipping bugs.
I just want the old preview back

Bring Previewing back.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shroom Mage.9410

Shroom Mage.9410

I want it back, too!

If I want to see how light armor looks on a human female, I don’t want to have to actually make a human female! I’ve been considering making an elementalist. I’d probably pick the race based on armor. Now I have to actually make the character to check this? This is massively inconvenient.

No, preview websites absolutely will not work for this because I can’t change the dyes or customize them at all, and many of them are incomplete or out-of-date.

Revert this arbitrary and completely unwarranted change!

“Be who you are and say what you feel
because those who mind don’t matter
and those who matter don’t mind.” -Dr. Seuss

Bring Previewing back.

in Suggestions

Posted by: redsolarmoon.1054


Please bring it back. It boggles my mind that you removed this feature but have yet to add a built-in preview feature for the trade post. A feature that already exists by right-clicking but yet you can’t do it in trade post. I just don’t get it…

Bring Previewing back.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lia.2340


I send this message, hoping to be impacter in English forum than in French forum.

This “fix” is just a joke, isn’t it ? There are a lot of bug more important than it, but devs prefered “fix” this one. You think seriously we think little clipping in armor preview is more important for players than… anything like be disconnect in Fractal (don’t know the English name) !

Please bring it back.

Bring Previewing back.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kojiden.8405


I support previewing armor you can’t wear. This seems like one of those decisions that make the developers happy but make the players sad.

Bring Previewing back.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Fook.3914


I agree, please bring preview back.

Bring Previewing back.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Psybunny.8906


Noone cares about the clipping.

Bring Previewing back.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kakyo.9783


removing the preview-option for the 2 other class-sets was pointless and hinders the gameflow…

currently I own 7 characters and with this change of the preview-function I’ve got to go a long way to see if a piece of heavy armor I might find on a medium-armor class looks useful for one of my characters… I need to run to the bank, place the item there, log out, switch to my twink, might need to run to the bank again (my twink might be in the field), search through my bank-items again and finally preview the item

who the hell cares about clipping issues when mixing sets that shouldn’t been worn together… every sane person knows that this creates problems… but having us run through the whole bank-issue just to preview a random item is pointless

and I like to look through different sets before I create a new character (to decide which race I’ll use this time)… now I need to create the character, go through the first mission, finally enter the racial zone and look up the armor… (and if I’m now happy I end up deleting the character… aprox 20 minutes to take a peek at a armor-set isn’t worth the trouble)

Bring Previewing back.

in Suggestions

Posted by: CapN Biku.6024

CapN Biku.6024

This can not be because of clipping issues. Armours from the same types clip with eachother (for example the light armours Apprentice, the starter set, shoes and Country pants for female clip, don’t have a picture) so why would armours from differents types clipping be a bigger problem?

I really really hope they bring this back soon or at least tell us why they removed it so we can know if we should be angry or just wait patiently while they fix whatever potential issue there might have been.

Bring Previewing back.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Turial.1293


I wonder just how many angry players it takes for them to realise that this was a completely rubbish fix, one that was NOT needed and NOT wanted. This is not about players complaining that they want more loot, this does not have certain players have an affect over players; this affects every player individually. Time wasted just to look at armors, players now have to check the wiki and other websites to view armor. I won’t waste my time switching between chars or logging from a dungeon or stopping my crafting just to go preview an armor that was linked in chat.

It has been said enough times; with so many MAJOR bugs in several other areas…. “this” is what you “fix”? Do employees need to reach a bug fix quota or something? Fixing things that are not broken just to show they are doing work?

This game is not just for you anymore, you can’t make a change and just decide that “they will have to like it” now you have to think before you act, “Will this improve the game? Will this make players happy?” At the end of the day, if you push away your player base with nonsensical, meaningless bug fixes while ignoring actual bug issues you won’t have a player base to cater to. I doubt anyone will quit over this but this was a bad choice and should be reverted.

I understand not being able to preview cultural armor, completely understandable considering dimensions, etc. but there was no “good reason” to make this change, not at all.

/signed to return armor preview

“Some of my best friends are heterosexual”

Bring Previewing back.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kaldo.4170


I totally agree with OP. Preview was buggy in maybe 5 % of cases, and even then it could have been fixed by re-previewing that armor piece – and I’d rather have a mild clipping issue than being unable to preview any other armor type! It doesn’t make sense since armors aren’t restricted by race.

Bring Previewing back.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Hermes.7014


Honestly who cares about the clipping in a preview anyways?

Whether something is either wrong or right, someone will always complain about it.

Bring Previewing back.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Duskmelt.9834


I enjoy previewing other players’ armor to see how it would look on me. I do not mind clipping issues and many others would rather see clipping than not being able to preview more armor.