Concept Profession: Name undecided
I like the name Inquisitor as it’s an actual ‘profession’ in the vein of the others. If it’s profession mechanic focused around the idea of its concept, I think the name serves a good role for that concept.
As for a ‘Dark Knight’ type of playstyle, I’m starting to wonder if they couldn’t just give Necromancers a couple of heavy weapons that were direct damage focused, perhaps with the side effect of poison and weakness as well as a skill that just corrupts boons on target (kind of like Mesmer sword skills, one in each set being able to remove boons). That’s your ‘Guardian-but-opposite’ knight right there.
Justicar Works as a name better than Inquisitor though technically guardians do everythign a justicar would do if you look at the description so maybe not….not a bad idea though just needs abit more work and a new name.
I think it’s a brilliant idea. There’s nothing quite like the ambiguity of an Inquisitor, or Justicar, or Witch-hunter for that matter. I do prefer the name Inquisitor though, it conjures up that ecclesiastic zealousness which comes with the trappings of wards, focuses and righteous weaponry. Maybe even add henchmen specifically for them. Like the Thief’s, Thieves Guild.
I’m biased though because of the imagery of Warhammer. I think a class like a Justicar though that had a lot more of the Tyrian Gods effecting their skills would separate one from a Guardian. Like the Elementalist’s four elements, they could have four Gods which changed their skills.
I’m in for the “Justiciar” idea. It fits in the lore (remember the White Mantle Justiciars?). Though the name seems a bit miss-leading. Justiciar comes from “Justice”, which would actually fit a good-themed class. THOUGH the original White Mantle Justiciars were actually the bad guys in Guild Wars 1. So yeah, why not?
I actually found a more fitting name perhaps: the Suppressor. Literally “a person who directs and restrains”. This rather well fits Inquisitor?
Now Justicar too?
Ar you working for the Mursaat or something?
What’s next? Demagogue? Confessor? Sycophant? Zealot?
As I mentioned before, this is not like “ascalonian ranger” or “inquest engineer”.
Just because there’s enemies with names that include player professions that doesn’t mean you can give player professions any name seen on enemies.
There’s names with negative connotations within GW2 that make them unfit for a player profession no matter how you look at it.
None of the playable races would have “inquisitors” in their ‘good’ factions.
The closest thing you could have would be something like “Prosecutor” or “Judge”.
Name suggestion “Reaver” deals in death magic basically a heavy Necromancer but more focused on melee damage.
Or what about those Knights of Balthazar from the scholar story mode where you transform into a Knight of Balthazar. Would deal with fire and destruction.
The second one sounds French. I don’t want to play a French profession :P
Lol yeah kinda does sound french, I’m not even sure if that was the actual name when you transform but anyways you get the idea.
Personally i would prefer the Reaver concept more as i like the whole Dark Knight thing.
Name suggestion “Reaver” deals in death magic basically a heavy Necromancer but more focused on melee damage.
Or what about those Knights of Balthazar from the scholar story mode where you transform into a Knight of Balthazar. Would deal with fire and destruction.
You temporarily become the avatar of Balthazaar…aka you channel his power directly. An Avatar is when the god literally takes over your body temporarily and funnels their power through you to invoke change in the world favorable for that god.
I also have to agree with another poster that stated…“justicar” is covored by the guardian already.
Inquisitor will always have a negative canotation, you can thank the spanish inquisition for that.
My favorite idea so far by anyone…is a heavy armored chronomancer.
Lolol watch the title “Concept Profession Name undecided”
So what do we have:
- Inquisitor
- Justiciar
- Suppressor
- Reaver
Lets vote for it? xD
I still like Inquisitor, lore or no lore.
But Magistrate is another possibility.
Could I get away with “Titan”?
I like Inquisitor with light or medium armor.
I still like Inquisitor, lore or no lore.
But Magistrate is another possibility.
Could I get away with “Titan”?
Magistrate sounds like a scholar class really. And the titans were a race, not a class :P