Coming back achievements?
I imagine they’ll be back. I finished them all but it’d make sense and I’d hope that they return.
I totally agree with you, they shouldn’t force us to do the achievements again, wasn’t fun grinding through most of them, and I don’t want to do them again. They should open them up and let people have the opportunity to finish whatever they have missed. I for once, have finished everything so far, except for the stupid 8 orb liadri that I can’t seem to get it. But all in all, I agree with what you said.
Engineer and Elementalist in progress…
Generally achevements should be logical. If event comes back they should come back.
If the event is in the past they should be closed.
But I wonder how should fractal dungeons come with this, since we can traver through time and soon we will se living story dungeons in there.