~My Gallery~ http://mrtomus.minus.com/
(edited by Tomus.8632)
~Barber for hairstyles or some plastic surgery for changing faces across the game
~Trade between players
~Inspect armors of other players
~Guild Halls
~Dyable weapons
~Buyable lipsticks with different colors, dyes for hairstyles.
~Guild Capes
~More armor and weapon skinns
~Something like your profile on site (Something like an Wow armory, I am not really fan of World of Warcraft but this idea is great)
~Obsidian armor from Guild Wars 1 <3
~Cantha and Elona
~Norn hairstyles for Human females and vice versa.
(edited by Tomus.8632)
~Barber for hairstyles or some plastic surgery for changing faces across the game
~Trade between players
~Inspect armors of other players
~Guild Halls
~Dyable weapons
~Buyable lipsticks with different colors, dyes for hairstyles.
~Guild Capes
~More armor and weapon skinns
~Something like your profile on site (Something like an Wow armory, I am not really fan of World of Warcraft but this idea is great)
~Obsidian armor from Guild Wars 1 <3
~Cantha and Elona![]()
~Norn hairstyles for Human females and vice versa.
Thank you!
Great suggestions “cross fingers” hope Anet reads this.
Hope so too!
Add mounts, they dont need to be super fast, just fast enough so that I dont want to tear my face off when im travelling everywhere as a slow necro. It also adds a farmability / collectibility factor to the game aswell as being able to sell a few in the gem store (dont however make these like mini pets where you can only find them in the gem store -_-).
Fix dungeons, give them mechanics instead of rediculous amounts of HP and burst damage. It doesnt make for compelling gameplay or fun things to farm, its depressing seeing the repair costs at the end of it and then being rewarded with useless sigils that ill need to farm 500 more of to get a weapon.
Add new item models, something ive noticed alot recently is that theres roughly 10 or less models for each armour piece / weapon, Infact ive only seen 3 staff models so far, its very boring and everyone would look the same if not for dyes which is a nice feature but makes it seem like a bandaid for lack of modelling which it shouldnt be. A fix could maybe be taken from Valve’s book, a community workshop where people can post their models up and add more variety to the game.
Trading between players, self explainitory.
Dueling with players, Im actually very confused as to why this and trading arent already in the game, its like a fundemental part of MMO’s and its enjoyable, I have nowhere to test my skills at in 1v1 or battle my friends to test their PvP abilities.
Can you add: Guild Mail system, where the ones with permission can send guild wide mails to all members representing.
Or how you would formulate it
Really REALLY nice list Gonna read through it all soon, and see if there are some other things I have thought of.
I am missing a keybind (I think yhat is how you call it) for the ‘send item to chat’ option.
Cntrl is nice for one item but shift for multiple items to chat >.< SO ANNOYING !
I use shift often for other things. In Guild Wars 2 I use it for Target enemy nearest. I am so used to this, that it is REALLY annoying to switch and if I do use it, I start sending my skills to chat and I’m unable to move because w-a-s-d is also being send to chat….
They should allow us to change wich button we want to use for ‘send item to chat’.
Some of these are nonsense:
Option to have vertical sidebars (Quickbars) WHY? Wich functions besides attack/support you will use?
Option to disable cut-scenes. WHY? just click cancel in these. Make ANET work in more important things than that….
Option to enable ‘target of target’. Why? Are you a tank? A healer?
Improve Fog Of War make it more definable to show the areas not yet explored. The blurry part of the map is enought…
Ability to disable/enable armor/weapon visual effects.
Option to ‘turn off’ effects for boss fights. – PVE
Option to ‘turn off’ green hightlight effects on objects and players.
Traveling to Waypoints: Too expensive Neccesary gold sink. They muy be free if you die… only the closer one.
(edited by marianitten.1247)
Add mounts, they dont need to be super fast, just fast enough so that I dont want to tear my face off when im travelling everywhere as a slow necro.
You know that necromancer had a perma 10% speed up.. right?
Thank you for putting this list together. I came to make a few suggestions, that I find myself asking for constantly, and they are all there. I hope to see some of these added in some upcoming update patches.
I agree that the UI needs some work. Defiantly need a fully customized drag/drop/lock UI and need to add support for Surround View setups. You can get a surround compatible video card for $200 and 22" monitors for $100 a piece. They also should fix the cut scenes to work with surround view too.
When crafting NEW RECIPES you should be able to pull them from your material box rather then having to have them in you pack.
All crafted items looks the same, crafters should be able to unlock designs and apply them to items being crafted.
Cash Shop
I really don’t like the “apply to item” costumes, the classic costume slots would be much better.
Items need to be added to remake your characters appearance.
It seems silly but I do like the idea of player housing. Not the traditional housing but a place you can upgrade with all the tools you need for crafting, mail, ect… Also playing through and receiving “Trophies” (which is actually just junk) I always wonder what it would be like to unlock trophies from events and placing them on my mantle lol.
Wow, this is a long list. I have suggestion for you next time you make something like this: Google Doc it. I’ll have to go through it all but I can already see theres a lot of good ideas here
These are missing, hopefully you add them, I just want a game where dedicated and pet-orientated playstyle is actually viable.
Ranger pets:
This is a collective list. If I am missing any suggestions, please feel free to post! Thanks!
i made a thread about a new weapon type that started to get attention if you would kindly add it here i would appreciate it.
I haven’t seen it on the list on first glance, so here would me my addition:
- Open up the visuals of the Norn Spirit forms (bear, wolf, raven & snowleopard) for roleplaying purposes – an idea is to utilize the town cloth panel for this to make it a non-combat-thing similar to the already existing town clothes.
The same could be used for other races, too. One good example would be golem suits for our Asuran friends.
Some unsorted suggestions:
- Allow players to display their characters’ headgear during dialogue cutscenes;
- Sylvari town clothes are only recolorable in very small areas; please add a dye channel for the remaining 75% of the garment.
- The rare (yellow) dungeon armor skin is the same for all dungeons, and also drops from monsters in explorable zones. This armor skin should be unique to dungeons.
- Please remove the option for players to put up items for sale from anywhere in the world; have them walk up to a Black Lion Trader, or at least reduce this to “anywhere in a non-instanced city”.
1) Arena DM 2v2 and 3v3 modes
2) CTF mode
3) Armor changes it’s looks after a while fighting in it – blood splatter marks, scratches
4) Character animation improvements
5) Camera improvements
6) Downed State removal from PvP OR revamping it so that the downed players have as three times as less HP, can’t teleport/knockdown/turn invisible. In addition, time needed to stomp a downed player needs to be at least halved
7) Finisher moves for the Downed State that are profession/armor specific. Also, for some downed state finishers the downed player needs to not be on the ground, but rather standing up – Mortal Combat style.
For instance, as a warrior, I want to be able to grab my enemy head and impale it on my shoulder spikes, decapitate him, step on his head with my heavy armor boot, impale him with a sword, split his head with an axe etc.
Casters might be able to incinerate, summon a portal through which demon hands appear dragging him inside, turn him to stone/ice and then chip his head off, mesmers covering downed players with some cloth after which the player disappears – like a magicians trick, etc.
Rangers can order their pets to go for the throat, stick an arrow in the enemy head, send a flaming arrow to set the downed player on fire etc.
Rogues could jump on their back, stabbing them multiple times in the chest, throw a dagger that sticks in the throat, send a barrage of arrows that impales the victim etc.
8) Implement items with a chance to drop in the dungeons, while not removing the current system
9) Mob AI needs to be drastically improved for both DEs and dungeons, and we need much deeper and more complex encounters – again both DEs and dungeons. As a reference see the “We need outward scaling, not just upward” topic in DE forum
10) Make it so that players in both tPvP and WvWvW aren’t completely colored blue/red/green, but instead wear colored capes or banners
11) Allow showing names in WvWvW – toggle-able through game options
12) Allow weapon skills 1-5 to be customizable. Each skill should have 2-3 different possibilities so that players can additionally differ, and so that we can customize our play styles
13) Ability to wear sPvP and WvWvW armor in the PvE part of the game
14) Better rewards from DEs and dungeons
(edited by Raging Bull.5048)
The ten most important (my opinion, of course):
Already available in a way, just not obvious:
Disagree with:
(edited by Knux.6054)
An item regarding chat that does not look to be on the original list:
Also, I made a post regarding the addition of a Stealth profession skill to the Thief class (https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/suggestions/Add-Longer-Duration-Stealth-Profession-Skill/first#post140769), which I think would be a nice improvement to the Thief.
Option for notification of friends/guildmates logging in or out.
let us zoom the camera out further so melee can actually see what they’re hitting when fighting large mobs/bosses, also i find it hard to actually enjoy the beautiful scenery you guys worked so hard on when i have such a limited field of view
Some of these are nonsense:
Option to have vertical sidebars (Quickbars) WHY? Wich functions besides attack/support you will use?
Option to disable cut-scenes. WHY? just click cancel in these. Make ANET work in more important things than that….
Option to enable ‘target of target’. Why? Are you a tank? A healer?
Improve Fog Of War make it more definable to show the areas not yet explored. The blurry part of the map is enought…*
Ability to disable/enable armor/weapon visual effects.
Option to ‘turn off’ effects for boss fights. – PVE
Option to ‘turn off’ green hightlight effects on objects and players.
- post-proccessiong off.
Traveling to Waypoints: Too expensive Neccesary gold sink. They muy be free if you die… only the closer one.
1) the ability to have food or other consumables in a quick bar would be very helpful.
2) yes sometimes I like to take the role of a healer or a tank and having target of target would be nice.
Couple things I did not see in the list:
Pay gems for Character Name Change
Pay gems for Character Sex Change
I have a male silvari ranger that just looks stupid in medium armor. I have seen female toons wearing the same armor that look cool. I do not like running around with a character that looks stupid.
I wondered if anyone else feels that the Deep Cave and Treasure Trove should have separate desposit/withdraw options for the guild ranks. That way you can have:
- a central area that all members can withdraw and deposit to
- a central area everyone can deposit to but only certain members withdraw from
- and a central area that has both limited desposit and withdrawal privileges
Great list, by the way.
In crafting panel need to be able to filter crafting level recipes, eg, 0-75, 75-150, etc
so you dont have to scroll through tons of low level stuff to see the ones you are currently using (the components become greyed out while they are still needed to complete that section).
Please add:
Guild Mail system: The ones with permission can send guild-wide mails to all members representing.
Guild Hall: Where you can go and craft or chat with your guildmates. Should represent the current upgrades of the guild.
Guild Wars: I’m amazed that this is not in the game to begin with. Guild with <insert ranking system> vs Guild with same ranking pitch against each other in a 8v8 battle in “destroying” the other guild. Capture the flag or Kill the boss type battle.
I’ll come up with some more stuff
Keep/Tower Lord and Orb altar unkillabe until after relevant gate/wall is down. They can remain killable after that event till keep/tower is no longer contested. This should stop the hackers/exploiters from ninjaing keeps/orbs without any effort.
~Barber for hairstyles or some plastic surgery for changing faces across the game
~Norn hairstyles for Human females and vice versa.
This. So much of that, haha. I would love to have so many of those norn hair styles for humans and the ability to change my character slightly >.>
My favorites are:
-leaving on environment names
-transparency adjustment on map
-show/hide icons on world map (i’d love to see a “show only finished/unfinished items” option so I can see all hearts/vistas/etc that I have already completed or HAVEN’T done)
-portal tooltips on map
-all allies shown on mini map for wvw
ALL TRADING POST suggestions listed, particularly preview and filters
-voice pitch customization is soooooo cool
-I want more town clothes and be able to wear them constantly. all town clothes suggestions yes.
-see titles on mouseover
-separate button for looting
-rare crafting materials, and sub-crafting materials should have collectible slots in bank
-salvage kits and harvesting tools account-bound
-hide items that are soul-bound to another character
great list. thanks for putting it together. I would like:
keyboard assignable fullscreen/window toggle
I would love to be able to change the color of my characters’ hair accessories from the hero panel after character creation, just like you do with armour colors. The female Norn with the long curly hair and a full bandana is a prime example. Thank you for your consideration.
Solaria.2840 posted an excellent list of suggestions above by the way (preview armour from TP would be awesome and could improve the trading economy).
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