Cleaning out the inactive players from the guild!
I totally agree on this. I was baffeld that one can not see the last time someone has logged on. Besides that i want an option to see the levels of the characters people have.
Anyhow you’re better of posting this in the suggestion board i think.
You can see levels on the characters if you chose the menu option “roster”
Thank you I will!
No need of posting it again, as I will proceed to move it now.
No problem!
Solved! Now this is the official one.
Cool that it works that fast!
I just created a similar topic (already in suggestions) here:
Mine go’s much further then only seeing who has been inactive but it is part of my post. Maybe they could get merges or something?
I am glad that many players is taking up the subject for discussion, because i need the change now so that my active members stay. So thank you!
(edited by Guldlock.8926)
i want a LAST REPRESENTED time!
dont care about if they play or not, i want to know if they even ever represnt my guild
I agree a last represented time is needed, I know in our guild we have a rule about representing others and it would be nice to see how many of our guildies really comply.
Also as OP said a last online time is also necessary.
The Forgotten Vanguard [TFV], a 18+ great guild. On the Gandara server.
I’m in a large guild which, because of the guild cap had to divide into a few guilds rather than keeping it to one. Inevitably with any game release you get a drop off in numbers by some players a month or two into the game. It’s hard for the leaders to consolidate numbers into fewer guilds without being able to see last activity levels. It seems odd that you can see details like class, level etc in the roster but this useful info is omitted.
An auto boot feature if a guild member is inactive for more than 2-3 months is a good idea aswell as it’s not exactly tough for a person to log into the game briefly every couple of weeks to remain active in the ranks thus preventing there removal from a guild.
We would like to have this feature as well.
Sanctum of Rall – Visit the site for Recruitment!
I was just going through this with my guild leader as well. We have people who guild hop, and basically just join a guild to avoid pugs, and if the primary guild they’re in doesn’t have anyone, they just switch and represent a different one and try to find people to run with them.
We need this implemented as soon as possible.
What my GM did was create another Guild, placed the info in the message of the day bulletin, and he had a Guild meeting in vent, during peek hours of when players where online. He told the active players to represent the New guild, so he had a ball park on the active players.
I would actually like if they could clean out inactive players from servers so that there wouldn’t be servers with high population and thousands of inactive players. There are servers that have high population when in reality are just completely dead.
I might have to agree with this. We should have an option that shows us. It would be nice.
Commander Phantom Spectre
Crystal Desert
Already have this posted, Come show some support and share your ideas !
Already have this posted, Come show some support and share your ideas !
I saw this posted at least 5 times , and that was me alone.
Already have this posted, Come show some support and share your ideas !
I saw this posted at least 5 times , and that was me alone.
People need to use the search bar, I have been keeping this post active and updated for almost 2 weeks now. It’s been top 5 pages there shouldn’t be new posts about Guild Changes. They just need to show support here so Anet recognizes the thread and instead of sifting threw the suggestion boards of players asking for Kittens and QQing about classes.