Combat UI improvements

Combat UI improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Esorono.1039


Going out from the posts on reddit, I think what is being said by GM’s, is in the grey zone (they won’t give a specific answer if if’s allowed or not), for the following reasons:

The use of CM in itself, is not going to be banned, since it doesn’t play any part of the game for you, it’s just a fancy type of “tape down your right mouse button”, you still have to do every single action yourself


They want to keep the option for banning people open, just in case the CM is ‘exploited’. e.g. Tweaks being made to CM, to let 1 button press, play the game for you, aka : botting etc

If they publicly stated the use of CM is allowed and somebody finds a way to exploit the system, they don’t have a foot to stand on, so they’re not able to ban that specific person. That’s why their answer is in the grey zone imo.
If it was NOT allowed, they would have made a statement, saying specifically that.

This is just my opinion though

This does make sense, I looked at another topic about a FoV mod and they locked it and said it isn’t allowed. They never did that to CM, but they do their best to ignore a conversation about it.

EDIT: Yay! 8 pages of love for this, let’s keep it up! <3

Playable Tengu please!

Combat UI improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: JediSange.1645


I don’t understand why a dev hasn’t commented on the inclusion of this. One of the biggest goals of GW2 (as stated in early development) was to become a contender in the realm of eSports.

Right now you effectively have Paradigm and Legacy trying to hold on to that idea, but here we are almost a month out and we have barely got any support for it. I think it is confirmed that a PvP patch is hitting October 6th, but no word as to a mode like this.

Dislike. =(

Combat UI improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Boogiepop Void.6473

Boogiepop Void.6473

Why make an action RPG interface for 90% of the game and leave the camera and targeting controls in the same state they have been in since before Baldur’s Gate?

Combat UI improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zasif.7368


if the devs add this as a option for Players to make themselfs to the game , would be really awsome and fun to see how it plays out because then u can chose your way of playing the game , best game is always the one that makes u chose your Style of playing , gw2 did that with Gameplay and should do the same with Option styles.

See u all ingame!!! gg ,gl .

Combat UI improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: sphonz.3129


This needs to be implemented as an option. I know I have been wanting combat mode in the game ever since I played tera, vindictus, raiderz, and the guild wars 2 beta. Or at least a ‘toggle rmb/camera’ option.

Real time action combat feels more intuitive, especially if you play a lot of fps games. It also makes dodging and movement control in general feel more fluid and easier to perform. This is especially important, because movement, positioning and dodging become a critical part if the game.

Some people might say that adding RTACM would be an unnecessary waste of time and resources. To this, I say that it is not any more unnecessary than autotargeting and autoattacking, both of which are in the game, due in part to the amount of backlash anet received for not including those options in early builds of gw2. That was probably because autoattack and autotarget have long been the standard in most [hotkey/bar-based] mmos, which is not necessarily a very good reason to include them any more than it would be to not include real time action combat mode.

Additionally, RTACM seems to be where new mmos are heading, so adding the option might make the game continue to feel modern (more so than it already does), and in turn might extend the longevity of the game, or reach out to more players in the future.

If it isn’t obvious, I am very excited about this modification, but I have yet to use it, because I have been experiencing computer troubles lately. However, I generally believe that more options are a good thing to include in video games, even if I am not particularly interested in a certain option. I believe that I have sufficiently demonstrated a few good reasons why RTACM ought to be included in this game, and addressed a common objection as to why it shouldn’t be included.

Finally, the original reason the author made combat mode was to help players with disabilities play the game easier and better, which is a great reason. More games ought to include such features, but sadly many games do not cater to or attempt to help the least advantaged group involved. The only option that comes to mind is colorblind mode, which I believe is not present in any mmo, though I might be wrong about that.
Recently, I saw a video of a disabled gw2 player playing the game with only his mouth and earlobes, I believe, because he is nearly paralyzed. I am unsure exactly how he performed such a great feat, but I am very impressed.

So the question remains, “why not include it?” if enough players speak up in favor of CM, then it may well be implemented, so do your part!

Combat UI improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jay.9407


Wooow great responses from all of you so true I read most of them all! keep it up!

Combat UI improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zasif.7368


yeah i hope the Devs see this and make it happend .

Combat UI improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Boogiepop Void.6473

Boogiepop Void.6473

On behalf of all players with RSI, please add this. Hold down Right Click is just about the single worst possible command set you could give a person with this type of injury. And quite frankittenhis would make combat a lot more fun.

Combat UI improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Miseris.7498


We really need a post from Jon Peters already with a with a post saying they acknowledge the community’s desire for this feature and that they’ll work on it.

It’s really not sufficient to leave this as an AHK script and leave it at this; this is a must have feature to a lot of people, that will never work as well as a proper feature added directly to the game.

Keep posting guys, ArenaNet needs to acknowledge this as something players want. Maybe we need to start posting on their twitter and their facebook page or something.

Combat UI improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: RLHawk.3290


I would really like this. I don’t like having to hold down my right mouse button all the time. And many people (my wife for example) that could be more skilled than they are are less skilled because they don’t even try to play that way — they just move around with and only turn the camera when necessary. I think defaulting to a free look mode similar to Oblivion/Skyrim would be much better personally.

IGN: Elvendir (Elementalist)
Sea of Sorrows

Combat UI improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Mauricio.1932


I have been playing the game and I have to express my happiness for this mod, it looks simply beautiful and the combat seems much better then the current!

Combat UI improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: solanu.3784


Arena Net has already said this mod is illegal and they will not be implementing it. You should just delete this post.

Necromancer 80 – Guardian 80 – Thief 80 – Warrior 80 – Mesmer 33

Combat UI improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: solanu.3784


I don’t like having to hold down my right mouse button all the time. And many people (my wife for example) that could be more skilled than they are are less skilled because they don’t even try to play that way — they just move around with and only turn the camera when necessary.

If they dont even try to move the camera, then they definitely would not be “more skilled” with this mod. Camera control is a basic concept that is easy to learn and master. Also it requires players to be quicker to react, thus making you a more skilled player.

This mod is just an easy mode for lazy people.

Necromancer 80 – Guardian 80 – Thief 80 – Warrior 80 – Mesmer 33

Combat UI improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Moderator.1462


Since the position of Anet has been stated regarding the use of this mod, this thread is closed.