Guild Pro Baddies [Pro] @ Tarnished Coast
Completing Story should award Precursor
Guild Pro Baddies [Pro] @ Tarnished Coast
Those who rushed for legendaries at launch got theres the cheapest;
I do like how you ignored anything you might’ve learned in the economics lesson.
They didn’t get their legendaries cheaper at launch, as the value of a single gold coin was much higher than it is currently. (Or then the precursor prices were really low during the time during which my BLTC didn’t work. Took some 2 weeks after launch for my BLTC to start working, so sorry if that is the case)
One gold coin at launch is about equivalent to 8 gold coins currently.
people at this present time have to work harder than those before them. Now, is that justified?
Work hareder? No. Go make fractals and you are showered with gold coins. At launch, this certainly was not a possibility. (Btw, no, I don’t have a legendary, I’m going to get mine later on, as it seems it is increasingly easier to get.)
But now, we must consider, a compromise from both parties. The majority apposed claim those who try to reason it to be fairer are treated woth disrespect and looked down upon. This should not be the case.
We should not go artificially go altering prices determined by the player-run economy.
These precursors lead to the legendaries; a milestone to be achieved by the dedicated players; not an item that may be bragged or shown off with vanity.
Legendaries are meant for prestige. By definition, they are vanity items.
The argument stands that legendaries shouldn’t be obtainable by all; on the other hand, it can be said that it shouldn’t matter if many players have it; one who has one shouldn’t care or disapprove of the next guy in line attempting to achieve his aswell.
The current system gives Legendaries very high prestige value, no matter how you obtained one. No matter what you do, you need to work ingame for countless of hours even if you got lucky with the precursor. (Or then you’re seriously insame millionaire who paid a few thousand dollars for ingame item, but I think we can safely assume those people are the non-existant minority.)
Guild Wars 2 has a policy of standing on the side of the casual, when it comes to its ideals and manifesto.
ANet isn’t full of casual carebears, they are trying to provide content for all types of gamers. Yes, the core game favors casuals, therefore there need to be some prestige items and achievements to please the HC gamers.
Therefore, a compromise should be reached on the matter at hand between the Devs, and the players on either side of the argument. When a good amount of players are voicing their opinion on a feature/item/etc., it should at least be allowed to be discussed in a polite manner and productive manner instead of saying ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ followed by repetitive statements.
So, as a compromise, lets have a slightly less legendary item introduced in the game to allow the more casual players to achieve something of lesser prestige for less effort?
Just handing out legendaries would hardly be a compromise.
In conclusion, as I state once again, we should compromise on the matter, that way we achieve something for both sides, and can let this matter at hand end.
Yes, I agree. We should do something about the matter so that people complaining here would be happy. I just do not think that throwing the few HC players efforts into the thrash bin in the favor of a few casuals, who don’t want to bother running that RNG generator long enough to either have the gold or the precursor for the legendary, would be a good idea.
Wait wait wait… So, lets throw the entire BLTC into a garbage bin?
You can’t do anything that radical with the costliest items in the game, the economy would take a major hit. There would be players leaving the game, some might even riot at Wall St.
What is even worse: “of your choice”! C’moon, this is just asking to make the game easier for ya. It’d completely ruin the Legendary part of Legendaries.Sounds like someone that is working the precursor market.
The exit is that way bro —-->
Sounds like somebody who didn’t even bother reading the thread. I stated already that I do not have a legendary, nor even a precursor.
I think you know where the exit was.
People who can’t tend to call the opponent troll, scream something utterly incomprehensible
and finally result to personal insults.
It wasn’t looted from a random mob, it was found in very specific place during an important quest. If a very many very specific things had not occured in order it would never have been found at all. That is not random chance, that is an epic quest.
I do not understand how you feel that some random cave would be a “very special place”… Just because there was a legendary item in it? Just because it was the home of the trashmob dropping the legendary item?
And for the person who found the item, it wasn’t even that important quest, he was just hanging around having fun exploring.
More than that, Precursers aren’t Legendary items, they are items on the path to becoming Legendary. A path that includes exploring the world, defeating many others in battle, becoming extremely skillful and still more.
By that definition, only Aragorn’s sword would be a legendary item in LotR, which isn’t the case in my opinion. As others have already stated, there were other legendary items too. (Although I do not agree on every single one)
Becoming Legendary is to actually go out and DO things.
So, a sword becomes legendary just because it is held by a mighty swordsman? Nah, more likely it becomes a legendary because it was smith’d by a skillful smith or enchanted by a powerful enchanter. Which is more or less the case with the ring.
Sitting around gambling away the junk you happen to have and hope something good pops out does not fit the mold for that path.
How many people still do that, after the chances were reduced, and the price for the items inflated?
Completing the story is at least doing something, and ending the tyrrany of an Elder Dragon is still a pretty legendary thing to do.
One could say that killing mobs is at least doing something. Or gathering gold for buying the materials is at least something. At least those two require, on average, a legendary amount of work for that legendary. Completing the story is something people just do for the sake of the story, and is overly easy method of obtaining something so valuable anyways.
Ultimately your LotR analogy doesn’t actually hold anyway.
It doesn’t need to serve as anything more than an example, mind you.
The ring was not, in fact, a legendary anything. It was simply a quest item that also had a usable effect on the holder.
One might argue it was made to be a legendary item, so what it was related to a quest? There are dozens of quests known to the MMORPG world where the quest item is more or less meant to be legendary.
People who can’t tend to call the opponent troll, scream something utterly incomprehensible
and finally result to personal insults.
These precursors lead to the legendaries; a milestone to be achieved by the dedicated players; not an item that may be bragged or shown off with vanity.
Legendaries are meant for prestige. By definition, they are vanity items.
The argument stands that legendaries shouldn’t be obtainable by all; on the other hand, it can be said that it shouldn’t matter if many players have it; one who has one shouldn’t care or disapprove of the next guy in line attempting to achieve his aswell.
The current system gives Legendaries very high prestige value, no matter how you obtained one. No matter what you do, you need to work ingame for countless of hours even if you got lucky with the precursor. (Or then you’re seriously insame millionaire who paid a few thousand dollars for ingame item, but I think we can safely assume those people are the non-existant minority.)
Guild Wars 2 has a policy of standing on the side of the casual, when it comes to its ideals and manifesto.
ANet isn’t full of casual carebears, they are trying to provide content for all types of gamers. Yes, the core game favors casuals, therefore there need to be some prestige items and achievements to please the HC gamers.
My question is, why does “prestige” to you equal mindless grinding for hours/days/weeks/months on end? How does that say anything about you or your character other than dogmatic determination, downright good luck, or copious wealth? How is any of that more prestigious than actually knowing how to play your character and being able to complete difficult quests and fights? You keep advocating the hardcore players but I fail to see anything hardcore about mindless grinding. Hardcore by definition describes someone committed to the game and the gameplay. Hardcore refers to someone who knows their character inside and out like the back of their hand and can play at the highest skill level. Hardcore has nothing to do with grindathons.
Edit: By the way, xCrusadentx, very well written post with good points—particularly the reminders about civility.
Sea of Sorrows
(edited by Kasaeva.4691)
After getting my Juggernaut done.. this would be a giant slap in the face of all those who have worked hard to obtain theirs.
It’s hard to get for a reasaon, Anet will NEVER make it apart of the reward for story completion. Enjoy dreaming.
this is the WORST logic ever.
so becouse a design is severely flawed and badly made it should NEVER get changed becouse some people already had to deal with it and so should every one else have to as well?!
how old are you? 10?-13?..seriously. the base design on how to obtain precursors are severely broken and have nothing to do with anything but LUCK!! which is just wrong, especially in a game like gw2 where they tried to design everything else so that its a “fair mans game” and luck should have VERY little to do with it.
and BTW: having to complete as example the entire world map, all puzzles, all storyline etc. 100% completion is a kitten of alot harder then anything else you can come up with and it is diffinately more of a “show that you REALLY deserve a legandary precurser” then just being “lucky” or RMT’ing your gold to just buy it -.-
So all of us who already busted our backs working for our Legendary just get the shaft because you’re lazy and want a hand out? No. It’s hard for a reason.
My age has nothing to do with this but since you brought it up…. I’m 28.
7 of those 28 years was spent in FFXI, in those 7 years I got to Stage 3 Relic weapon ( there are 5 grueling stages ). If you want to see how hard Anet could of made this.. look at FFXIs equivalent to a Legendary. Maybe then you’ll appreciate how EASY this games Legendarys are to get. Then maybe you’ll understand why I, and others, are against this.
The game actually makes you wait a week on the 5th stage to get your Legendary back from the NPC, a day on the 2nd stage, 3 days on 3rd stage… You have NO idea how easy GW2 Legendarys really are to obtain…
Illivatur – Juggernaut – Eternity – Jade Quarry
After getting my Juggernaut done.. this would be a giant slap in the face of all those who have worked hard to obtain theirs.
It’s hard to get for a reasaon, Anet will NEVER make it apart of the reward for story completion. Enjoy dreaming.
this is the WORST logic ever.
so becouse a design is severely flawed and badly made it should NEVER get changed becouse some people already had to deal with it and so should every one else have to as well?!
how old are you? 10?-13?..seriously. the base design on how to obtain precursors are severely broken and have nothing to do with anything but LUCK!! which is just wrong, especially in a game like gw2 where they tried to design everything else so that its a “fair mans game” and luck should have VERY little to do with it.
and BTW: having to complete as example the entire world map, all puzzles, all storyline etc. 100% completion is a kitten of alot harder then anything else you can come up with and it is diffinately more of a “show that you REALLY deserve a legandary precurser” then just being “lucky” or RMT’ing your gold to just buy it -.-
So all of us who already busted our backs working for our Legendary just get the shaft because you’re lazy and want a hand out? No. It’s hard for a reason.
My age has nothing to do with this but since you brought it up…. I’m 28.
7 of those 28 years was spent in FFXI, in those 7 years I got to Stage 3 Relic weapon ( there are 5 grueling stages ). If you want to see how hard Anet could of made this.. look at FFXIs equivalent to a Legendary. Maybe then you’ll appreciate how EASY this games Legendarys are to get. Then maybe you’ll understand why I, and others, are against this.
The game actually makes you wait a week on the 5th stage to get your Legendary back from the NPC, a day on the 2nd stage, 3 days on 3rd stage… You have NO idea how easy GW2 Legendarys really are to obtain…
We aren’t talking about Final Fantasy legendaries….. We are discussing Guild Wars 2, so you cannot compare the two.
My question is, why does “prestige” to you equal mindless grinding for hours/days/weeks/months on end? How does that say anything about you or your character other than dogmatic determination, downright good luck, or copious wealth? How is any of that more prestigious than actually knowing how to play your character and being able to complete difficult quests and fights?
There are various different types of prestige titles and gear.
If you want to show that you are good at completing difficult fights-> Been There Done That or Fractal Gear
If you want to show that you are good at completing dungeons -> Dungeon armor
If you want everybody to know you’re insanely committed to the game -> Legendary
You keep advocating the hardcore players but I fail to see anything hardcore about mindless grinding. Hardcore by definition describes someone committed to the game and the gameplay.
Assume you play only 1 hour once a month, you never finish what you start ingame, you are the very idol of uncommitted player. Is it likely you will get a Legendary weapon? No. Ergo, you got to be committed to the game in order to get a legendary. So aren’t you just saying what I’m saying about HC players?
Hardcore refers to someone who knows their character inside and out like the back of their hand
No, thats a roleplayer
People who can’t tend to call the opponent troll, scream something utterly incomprehensible
and finally result to personal insults.
FFXI had specific recipes with specific places to farm. Certainly it was a bit more grindy, but it was finite steps for a finite goal. Precursors are complete RNG – the one in a million from a chest/mob is not reliable enough to consider it grindable, so it’s a complete game of throwing rares/exotics into a toilet and hoping to get lucky, or being filthy rich. Certainly not difficult, certainly not legendary – just annoying. Many of us would prefer ‘grind’ over ‘RNG’ even if the RNG were much faster, as it is much easier to apply yourself to that goal rather than go, welp, is this going to cost me 12G or 1200G?
We aren’t talking about Final Fantasy legendaries….. We are discussing Guild Wars 2, so you cannot compare the two.
Now, note that I do not have a legendary myself, not even a precursor so don’t go making assumptions about that either, but I am still against making Legendaries easier to obtain. Why? Simply because the game needs some good prestige items.
Prestige doesn’t work if you hand out the items for every random newbie who happened to complete the story line.
Imho, you need to go get a legendary, then complain how hard getting one was and provide constructive criticism. At the moment it just sounds like bunch of lazy people whining because they want an easy mode.
People who can’t tend to call the opponent troll, scream something utterly incomprehensible
and finally result to personal insults.
My question is, why does “prestige” to you equal mindless grinding for hours/days/weeks/months on end? How does that say anything about you or your character other than dogmatic determination, downright good luck, or copious wealth? How is any of that more prestigious than actually knowing how to play your character and being able to complete difficult quests and fights?
There are various different types of prestige titles and gear.
If you want to show that you are good at completing difficult fights-> Been There Done That or Fractal Gear
If you want to show that you are good at completing dungeons -> Dungeon armor
If you want everybody to know you’re insanely committed to the game -> Legendary
I believe a legendary should say all of the above. A legendary is meant to say something about every aspect of the game—not just that you can complete a grindathon. If you read my first post, that is exactly what I said. It should show that you’re insanely committed to the game in all aspects—not merely smacking risen around in Orr and standing in the middle of Lion’s Arch playing the lottery. It should say you know how to play.
You keep advocating the hardcore players but I fail to see anything hardcore about mindless grinding. Hardcore by definition describes someone committed to the game and the gameplay.
Assume you play only 1 hour once a month, you never finish what you start ingame, you are the very idol of uncommitted player. Is it likely you will get a Legendary weapon? No. Ergo, you got to be committed to the game in order to get a legendary. So aren’t you just saying what I’m saying about HC players?
No actually, because I don’t think of a committed player as one who merely spends hours logged in. I think of a committed player as someone who learns to play and then actually plays and not just plays but plays well. There is a huge difference between being logged in and playing the game. Hence the “committed to the game and the gameplay." It needs to be both.
Hardcore refers to someone who knows their character inside and out like the back of their hand
No, thats a roleplayer
I believe you misunderstood. By character, I meant class—referring to their playing skills.
Imho, you need to go get a legendary, then complain how hard getting one was and provide constructive criticism. At the moment it just sounds like bunch of lazy people whining because they want an easy mode.
I realize you weren’t talking to me here, however, just so it’s clear I don’t want it to be easier—unless you count not having to pray to the RNG gods. I’d really like to see it be harder. Currently, if you have insane luck or a lot of money, you can get a legendary. If you don’t, you’re basically at a deadend. That, I think, is ridiculous. You should have to actually play the game to get a legendary—not just hours logged in; time actually playing. And if you do, you should be able to acquire one. I want to see hard work rewarded instead of dumb luck or a thousand dollars to toss Anet.
Sea of Sorrows
Fred I just want to say this. I see one or two good points you make but you are making yourself look bad, and people already have their opinion about you. If you try to prove yourself to them it always comes out bad. You have to pick and choose your battles my friend. And there are alot more people who want the precursors easier than the way it stands now. That is why Anet is talking scavenger hunts. This is a game based on the community and being improved by suggestions by the community. The community has spoken in many many Reddit talks, meet and greets, forum posts, etc., and the message they heard was we want easier precursors. They understand that the majority of the people who have a legendary or two or three, are in fact A) people who got their precursor while it was easy. B ) People who have botted their way to them. C) People who have bought it off of TP with GEM—>GOLD. D) The very seldom person who has 1 that has worked their butt off for them. Now that being said, I personally don’t have a Legendary or much less a Precursor. I would love a Precursor but my luck is bad, even with full MF farming the doo doo out of Orr. Now I do think that the story line idea is a good IDEA, but I do think that a story line such as the scavenger hunts that are implemented will have an awesome impact on the community. Also Oglaf knows what he is talking about and always gives good points. Ive seen him all over the forums and have personally followed his posts. Listen to him he has wisdom. And I also have a sneaking suspicion that alot of people are fighting against easier precursors because they don’t want other people to have Legendaries.
Guild Founder
If you ask me legendaries are a lame excuse for “being so cool”. It’s all about playing a ton, farming money for half the time you play, then buying the legendary: either by throwing exotics in forge, or by just straight-off buying legendary or precursor of the trading post.
There isn’t anything legendary about these items anymore: you see 5% if not more of the population running around with 1 or sometimes even 2 of them.
Legendaries simply aren’t legendary, they’re just a “I bought this by no-life moneyfarming without any skill involved” item.
About the suggestion: who cares about legendaries anymore?! They’re stupid. I couldn’t be bothered by getting precursors from story, or not.
(edited by Sirendor.1394)
I believe a legendary should say all of the above. A legendary is meant to say something about every aspect of the game—not just that you can complete a grindathon. If you read my first post, that is exactly what I said. It should show that you’re insanely committed to the game in all aspects—not merely smacking risen around in Orr and standing in the middle of Lion’s Arch playing the lottery. It should say you know how to play.
I agree, it should. But giving a precursor for free after you complete the storyline out of curiosity is everything but that. When you complete the storyline on your 8th character, I take it you understand my point by then. (Well, I know you’re intelligent fellow, so probably after the first/second time around)
TBH I am perfectly fine with it merely stating that you are insanely committed to the game. It is way better than saying “Y’know, I completed the storyline last weekend”
No actually, because I don’t think of a committed player as one who merely spends hours logged in. I think of a committed player as someone who learns to play and then actually plays and not just plays but plays well. There is a huge difference between being logged in and playing the game. Hence the “committed to the game and the gameplay." It needs to be both.
Well, I do not quite understand your point here. Of course you need to
A) Play the game & revise your bussiness strategy at the BLTC constantly to generate enough gold for precursor / legendary or
B) Just play the game, you’ll get that precursor in the long run.
Standing in LA throwing stuff in the forge isn’t the method that I’d use to get a precursor. But there are some boring people who prefer it, so let them if they absolutely want to.
I believe you misunderstood. By character, I meant class—referring to their playing skills.
Ah, that explains it.
I realize you weren’t talking to me here, however, just so it’s clear I don’t want it to be easier—unless you count not having to pray to the RNG gods. I’d really like to see it be harder.
Yeah, I didn’t think so. But these types of threads gather a lot of people who just pop in to show support in hopes of making the game easier. Which, in my opinion, ruins the game in the long run. And it is for that reason, that I am mainly arguing with you. I don’t really want to argue with a person who only has “make it easier” as their motive. Since those people are unlikely to pay attention or come up with decent arguments.
Currently, if you have insane luck or a lot of money, you can get a legendary.
Well, the precursor-drop is what requires luck, legendary just requires luck / gold. Gold is generated by playing, more gold is generated by playing well, enough gold is generated by playing well and being dedicated enough. Which isn’t the best system, but is still better than handing precursors for free after completing the storyline.
If you don’t, you’re basically at a deadend. That, I think, is ridiculous. You should have to actually play the game to get a legendary—not just hours logged in; time actually playing. And if you do, you should be able to acquire one. I want to see hard work rewarded instead of dumb luck or a thousand dollars to toss Anet.
Well, personally I wouldn’t mind someone tossing a thousand dollars to support the game I like and drop the gem-prices a bit. But I get your point.
Anyways, just being logged in doesn’t generate a chance to get a precursor / legendary. You either need a strong business sense to generate money at the BLTC. (Or then just flip the crafting mats, but that’s not so rewarding) OR be skilled enough to do higher level fractals at faster pace.
It’s all about playing a ton
My point exactly. You can’t get Legendaries just by occasionally popping in the game or completing a bunch of easy quests. That is what makes it a decent prestige item.
@ Radio Isotope
I am sure your post has a few good points in it, but could you please paragraphify it? And refrain from personal stuff, it’s pointless.
People who can’t tend to call the opponent troll, scream something utterly incomprehensible
and finally result to personal insults.
(edited by Fred Fargone.3127)
just waiting for scavenger hunt :p
This sounds like a WAY better idea.
Eh Im not trying to reach people through my grammar. Just the words. i personally don’t care about paragraphing. you get the same message paragraphed or not.
Guild Founder
Eh Im not trying to reach people through my grammar. Just the words. i personally don’t care about paragraphing. you get the same message paragraphed or not.
The message is the same, the meaning just eludes the reader easier if the message is a mess. Also, not even bothering with the paragraphs usually tells the reader that the writer is just rambling → no point reading. Not saying that it would be the case here, just saying it for the future reference.
People who can’t tend to call the opponent troll, scream something utterly incomprehensible
and finally result to personal insults.
I wholeheartedly disagree with OP.
Pact Weapon token is enough.
We aren’t talking about Final Fantasy legendaries….. We are discussing Guild Wars 2, so you cannot compare the two.
Now, note that I do not have a legendary myself, not even a precursor so don’t go making assumptions about that either, but I am still against making Legendaries easier to obtain. Why? Simply because the game needs some good prestige items.
Prestige doesn’t work if you hand out the items for every random newbie who happened to complete the story line.Imho, you need to go get a legendary, then complain how hard getting one was and provide constructive criticism. At the moment it just sounds like bunch of lazy people whining because they want an easy mode.
This right here is where everyone who seems to be against this is getting it wrong. No one wants to make it easier. Even the OP has agreed that Story Completion might be too simplistic for the PRECURSER. The only thing the OP is looking for is a guarantee that if he puts in the effort to get a Legendary that he will acquire it and the one he wants.
That isn’t being easy it means that if you start down the road of Legendary, if you put all the hard work in you will be guaranteed to come to a completion that is satisfying. Currently that is not the case. Currently the amount of work put in contains no guarantees that you will ever finish because the Precurser step is based entirely on luck, rather than skill or perserverance. We want to be able to see the entire process, not most of it, then hope for the best. That is a broken system and that needs to be fixed.
I will add that, no I don’t have a Legendary, but I also have no interest in a Legendary. For the ones that I would get for my character I find they all look terrible, so I wouldn’t put in the effort even if I could get the Precurser with a guarantee or by luck.
This right here is where everyone who seems to be against this is getting it wrong. No one wants to make it easier. Even the OP has agreed that Story Completion might be too simplistic for the PRECURSER. The only thing the OP is looking for is a guarantee that if he puts in the effort to get a Legendary that he will acquire it and the one he wants.
That isn’t being easy it means that if you start down the road of Legendary, if you put all the hard work in you will be guaranteed to come to a completion that is satisfying. Currently that is not the case. Currently the amount of work put in contains no guarantees that you will ever finish because the Precurser step is based entirely on luck, rather than skill or perserverance. We want to be able to see the entire process, not most of it, then hope for the best. That is a broken system and that needs to be fixed.
I will add that, no I don’t have a Legendary, but I also have no interest in a Legendary. For the ones that I would get for my character I find they all look terrible, so I wouldn’t put in the effort even if I could get the Precurser with a guarantee or by luck.
Currently, if you have insane luck or a lot of money, you can get a legendary.
Well, the precursor-drop is what requires luck, legendary just requires luck / gold. Gold is generated by playing, more gold is generated by playing well, enough gold is generated by playing well and being dedicated enough. Which isn’t the best system, but is still better than handing precursors for free after completing the storyline.
If you think about it, you already have a “sure method” of acquiring a precursor and therefore a legendary.
To ensure that the precursor doesn’t become too easy to get, the scavange hunt should be something similar to the Black Moa Chick in GW1. (Which was also a scavenge hunt btw.)
Then again, I was kinda wishing they wouldn’t implement the scavenge hunt before they got 2-3 expansions out.
People who can’t tend to call the opponent troll, scream something utterly incomprehensible
and finally result to personal insults.
(edited by Fred Fargone.3127)
Gold should never have been a part of it. Precursers and Legendaries should have been account bound minimum.
Gold should never have been a part of it. Precursers and Legendaries should have been account bound minimum.
Why? To force people to grind utilizing a method they do not like? At least with gold, you can stay true to “playing the game the way you want to”. For me, that could be FotM and BLTC. Because playing the BLTC is fun.
People who can’t tend to call the opponent troll, scream something utterly incomprehensible
and finally result to personal insults.
Wait wait wait… So, lets throw the entire BLTC into a garbage bin?
You can’t do anything that radical with the costliest items in the game, the economy would take a major hit. There would be players leaving the game, some might even riot at Wall St.
What is even worse: “of your choice”! C’moon, this is just asking to make the game easier for ya. It’d completely ruin the Legendary part of Legendaries.So finding a precursor from a random mob/chest can define something as legendary, but conpketing the story and defeating an Elder Dragon isn’t? Makes perfect sense.
If you think about it: If everyone has it, is it Legendary anymore? No, its just a cool weapon with an effect that tells people around “yeah, I did the storyline quests”
How about this: The one ring to rule them all, you’re saying it wasn’t a legendary item, just because it was looted from a random mob inside a mountain? (And not after fighting some big bad end boss after a long journey. Just a random mob as a sidestop on a longer journey. And nobody even fought the mob, the ring was found on the ground.) Did anyone get any legendary items by defeating Sauron? I do not think so..
You do realize that the “ring” can be considered a legendary ring/weapon right?
Gold should never have been a part of it. Precursers and Legendaries should have been account bound minimum.
Why? To force people to grind utilizing a method they do not like? At least with gold, you can stay true to “playing the game the way you want to”. For me, that could be FotM and BLTC. Because playing the BLTC is fun.
Actually, yes. If you want Dungeon Armor you run the dungeon you want the armor from. You don’t get to just buy it. You don’t get to run just any dungeon you want, you have to run that dungeon until you get it.
If you want Lion Guard armor you do WvW. You can’t buy it, you have to kill enemy players and/or come back day after day and do the jumping puzzle in WvW.
If you want a Legendary you should have to acquire it by doing the things necessary for it, which is accumulate skills, materials, kills. You shouldn’t be able to just buy it. The Legendary isn’t about playing it your way, it’s about going through the processes of being involved in every aspect of the game. To be able to marginalize that by simply doing one thing enough to afford it negates everything about it that YOU personally have been arguing for.
If Sauron could have just bought the One Ring off the market where would Middle Earth be now? I’m well aware that I argue that the Ring isn’t a Legendary and is only a quest item, but it was your argument, so there it is.
I’ll tell you what would make legendary a “legendary”.
- dungeon master and what it implies and maybe even dunno 50 points in hobby dungeon explorer?
-personal story done
- at least 10/20/30 heck even 40 or 50 achievements maxed, or you could change it and put in minimum 5000 achievement points (these could even be detracted as a result)
-500 badges (not counting the ones for the gift) heck even 1000 or 2000 wouldn’t be bad
- the current gifts as they are, are perfectly fine.
And about the legendary.
- best in slot forever (stats maxed to ascended, and whatever comes after, if it will ever happen. Level increased in case of a cap increase)
- account bound not soulbound.
That’s what I call a legendary. It should be something that you can see as a fixed point towards you are going.
Current legendary?
You go to the mall and buy a pair of shoes. When you get home you open the box and you get lemons.
(edited by Fasalina.6571)
And about the legendary.
- best in slot forever (stats maxed to ascended, and whatever comes after, if it will ever happen. Level increased in case of a cap increase)
- account bound not soulbound.
Legendaries are Best in Slot forever. This, at least, has been confirmed a couple times. If anything is ever added that has a higher power, level or rating or whatever all Legendaries will automatically be inceased to that new value.
Account Bound rather than Bind on Equip.
I agree, it should. But giving a precursor for free after you complete the storyline out of curiosity is everything but that. When you complete the storyline on your 8th character, I take it you understand my point by then. (Well, I know you’re intelligent fellow, so probably after the first/second time around)
TBH I am perfectly fine with it merely stating that you are insanely committed to the game. It is way better than saying “Y’know, I completed the storyline last weekend”
As I said in my first post, the story questline is not the way to acquire a precursor. Each precursor needs to have its own questline filled with lore about the legendary weapon that is being created. The questline needs to be challenging and require a person to truly understand the game and their character/class in order to complete.
Actually, in my opinion, saying you completed the storyline is way better than, “I had $3,000 lying around and purchased it off the TP.” (I did the math—rounded to the nearest thousand assuming a legendary costs 2300g and gold is 100gems a piece it comes out around there.) Honestly, I’m not even sure why that’s an option at all.
Well, I do not quite understand your point here. Of course you need to
A) Play the game & revise your bussiness strategy at the BLTC constantly to generate enough gold for precursor / legendary or
B) Just play the game, you’ll get that precursor in the long run.Standing in LA throwing stuff in the forge isn’t the method that I’d use to get a precursor. But there are some boring people who prefer it, so let them if they absolutely want to.
Ok, I don’t consider playing the trading post actually playing the game. In my opinion, that’s the same as sitting in LA doing nothing because it’s not a business management game—it’s a roleplaying game with a massive world outside Lion’s Arch’s gates. Why we are not required to go out into it and play in order to achieve a precursor is beyond me. It seems like a huge waste of an opportunity to make the world come alive and push players out of Lion’s Arch.
As to your point B, it is quite possible to play the game and never see a precursor drop. Supposing it’s a 1 in a million chance to get the precursor, every drop you roll the dice and get a number. However, the numbers don’t get blacklisted just because you rolled it once. It is perfectly possible to roll 2-1,000,000 for an eternity and much more likely than ever rolling a 1. It’s not really a valid way to go about acquiring a precursor.
Well, the precursor-drop is what requires luck, legendary just requires luck / gold. Gold is generated by playing, more gold is generated by playing well, enough gold is generated by playing well and being dedicated enough. Which isn’t the best system, but is still better than handing precursors for free after completing the storyline.
Yes and it is the precursor we are discussing here. I have some problems with other parts of the legendary as well (cough mystic clovers cough) but we’re not discussing those here. Really, the biggest problem I have with the current system is the fact that it relies so heavily on RNG and luck. I hate that system with a passion because it hates me. With the current system, it is quite possible for me to spend months grinding dedicatedly and never complete the legendary I am currently working on because my luck is that bad. In addition, the rate at which you can currently earn gold (without purchasing) is abysmal compared to the current prices of precursors and the inflation rate. It’s like chasing after the wind.
Well, personally I wouldn’t mind someone tossing a thousand dollars to support the game I like and drop the gem-prices a bit. But I get your point.
Anyways, just being logged in doesn’t generate a chance to get a precursor / legendary. You either need a strong business sense to generate money at the BLTC. (Or then just flip the crafting mats, but that’s not so rewarding) OR be skilled enough to do higher level fractals at faster pace.
I believe you just said what I said about being logged in. As I mentioned above, I don’t consider playing the TP actually playing the game. The higher level fractals may have merit but I’d be really disappointed in Anet if that was the best solution they could come up with. After seeing what they did with the personal story questline, the dungeon stories and explorables, and the dynamic events I know they’re capable of so much more. Legendaries are the biggest end-game content we have outside of the holiday events and the new living story thing. They could be so much more.
Sea of Sorrows
You do realize that the “ring” can be considered a legendary ring/weapon right?
Maybe I should point out that it was me who initially brought the “ring” to the thread to use as an example of a legendary item looted from a random mob in a random location during a quest completely unrelated to the ring. A rather good example of the current GW2 system translated to LotR world.
I am glad you agree that it is a legendary item.
Actually, yes. If you want Dungeon Armor you run the dungeon you want the armor from. You don’t get to just buy it. You don’t get to run just any dungeon you want, you have to run that dungeon until you get it.
If you want Lion Guard armor you do WvW. You can’t buy it, you have to kill enemy players and/or come back day after day and do the jumping puzzle in WvW.
And seen as Legendary is something you get for dedicated playing… It should be acquired through just playing the game in a way you enjoy.
If you want a Legendary you should have to acquire it by doing the things necessary for it,
Yes, play the game.
which is accumulate skills, materials, kills. You shouldn’t be able to just buy it. The Legendary isn’t about playing it your way, it’s about going through the processes of being involved in every aspect of the game.
Been there, done that is more of a completionist prestige reward. Legendary is more of a ’I’ve spend darn lot (time/2000€), thus am a dedicated player’ type of deal.
To be able to marginalize that by simply doing one thing enough to afford it negates everything about it that YOU personally have been arguing for.
I do not seem to be able to draw the connection here. I’ve used a wide variety of angles in order to keep the thread fresh, instead of repeating the same old same old again. Thus, there shouldn’t be a single argument to simply negate every argument I’ve made.
If Sauron could have just bought the One Ring off the market where would Middle Earth be now?
I don’t really see what difference it would’ve made. There are countless of instances of villains acquiring over powerful tools of destruction off the (black)market. Sometimes even legendary items, as in here. Of course, in some stories the “good guys” try to stop the “bad guys” from acquiring those goods before the deal is made, set ambushes and whatnot.
It makes sense that someone would sell an legendary item they looted from a random mob on a market because they do not realize its value, or how lucky they were.
People who can’t tend to call the opponent troll, scream something utterly incomprehensible
and finally result to personal insults.
And about the legendary.
- best in slot forever (stats maxed to ascended, and whatever comes after, if it will ever happen. Level increased in case of a cap increase)
- account bound not soulbound.Legendaries are Best in Slot forever. This, at least, has been confirmed a couple times. If anything is ever added that has a higher power, level or rating or whatever all Legendaries will automatically be inceased to that new value.
Account Bound rather than Bind on Equip.
Yes but they didn’t specifically say they’ll boost a Legendary’s level in case of a lvl cap increase. (This is also because the best in slot statement was before they started talking about an increase in max lvl)
Since we’re talking about a legendary and not exotics, it seems common sense that they’ll also increase the level. BUT, you never know.
EDIT: And yes thanks for correcting me there, that’s what I meant. Account Bound not Bind on equip.
(edited by Fasalina.6571)
You do realize that the “ring” can be considered a legendary ring/weapon right?
Maybe I should point out that it was me who initially brought the “ring” to the thread to use as an example of a legendary item looted from a random mob in a random location during a quest completely unrelated to the ring. A rather good example of the current GW2 system translated to LotR world.
I am glad you agree that it is a legendary item.
Yes and since we both agree that the ring can be considered legendary, why are you still saying that the way to obtain a legendary is ok as it is? And you continuously scrap all the other good suggestions on how to get a legendary?
Why do people see RNG only as the best? Why can’t someone invest 100 hours and be sure that after that total amount of time they’ll get what they worked for?
Do you think Sauron relied on RNG when he crafted it?
Edit: I’m sure you know that the ring was crafted and it wasn’t just “there” and Sauron found it.
To be able to marginalize that by simply doing one thing enough to afford it negates everything about it that YOU personally have been arguing for.
I do not seem to be able to draw the connection here. I’ve used a wide variety of angles in order to keep the thread fresh, instead of repeating the same old same old again. Thus, there shouldn’t be a single argument to simply negate every argument I’ve made.
If Sauron could have just bought the One Ring off the market where would Middle Earth be now?
I don’t really see what difference it would’ve made. There are countless of instances of villains acquiring over powerful tools of destruction off the (black)market. Sometimes even legendary items, as in here. Of course, in some stories the “good guys” try to stop the “bad guys” from acquiring those goods before the deal is made, set ambushes and whatnot.
It makes sense that someone would sell an legendary item they looted from a random mob on a market because they do not realize its value, or how lucky they were.
You have, in fact, made many separate and varying arguments, and despite that, the argument of, “Who cares you can just make money and buy it,” does in fact negate all of them. All of your arguments to this point have been that a Legendary is special and to do this one minor thing would negate its status as a legendary item. But to be able to simply buy it, without even having to work at it because you’ve developed skills that have NOTHING to do with playing the game removes its value as a legendary anything. If you’re “playing the market” how exactly are you demonstrating the skills and capacity that are supposed to represent your dedication to the game and your worthiness of a Legendary. Very simply, you’re not. You’re throwing money away on a trinket because you happen to have it and want it. That is entitled and spoiled, and that is not worthy of the object.
Your next argument isn’t an argument. This could happen, or that could happen because that’s the narrative of some other such or blah blah blah. It has nothing to do with the Hypothetical and, since I choose to assume you’re not an idiot, I also choose to assume you know it. The point stands that you can’t have it both ways. You can’t have an item that is supposed to be of renoun and spectacular glory and also barter it like the family cow. The Holy Grail can’t be purchased on Craig’s List and no one would sell The One Ring. As such the ability to sell Legendaries and their Precursers is an absurdity that should never have been realized.
The only way to get a Legendary should be to earn one by going through the individual steps to make one. One of those steps should include a guaranteed way to obtain a Precurser through actual gameplay.
As I said in my first post, the story questline is not the way to acquire a precursor. Each precursor needs to have its own questline filled with lore about the legendary weapon that is being created. The questline needs to be challenging and require a person to truly understand the game and their character/class in order to complete.
As long as it’s forced solo, something similar to GW1 scavenge hunt, I guess I could live with that. But the original suggestion here is: Complete the story that you’re going to complete anyways to get a free precursor. That is what I am against, or any other “make it easy” solution.
Actually, in my opinion, saying you completed the storyline is way better than, “I had $3,000 lying around and purchased it off the TP.”
TBH I have no problem whatsoever with people supporting the game I like by several thousand dollars, and dropping the gemprices a bit so I can get something of the BLTC too. So even if someone comes and says “Hey, I just spend $3,000 to get this nifty little piece of in game item” I’d still be “Woah, you’re awesome”. So, it doesn’t really lessen the prestige value of a Legendary. Part of the prestige value it has could even be knowing that it costs $3,000 irl.
Ok, I don’t consider playing the trading post actually playing the game. In my opinion, that’s the same as sitting in LA doing nothing because it’s not a business management game—it’s a roleplaying game with a massive world outside Lion’s Arch’s gates.
Having a huge world means you can’t RP a merchant?
As to your point B, it is quite possible to play the game and never see a precursor drop.
Have a infinite number of monkeys with typewriters will produce Shakespeare, or having a monkey with a typewriter with infinite amount of time will eventually produce Shakespeare.
Of course, chances of getting a precursor are about centillion times that, so you are bound to get one if you keep playing actively for long enough. Being more skilled will of course reduce the time requirement.
Supposing it’s a 1 in a million chance to get the precursor, every drop you roll the dice and get a number. However, the numbers don’t get blacklisted just because you rolled it once. It is perfectly possible to roll 2-1,000,000 for an eternity and much more likely than ever rolling a 1.
No, on an average, you should roll 1 every 1,000,000 rolls.
Chances of not rolling a 1 in 1,000,000 rolls are: 36,7879257%
Chances of not rolling a 1 in 5,000,000 rolls are: 0,67379302%
Chances of not rolling a 1 in 10,000,000 rolls are: 0,00453997027%
Chances of not rolling a 1 in 15,000,000 rolls are: virtually 0.
Of course, the chance for a precursor is quite a bit higher than 1/1,000,000.
Yes and it is the precursor we are discussing here.
Well, ultimately this thread is about getting legendaries.
Really, the biggest problem I have with the current system is the fact that it relies so heavily on RNG and luck. — -- In addition, the rate at which you can currently earn gold (without purchasing) is abysmal compared to the current prices of precursors and the inflation rate. It’s like chasing after the wind.
Therefore, in order to get enough gold to buy the legendary, you need to have some quite a bit of skill. So you should acknowledge that, even if you bought it with gold, its still quite a feat.
I believe you just said what I said about being logged in. As I mentioned above, I don’t consider playing the TP actually playing the game.
I guess we disagree on that one then. Since anything you actively do in the game constitutes as “playing” imho. (The waiting part isn’t playing)
The higher level fractals may have merit but I’d be really disappointed in Anet if that was the best solution they could come up with.
Yes, I am certain ANet is working furiously to deliver new content, expansions and whatnot. But while waiting for that, I’ll be in WvW/Fractals/Leveling my alts.
People who can’t tend to call the opponent troll, scream something utterly incomprehensible
and finally result to personal insults.
(edited by Fred Fargone.3127)
“Who cares you can just make money and buy it,” does in fact negate all of them.
Well, I suggest you re-read the recent posts. Just to be able to get that much gold is quite a feat. And please, It is easy to state “You claiming X negates all your previous arguments”. I would, however, like you to take up some examples so I can clear your confusion about what I meant by what I said then / now.
All of your arguments to this point have been that a Legendary is special and to do this one minor thing would negate its status as a legendary item.
Sorry, I can’t recall saying that legendary is special because you need to X. Tho I do recall saying it’s legendary because it requires a legendary amount of work. (Like getting 2,3k gold coins? Which apparently is $3,000)
But to be able to simply buy it, without even having to work at it because you’ve developed skills that have NOTHING to do with playing the game removes its value as a legendary anything.
Feel free to gather 2,3k gold and then restate your argument.
If you’re “playing the market” how exactly are you demonstrating the skills and capacity that are supposed to represent your dedication to the game and your worthiness of a Legendary.
What I just said about getting 2,3k gold.
Very simply, you’re not. You’re throwing money away on a trinket because you happen to have it and want it. That is entitled and spoiled, and that is not worthy of the object.
So, it would be an improvement to hand out the precursor for everybody, basically for no effort at all?
At least getting 600g takes time, effort and some degree of dedication. Getting 2,3k gold takes more.
Your next argument isn’t an argument. This could happen, or that could happen because that’s the narrative of some other such or blah blah blah. It has nothing to do with the Hypothetical and, since I choose to assume you’re not an idiot, I also choose to assume you know it. The point stands that you can’t have it both ways. You can’t have an item that is supposed to be of renoun and spectacular glory and also barter it like the family cow.
Why, of course you can. A lot of kings and queens that have gone bankrupt have no doubt been forced to do so at some point in history.
The Holy Grail can’t be purchased on Craig’s List and no one would sell The One Ring. As such the ability to sell Legendaries and their Precursers is an absurdity that should never have been realized.
So, because you wouldn’t do something, nobody should be able to? The Holy Grail doesn’t magically stick to the person who finds it, neither did The One Ring. If you are in possession of Holy Grail and value money more than some dusty old relic, you would, no doubt, sell it.
The only way to get a Legendary should be to earn one by going through the individual steps to make one. One of those steps should include a guaranteed way to obtain a Precurser through actual gameplay.
Still, giving it at the end of your personal story is so easy that I would, and in fact have, called it giving it for every one of your alts for free. It is not an improvement, it’s just a mocking the people who went through the effort to get one the “old” way.
People who can’t tend to call the opponent troll, scream something utterly incomprehensible
and finally result to personal insults.
Yes and it is the precursor we are discussing here.
Well, ultimately this thread is about getting legendaries.
No, it’s been made into being about Legendaries, but it isn’t and was never intended to be. Making it possible to get a Precurser on your first try doesn’t make getting a Legendary any easier. You still have to get 100% world complete. Have enough skill points to buy the items you need. Kill enough people in WvW to buy the object and on and on. This is one part of a very long whole that we want to have a guarantee on, which we currently don’t.
You made a mock statement about the fact that I keep using the same argument. The reason is, there is only one argument. There isn’t a need to finagle it, or try different paths. If you don’t see it, that’s on you, because it’s quite obvious to the rest of us. RNG is a broken system for this and needs to be replaced. That is all there is to it and should be all there is to it.
No, it’s been made into being about Legendaries, but it isn’t and was never intended to be. Making it possible to get a Precurser on your first try doesn’t make getting a Legendary any easier. You still have to get 100% world complete. Have enough skill points to buy the items you need. Kill enough people in WvW to buy the object and on and on. This is one part of a very long whole that we want to have a guarantee on, which we currently don’t.
But giving the precursor at the end of the personal story is pretty much the same as taking precursors out of the game all together. Personal story requires no effort what soever and you can start a new alt to get another one.
You made a mock statement about the fact that I keep using the same argument.
While you are free to interpret it that way, I didn’t mean quite that. I was just saying that I’m trying to approach the problem here from multiple angles which might have confused you to believe I am contradicting my self.
The reason is, there is only one argument. There isn’t a need to finagle it, or try different paths.
If that is so, this should be rather short thread.
If you don’t see it, that’s on you, because it’s quite obvious to the rest of us. RNG is a broken system for this and needs to be replaced. That is all there is to it and should be all there is to it.
Then again, this thread was aiming to make precursors meaningless by swapping a hard-to-obtain, sought after, rare item (judging from the price) for a story achievement. I am strongly against this. I do not understand why anyone would support that, unless they wanted to make obtaining Legendaries easier.
People who can’t tend to call the opponent troll, scream something utterly incomprehensible
and finally result to personal insults.
(edited by Fred Fargone.3127)
Still, giving it at the end of your personal story is so easy that I would, and in fact have, called it giving it for every one of your alts for free. It is not an improvement, it’s just a mocking the people who went through the effort to get one the “old” way.
This is your only real sticking point. As far as I can tell, this is the only reason you continue to come back to this thread and it baffles me because NO ONE in this thread has been actively arguing for that for more than a page.
Wolfy is the OP. This is what the OP has to say about the subject.
All i would really like is that the precursor is earned through achievement, not tedious farming of gold.
At the current state of a greatsword precursor, if i was to farm 35g per week (about 5 hours of farming a week), it would take me 17 weeks to get enough gold.
And keep in mind that’s not fun completion/achievement, its tedious and boring farming. For 17 weeks or 85 hours
The OP made a suggestion. It wasn’t a great suggestion, but it was a suggestion in the right direction and the OP recognizes it. Most of us that are still coming back to argue almost exclusively with you are not arguing that giving a Precurser at the end of the story is the best option. I will argue and continue to that it’s a better option than the current one, though. I would rather everyone have one than almost no one, because having a Precurser does not equal having a Legendary unless you are dedicated enough to make it. I’m certainly not. Hell, I’m not even dedicated enough to have finished the Story. OR maybe I’m too dedicated to the Story, since I won’t do Arah until I’ve done all the rest and I still need to do CoE Story first.
I want to do an Epic Quest, ala Ever Quest. I want something awesome, like having to collect an item from each of the three Dragon Lieutenants that must be brought to an NPC that only exists at the end of a long Event chain to make something else as just one part of the whole, and so on. I want more content as part of this, not just less RNG.
This is your only real sticking point. As far as I can tell, this is the only reason you continue to come back to this thread and it baffles me because NO ONE in this thread has been actively arguing for that for more than a page.
Well, I guess you should pay more attention then.
Most of us that are still coming back to argue almost exclusively with you are not arguing that giving a Precurser at the end of the story is the best option.
And I’ve recognized some of the actually good alternatives made by people who are pleasant to argue with, when they’ve presented their ideas.
I will argue and continue to that it’s a better option than the current one, though. I would rather everyone have one than almost no one, because having a Precurser does not equal having a Legendary unless you are dedicated enough to make it. I’m certainly not. Hell, I’m not even dedicated enough to have finished the Story. OR maybe I’m too dedicated to the Story, since I won’t do Arah until I’ve done all the rest and I still need to do CoE Story first.
I’d rather not have it and know that one day I might have a rare item like it,
Than have it just like everyone else.
I want to do an Epic Quest, ala Ever Quest. I want something awesome, like having to collect an item from each of the three Dragon Lieutenants that must be brought to an NPC that only exists at the end of a long Event chain to make something else as just one part of the whole, and so on. I want more content as part of this, not just less RNG.
As long as by Epic, you mean hard. A quest where the hero isn’t some spectator watching two armies clash, but rather utilizes interesting mechanisms to defeat a foe that is seriously out of his league.
And it would help if the failure rate of that quest was some 90%. Because a 100% success rate indicates it wasn’t hard at all. 50% would be more of a meh, I had bad luck on the first try.
But doing that would require new content, tested and tweaked to make it hard enough.
The point of getting a precursor, and eventually a legendary, would seriously be ruined for me if its something easy that just requires some time. Spending ‘fixed’ amount of time is hardly an achievement, it’s just destiny. No better than playing the RNG, in which case there would be no point in creating the new content in the first place.
People who can’t tend to call the opponent troll, scream something utterly incomprehensible
and finally result to personal insults.
(edited by Fred Fargone.3127)
Pact weapons are about the right reward for completing story. Its not difficult or time consuming. Fine with a scavenger hunt giving a (account bound) precursor as long as the difficulty of completion matches the reward. Giving one for story completion makes as much sense as making it a bonus for buying the collectors edition. Until we see how anet wishes to deal with the TP and RNG, and yes, I hope its epic, its the system we have. Don’t get bent about it, do everything else to ensure that when you earn a precursor, you can make a legendary.
Dictator for Life
Shiverpeaks Search and Rescue [Lost]
After completing the story just go “We found these weapons in Arah’s armory, we can tell there’s something special about them and we think a hero like you could unlock their full potential, (insert general idea of how to forge a legendary)”, done. Everybody but the robber barons wins.
A precursor as a reward for completing this though..
After completing the story just go “We found these weapons in Arah’s armory, we can tell there’s something special about them and we think a hero like you could unlock their full potential, (insert general idea of how to forge a legendary)”, done. Everybody but the robber barons wins.
Seen the movie: Bruce Almighty? Everyone winning the lottery doesn’t mean that “everybody wins”.
People who can’t tend to call the opponent troll, scream something utterly incomprehensible
and finally result to personal insults.
As long as it’s forced solo, something similar to GW1 scavenge hunt, I guess I could live with that. But the original suggestion here is: Complete the story that you’re going to complete anyways to get a free precursor. That is what I am against, or any other “make it easy” solution.
That is the original suggestion but the discussion has moved beyond the original idea and has been bouncing other ideas. Also, if any of it is forced solo then some of it needs to be forced group work too. Teamwork and community is a huge part of GW2 and should be included in the process. In addition, the part that is solo needs to be accomplishable by any class/build.
TBH I have no problem whatsoever with people supporting the game I like by several thousand dollars, and dropping the gemprices a bit so I can get something of the BLTC too. So even if someone comes and says “Hey, I just spend $3,000 to get this nifty little piece of in game item” I’d still be “Woah, you’re awesome”. So, it doesn’t really lessen the prestige value of a Legendary. Part of the prestige value it has could even be knowing that it costs $3,000 irl.
If they want to spend their money that way, that’s fine with me, but then it needs to only be available through the gem store because otherwise the money may just go to the gold sellers instead of Anet. If they want to sell legendaries for RL cash then they need to put it in their gem store and take them off the TP. That might make a lot of people angry though so perhaps they should introduce a new line of weapons for the gem store.
Having a huge world means you can’t RP a merchant?
Nope, I never said that. However, the average run of the mill merchant is very unlikely to ever see a precursor let alone a legendary.
Of course, the chance for a precursor is quite a bit higher than 1/1,000,000.
I’m not going to argue with your math even though I disagree with it. I would like a bit of clarification. You mean that it is more than 1/1,000,000 (100,000,000) or higher chance for it to drop (100,000)? Either way, where did you get your information?
Well, ultimately this thread is about getting legendaries.
Actually considering there are 3 other parts of a legendary besides the precursor and no one (besides myself as a side note to prove a point) has mentioned any of them, we’re still discussing the precursor and its acquirement. This, however, is a silly thing to argue over.
Therefore, in order to get enough gold to buy the legendary, you need to have some quite a bit of skill. So you should acknowledge that, even if you bought it with gold, its still quite a feat.
Except for the fact that gold can be purchased and does not necessarily have to be ground out. If that were not the case then it would be fine as an alternative route.
Yes, I am certain ANet is working furiously to deliver new content, expansions and whatnot. But while waiting for that, I’ll be in WvW/Fractals/Leveling my alts.
As are we all. We are merely expressing our opinions and suggestions for said coming content. Which is exactly what this section of the forums is for.
Sea of Sorrows
I agree with the OP that legendaries shouldn’t be rewarded for brainlessly farming gold, cause that doesn’t make it legendary in ANY way. I think completing story would be a fine enough idea to earn your precursor, but in order for this to work: make more variety in legendary weapons. If there are like 200 of them, you can’t complain that everyone has the same one.
Wait wait wait… So, lets throw the entire BLTC into a garbage bin?
You can’t do anything that radical with the costliest items in the game, the economy would take a major hit. There would be players leaving the game, some might even riot at Wall St.
What is even worse: “of your choice”! C’moon, this is just asking to make the game easier for ya. It’d completely ruin the Legendary part of Legendaries.So finding a precursor from a random mob/chest can define something as legendary, but conpketing the story and defeating an Elder Dragon isn’t? Makes perfect sense.
(A sarcastic in-character view of the legendary system)
Adventurer: "A legendary? A true challenge, finally! I shall embark upon a legendary journey to gain a bunch of cash and epically buy a weapon off the TP—
Hold on. What the Farrk, this isn’t epic at all. This is stupid, I’m supposed to be slaying monsters and saving damsels in distress, carrying children out of burning buildings and beating Sons of Svanir in boxing matches of five-against-me. I can do that! I want to do that, I’ll— No, no, hold on… Surely it can be done with a semblance of epic-ocity…
Okay, okay. So I’ll make my own, forget the TP. I’ll pretend it doesn’t exist. Now, to go on my epic adventure, to gather the rarest of ingredients, slay mighty foes, tear the essence out of ancient weapons to forge—
WHAT?! WHAT DO YOU MEAN I HAVE TO THROW CLOVERS INTO A— Oh, they’re magical? O-Okay, but… The epic is draining away. This never happened, I’ll—
Alright. ____ it. This legendary system is not epic. It is not a shadow of epic. It is Farrking stupid and I sincerely hope that whoever designed it realizes what they’ve done to a game that claims to fight against grinding. Pfah, some epic adventure I’ve had.
^Hahahahaha! Well said! I think that’s the feeling of about 70% of gw2 population. xD
The point of getting a precursor, and eventually a legendary, would seriously be ruined for me if its something easy that just requires some time. Spending ‘fixed’ amount of time is hardly an achievement, it’s just destiny. No better than playing the RNG, in which case there would be no point in creating the new content in the first place.
Wait, so working for a fixed amount of time for ALL parts of the Legendary is a bad thing to you? While working for a fixed amount of time for most parts then waiting an indefinate amount of time for the last part by doing it the right way, or working for another fixed amount of time to just buy it, is a good thing? How is that in any way logical?
Based on your own argument acquiring all parts is just a matter of time. If you can produce a consistent rate of aquisition all aspects of the Legendary are a fairly specific length of time. The only one that isn’t is the Precurser because of RNG. Based on your arguments again, though, since you can buy it, like the materials that are needed for other parts, based on that rate of acquisition the Precurser is also only a matter of time. So why is a matter of time based on acquiring gold through whatever means preferable to a matter of time based on something that is built in and potentially entertaining and might even have some lore in it?
So finding a precursor from a random mob/chest can define something as legendary, but conpketing the story and defeating an Elder Dragon isn’t? Makes perfect sense.
Because the defeat of Zhaitan was incredibly difficult and legendary….
Edit: The precursor argument is getting old. The only way to limit the Legendary to a few (in order to keep the weapon Legendary) is either content that is hard and requires a good group of friends to help you get it and time invested (Like Shadowmourne in WoW) or RNG (farming the the Warglaives or Eye of Sulfuras).
Either way the community will outcry that the content is too hard, the drop chance is too low, or they don’t have enough commited friends to help them get through difficult content. Asking for hand-outs is kitten and you may as well play NwN and give your new character all the xp and gear they need through console commands.
Lengendary weapons must be rare in order to be Legendary. Also… does anyone else notice that one must commit themselves to dungeons, exploration, and pvp to get the other pieces of the puzzle?
(edited by Kodesh.2019)