(edited by Drium.8509)
Commander Rating
What, no other feedback? Bump.
Be careful with bumps, they could get you a forum suspension. Mods dont like them at all (I was almost suspended for one).
But yes, great idea. A player voted approval rating would be nice. Like, if the commander participated in an event, all players in the event could +1 him or -1 him. No scores lower than 0. Liek you cant have a commander with negative score.
Sounds like a good idea, although it may be difficult to keep Internet trolls from down voting a commander just because.
Also…if you got a troll commander who’s popular with his guild…they could keep him way above average while he’s leading people to their deaths.
What if rating system worked like on newgrounds.com? More points you have, more value is your vote.
Let me address the concerns:
1. A guild could up-vote or down-vote a commander.
That’s fine. This is called Guild Wars, after all. If you have a guild big enough to sway your rating like that, then chances are you’re worth your hide as a commander. Likewise, if a big enough guild decides to downvote a commander, there is probably a reason for it. On my server we have a commander who declared he used his credit card to buy gems, turn them into gold, and buy the commander book, and he has no idea how to WvW. Guilds would love a way to shut him down so that the zerg doesn’t follow him.
Basically, this being called Guild Wars, I think it’s fine if guilds get together commander-voting efforts. If a commander gets up-voted or down-voted despite being bad or good, then submit a report and let the GMs handle it. Most of the huge guilds I know, that aside, pooled their money to buy someone who knows what he’s doing the commander book, so I think it’s important to let those guilds show off that kind of effort.
2. More points being worth better votes.
I don’t think this is a bad idea, and it would let the good commanders vote other commanders up or down in a meaningful way. This is especially important if a good commander is trying to lead a battle and a bad commander is messing things up for them.
3. A troll commander being voted up by a troll guild.
This should be a reportable offense that GMs would deal with.
I don’t like the “voting” way to make a commander “better”. I prefer the game itself add rank to commanders automatically for every WvW capture he/she is present, and change the blue icon to a golden icon or any other color so everybody know that commander is good. (Should be different for PvE, with separate rank and icon for PvE events completed; A good commander in WvW is not the same as a good commander on PvE)
Also, change the way you can be a commander; it’s just “buy it”, hmmm, I am already seeing 3 or 4 commanders at the same time on WvW, in some months I bet we will see 50 commanders just running everywhere like flies.