Centaur-like creatures as professions and mounts

Centaur-like creatures as professions and mounts

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ronah.2869


Many people in this forum have asked for the following things to be added to GW2:
- the second class for the character
- the class change for the character
- the mounts for aesthetic / roleplay purposes
- the mount for traveling purposes
- the mounts for combat purposes
Everyone of these requests were and still are intensely discussed and argued in the forum because of the game skill balance or lore interference.

Here is my suggestion that can gather all the above request and not altering the current game mechanic or lore in a very drastic way.

Let;s use the CENTAURS as mounts

I will explain how this suggestion fits in all the requests:
- the Centaurs are already in the lore of GW, (in GW1 we even had a Centaur hero named Zhed)
- the Centaurs are mountable because they look like horses
- the Centaurs can fight. We saw them be warriors, guardians rangers, elementalists. There is no reason why they can’t have all the other professions

All this premises being said, I will go into the game mechanic.

Players will be able to unlock a Centaur Mount. I won’t discuss how they can do that. It can be through storyline, cash-shop or other type of quests, or even capturing them in the wild. This is less important for now.
The fact is that players can have a Centaur Mount

There will be 8 types of Centaur Mounts, one for each profession and they will be equitable like a ranger’s pet. The Centaur Mount will come with a set of 5 weapon skills accordingly to its profession.
In here the developers can use a bit of imagination and create new weapon skills for the same weapons what we already have which will satisfy the request of having more skill types for one weapon, or they can just use the skill the game already have for that specific weapon.

A Centaur Mount will have health and will take damage as the player does.
Players will also be able to give them weapons and armors like for the heroes in GW1

When in use, the skill bar of the the player will change and he will ride the Centaur Mount at a 10-15% more speed which will not be too much then the current speed buffs. The mount will have a stamina gauge that will be used for sprinting

The weapon skills and the utility skills will be those specific for the Centaur profession.. These will let a player have a sort of feeling thet he is changing to a second class. Also, having 8 types of mounts will give the player the feel he can change its class at anytime
Of course, the mounts WON"T be changed or equipped during combat. so they will not alter the balance or give advantages to players.
The mount must be equipped before the battle.
This means if a warrior player sees a Clamipon boss and wants to fight it as an elementalist, he will equip his elementalist Centaur mount and after that will engage the Chanpion in a fight. The player will have the elementlaist skill bar now and the health of the centaur. If the centaur dies, the skill bar will be the warriors one and he will not be able to summon a new mount until the fight is over.

Because mount can run 10-15% faster and use sprint from time to time they will need to have a sort of cost associated to them so they will not replace the waypoints. For this the mounts can have a feed cost. I know many will not agree with the “feed cost” system, so we can add armor repairs for the mount or a longer equip time for it after it gets killed meaning that you cant equip a Centaur Mount (no matter what profession) for 15 min after he got killed

Feel free to comment and point out some things that might not work and lets try to see how we can solve them.
This is thread for PvE purposes because I am not good at PvP or WvW.
Anyone who can improve / change this for PVP purposes can come up with ideas

Thank you for reading!

(edited by Ronah.2869)

Centaur-like creatures as professions and mounts

in Suggestions

Posted by: Trock Bronze.9625

Trock Bronze.9625

Mounts will not happen and Centaurs are one of THE enemies in the game, they will not be on our side without major change and they are far too proud to ever let anything ride them.

again mounts are a no, they just simply will not happen and definitely not like this.

Centaur-like creatures as professions and mounts

in Suggestions

Posted by: DKP.4196


I dont want to ride a Centaur. I want to ride a Dolyak

WvW escort Dolyak = Mounting Dolyaks

Keep trying, or die trying. Never give up, never forgive. We will Desolate. – Desolation
Not A Message.

Centaur-like creatures as professions and mounts

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ronah.2869


Mounts will not happen and Centaurs are one of THE enemies in the game, they will not be on our side without major change and they are far too proud to ever let anything ride them.

again mounts are a no, they just simply will not happen and definitely not like this.

Centaurs have helped humans in GW1. We had a centaur hero in there. We had a charr hero in there too, named Pyre. Now they are playable race and human allies. You really are too narrow minded to see it, but that is just you, fortunately

Centaur-like creatures as professions and mounts

in Suggestions

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


Centaurs are a sentient race.
They are rather tribal, but sentient.
For a centaur in most fantasy settings, having someone riding them or using them as beast of burden is humiliating.
And centaurs in Guild Wars are a very, very proud and dignified race, which makes them more indignant about humiliating things.

Put those things together, and… how could I put it…

Imagine the most humiliating thing you can do to a human being.
Well, for a centaur, having someone riding them is about a bazillion and a half times more humiliating than that.
As a reference, that’s a bazillion times more humiliating than forcing a charr to play with a ball of yarn, and half a bazillion times more humilliating that failing at basic arithmetics as an asura.

Even if you found friendly descendants of the Veldrunner tribe and became allies with them, there’s no slim chance in the underworld they’ll let you ride them no matter who you are, or what you do.
Not even if they had something like a life-long debt of gratitude and honor to you, or you were their sworn blood brothers after some ritual or something like that; not even if you were dying and carrying you was the only way to save you.
They’ll probably use something like an improvised stretcher, or carry you in their arms or shoulders instead letting you ride them.
The only possible way the would carry you in their backs would be unconscious and sideways, like saddlebags or a bundle.
They would rather die. Or kill you. Or both.

And even if that wasn’t the case, try to imagine a charr riding a centaur.
Now try to do that without laughing.
See the problem? You can’t. It’s so ridiculous that it simply can’t be done…

unless you are the Mongols .
You know… because they like horses and are the exception to almost everything…


Anyways… No riding centaurs!

No exceptions!

Centaur-like creatures as professions and mounts

in Suggestions

Posted by: BrunoBRS.5178


yeah, i’m sure the guys trying to kill all humans on tyria will give us a piggyback. because that’s not humiliating.

centaurs can’t swim, thus they can’t be a playable race

LegendaryMythril/Zihark Darshell

Centaur-like creatures as professions and mounts

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ronah.2869


There are good Charrs and bad Charrs now in GW2. In GW1 they were trying to kill humans too. Now they don’t. What makes a centaur race not have good Cnetaurs and Bad Centaurs?
Oh, and riding a Centaur is humiliating for them? This is one shallow excuse like some one said in another post that there are no horses in Tyria because its not Terra , sorry Earth, but there are all sorts of Earth fauna on the game. And Charrs are raising cattle to shoot them with catapults. Isn’t that more humiliating for an animal then riding it?
If you guys just think with other people’s heads aka Television, Mass media and Fantasy books you have come across in your lives than of course it will be humiliating for a Centaur to be on a good side and help Humans or other races for that matter.
it is one thing not to agree with mounts in GW2 and its another thing to troll any suggestion just because you don’t like it.
If you guys are so smart, and know it all, how come we had a centaur hero that came with us everywhere in GW1 and didn’t try to kill us?



(edited by Ronah.2869)

Centaur-like creatures as professions and mounts

in Suggestions

Posted by: Draconius.9076


While I do like the idea of there also being some good centaurs out there like our old friend Zhed Shadowhoof from Nightfall, I must say I don’t support the idea of horsebackriding on centaurs.

In my eyes it’s like comparing cats with dogs, Centaurs aren’t horses nor do they wish to be. Every race inside they game has a certain character, a racial personality. Centaurs ingame are portrayed as proud sentient creatures that feel they have been abused and stolen from by humans. (as you recall in Vabbi (nightfall) they were used as beasts of burden and slaves)

This in my eyes would strongly support them never wanting to be put into the beast of burden role (like a horse) again.

Now at first in Nightfall Zhed didn’t like our human character at all, it was only after having being forced to work together a certain bond of trust and respect popped up.

In conclusion my opinion is horsebackriding/mounting could be a future idea to look into but I would strongly suggest not involving the centaur race as it would completely decimate everything the game tells us centaurs characteristics are.

Yet we could involve another horselike creature (not being a centaur) to play this beast of burden race, something less proud more horse-like in its own mind.

Guild: Order of an Allied Tyria [OAT] ~°~ Co-leader
Server: Underworld

Centaur-like creatures as professions and mounts

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ronah.2869


Yet we could involve another horselike creature (not being a centaur) to play this beast of burden race, something less proud more horse-like in its own mind.

Finally someone put a constructive idea in this thread not just bullying around. Thank you. That would be fine in my opinion and it will not hurt the so called Centaur race feelings. I just cant find yet a proper name for it. And of course, it will be added in some expansion not in the game just as it is now.

Centaur-like creatures as professions and mounts

in Suggestions

Posted by: Draconius.9076


Well that I can certainly support it could give a little more edge to certain aspects in the game. Now the development of the new creaturetype is more of a concern for Arenanet though evethough we can come up with suggestions ofcourse ^^

However they’d have to make sure to implement it in such a way that owning or using a beast of burden would not give you a huge overall advantage. But I guess I’m running ahead of things let’s just see first whether Arenanet decides to implement it in future update somewhere or not.

Guild: Order of an Allied Tyria [OAT] ~°~ Co-leader
Server: Underworld

Centaur-like creatures as professions and mounts

in Suggestions

Posted by: Haishao.6851


How will I outrun a centaur if i’m sitting on it?

Centaur-like creatures as professions and mounts

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ronah.2869


How will I outrun a centaur if i’m sitting on it?

That is just a phrase which will be disabled from your repertoire while mounted.

Centaur-like creatures as professions and mounts

in Suggestions

Posted by: HumaCarrionEater.8254


People aren’t trolling your thread. You are way too invested in this for some reason.

The idea of riding a centaur just creeps me out, honestly. They’re people, essentially. They’re not servants, or animals. I already find the way the centaurs are handled a little uncomfortable and this would make it a zillion times worse.

I am one of those people that doesn’t want mounts at all.

Centaur-like creatures as professions and mounts

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tarkaroshe.8370


Mounts will not happen and Centaurs are one of THE enemies in the game, they will not be on our side without major change and they are far too proud to ever let anything ride them.

again mounts are a no, they just simply will not happen and definitely not like this.

Actually Anet haven’t completely discounted the possibility of land based mounts. All they indicated was that no mounts of any kind would be available at launch.

To my knowledge, since launch no dev has confirmed that there will never, ever be mounts of any kind in the game.

(edited by Tarkaroshe.8370)

Centaur-like creatures as professions and mounts

in Suggestions

Posted by: Yellow Beard Hellfist.2940

Yellow Beard Hellfist.2940

Don’t see the centaur riding but the mount thing would be nice as the teleport around map thing get old quick. Again may just wait for titan it should have every thing till then just doing it free style. Don’t see this going any were 1) not even level 60 and have burned through all solo stuff ran in to many uncompleted quests due to broken. 2) Should be able to level with out grouping but do to solo stuff having to go to lower level zones to get exp to level with out grinding is annoying to say lest. 3) Do not like the odd alien stitch (lelo and stitch) race and the charr are well don’t like just been playing human and norn races i thought were cool to play the rat race and the bird don’t know if ever going to be a playable race. 4) Don’t like going above or too far below my level to do stuff but have had to do this many times. Point i am trying to make if you do not evolve the game to fit with the way people play or what they want its going to tank and i can see this coming on this. The only way to avoid would 1) mounts and possible flying ones as well and some type of Arial combat system and way of taking this in game, one way is a risk vs reward system the harder some thing is the better the reward so say fighting some thing from the air were there is no risk the reward would be almost nill maybe 10% of what would be fighting it say on the ground seeing as it can not fly, now on the other side a griffin which is in game can fly and the xp would be 100% while flying and as for a land based person who can not fly the xp would be slightly higher seeing as it’s a flying creature and harder to fight. 2) Have content that is solo able for each race or more that would prevent from over lapping other areas so if we have more than one character i would not be doing the same content with more than one character. this does not have to be a full quest line just some more mini quests or tasks or any combination of. 3) verity i for one love to have options and under stand some times this can not be done but again having more than one type in the same starting area would be good like take the rat race there in the same area as the small techno race and would be a good alt to start in the same area only would have to add some starting quests and stuff along the way 4) Never like grouping i and a solo person but have done the group thing some but the level of my guy who ever he is remains my guide one may be 2 above i would go even a bit below 2 or 3 but no more. as i said before more stuff to do at the level you are at in the areas you are from would be nice. Now i don’t see any of this truly going to happen due to as been working on this for what 6 years and don’t have some of the basics covered but i will will be watching until titan comes out and and see if the game move ahead or is left in its wake

Centaur-like creatures as professions and mounts

in Suggestions

Posted by: Coltz.5617


this suggestion is rather silly, imagine a charr riding on a centaur or a centaur swimming trying to balance his head up cause of his weird 90degrees arch ( they’re just spin ). Where would the riders hold the centaurs? waist? neck? arms? anywhere else?..

- I infract cause I’m passionate about the game-

Centaur-like creatures as professions and mounts

in Suggestions

Posted by: Leto.5642


lol, the Centaur mount, that’s not insulting at all. In this case we might as well get the Charr mount. Think about it, they’re big and they run on four legs like animals, they would make a perfect mount! Plus riding a sexy female Charr can be really kinky, if you’re into that sort of thing of course.

(edited by Leto.5642)

Centaur-like creatures as professions and mounts

in Suggestions

Posted by: StormcrowX.9236


Terribad idea is bad. Zhed would stomp you into the dust for having the audacity to suggest such a thing.

You are not one of their “most dedicated players”. Don’t worry, neither am I apparently.

Centaur-like creatures as professions and mounts

in Suggestions

Posted by: takatsu.9416


LOL I thought this was a joke thread. Yeah…. Centaurs would never let anyone ride on them lmao they are a intelligent race themselves, different from a horse…

Centaur-like creatures as professions and mounts

in Suggestions

Posted by: BrunoBRS.5178


oh god, this thread is still going.

the things that i want to say about it, but keep for myself out of respect for ANet and fear of the banhammer…

LegendaryMythril/Zihark Darshell

Centaur-like creatures as professions and mounts

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ronah.2869


oh god, this thread is still going.

the things that i want to say about it, but keep for myself out of respect for ANet and fear of the banhammer…

Juat curious. Can you post some links to some of your suggestions threads generated by you. From what I saw you just want more tougher dragons and more respawn times for events. It feels you just feel the need to criticize other people ideas than make your own suggestions.

and to all others, very few are actually using their brain to make a suggestion or improve an already existing one. The rest are just critics who can’t come up with something of their own than just hit on those who do, calling them stupids, trolls, whatever.
If you don’t support an idea or you don’t have a constructive message like improving the idea, don’t write on it just to increase your posts counts number. Let it be for those who have something to add or change to it say something. Hitting others just shows your low morale. Comments like “i dont like this” Or this is horrible" etc, are just meant to troll the idea not improve it.

In this thread, only one guy has come up with a constructive idea, which i quoted, all the rest just trolling around.

And again to you Bruno, I have followed your comments and almost everywhere you are against mounts for some “lore infringements” but very rarely i have seen you thinking “why not” and give a better suggestion on the matter.
In the other Mounts {Merged} thread, someone really gave an answer for you and again you mocked everyone and everything. I feel sorry for you man. Get a better attitude on you will see your karma, the real one in real life, will improve a lot.

Steve Jobs
“It’s really hard to design products by focus groups. A lot of times, people don’t know what they want until you show it to them.”
— BusinessWeek, May 25 1998

I have edited the thread name so it will not affect the sensitive ones.

(edited by Ronah.2869)

Centaur-like creatures as professions and mounts

in Suggestions

Posted by: Trock Bronze.9625

Trock Bronze.9625

Mounts will not happen and Centaurs are one of THE enemies in the game, they will not be on our side without major change and they are far too proud to ever let anything ride them.

again mounts are a no, they just simply will not happen and definitely not like this.

Centaurs have helped humans in GW1. We had a centaur hero in there. We had a charr hero in there too, named Pyre. Now they are playable race and human allies. You really are too narrow minded to see it, but that is just you, fortunately

A single or several people helping does not account for an entire race. Assume for example Asura wish to ride humans as mounts. We are friends with them now so it must be okay right? Are you gonna sit there and tell me humans will just be like “Sure asura, please ride me as you please, keep me in a stable, and call me booka as much as you like!” right, over exaggerating but you get the point, I should hope.

You want suggestions to improve your idea? I can supply you with none, there will be no mounts, they want you to enjoy the world and not over look things, to use waypoints to travel fast if you must. Mounts are not necessary and flying specifically would ruin things. Land mounts would not per say ruin things as significantly but unless they do literally nothing but let you ride upon them they simply will not happen. If a land mount should ever be made it will not be sentient, not centaur, human, charr, or otherwise.

How would a mount improve the game? Cause honestly besides RPing it has literally no purpose then to explain speed rather then gaining some magic to move you faster.

(edited by Trock Bronze.9625)

Centaur-like creatures as professions and mounts

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tesena.1075


This is a troll right?

I can’t really comprehend why some people want mounts. It did World Of Warcaft no good at all, especially with the flying mounts, totally destroyed the game, and Blizzard have stated that they regret using mounts.

Secondly, mounts in gw2 would stand in opposition to the porting system.
IF Gw2 was going to get a mount system the only system that would fit (imo) would be the same system they used in Dark Age of Camelot, where you couldn’t control the mount your self, it was set to run from A to B and you could jump of whenever you wanted, and the mount would just continue its rout without you.

Centaur-like creatures as professions and mounts

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ronah.2869


over exaggerating but you get the point, I should hope.

Yes, i get your point. No worries. But as all races in every game, book, film, mythology opera have been invented by the human brain, they exist only because of our imagination. So they are still slaves of what we want them to be. Having an author inventing a race – expl, Sylvari – will make them owner of that race? I hope not because then the copyright law has gone too far.
We have dragons in this game right? Well, in other games. films, dragons are ride-able.
Does this mean that GW2 dragons should get offended or let us ride them?

Centaur-like creatures as professions and mounts

in Suggestions

Posted by: Trock Bronze.9625

Trock Bronze.9625

In GW2 dragons are equivalent to natural disasters… do you ride a volcano?

Centaur-like creatures as professions and mounts

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ronah.2869


Did anyone actually read the mechanic of the mount or people are just discussing the name of the mount race? I think no one did.

If you guys are so sensitive about this Centaur name, i will invent a new name for you, as long as it seems none of you will.

The new centaur like creatures are named Kall and they are former dragon minions which have escaped its influence when the dragon was put to sleep long ago. They are totally disoriented in the world because they were taken out of the underground when the dragon awaken and they don’t have a master anymore. They look like a centaur horse and they are in need of a master to guide them. They have the ability and the will to lean new skills and become more intelligent and develop a class for themselves.

Ok, as this is settled, the new race of burden has been raised up from the magician hat, lets comment on the mechanic of the mounts called Kalls. Just replace in your minds the Centaur word with Kall because I don’t want to edit the OP.

In GW2 dragons are equivalent to natural disasters… do you ride a volcano?

Let;s not continue this, because i am sure the ride-able dragons are as popular as the destruction dragons in any culture that has them. Btw, in Chinese culture dragons are actually GOOD. So, not everyone would cling to the same destructive ideas

(edited by Ronah.2869)

Centaur-like creatures as professions and mounts

in Suggestions

Posted by: Olba.5376


The new centaur like creatures are named Kall and they are former dragon minions which have escaped its influence when the dragon was put to sleep long ago. They are totally disoriented in the world because they were taken out of the underground when the dragon awaken and they don’t have a master anymore. They look like a centaur horse and they are in need of a master to guide them. They have the ability and the will to lean new skills and become more intelligent and develop a class for themselves.

So you want a mount that is effectively a half-human slave?

Centaur-like creatures as professions and mounts

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ronah.2869


So you want a mount that is effectively a half-human slave?

I will skip the fact that you haven’t commented (or even read) the mechanic and just trolling again about the lore

Slave or companion. Its your choice of how YOU call it, but I will not call it like you because of its looks.

I just wonder when will you guys start to think with your own brains and not using television, books, and media generated content as a guiding light of your thoughts.

If you guys feel so sensitive about the Centaur, how do you explain the minipets in this game? A charr having a human Logan minipet runing around? A Human having a charr Rythlock with him as pet?
What are those? cloned experiments? How do you explain minipets in this game lore?

(edited by Ronah.2869)

Centaur-like creatures as professions and mounts

in Suggestions

Posted by: Bahamadude.4925


I am in favor of mounts in the game. The mechanic you came up with is acceptable as well, however, as I am sure others pointed out, using the centaurs as the mounts flies in the face of the lore in the game. They are sentient with intelligence on par with the other races. Throw in the fact that VERY few of them were not intent in killing everything (you would to if another race kinda displaced you lol) and you will see that them being mounts is very unlikely

Assuming one or two of the prides ARE in fact friendly; wouldn’t it make more sense to maybe have them as a PLAYABLE race, not mounts?

If it’s mounts you want, I would say make mounts unique to each race. Example, the charr and asura are rather inventive, so maybe they can have a sort of machine as a mount, the slyvri can have a mount that’s plantlike, sort of like them, the Norn can have a mount based on what spirit they are affiliated with (naturally they will be MUCH bigger than the normal animals) and the humans can have standard mounts like horses or something made up (can’t think of anything for them). Each race can have several types of mounts that are unique to that race alone and each has something about them that sets them apart from each other. This can give a bit of diversity in combat as well.

This is a troll right?

I can’t really comprehend why some people want mounts. It did World Of Warcaft no good at all, especially with the flying mounts, totally destroyed the game, and Blizzard have stated that they regret using mounts.

Secondly, mounts in gw2 would stand in opposition to the porting system.
IF Gw2 was going to get a mount system the only system that would fit (imo) would be the same system they used in Dark Age of Camelot, where you couldn’t control the mount your self, it was set to run from A to B and you could jump of whenever you wanted, and the mount would just continue its rout without you.

I’ve played an mmorpg that had a waypoint system and mounts. And it worked well enough. With only a 15% increase in speed, that is not nearly fast enough to merit using the darn thing to run half way across the map. these mounts the OP has in mind seems to be more for localized riding not intermap travel, and seeing as there are guys like me who only use WPs when they are going the leave the map entirely, mounts could be a neat little addition.

There is one issue that MIGHT be a problem however. A lot of mounts in one area may result in lag (more polygons and crap actively moving around).

I support the idea of mounts, but I understand that this may not happen since A-net is against it. Would be nice to have but I can live without it:P

Centaur-like creatures as professions and mounts

in Suggestions

Posted by: Mugiwara Luffy.1087

Mugiwara Luffy.1087

Centaurs as mounts? That’s plain stupid. Mounts in general are lame in Guild Wars 2 imo. Also, charrs mounting centaurs? That looks stupid. I’m disliking this idea.