Greetings. As you might know, the Canthan continent is an Asian-themed Human Empire located on the far east of Tyria. It is the oldest known human nation which existed even before the rest of the humans began to appear on the northern continents of Tyria and Elona. For nearly 200 years we have known very little of Cantha, first due the isolationist policies of the last known Emperor, Usoku, and in the last hundred years as the result of the Elder Dragon Zhaitan blocking Tyria from the outside world.
The continent remains a popular subject of speculation and ideas for future campaigns. The Tengu, possibly the strongest candidate for a future race, was exiled from this land. While there are many possibilities of other expansions, I remain confident that we will visit Cantha again some day in the future.
For this reason, I have prepared a series of proposal that could be interesting for a potential expansion set on the Canthan continent in the following days. Some of these suggestion, the gameplay ones in particular, might be used for other expansions as well. I only hope that some of these ideas might prove useful for inspiration for the future expansions.
The Last Human Empire.
Besides seeing Canthan sailors being sporadically washed ashore on the southern coast of the Maguuma jungles, the people of Tyria have remained almost completely ignorant of the events beyond the cursed land of Orr. Zhaitan’s undead fleets have prevented the races of Tyria from communicating with the outside world for a hundred years.
Mankind’s role in Guild Wars is often compared to the ones of the elves in other settings. An powerful old race, almost divine, that once ruled the world and now are on full retreat with most of their old glories being nothing but a memory. A very classic and refined aesthetic in everything they make, from architecture to crafting weapons. Often too traditional for modern technology compared to the Charr, and in possession of a much more traditional portrait of magic than the likes of the Asura. Often this comes from being an “un-fallen” race in the eyes of the gods. Besides the characteristic pointy ears and immortality, humanity in Guild Wars conform to virtually all the aspects of most elves in fiction.
Going back to Cantha, the Canthan Empire is the biggest human nation in the world. The oldest known human nation in history, with the Empire having existed for more than 300 years before humans on the continents of Tyria and Elona even appeared. Ruled by an unbroken dynasty of Emperors since its formation, and blessed by the stars as Weh no Su since the gods left the world. Although full of decay and ruined as result of Shiro’s Curse in the original Guild Wars: Factions, their capital is a massive megalopolis, as big as the whole old nation of Ascalon, the city of Kaineng easily dwarfs all the cities of the world put together. Cantha was by far the most urbanized and probably the most advanced culture of the original Guild Wars.
Besides the chosen nation of Orr, no nation comes as close to the level of influence and lasting power in Tyria’s history. The Xunlai Guild dominated the financial and banking system of Guild Wars and for centuries the Empire traded with the northern kingdoms in Tyria prior to the isolationist period of Emperor Hanjai’s successor. The Zaishen Order controlled the main access to the Myst, to The Hall of Heroes (Gw1 PvP). Whereas other, once great ancient nations, suffered defeat and became extinct – Orr being sunk under the sea and the Elona dynasty broken and fragmented into independent provinces- the Canthan Empire survived even in the face of almost annihilation by Shiro Tagachi and still remained powerful.
It is for these reasons that I believe that Canthans in Guild Wars 2 should be characterized as the High Elves of Guild Wars 2, or at least believe themselves to be such, the Imperialist version of the High Elves. Xenophobic, arrogant, proud of its history and position, dominant and tremendously powerful. Given what we know about what happened 200 years ago in Cantha under the last known Emperor, Usoku, and the xenophobic Ministry of Purity, it is more than likely they do so. (The Orrians might have had a stronger case to be called High Elves once, as the chosen ones of the gods, when they were alive, but all of them are dead now).
While it’s unlikely to see a full human continent. It is likely that any future Guild Wars 2 campaign will be pretty human-centered one with humans being the dominant species in the campaign and the plot mostly revolving around them. The Canthan campaign is also a pretty strong candidate to explore the origin of mankind and its place in the world of Guild Wars 2. Even more if we expand beyond the original Guild Wars: Faction borders if we take into account that the first humans came from somewhere south of the Canthan continent.
(edited by Legion.4198)