Change race/order facility [merged]
Race change is a VERY good idea. The end game has a lot to do with cosmetics, which is why people would pay 110g for RARE t3 armor just for transmute. Race is cosmetic too and if we don’t like the race we chose at the beginning, we should be able to change it!
I’m a no for race change. That’s just too unrealistic for me. Prefer an elite on another race? Make a character with the race that has that elite!
I’d be fine with order change, but only if you gave up the ability to use any armor you had that was for the other order.
Race is NOT cosmetic. If it was this post would not mention changing race due to RACIAL elite.
I am all for a race change. Or the ability to create characters equal to your max lvl character.
Another company has race changes and is probably the most successful company out their and it is in part due to these things.
Or the ability to create characters equal to your max lvl character.
What? What would be the fun in that? That’s what PvP is for
I don’t foresee race changing, it doesn’t make sense because of the story. Act 1 is over but there’s future Act’s in the storyline of our characters on the way and a lot of the characters and situations are tied into your race selection. Just level a new toon I’m working on my 3rd right now.
Order change would be nice, I remember them saying they want to allow people to switch orders via a series of quests or something one day, but they said that right before the game launched so who knows. I think it’s more likely that we will join other orders in future regions like if we go back to Cantha, the factions there, or maybe Elona.
Or the ability to create characters equal to your max lvl character.
What? What would be the fun in that? That’s what PvP is for
Well in my instance I found out later I really cant stand the race of the character I had, so would have gladly paid for a race change. This company dosent have the ability to offer that, so I thought ok I will craft and reset the cheap crafting skill to 0, nope cant do that.
The fun part is not making the same class to 80 twice, so even if they limited the ability to make it the same level as your max level character of the same class.
I think order change only. Gets too messy when you are looking for your human parents, then all the sudden have charr daddy issues.
They already stated race change will not be implemented.
Search feature next time.
We are sworn together by our blood…
I’m a no for race change. That’s just too unrealistic for me. Prefer an elite on another race? Make a character with the race that has that elite!
I’d be fine with order change, but only if you gave up the ability to use any armor you had that was for the other order.
Race is NOT cosmetic. If it was this post would not mention changing race due to RACIAL elite.
and what would be the problem for you? u only make people happy by saving them hundreds of wasted hours if they have to make a new character!
They already stated race change will not be implemented. feature next time.
Game developers say lots of things, dosent make it true or mean you should believe them.
It also does not mean people should not let them know what they want. Who knows you may be right and they won’t due it. Perhaps they don’t have the coding skills of some other company’s and can’t do it.
Race should not be something you can change, as its linked to personal story. You’ll have to replay the entire story, so it’ll be simpler to make a new character.
Profession I could see happening, as long as skill points are not refunded, maybe you’ll even have to re-level up.
As for orders, I’d rather have plot lines to join the other orders too in expansions, or access to the other armors once the Pact happens.
Or simply not have the personal story an option for the character who dd a race change.
I personally would be fine with that, the personal story has not done anything for me yet.
Or make it so that even if it was re played no rewards or xp would be granted for it until they reached the lvl of quests the character was when the change was done.
They already stated race change will not be implemented. feature next time.
Game developers say lots of things, dosent make it true or mean you should believe them.
It also does not mean people should not let them know what they want. Who knows you may be right and they won’t due it. Perhaps they don’t have the coding skills of some other company’s and can’t do it.
You know the search function works pretty well, in turn this thread could have been combined on one of the 30 other threads made for this.
Secondly, if your so willing to re-level and do everything for no rewards and xp just delete and remake your character to a race you want.
lastly you keep saying others companies, just come out ad say Blizzard, and fyi since Ghost crawler has taken over World of Warcraft has been horrible, if you don’t agree with that and blizzard makes you so happy then why are you still here? Arena Net has never offered these types of things and they specifically stated they wont. it is not because they can’t or are not smart enough rather they just do not want to have it. Although blasting a companies ability to preform simple coding methods cause they are not putting something you see as pivotal into the game is not right. When in fact if you don’t like the race your playing delete and start a new one, with a race you do like.
For order armor: If you level up another character you can have them join a different order then buy the armor you want and transmute it onto some common gear. Then it will be transferable to your main.
Read: Playing to Win.
Guide: How to play a Mesmer in dungeons.
For order armor: If you level up another character you can have them join a different order then buy the armor you want and transmute it onto some common gear. Then it will be transferable to your main.
considering that if you dont have the money, or dont want to drop it in the gem store, you will be throwing 1 fine transmute down the toilet just to get the item account bound, then a second one spent on putting useful stats on it. With 5 fine stones costing 360 gems and 100 gems costing typically 1.8g to buy these days: its going to cost you about 2g worth of stones to make that transfer… lest we forget the 1.18-1.84g cost of each individual piece. I would be less jaded about it if they were account bound on purchase.
I sent a message to a moderator recently regarding this same subject. I suggested that they reset the player’s personal story on that character, giving them the ability to play through that storyline, without forcing the player to throw away all of their time spent on that character. I also suggested that they require the player to have complete a character’s personal story in order for it to be eligible for a Race Change. I feel that those two features coupled with a fair gem cost would be more than fair. I am sure there are more technical concerns involved than just the personal story, however I am sure they could resolve them.
I am honestly surprised such a feature that has proven to be both popular, and profitable in World of Warcraft has not been implemented. That is not to say that I enjoy the sad, watered-down, shell of its former self game that it has become more than Guild Wars 2, however, some of Blizzard’s development choices were unarguably clever, popular, and appreciated by their community.
I’m amazed that Anet has not implemented a Race change option already. They could charge quite a high price for it, and even make it a cash only option. Trust me, they would make an absolute killing in profits from this.
As to all of the so-called problems people have raised, like personal stories and such; sorry but those are very easy to deal with. Simply require a toon to be an 80 with every single skill and trait unlocked, and with a completed personal storyline in order to use the “race-change token”. Once used, the race-change token erases all of your previous personal story and simply replaces it with a default (and unalterable) completed storyline for the race that you have chosen.
Also, there is no “rule” that race changes have to be from tokens, or instant. You could keep the requirements i stated above, and Anet could give themselves a 2-week window to implement the requested race-change. I have played many an MMO that had just such a sytem. For example, In LoTRO, when you request (and pay for) a name change, it takes a few days before you actually get the name change option sent to your toon.
C’mon Anet, don’t you guys want more money? —- God knows I would pay through the nose for a race change, and I’m sure I’m not alone in this.
PS: Anet, do you have any idea how many “fan-boys” you would create with a purchasable race-change option; I for one would worship at the alter of GW2 !
by level 80 should have the best statistical loot in the game.
We want everyone on an equal power base.”
(edited by Ision.3207)
Like the original poster, I too realised too late what I wanted couldn’t be achieved simply because of the race I had chosen. I ended up making a new main character (my original main guardian, Naldo Nightleaf, has 62% map completion – sadly, yes, I was that desperate to make a new character simply for the appearance I wanted) just so I could choose the race I was happy with.
I had all my outfits sussed, only to realise it 1) didn’t look as nice on my sylvari, and/or 2) the armour I liked was ‘cultural’ and my sylvari couldn’t wear it anyway. The amount of time and money I then had to reinvest into my new guardian (Spirit Ouverture) just to change the race, was ridiculous, and as a gamer I can say hand on heart it is a real turn off not being able to change races – gosh, even adding it as an option to the gem store for like 300-800 gems would suffice in my opinion, but the fact that there is no option at all other than to reroll completely can turn people away from gw2 altogether.
I think it’s a much needed update either way. That, and dyeable weapons (I live in hope…)
(edited by Zaoda.1653)
Like the original poster, I too realised too late what I wanted couldn’t be achieved simply because of the race I had chosen. I ended up making a new main character (my original main guardian had 62% map completion – sadly, yes, I was that desperate to make a new char simply for the appearance I wanted) just so I could choose the race I was happy with.
I had all my outfits sussed, only to realise it A) didn’t look as nice on my sylvari, or
the armour I liked was ‘cultural’ and my sylvari couldn’t wear it anyway. The amount of time and money I then had to reinvest into a new guardian just to change the race was annoying, and as a gamer I can say hand on heart it is a real turn off not being able to change races – gosh, even adding it as an option to the gem store for like 300-800 gems would suffice in my opinion, but the fact that there is no option at all other than to reroll completely can turn people away from gw2 altogether.
I think it’s a much needed update either way. That, and dyeable weapons (I live in hope…)
I feel for you, and trust me, I can relate.
But you can forget a 300 to 800 gem cost for a race change. Afterall, it cost 1800 gems to transfer to another server. And the race-change option would require a bit of work on Anets end, so you really can’t blame them if they make this option a “high-end” expensive one. I could easily live with a cost of 2500 gems, or 25 dollars.
by level 80 should have the best statistical loot in the game.
We want everyone on an equal power base.”
Agreed, race change will be a good thing in the game, and it could bring more income to the gem store. Wow has it, why not GW2 ?
Really it isn’t an issue of Armor
- that can be changed to set races armor
Personal story lines
- that is not an issue either, as ost players that would want this could care less about personal story line. It could with ease be changed over and then the player could review it in their logs.
None of the arguements against race change is ever an issue for Arena Net.
Now before some of you get excited that another supporte of race change is commenting on this thread that could have been posted on one of the 100 other threads about this. I do not support race change I say if you like the elites or modles of the other races make a new character. Or delete and re-roll.
The real issue is Arena Net specificy stated they are not doing it. So if race change is a thing that is game breaking for you then there are other games that give that option.
Now before some of you get excited that another supporte of race change is commenting on this thread that could have been posted on one of the 100 other threads about this. I do not support race change I say if you like the elites or modles of the other races make a new character. Or delete and re-roll.
The real issue is Arena Net specificy stated they are not doing it. So if race change is a thing that is game breaking for you then there are other games that give that option.
Well hey guy, is it okay for us to make a suggestion to Anet on the suggestion thread? Or do we need someones approval first?
And can we suggest it without being told that if we don’t like the way it is, delete/reroll or go somewhere else?
Believe it or not, game companies often change their minds about things. Especially when there is money to be had, and a player base that will be happy with the changes.
Oh, and by the way, these forums already have moderators monitoring them, I’m sure they don’t need any unsolicited help.
by level 80 should have the best statistical loot in the game.
We want everyone on an equal power base.”
(edited by Ision.3207)
Great idea race change. I have Asura Warrior! But Asura and Heavy set = What a hell, what a ugly., i dont like this armos(TA the alone heavy armor who good on asura, but others, lol… funny). I like warrior. But i dont wanna start again 0 → 80. Its boring. So i finished the game then i start again and lvling warrior ….
Order change – YES (can be done as quests)
Class change – YES (gem store item or whatever)
Race change… that is the only bit of customisation I think should not be possible directly.
As an alternative, how about importing your level 80 character into a “new game plus” (second playthrough), like many singleplayer rpgs have now?
On import you keep:
- gear (will be unequipped)
- skillpoints gained (will all be refunded)
- level gained (and all trait points refunded)
- map exploration
- any currencies
You get to change:
- race
- class
- name
- looks
You should need to buy manuals to unlock trait tiers again, especially if changing class.
Class change why yes? You have Ele, and u wanna Necro? Its i think no. Race change its ofc better, because u start the game, u never played yet. You create Char Mesmer, and when your char mesmer lvl80 and the desing not like, what u can? Nothing… Its very bad… But if u have Race change, u can change human, and the design very cool, and u feel better on the game …
Race change why impossible? Reset personal story u need start again this (u not give again XP) and reset Elite skill points. Its not hard programming. Its easy for programmers… Map Exploration? Okay, then u can bought when your map is 100% (without WvW maps) Its very easy and more players happy if has.
ANet tells you people no, so often, and you still post threads about it.
They’re not going to do it. It doesn’t make sense. The logic of “WoW has it, why not GW2?” is stupid, and if you want to love WoW so much, go and play WoW.
Cmon ANEt, do it!
+1 for Racial Change. This is a great idea!
It should cost a lot! This is automatically appearance change which should add up. I’d say a decent price would be 2000 Gems.
Thanks for bumping this, I was just about to post a similar topic (man, does search ever suck).
I’d love to see class change. I’ve stopped playing GW2 over the last couple months because I’ve become completely disinterested in playing my main (a Guardian, and would love to switch over to a warrior.
Reasons are simple. I don’t want to level another character (I especially don’t want to experience the personal story again), I’d like to keep my rare soulbound items, and I’m willing to pay for the convenience.
Tried coming back for the Southsun events just now, and I simply can’t get myself motivated to play a Guardian.
A suggestion to address the personal story problems with a race change:
Reset the story to 0 and offer the starter quest in the starter zone. Thats the trade off. A pop up appears on your screen…
“By selecting ‘I agree’ you acknowledge that your current personal story progress, achievements, titles, and personality decisions will be reset to 0”
Personally, I’m against it, but if they do put in a racial change, the following should apply:
1. Your level should be reset back to 1 along with story reset to indicate you’re somehow reincarnated into a new body. Such is the price of reincarnating into a new body, you must relearn your experience.
2. Any previous skill points spent are gone, but you can keep any existing ones not used yet.
3. Trait books will have to be purchased again.
4. There is no refunds for cultural armor; you can either vendor it or transmute it onto common armor to hopefully give to another character who was the same previous race and same type of armor class.
5. Any hearts/skill point/vistas/waypoints/areas already discovered or complete are still complete. So although you don’t have to redo them, you don’t get any exp for redoing them.
Having an order change is tricky, it would probably have to be in the form of quests and even then, possibly after the main story is complete.
Race changing makes no sense from a lore standpoint. And you should always aim to minimize contradictions with the lore.
As for changing the orders, I would hope that they’d make that into a storyline thing rather than an item. Like having to talk to an NPC to trigger a chain Personal Story that would end with you being an entry-level member in another Order and having to do all of their questline before you can buy the armors and weapons.
(edited by Olba.5376)
I am not so sure about people using lore as a reason not to allow race changes. If there is some official literature published by Anet that says that race changing is not, nor will ever, be possible in the realm of Tyria then fair enough.
If it is a case of the lore not saying one way or another whether the ability to change race is possible, then that is a different matter entirely.
We already have a wealth of tonics out there that change appearance, albeit temporarily, and a Total Makeover Kit that allows for gender reassignment, so I’m sure some Asura technology or magic oojimaflip that permanently changes race is not too much of a stretch of the imagination.
Personally, I’m against it, but if they do put in a racial change, the following should apply:
1. Your level should be reset back to 1 along with story reset to indicate you’re somehow reincarnated into a new body. Such is the price of reincarnating into a new body, you must relearn your experience.
2. Any previous skill points spent are gone, but you can keep any existing ones not used yet.
3. Trait books will have to be purchased again.
4. There is no refunds for cultural armor; you can either vendor it or transmute it onto common armor to hopefully give to another character who was the same previous race and same type of armor class.
5. Any hearts/skill point/vistas/waypoints/areas already discovered or complete are still complete. So although you don’t have to redo them, you don’t get any exp for redoing them.Having an order change is tricky, it would probably have to be in the form of quests and even then, possibly after the main story is complete.
If I have to go back to level 1, I’d rather just have a way to make all of my soulbound gear account bound.
I would like race change, keep me the same lvl with the same everything unlocked, but make me redo the story quests.
The game really needs a race change feature. I would say this is a must for the next expansion since we are getting new race to play with, right?
So.. here are some ideas:
When you change your race the cultural armor you may have on your char will change as cultural armor of your new race.
When you change your race your personal story will reset and you will get an option to chose from those biography questions that you could customize when you make your character.
Need create petition, and send Anet.
I fully agree with this. I started playing, not reading super much into the big details of the game, and made literally the tallest Norn you can. Now, that I have been playing since the game came out, I have realized having such a gigantic character wasn’t so smart. Doing jumping puzzles is almost impossible sometimes because my character is too tall to even see them correctly. Not only that, but I have truly just become tired of my Norn, he is fun and all but I have a serious want to change his race.
+1 on race change,
because saying ‘’it isnt realistic’’ is invalid if you think this game is realistic i have bad news for you dude
I would like to plus one this. After leveling four humans to lvl 80, I found out how cool it is to be Asura on my fifth toon. I have rerolled two back up to 80, and its not so much fun. I would recommend that it be expensive (1600 gems), and that the player have leveled one character up to level 80 with the new race before they can reroll to that race. Also the personal story should be reset up to your faction storyline, and no exp granted for those quests. Hopefully they can do this sooner rather then later….I would love to see my guardian and mesmer pint sized
Not gonna happen, and it shouldn’t.
Race change means u got a for example a charr at the end and never played the storyline of the charr. Thats kitten.
Stop that begging for more. More this, more that, but more more more!
Maybe all those suggestion forums should be closed. The time that anet need to read those kitten is just the time they could work at the game itself.
And most if not 99% of this topics are kitten.
C’mon, guys. We are playing a fantasy game here, full of magic and power, aren’t we?
A simple spell or cursed item in any role playing system can change your gender, race, and basically anything about you. So, why should you cry over it?
So I made a Charr and then want to change to a Norn? Well, let’s pay some gems, and then do a simple quest or something like that, in which my char changes its race, but its “memories” (the low level quests) are still there. “Yes, I am a Norn, but it wasn’t always like this. I remember when I was a kitty…”.
This is a game, and the idea is to enjoy it. So, let’s make it enjoyable.
P.S. Besides, ANet, you can get some extra bucks with us buying those gems!
@ Sorrow’s Furnace (VE)
yes for race changeee!!!!
+1 for race change.
Nimodem / Sempros
+ 1 race change
I think LOTS of people would buy it even for a huge amount of gems or even real money only…so it would be good for a-net too
About the cultural it should change as you change race: example t3 norn ? t3 asura; shouldn’t be hard, this was already possible in wow at WotlK time if you got ToC tier and change from alliance to horde,or horde to alliance.
For the story I think it should simply reset and for the reward… if you’ve done story till level 68 for example, well you won’t get any reward till that level, fair enough.
Honestly i don’t care for t3 or story I just WANNA CHANGE race!! And I think most of the people think like me….So a-net do what you want but please…do this :/
Biggest problems is not being lazy on re-do personal story, is having legendaries and high level frac and you start to be tired of that race…
Racechange should be an option.
Endgame style/looks is a big part of the endgame identity and after grinding through manny various areas to achieve gear, achievments and so on its not an option to reroll a character for manny people.
There should be a practical way to work around the storyline and make some requirements for people who wants to change race.
And if that means reseting a storyline so u miss the storyline, or have to jump into a new storyline for your new race, then that is a sacrifice alot of people will make.
Ind the end this is a question about supply and demand.
If theres enuff people who demands this service and are willing to pay for it, then it will make a profit, which is what making games is all about.
I would pay for it, no doubt.
Charr Warrior / Morphoux
– Far Shiver Peaks –
I have no particular feeling about race change.
However, for Order change, why not a ‘mission’ (i.e. A quest) to see if you’re suited for the Order:
- A research mission for Priory
- A sneaky-sneak mission for OoW
- A smash-them-in-the-face mission for Vigil.
I think it’d add more immersion than a simple buy and click item.
Time is a river.
The door is ajar.