Completing Story should award Precursor
Wait wait wait… So, lets throw the entire BLTC into a garbage bin?
You can’t do anything that radical with the costliest items in the game, the economy would take a major hit. There would be players leaving the game, some might even riot at Wall St.
What is even worse: “of your choice”! C’moon, this is just asking to make the game easier for ya. It’d completely ruin the Legendary part of Legendaries.
People who can’t tend to call the opponent troll, scream something utterly incomprehensible
and finally result to personal insults.
Wait wait wait… So, lets throw the entire BLTC into a garbage bin?
You can’t do anything that radical with the costliest items in the game, the economy would take a major hit. There would be players leaving the game, some might even riot at Wall St.
What is even worse: “of your choice”! C’moon, this is just asking to make the game easier for ya. It’d completely ruin the Legendary part of Legendaries.
So finding a precursor from a random mob/chest can define something as legendary, but conpketing the story and defeating an Elder Dragon isn’t? Makes perfect sense.
We are sworn together by our blood…
Wait wait wait… So, lets throw the entire BLTC into a garbage bin?
You can’t do anything that radical with the costliest items in the game, the economy would take a major hit. There would be players leaving the game, some might even riot at Wall St.
What is even worse: “of your choice”! C’moon, this is just asking to make the game easier for ya. It’d completely ruin the Legendary part of Legendaries.So finding a precursor from a random mob/chest can define something as legendary, but conpketing the story and defeating an Elder Dragon isn’t? Makes perfect sense.
If you think about it: If everyone has it, is it Legendary anymore? No, its just a cool weapon with an effect that tells people around “yeah, I did the storyline quests”
How about this: The one ring to rule them all, you’re saying it wasn’t a legendary item, just because it was looted from a random mob inside a mountain? (And not after fighting some big bad end boss after a long journey. Just a random mob as a sidestop on a longer journey. And nobody even fought the mob, the ring was found on the ground.) Did anyone get any legendary items by defeating Sauron? I do not think so..
People who can’t tend to call the opponent troll, scream something utterly incomprehensible
and finally result to personal insults.
(edited by Fred Fargone.3127)
Wait wait wait… So, lets throw the entire BLTC into a garbage bin?
You can’t do anything that radical with the costliest items in the game, the economy would take a major hit. There would be players leaving the game, some might even riot at Wall St.
What is even worse: “of your choice”! C’moon, this is just asking to make the game easier for ya. It’d completely ruin the Legendary part of Legendaries.So finding a precursor from a random mob/chest can define something as legendary, but conpketing the story and defeating an Elder Dragon isn’t? Makes perfect sense.
If you think about it: If everyone has it, is it Legendary anymore? No, its just a cool weapon with an effect that tells people around “yeah, I did the storyline quests”
How about this: The one ring to rule them all, you’re saying it wasn’t a legendary item, just because it was looted from a random mob inside a mountain? (And not after fighting some big bad end boss after a long journey. Just a random mob as a sidestop on a longer journey. And nobody even fought the mob, the ring was found on the ground.) Did anyone get any legendary items by defeating Sauron? I do not think so..
If everyone has it, yes, it is still legendary. You’re completely discounting the level of work necessary to actually turn a precurser into a Legendary. While completely ignoring the fact that absolutely ZERO work is involved in getting the Precurser in the first place. You don’t EARN a Precurser you get lucky and find one, or get lucky and gamble into one. Regardless of how you got it, you didn’t work for it.
There is nothing Legendary about “winning” it. There is about as much Legendary about it as if you bought it.
At least completing your story is doing something. And I think a Precurser is a really good prize for completing your story. I’ve “heard” that they are going to be setting up something like the EQ Epic Quest for Precursers, so they won’t be doing this, but I don’t know if that’s a rumor or actually from ANet. If not I think this is a much better option than the one currently happening.
I don’t know why people mention the trading post when probably more than half of the people controlling it used glitches to get there at the start.
A pre-cursor would be nice at the end of the story would be nice but that’s impossible when it’s so easy to complete in a couple days to a week depending how much time you put in. The missions would need to be more difficult and the story would need to take way longer to complete even fore any speed player.
I definitely agree that the current state of precursor acquirement is terrible. There is absolutely nothing—zip, zilch, nada—legendary about purchasing it for 650g off the TP or throwing a bunch of exotics into the mystic forge or finding it on a mountain goat (or the equivalent). Honestly, that last one just makes me laugh. Did the mountain goat eat it or something? How does it end up with a precursor?? Realism aside….
There needs to be some serious work and thought put into changing the system for acquiring a precursor. I don’t think that completion of story quest is quite the right path though. Most everyone has completed the story quest and the quests are really not that hard. The idea of defeating an Elder Dragon is legendary but the actual path the story quest takes us on to slay the dragon is not really all that legendary—at least in my opinion.
I think the idea of Epic Quests that are maybe a scavenger hunt for rare items is a really good idea. Those items had better not be RNG based though. There needs to be certain tasks accomplished to get said items. Never in a book would you read that [ insert main character name here ] slew 100 boars and found [ insert magical item name here ]. They would have to go and consult with a powerful wizard or witch who would send them out to acquire certain relatively common items that would then create said magical item. Or perhaps traverse long forgotten ruins in order to retrieve the item. Maybe even slay an ancient beast or guardian protecting the item. I don’t think these quests should all be able to be completed solo. I know that puts a lot of people who prefer solo work in a hard place but every good fantasy/adventure book character has a party of followers or fellow adventures helping them. In addition, this is an MMO and part of an MMO—particularly GW2 as they emphasize community—is playing with other people.
It needs to be an epic journey filled with lore and history on the weapon you’re trying to create in order for it to feel like a legendary accomplishment to earn/create a legendary. More than anything else, it should be challenging. Not just to persevere through terrible loot droprates but to actually play the game. I’m not saying only hardcore players who spend hours tweaking their stats to get them just right should be able to accomplish it. I’m saying it needs to challenge you to explore every facet of your class and character and call upon all your skills in order to succeed.
Sea of Sorrows
I like the idea of getting a pre-cursor from the personal storyline. It makes sense that way.
However, a new problem arises. There will be huge inflation and huge deflation. Pre-cursors are a huge part of the economy. It is what keeps players buying rare/exotics and throw them into the mystic toilet. It is a asset sink. Take away that asset sink, the price of rare weapons go from 33 silver to 5 silver.
4x Necromancer, 3x Mesmer, 4x Guardian, 4x Thief, 4 Revenant
Let’s pretend that ANet can figure out how to protect the overall economy of the game if completion of the personal story rewarded a precursor weapon instead of a rare one. Let’s also pretend that ANet figures out how to compensate people who have already completed their p-story and/or those who spent 100s of gold to purchase or forge one.
Then the question is whether the personal story should provide something that is instrumental in creating a legendary. I would still say no, because I think it should be incredibly difficult to obtain a legendary. I think it should be something that most of us never even consider. One the things that makes legendaries interesting is that they are exclusive. As soon as ANet removes the random factor in the acquisition process, anyone can choose to grind one out…and that, too, makes them less interesting.
However, I have to agree that the reward at the end of the personal story feels anemic relative to the amount of effort (and to the importance of the player’s impact Tyria). I think it would be worth considering adding laurels to the reward and/or making the weapon exotic, instead of rare.
As soon as ANet removes the random factor in the acquisition process, anyone can choose to grind one out
So everything will stay the same.
While precursors are frustrating, having them rewarded simply by completing the Personal Story is ludicrous.
There’s no challenge/skill involved in completing it, anyone who bothers to even try is guaranteed to complete it without much of a sweat. Personal Story is made to be enjoyable more so then to be challenging.
While the idea of completing a storyline rewarding a precursor is good, it would have to be a completely different and much more difficult storyline. One that would be optional to everything else so casual players aren’t railroaded.
Lv80s: Guard, Thief, Necro. Renewed my Altaholic’s card on the HoT Hype-Train. Choo choo~
just waiting for scavenger hunt :p
Wait wait wait… So, lets throw the entire BLTC into a garbage bin?
You can’t do anything that radical with the costliest items in the game, the economy would take a major hit. There would be players leaving the game, some might even riot at Wall St.
What is even worse: “of your choice”! C’moon, this is just asking to make the game easier for ya. It’d completely ruin the Legendary part of Legendaries.So finding a precursor from a random mob/chest can define something as legendary, but conpketing the story and defeating an Elder Dragon isn’t? Makes perfect sense.
If you think about it: If everyone has it, is it Legendary anymore? No, its just a cool weapon with an effect that tells people around “yeah, I did the storyline quests”
How about this: The one ring to rule them all, you’re saying it wasn’t a legendary item, just because it was looted from a random mob inside a mountain? (And not after fighting some big bad end boss after a long journey. Just a random mob as a sidestop on a longer journey. And nobody even fought the mob, the ring was found on the ground.) Did anyone get any legendary items by defeating Sauron? I do not think so..
If everyone has it, yes, it is still legendary. You’re completely discounting the level of work necessary to actually turn a precurser into a Legendary. While completely ignoring the fact that absolutely ZERO work is involved in getting the Precurser in the first place. You don’t EARN a Precurser you get lucky and find one, or get lucky and gamble into one. Regardless of how you got it, you didn’t work for it.
There is nothing Legendary about “winning” it. There is about as much Legendary about it as if you bought it.
At least completing your story is doing something. And I think a Precurser is a really good prize for completing your story. I’ve “heard” that they are going to be setting up something like the EQ Epic Quest for Precursers, so they won’t be doing this, but I don’t know if that’s a rumor or actually from ANet. If not I think this is a much better option than the one currently happening.
You seem to have conveniently ignored most of my message and restated your earlier argument.
So I’ll just restate mine:
If you think about it: If everyone has it, is it Legendary anymore? No, its just a cool weapon with an effect that tells people around “yeah, I did the storyline quests”
How about this: The one ring to rule them all, you’re saying it wasn’t a legendary item, just because it was looted from a random mob inside a mountain? (And not after fighting some big bad end boss after a long journey. Just a random mob as a sidestop on a longer journey. And nobody even fought the mob, the ring was found on the ground.) Did anyone get any legendary items by defeating Sauron? I do not think so..
People who can’t tend to call the opponent troll, scream something utterly incomprehensible
and finally result to personal insults.
I like the idea of getting a pre-cursor from the personal storyline. It makes sense that way.
However, a new problem arises. There will be huge inflation and huge deflation. Pre-cursors are a huge part of the economy. It is what keeps players buying rare/exotics and throw them into the mystic toilet. It is a asset sink. Take away that asset sink, the price of rare weapons go from 33 silver to 5 silver.
Actually I don’t think it will mess up the market that much because of globs of ectoplasm. People will still buy rares and exotics to salvage. If it does mess up the market of rares and exotics, so be it. I think it’s a small sacrifice in light of what we gain in the area of legendaries.
Sea of Sorrows
After getting my Juggernaut done.. this would be a giant slap in the face of all those who have worked hard to obtain theirs.
It’s hard to get for a reasaon, Anet will NEVER make it apart of the reward for story completion. Enjoy dreaming.
Illivatur – Juggernaut – Eternity – Jade Quarry
Wow, everyone just wants it easier.
Pretty disgusting
Wow, everyone just wants it easier.
Pretty disgusting
How is purchasing it for 600g off the tp harder than completing the story questline? Especially if, as many here have suggested, legendaries are given their own questlines that are exeedingly harder than personal story. Unless you actually farm the gold that is. Even so, grinding may be tedious but it isn’t exactly hard.
Sea of Sorrows
i like this idea. however i think it should be for the full worldmap AND storyline completion, so when you completed the world map you could choose 1 precursor
the drops of these should be removed as well, i am pretty sure the price wouldnt suffer if this was done and it would make ALOT more sense.
furthermore i don’t understand why these can even be traded?! i mean its a legendary item, its not suppose to be tradeble, not even the fractile weapon skins can be traded, but legendaries can… makes sense…. (irony ofc) -.-
they should really be account bound.
After getting my Juggernaut done.. this would be a giant slap in the face of all those who have worked hard to obtain theirs.
It’s hard to get for a reasaon, Anet will NEVER make it apart of the reward for story completion. Enjoy dreaming.
this is the WORST logic ever.
so becouse a design is severely flawed and badly made it should NEVER get changed becouse some people already had to deal with it and so should every one else have to as well?!
how old are you? 10?-13?..
seriously. the base design on how to obtain precursors are severely broken and have nothing to do with anything but LUCK!! which is just wrong, especially in a game like gw2 where they tried to design everything else so that its a “fair mans game” and luck should have VERY little to do with it.
and BTW: having to complete as example the entire world map, all puzzles, all storyline etc. 100% completion is a kitten of alot harder then anything else you can come up with and it is diffinately more of a “show that you REALLY deserve a legandary precurser” then just being “lucky” or RMT’ing your gold to just buy it -.-
If you think about it: If everyone has it, is it Legendary anymore? No, its just a cool weapon with an effect that tells people around “yeah, I did the storyline quests”
How about this: The one ring to rule them all, you’re saying it wasn’t a legendary item, just because it was looted from a random mob inside a mountain? (And not after fighting some big bad end boss after a long journey. Just a random mob as a sidestop on a longer journey. And nobody even fought the mob, the ring was found on the ground.) Did anyone get any legendary items by defeating Sauron? I do not think so..
actually legolas is specced with legendaries, from his boots too his bow -.- almost everything on him is legendary.
frodo gets a legendary chainmail, cloak, as well as a sword.
soo yer.. they kinda get their stuff as “rewards” for just taking the quest to do the deed.
not to mention the fame and glory and all the treasures etc which they most difinately rescieve afterwards ^^
the ring is actually one of the least powerfull items in the books, it is only really powerfull in the hands of sauron, on every one else it simply just curropts their souls.
(edited by Erebus.7568)
If only this was in place at the start of the game, making the pact weapons precursors instead. I don’t think it will be changed after-the-fact, though.
Personally, I’d like it if after the personal story, we’re given another questline: Forge Your Legend
it would be similar to other RPG’s “superboss” and post game content, completely optional, and for doing something, you are rewarded with something totally not worth the effort, but at the same time, totally worth it
in it we would have to fight ridiculously OP monsters, on insanely difficult quests, to gather bits of a precursor, think of WoW’s legendaries, that should be the sort of thing required to get the precursor, not “kill risen until you get the money” or “kill tuna until one spits up dusk”
Legendarys should stay the same just because its gonna take most people years to get doesn’t mean it needs to be changed who cares if you have a legendary already you clearly have no life no offence or you were lucky. As it is now there are only 1
Skin of each and if everyone had one they wouldn’t be legendary that’s for sure. Who cares about legendary weapons being easier to get they in no way represent skill level heck a rich person could almost purchase one with their credit card flat out. I laugh at anyone with a legendary already and at anyone crying that they art easy to obtain.
If you think about it: If everyone has it, is it Legendary anymore? No, its just a cool weapon with an effect that tells people around “yeah, I did the storyline quests”
How about this: The one ring to rule them all, you’re saying it wasn’t a legendary item, just because it was looted from a random mob inside a mountain? (And not after fighting some big bad end boss after a long journey. Just a random mob as a sidestop on a longer journey. And nobody even fought the mob, the ring was found on the ground.) Did anyone get any legendary items by defeating Sauron? I do not think so..
It wasn’t looted from a random mob, it was found in very specific place during an important quest. If a very many very specific things had not occured in order it would never have been found at all. That is not random chance, that is an epic quest.
More than that, Precursers aren’t Legendary items, they are items on the path to becoming Legendary. A path that includes exploring the world, defeating many others in battle, becoming extremely skillful and still more. Becoming Legendary is to actually go out and DO things. Sitting around gambling away the junk you happen to have and hope something good pops out does not fit the mold for that path. Completing the story is at least doing something, and ending the tyrrany of an Elder Dragon is still a pretty legendary thing to do.
Ultimately your LotR analogy doesn’t actually hold anyway. The ring was not, in fact, a legendary anything. It was simply a quest item that also had a usable effect on the holder. If you want to break down everything into game terms.
Wow, everyone just wants it
easierFun.Pretty disgusting
4x Necromancer, 3x Mesmer, 4x Guardian, 4x Thief, 4 Revenant
Legendarys should stay the same just because its gonna take most people years to get doesn’t mean it needs to be changed who cares if you have a legendary already you clearly have no life no offence or you were lucky. As it is now there are only 1
Skin of each and if everyone had one they wouldn’t be legendary that’s for sure. Who cares about legendary weapons being easier to get they in no way represent skill level heck a rich person could almost purchase one with their credit card flat out. I laugh at anyone with a legendary already and at anyone crying that they art easy to obtain.
People really need to pay more attention. This is not about Legendaries. Some people may have an issue with the process of acquiring Legendaries, but kitten them. It is a lot of work and somewhat meaningful. No one can come in and get a Legendary with no effort because of some of the tasks that absolutely have to be completed to get it, including acquiring badges of honor and world completion. (discounting those who buy them, which should also be removed from existing)
The problem is not and has never been Legendaries. The problem is the Precurser item, which is just one of the pieces. It is 100% possible for absolutely anyone, given enough time and skill, to get every part of the Legendary, except the Precurser. The Precurser does not rely on skill or time, it relies exclusively on luck. There is no way to define which you will get, if you ever happen to get one, either. Luck is no way to define something as important as these items are. It is a broken system and it needs to be fixed. I feel there are better options than the OP’s suggestion, but failing everything else I think it has merit.
(edited by Kal Spiro.9745)
IF anet force me to play that piece of kitten dungeon again, I’m leaving for good.
Wait wait wait… So, lets throw the entire BLTC into a garbage bin?
Because removing one line of items that are horribly manipulated beyond reason would totally kill the BLTC.
Oh wait…
Do you even lift, bro?
If you think about it: If everyone has it, is it Legendary anymore? No, its just a cool weapon with an effect that tells people around “yeah, I did the storyline quests”
How about this: The one ring to rule them all, you’re saying it wasn’t a legendary item, just because it was looted from a random mob inside a mountain? (And not after fighting some big bad end boss after a long journey. Just a random mob as a sidestop on a longer journey. And nobody even fought the mob, the ring was found on the ground.) Did anyone get any legendary items by defeating Sauron? I do not think so..
actually legolas is specced with legendaries, from his boots too his bow -.- almost everything on him is legendary.
frodo gets a legendary chainmail, cloak, as well as a sword.
More like Ascended gear imho. His gear isn’t that special. The only legendary items the party has would be Aragorn’s sword and Frodo’s ring tbh. Rest is just rare, exotic, ascended.
soo yer.. they kinda get their stuff as “rewards” for just taking the quest to do the deed.
not to mention the fame and glory and all the treasures etc which they most difinately rescieve afterwards ^^
Still, those rewards are more like from random encounters along the way rather than beating the storyline. And when they started their journey, was there someone telling them that “Oh, you’ll get totally awesome gear if you do this”? No, they got the gear through pure chance.
And no, no treasures afterwards. They returned back to the Shire empty handed and had to deal with scoundrels even then.
the ring is actually one of the least powerfull items in the books, it is only really powerfull in the hands of sauron, on every one else it simply just curropts their souls.
Uhm… the Legendaries aren’t about “power”. They are about uniqueness. That ring is the most legendary item ever in the middle earth. (And full invisibility against regular opponents and prolonged lifespan, how is that not OP? See just how strong Gollum ended up being.)
People who can’t tend to call the opponent troll, scream something utterly incomprehensible
and finally result to personal insults.
Wait wait wait… So, lets throw the entire BLTC into a garbage bin?
Because removing one line of items that are horribly manipulated beyond reason would totally kill the BLTC.
Oh wait…
Read on. The explanation followed.
People who can’t tend to call the opponent troll, scream something utterly incomprehensible
and finally result to personal insults.
Yeah that doesn’t hold water. Legendaries are already everywhere; Anet dropped the ball with the Karka Event. They’re common as dirt. There are currently two groups of players:
1) Those who got their Legendary around the time of the Karka Event.
2) Those who now will never get them due to Precursors being manipulated to high heavens.
As I said, the ball has been dropped. I see no reason to discriminate against the second group by keeping Precursors as they are.
I have a sneaking suspicion that many of the defenders of the current situation are secretly sitting on Legendarily they got when they were super easy to get, and now don’t want anyone else to have them…
Do you even lift, bro?
If you think about it: If everyone has it, is it Legendary anymore? No, its just a cool weapon with an effect that tells people around “yeah, I did the storyline quests”
How about this: The one ring to rule them all, you’re saying it wasn’t a legendary item, just because it was looted from a random mob inside a mountain? (And not after fighting some big bad end boss after a long journey. Just a random mob as a sidestop on a longer journey. And nobody even fought the mob, the ring was found on the ground.) Did anyone get any legendary items by defeating Sauron? I do not think so..
actually legolas is specced with legendaries, from his boots too his bow -.- almost everything on him is legendary.
frodo gets a legendary chainmail, cloak, as well as a sword.
More like Ascended gear imho. His gear isn’t that special. The only legendary items the party has would be Aragorn’s sword and Frodo’s ring tbh. Rest is just rare, exotic, ascended.
soo yer.. they kinda get their stuff as “rewards” for just taking the quest to do the deed.
not to mention the fame and glory and all the treasures etc which they most difinately rescieve afterwards ^^
Still, those rewards are more like from random encounters along the way rather than beating the storyline. And when they started their journey, was there someone telling them that “Oh, you’ll get totally awesome gear if you do this”? No, they got the gear through pure chance.
And no, no treasures afterwards. They returned back to the Shire empty handed and had to deal with scoundrels even then.
the ring is actually one of the least powerfull items in the books, it is only really powerfull in the hands of sauron, on every one else it simply just curropts their souls.
Uhm… the Legendaries aren’t about “power”. They are about uniqueness. That ring is the most legendary item ever in the middle earth. (And full invisibility against regular opponents and prolonged lifespan, how is that not OP? See just how strong Gollum ended up being.)[/quote]
frodo got a jar of light from before the world was made and sam got magical dirt that made all his things grow better.
and you know, they didn’t die horribly to an insane fallen angel, I’d say that’s a pretty nice reward
also, the most legendary items would be the silmarils ((specifically for any who don’t know, some guys called valar made the world, they also made some glowing trees to act as light sources, morgoth, the FIRST dark lord killed the trees with the help of shelobs mother, the last bits of the trees light were stored in three jewels called silmarils, and the fruit and flowers of the trees were made into the sun and moon, turns out the silmarils were REALLY nice looking and a ton of wars and eath and badness occured, and it ended with one of the silmarils in space (one got thrown into the ocean and someone dropped the last one into a really deep pit) where it became a star, whose light was infused into the jar of water frodo got))
(edited by Calcifire.1864)
Gandalf’s sword, Foecleaver, and most likely his staff are definitely Legendaries.
Do you even lift, bro?
While precursors are frustrating, having them rewarded simply by completing the Personal Story is ludicrous.
There’s no challenge/skill involved in completing it, anyone who bothers to even try is guaranteed to complete it without much of a sweat. Personal Story is made to be enjoyable more so then to be challenging.
While the idea of completing a storyline rewarding a precursor is good, it would have to be a completely different and much more difficult storyline. One that would be optional to everything else so casual players aren’t railroaded.
There is also no challenge/skill on getting good luck at the forge or looting it from trash mob.
The challenge comes from the rest of the materials needed, not the precursors.
The solution is simple, make the precursors grindable. Luck=/=challenge or skill.
The people got the precursors in a fairly easy way during karka event and they are the same complaining about not making it easy now. Even if you give 1 precursor to every player, most of them wont ever get the rest of the materials. The prices of precursors are artificially high in TP.
That being said, finishing the story is kinda easy, so I would suggest a super hard quest to get a precursor of your choice.
People really need to pay more attention. This is not about Legendaries.
Most people do, this thread is ultimately about making legendaries easier to get.
The problem is not and has never been Legendaries. The problem is the Precurser item, which is just one of the pieces. It is 100% possible for absolutely anyone, given enough time and skill, to get every part of the Legendary, except the Precurser.
That is the point. Making a precursor into a legendary is just a matter of time. Therefore, if you give everyone a bunch of precursors, especially if its a precursor of your choice, everyone will ultimately have a legendary in their hands. And not just one, no. I for one would have, since I have 8 characters.
The Precurser does not rely on skill or time, it relies exclusively on luck.
Yes and no. Skill → Repeat steps which might award precursor faster, thus requiring less time overall. Time → Since when you created your character it wasn’t flagged as “cannot receive precursor”, it means that the longer you look for it the more likely it is you find it.
There is no way to define which you will get
Trading is the whole idea of economy.
Luck is no way to define something as important as these items are.
That is why Legendaries have the same stats as other max-stat weapons. They are skins.
And spending enough time, you will get one. This just ensures that the weapon keeps the feel of being legendary. There is nothing legendary about an item of which there are 50 copies in the same instance. No. That would just be a new way for elitist players to exclude people from their dungeon parties. “What, this kid doesn’t even have a legendary weapon? Ergo, he is new.” Which is just silly.
It is a broken system and it needs to be fixed. I feel there are better options than the OP’s suggestion, but failing everything else I think it has merit.
I disagree. The system is working just wonderfully. There are some legendary weapons, but I’ve never seen two of the same type at the same time.
Btw, no, I don’t have a Legendary, I don’t even have a precursor. What, did you assume I would have?
People who can’t tend to call the opponent troll, scream something utterly incomprehensible
and finally result to personal insults.
Because you’re fervently defending a broken system. Unless you’re sitting on a Legendary, it makes no sense for you to do so.
And you still miss my point: Legendaries are already everywhere. The Karka Event rained Precursors left and right. All this stupid and obvious price manipulation does is make sure that people who didn’t luck out in the big Karka Lottery will probably never get their hand on a Legendary, despite putting in all the effort to get everything else for their Legendary!
Do you even lift, bro?
Gandalf’s sword, Foecleaver, and most likely his staff are definitely Legendaries.
his staff is just something istari have, there isn’t anything really legendary about them
glamdring/foehammer isn’t innately magical, it’s just a sword that killed a lot of enemies and earned a name, it’s closer to a named exotic than a legendary.
the closest any weapon really gets to being legendary is narsil and that WAS given as a story event
frodo got a jar of light from before the world was made and sam got magical dirt that made all his things grow better.
So Sam got some fertilizer and Frodo got an ancient lamp, big deal.
Besides, that was before they finished the storyline quest, not after.
also, the most legendary items would be the silmarils
Sorry, I haven’t readen the Silmarillion yet, but the ring is still pretty darn legendary. And yes, it did drop from a trashmob. (Veteran trashmob.)
People who can’t tend to call the opponent troll, scream something utterly incomprehensible
and finally result to personal insults.
Because you’re fervently defending a broken system. Unless you’re sitting on a Legendary, it makes no sense for you to do so.
Still, I do not have one.
And you still miss my point: Legendaries are already everywhere.
I was just running around with some 50 people in WvW. I did not see a single legendary.
I was just at the LA with some 100 other people there. I did not see a single legendary. Tell me, where are the Legendaries that are supposedly “everywhere”?
The Karka Event rained Precursors left and right. All this stupid and obvious price manipulation does is make sure that people who didn’t luck out in the big Karka Lottery will probably never get their hand on a Legendary, despite putting in all the effort to get everything else for their Legendary!
That is news to me. Tho I can see you’re clearly frustrated, and I guess that could affect on your judgement.
People who can’t tend to call the opponent troll, scream something utterly incomprehensible
and finally result to personal insults.
(edited by Fred Fargone.3127)
You defend it yet you didn’t even know about the big Karka Event raining down Precursors?
L to the OL!
Do you even lift, bro?
I was just running around with some 50 people in WvW. I did not see a single legendary.
I was just at the LA with some 100 other people there. I did not see a single legendary. Tell me, where are the Legendaries that are supposedly “everywhere”?
Apparently they’re on Tarnished Coast because I can barely spit without seeing Twilight. It’s pretty bad when you’re doing starter zone stuff and someone comes in with a legendary to work on hearts, especially since that would seem to indicate he bought it.
Incidentally I would also like to point out that your definition of skill and understanding of statistics is severely lacking. Doing something over and over is not a representation of skill. Doing something with a static chance repeatedly, even infinately, doesn’t not ensure success. Especially if that chance is very low.
(edited by Kal Spiro.9745)
Because you’re fervently defending a broken system. Unless you’re sitting on a Legendary, it makes no sense for you to do so.
Still, I do not have one.
And you still miss my point: Legendaries are already everywhere.
I was just running around with some 50 people in WvW. I did not see a single legendary.
I was just at the LA with some 100 other people there. I did not see a single legendary. Tell me, where are the Legendaries that are supposedly “everywhere”?The Karka Event rained Precursors left and right. All this stupid and obvious price manipulation does is make sure that people who didn’t luck out in the big Karka Lottery will probably never get their hand on a Legendary, despite putting in all the effort to get everything else for their Legendary!
That is news to me. Tho I can see you’re clearly frustrated, and I guess that could affect on your judgement.
Apparently they’re on Tarnished Coast because I can barely spit without seeing Twilight. It’s pretty bad when you’re doing starter zone stuff and someone comes in with a legendary to work on hearts, especially since that would seem to indicate he bought it.
Well, I play on Desolation, I guess everyone here was just doing WvW when it was raining precursors.
People who can’t tend to call the opponent troll, scream something utterly incomprehensible
and finally result to personal insults.
I don’t think completing your personal storyline is worthy to get the precursor, most people will just sell it anyhow. Although Arena Net has talked about making precursors acessable through a Questline that you can do, I also assume that if this takes place that they will be soulbond
Precursors, like anything else, are RNG. This means chance. Because chance is not eqivilant to guaranteed, some people may never get one; thus, determination is not the sole factor in getting one over time as it may never happen.
As of right now, precursor prices are as high as ever. Yes, time would be the key to obtaining one off the tp; if they were at a set price. Let us look at it this way: Precursors were cheaper at launch. They steadily increased in price since then. People are raising money to get one… However, precursor prices are still increasing, meaning if the price goes up at a faster rate than that of the rate people can make money, the precursor is out of reach.
This in combination with the RNG factor presents an issue; determination and hardwork can still lead to nothing, even after someone has been working hard for months. This is what the root of the issue is. Those who rushed for legendaries at launch got theres the cheapest; people at this present time have to work harder than those before them. Now, is that justified? To some, it may be; but we must be realistic. The obtaining of the precursor should be adjusted; that way the opporunity does not fall short of the players who are dedicated to the cause. The Karka Event did help some people get the precursor they wanted; good for them I say. It might have helped out a guy or two who may never have gotten it without the event. But now, we must consider, a compromise from both parties. The majority apposed claim those who try to reason it to be fairer are treated woth disrespect and looked down upon. This should not be the case.
These precursors lead to the legendaries; a milestone to be achieved by the dedicated players; not an item that may be bragged or shown off with vanity. The argument stands that legendaries shouldn’t be obtainable by all; on the other hand, it can be said that it shouldn’t matter if many players have it; one who has one shouldn’t care or disapprove of the next guy in line attempting to achieve his aswell.
Guild Wars 2 has a policy of standing on the side of the casual, when it comes to its ideals and manifesto. Therefore, a compromise should be reached on the matter at hand between the Devs, and the players on either side of the argument. When a good amount of players are voicing their opinion on a feature/item/etc., it should at least be allowed to be discussed in a polite manner and productive manner instead of saying ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ followed by repetitive statements.
In conclusion, as I state once again, we should compromise on the matter, that way we achieve something for both sides, and can let this matter at hand end.
We are sworn together by our blood…
The time and effort involved getting the Precursor is out of whack in comparison to the rest of the stuff.
Myself and many others have all the ingredients bar the Precursor.
Do you even lift, bro?
Wait wait wait… So, lets throw the entire BLTC into a garbage bin?
You can’t do anything that radical with the costliest items in the game, the economy would take a major hit. There would be players leaving the game, some might even riot at Wall St.
What is even worse: “of your choice”! C’moon, this is just asking to make the game easier for ya. It’d completely ruin the Legendary part of Legendaries.
Sounds like someone that is working the precursor market.
The exit is that way bro —-→
There is also no challenge/skill on getting good luck at the forge or looting it from trash mob.
I never denied that the current methods are not challenging. But, that issue doesn’t make this thread’s suggestion better.
You’re preaching to the choir with that response~
Lv80s: Guard, Thief, Necro. Renewed my Altaholic’s card on the HoT Hype-Train. Choo choo~
(edited by DreamOfACure.4382)
here’s to hoping precursors get wound in with the new “guild” quest/mission system for guild play.
here’s to hoping precursors get wound in with the new “guild” quest/mission system for guild play.
I can almost guarantee you it won’t.
Guild quests=rewards affecting your guild.
At least that’s how I read it.
Do you even lift, bro?
All i would really like is that the precursor is earned through achievement, not tedious farming of gold.
At the current state of a greatsword precursor, if i was to farm 35g per week (about 5 hours of farming a week), it would take me 17 weeks to get enough gold.
And keep in mind that’s not fun completion/achievement, its tedious and boring farming. For 17 weeks or 85 hours
All i would really like is that the precursor is earned through achievement, not tedious farming of gold.
At the current state of a greatsword precursor, if i was to farm 35g per week (about 5 hours of farming a week), it would take me 17 weeks to get enough gold.
And keep in mind that’s not fun completion/achievement, its tedious and boring farming. For 17 weeks or 85 hours
It would take you longer because in 17 weeks the price would probably be higher.
I would not go as far a story.
All paths in all dungeons maybe, just once per character.
But story is just not hard enough on its own.