Concept Profession: Name undecided

Concept Profession: Name undecided

in Suggestions

Posted by: redrex.9634


The Inquisitor

Lore and Introduction
Dominate; The mantra of the Inquisitor. In their search for Truth, no stone is left unturned, no cave unexplored, and no wills left unbroken. Masters of the torturous arts, and quick of mind, an Inquisitor does not charge straight into battle like the ferocious warrior, nor does he defend the weak like the pious guardian, his focus is domination and the power over others that he has.

The Inquisitor’s main mechanics reside in his Determination Skills, skills that break the will of the host and force them to do your bidding.

Mechanics details
Skills F1-F3 will be Determination Skills

F1: Determination of Mercy/Revenge

F2: Force Submit – The targeted foes submit to your will after 3 Seconds.
Note: This works only against normal mobs, pets, summons and turrets. Does not work against players, Champions, Elite or Veteran NPC’s. Force Submit will have a 10 Second cooldown. (There will be a trait that allows forced submission to ‘spread’, like a plague.

This is also a ground targeted AoE.

F3: Release Mercy/Revenge


Harpoon Gun

Weapon Skills
See Below

Additional Skills
On top of Domination Skills, the Inquisitor has a range of Utility skills at his disposal.
(For details and examples see below)

High Grounds
Geographic CC (Walls and hills) That the Inquisitor can order be formed. These are much larger than the guardian versions and can be destroyed.

Close-range attacks that have debilitating effects

Skills which give random boons, or random conditions.

Skills which clear effects, such as conditions or boons, immobilizes etc.


(edited by redrex.9634)

Concept Profession: Name undecided

in Suggestions

Posted by: redrex.9634


Determination Mechanics

The Inquisitor has 2 resources: Mercy and Revenge.

Mercy or Revenge stacks are applied with skills 2-5

Weapon skills 2-5 will also have different passive effects depending on your determination

Each stack is mutually exclusive; the Inquisitor’s resource stacks will fill up with one or the other only. Mercy will reduce Revenge and so on.

F1 toggles your determination.

Judicial Determination of Mercy
The longer your servants stay alive, the more mercy you shall receive. Keeping them alive with regeneration or heals rewards you. Note these heals do not work on all allies, just your own dominion.

Judicial Determination of Revenge
The more servants you have over a given period of time (i.e. they die faster, and often), the more Revenge you shall receive. Using them as fodder, soaking up your damage rewards you.

The stacks are the same as sigil stacks, and with a stack of 5 each, you will:
Mercy: apply regeneration to yourself and allies and weakness to enemies
Revenge: apply vulnerability to enemies and might to yourself and allies.

After you have a full 25 stacks, F3 will allow you to release your determination of mercy or revenge; manifesting as a transform.

Figure of Mercy:
A heavy support form

Figure of Revenge
A heavy damage form.

(edited by redrex.9634)

Concept Profession: Name undecided

in Suggestions

Posted by: redrex.9634


Reserved for Weapon Skills

Concept Profession: Name undecided

in Suggestions

Posted by: redrex.9634


Reserved for Utility Skills

High Ground
Order your servants to build for you.



Bunkers (Safe from overhead projectiles)

(edited by redrex.9634)

Concept Profession: Name undecided

in Suggestions

Posted by: redrex.9634


Reserved for ‘just in case’ and FAQ

Dont forget to check out my other concept!

(edited by redrex.9634)

Concept Profession: Name undecided

in Suggestions

Posted by: Redfeather.6401


I loved playing an Inquisitor in EQ2. They were like evil clerics with domination, CC, healing and inspiration skills.

Concept Profession: Name undecided

in Suggestions

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


“Inquisitor” is a White Mantle title. White Mantle still exist.
White Mantle are evil.

That name is no good.

No exceptions!

Concept Profession: Name undecided

in Suggestions

Posted by: Elthurien.8356


Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!

Concept Profession: Name undecided

in Suggestions

Posted by: redrex.9634


edited name to Warlord, but will take further suggestions

Concept Profession: Name undecided

in Suggestions

Posted by: Graywind.8324


In Warhammer 40K the Inquisitor is more like a Paladin or Guardian in GW2 terms. Or in the words of a Wiki :
An inquisitor was an official (usually with judicial or investigative functions) in an Inquisition; an organisation or program intended to eliminate heresy and other things contrary to the doctrine or teachings of the Catholic faith. Literally, an inquisitor is one who “searches out” or “inquires” (Latin inquirere < quaerere, “to seek”).

I do like this idea, I would however maybe restrict the weapon choices to Blunt weapons like : Hammer, Mace, Shield, Staff, Focus, Warhorn, Pistol, Rifle (fires round lead balls) Maybe include a new weapon a War hammer or Tonfa. Mainly because the Domination theme would indicate that killing outright is not the main focus. Or even change the Domination to Persuasion. This game has no good or evil classes. Domination has a negative feel to it.

Will also need a mechanic to determine the use of the F1- F3 skills other classes have restrictions on how they are used for example a Mesmer usually needs clones, Engineers are based on his utility’s and Warrior has adrenalin. Make the F1 – F3 use something like “Awe” which is generated like adrenalin.

Relden Stormborn – Engineer- Trust me!
Danonia – Mesmer – I’m over here!

Concept Profession: Name undecided

in Suggestions

Posted by: Elthurien.8356


I think Inquisitor suited the profession theme more tbh.
Soldiers are currently lacking the dark theme, which an Inquisitor would fit perfectly.
Soldiers are also missing conditions and effects like chill, confusion, poison, darkness and water. All of those effects and conditions would fit a Dark Inquisitor theme.

Concept Profession: Name undecided

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zeus CM.1692

Zeus CM.1692

I like where this is going. Like the mercy/revenge resource thing and heavy armor type to balance the classes (3 light, medium and heavy). Looking forward to read the rest once you are done.

Croatian Guild & GW portal:

Concept Profession: Name undecided

in Suggestions

Posted by: redrex.9634


Edited mechanic for greater immersion and consistency. Let me know what you think!

Concept Profession: Name undecided

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sirendor.1394


I’m impressed Redrex. Another great idea next to spiritualist. I’ll post a more extensive commentary once I have some time. Also: it would be a good idea for you to put you ideas in a link in your signature. You do this by going to profile settings on the forums here I think.

Greetings, Vael

Gandara – Vabbi – Ring of Fire – Fissure of Woe – Vabbi
SPvP as Standalone All is Vain

Concept Profession: Name undecided

in Suggestions

Posted by: redrex.9634


Hi Vael,

Thanks, look forward to it

Greetings back


Concept Profession: Name undecided

in Suggestions

Posted by: Elspeth Tiriel.9243

Elspeth Tiriel.9243

I am in support of any new profession just to keep the game exciting and give us more options. You put alot of work into this well done! I am curious have you ever played Sacred 2? They have a playable class called inquisitor and they are just as wicked!

Concept Profession: Name undecided

in Suggestions

Posted by: zubebuehler.5890


The Inquisitor

Lore and Introduction
Dominate; The mantra of the Inquisitor. In their search for Truth, no stone is left unturned, no cave unexplored, and no wills left unbroken. Masters of the torturous arts, and quick of mind, an Inquisitor does not charge straight into battle like the ferocious warrior, nor does he defend the weak like the pious guardian, his focus is domination and the power over others that he has.

The bold part reminds me too much of a mesmer in GW1. Before and now too (to some extent) the mesmers used to have a feat/skill tree called domination magic. Where skills were explained as magic which allows you to disrupt and damage your enemies for their actions. Right now in GW2 we see the simplified form of this whole skill set (Domination magic) with a single condition called confusion and there are no more spell interrupts but only daze-type attacks.

Other than that, I would really love to see a dark themed soldier class. Guardian being the good, Soldiers being the neutral and Inquisitors (?) being the evil.

(edited by zubebuehler.5890)

Concept Profession: Name undecided

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sirendor.1394


Alrighty, i’m giving it a shot.
As Zube suggested it reminds a bit of the mesmer, but it looks like it’s something completely different. The mesmer was able to stun and daze, but he didn’t have any skills to control his enemy, forcing him to do certain actions.

About this: what is determination supposed to do?
I have some ideas about it, correct me if I’m wrong:
- Inquisitor’s gaze: weaken your foe by spotting his weakness?
- Nail bed: a torturing trap that knocks down foe and causes bleeding?
- Determination allowing the Inquisitor greater damage against a foe? Certain skills permitting the Inquisitor to deceive his enemy into willingness?

If you have dominated a foe, will he change into an ally for you temporarily?
How does this work? Can you also summon NPC servants such as the thief? For example: an initiate?

Trials (or punishments)? Those could work a bit like the Mad King: if you don’t bow you get knocked down and dealed x damage.

I like the idea of using Mercy & Revenge in a transformation. Doesn’t seem like something new though.

Please specify further. I’m really intrigued by this idea.
Also another quote on Zube:
As it stands we have 3 mage classes, 3 adventurer classes.
They all have a good, a neutral and a bad class:
- elementalist (G), mesmer (N), necromancer (B)
- ranger (G), engineer (N), thief (B)
Now with those soldier classes:
- guardian (G), warrior (N), inquisitor (B)

^Me likes

Gandara – Vabbi – Ring of Fire – Fissure of Woe – Vabbi
SPvP as Standalone All is Vain

Concept Profession: Name undecided

in Suggestions

Posted by: redrex.9634


Hi guys

I’ll answer in point form if that’s ok?

1) “domination over others” I was being dramatic. It’s not a huge indication of the mechanics

2)“Determination” in this instance is a derivative of ‘to determine’, not as in ’i’m determinated’. I need to change the word that’s a little more ‘inquisitorial’.

That being said your determination is your viewpoint. Are you seeking mercy, or revenge? innocence or guilt? If you’re seeking revenge, like it says above, you will work yourself into a frenzy of damage, until you can become the figure of Revenge.
If you’re seeking mercy, you work yourself for your followers, healing and regenerating until you can become the figure of Mercy.

3) Yes they turn into allies. But this applies to only to normal NPC’s minions, turrets, summons etc, not to players. Every time they attack you will gain mercy or revenge, and if you are in the determination of revenge you gain extra points when they die. if you are in the determination of mercy you get extra points every second they stay alive. Any ‘turned’ mob will have a level-specific amount of health but maintain their skills.

4)I’m sure some summons can be worked in. Like some Practicals/Initiates.

5)Trials or punishments would have to be on a massive cooldown if thats the idea.

More later, gotta shleep

Concept Profession: Name undecided

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sirendor.1394


Cool, worth a try.

Gandara – Vabbi – Ring of Fire – Fissure of Woe – Vabbi
SPvP as Standalone All is Vain

Concept Profession: Name undecided

in Suggestions

Posted by: redrex.9634


Updated mechanic, working on weapon skills tonight

Concept Profession: Name undecided

in Suggestions

Posted by: DreamOfACure.4382


“Master of torturous arts” doesn’t sound like the kind of guy to be going into the field and engaging in combat, much less trying to save the world and slay Zhaitan.
Feels more like a stay-at-home wait-for-clients-to-bring-victims type.

Also, the theme seems a lot like a cross between the Warrior and the Mesmer.

And Kudos if you did the art. Really nice work.

“Bleeding, Poison, Confusion, Torment, they all look delightful on you.”

Lv80s: Guard, Thief, Necro. Renewed my Altaholic’s card on the HoT Hype-Train. Choo choo~

(edited by DreamOfACure.4382)

Concept Profession: Name undecided

in Suggestions

Posted by: Trollhammer.7439


dude… you know who Inquisitors were and what they actually did, right?

Concept Profession: Name undecided

in Suggestions

Posted by: redrex.9634


I am aware of the lore. 250 years have passed. I think we can redefine the word.

Also, if you’re very opposed to the name, can you make some suggestions?

Concept Profession: Name undecided

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sirendor.1394


dude… you know who Inquisitors were and what they actually did, right?

I don’t think that is a valid objection. Consider the use of Inquisitor in the game itself: the Inquest Inquisitors. Also Inquisition comes from the verb “to inquire”, literally to interogate. It shouldn’t always have a negative definition, and even if it has a negative definition… don’t thief and necromancer also have one?

I think Inquisitor therefore has some very unique and fitting mechanisms/backgrounds.

Gandara – Vabbi – Ring of Fire – Fissure of Woe – Vabbi
SPvP as Standalone All is Vain

Concept Profession: Name undecided

in Suggestions

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


Very unique backgrounds, presented only by evil characters.

It won’t be like “Ascalonian ranger”, it’ll be like calling a profession “bandit”, “executioner”, “cultist” or “zealot”. You only see it present in enemies, and has negative connotations within GW lore.

“Inquisitor” may come from latin “inquirere” (to seek), but what they do to “inquire” taints the name.

No exceptions!

Concept Profession: Name undecided

in Suggestions

Posted by: Trollhammer.7439


I am aware of the lore. 250 years have passed. I think we can redefine the word.

Also, if you’re very opposed to the name, can you make some suggestions?

Cool. Lets make a Nazi class.

Concept Profession: Name undecided

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nightarch.2943


You mean this?


Guild Wars 2 is not a sequel to the original Guild Wars but merely an alternative story setting.

Concept Profession: Name undecided

in Suggestions

Posted by: HannaDeFreitas.4236


I think an Inquisitor should rather be a “punishing” version of Guardian, using boons similar to Smithing Prayers of GW1 that punish enemies for doing things.
-. (Profession skill) Judge’s Gaze: Increase cast time of target skills by 33%.
- Wrath of Justice. The next person to attack allies is knocked down for 1s.
- Judge’s Insight. Allies attacked apply 3s of Weakness to the attacker.
- Strength of Honor. Allies under attack gain Fury and 3 stacks of might.
- Punish Condition. Remove a condition and apply confusion to who applied it.
- Castigation Signet. Deals X damage. Also knocks down target for 1s if he is attacking.
- Scourge Healing. Target takes X damage every time he’s healed.
- Scourge Boon. Target takes X damage every time a boon is applied to him.

Inquisitors should punish, not be puppet masters.

Concept Profession: Name undecided

in Suggestions

Posted by: Redfeather.6401


They can get some maintainable boons whose upkeep cost is a bar of endurance.
So you could mix and match and have up to 2 of those boons up.
Here’s some examples:
Aura of Enervation – While active, allies within earshot gain a chance to inflict weakness each time they apply a condition to an enemy. Upkeep cost of 1 endurance bar.
Mantra of Fanaticism – While active, allies within earshot recharge skills faster. Upkeep cost of 1 endurance bar. Skillbar icon becomes a shout skill called Damnation.
Damnation – Activation of this shout drops Mantra of Fanaticism’s boon and applies burning to all enemies in earshot.

Concept Profession: Name undecided

in Suggestions

Posted by: Leo G.4501

Leo G.4501

People see this as a soldier class? Looks like/sounds like an Adventurer class or even a Scholar. Interrogations, trials and so forth have no place on the actual battle field and that’s what soldiers are all about (battle).

Beyond that, feels like the armor available to medium or light would fit better than heavy armor (and come on, you know you want to put a wide brim hat on one of these). Also, a scholar profession not centered around magic is a niche not filled.

I do like this idea, I would however maybe restrict the weapon choices to Blunt weapons like : Hammer, Mace, Shield, Staff, Focus, Warhorn, Pistol, Rifle (fires round lead balls) Maybe include a new weapon a War hammer or Tonfa. Mainly because the Domination theme would indicate that killing outright is not the main focus. Or even change the Domination to Persuasion. This game has no good or evil classes. Domination has a negative feel to it.

Oh, how about a new weapon being the Jutte? It’s got style, is a symbol of rank and urgent business and it’s blunt.

Concept Profession: Name undecided

in Suggestions

Posted by: Runiir.6425


Inquisitors throughout human history have been the most despicable individuals ever known. Seriously, name one GOOD inquisitor in human history. Also, inquisitors are not soldiers (the name used for all heavy armor users) they sit behind large keep walls and wait for people to drag victims to them. They aren’t battlefield leaders, they really don’t belong on a battlefield at all. At best they should be scholars, and we need another soldier not more scholar/adventurers.

Concept Profession: Name undecided

in Suggestions

Posted by: Leo G.4501

Leo G.4501

At best they should be scholars, and we need another soldier not more scholar/adventurers.

I don’t understand this mentality. Why do we ‘need’ another soldier? Please don’t give some OCD answer. We don’t ‘need’ to have the same number of professions per armor class. What’s important, IMO, is concept/utility/playstyle. Whose to say you can’t have such a profession being in light armor and yet as tanky/frontline as any other soldier profession? Or even a heavy armor class that is fragile and stays away from the front lines? It’s all in the utility/playstyle that determines this.

Concept Profession: Name undecided

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sirendor.1394


I don’t think Inquisitor should be scholar or adventurer, it would fit in the general scheme of a Dark Knight, a Lord of Evil. I don’t see why it is reason for criticism either…
YES, Inquisitors were bad people. YES, Necromancers were bad people. YES, Thieves were bad people.
→ What’s the difference?

Gandara – Vabbi – Ring of Fire – Fissure of Woe – Vabbi
SPvP as Standalone All is Vain

Concept Profession: Name undecided

in Suggestions

Posted by: Leo G.4501

Leo G.4501

Hmm, I’d rather just have a Dark Knight then (maybe even something like that Demon Hunter profession thread) rather than a puppet-master Soldier…although I think the DH idea was a medium armor profession…

IMO, I think a non-magic scholar is just as enticing as another ‘soldier-like-guardian-but-opposite’ if not moreso

Concept Profession: Name undecided

in Suggestions

Posted by: Runiir.6425


At best they should be scholars, and we need another soldier not more scholar/adventurers.

I don’t understand this mentality. Why do we ‘need’ another soldier? Please don’t give some OCD answer. We don’t ‘need’ to have the same number of professions per armor class. What’s important, IMO, is concept/utility/playstyle. Whose to say you can’t have such a profession being in light armor and yet as tanky/frontline as any other soldier profession? Or even a heavy armor class that is fragile and stays away from the front lines? It’s all in the utility/playstyle that determines this.

1) for the sake of giving heavy armor users a different playstyle to choose from
2) all playstyles are already in scholars right now (non-magic based? go dagger/warhorn necromancer using spectral skills and you are basically just a light armored thief with shadowy skills, it is surprisingly fun if impractical)

Warriors built as glass cannons are every bit as fragile as glass cannons of other classes. However, a glass cannon soldier is still better able to take damage than a glass cannon scholar.
People asking for new soldier class before others prefer the tankier look/feel of heavy armor as well as the style of gameplay that comes with being a soldier…that option to act as a tank if need be. Soldiers also, by virtue of Arena Net stating it bluntly, are the only classes that will ever have access to maces or hammers, thus if you enjoy that playstyle you need to be a soldier (however I still think mace should be given to engineers, as a mace is simply an enlarged carpentry hammer).
You talk about playstyle but ignore the fact that soldiers are extremely limited right now.

Concept Profession: Name undecided

in Suggestions

Posted by: Leo G.4501

Leo G.4501

You’re grouping ‘soldiers’ as if they are their own playstyle or direction when that comes down to the utilities of the profession, not the armor sub-class. Making a scholar a front-liner or naturally sturdy could do the exact same as what you’re saying, just that it wouldn’t be categorized as a soldier or have heavy looking armor. The way I see it, even if the concept aesthetic would better fit another armor look, you’re pigeonhole-ing the profession into heavy armor just for some sideways reason that heavy armor is some kind of sentient thing that would feel left out if you didn’t. Hammer/maces aside, nothing you’ve said bounds the suggestion to needing heavy armor to fulfill.

And your #2 neglects the Profession mechanic which is just unacceptable, IMO.

Concept Profession: Name undecided

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nels the Cornwhisperer.8025

Nels the Cornwhisperer.8025

#1: Nobody but Rangers should ever get both bows. Ever.

#2: Force submit takes away ranger pets? Mesmer clones/phantasms? Engineer turrets? These are tied to a lot of class skills, and in the first two cases, a huge part of everything the class can do. Horrible idea.

#3: The ability to essentially create a PvDoor environment in real PvP is absolutely terrible.

#4: On the name, just steal from D&D, and go with the Avenger.

#5: When you throw out the weapon and utility skills, be sure they’re good, because I will do the math and pick each and every one apart, comparing them to all current skills in the game, and how they might combine with any set of skills from the game.

How far that little candle throws its beams!
So shines a good deed in a naughty world.
- William Shakespear

Concept Profession: Name undecided

in Suggestions

Posted by: redrex.9634


Ok I didn’t notice all the posts near the end, I’ll answer all I can right now and get to the rest later sometime.

RE: Inquisitor as a name.

Can we move on? I get it, some of you don’t like the name. I would like some discussion about the mechanic please. Also, I don’t really appreciate being called a thief. My concepts inspiration comes from a novel, not d&d. Please don’t be so dismissive of people’s creative work.

I’m aware that forcing pet/summon friendlies away from your control is a massive part of gameplay. It’s “horrible” in the same way stealth is “horrible” because you haven’t learnt to counteract it yet. It’s a feature that is deliberately designed to allow a learning curve. Counterracting it would be simple. Mesmers can still shatter their clones, engineers can destroy their turrets, and rangers can swap out their pets. You just have to be on your toes.

Player versus door? I haven’t heard the term, but guardians get geographic CC, why not another profession?

Darling, no weapon skills are going to be “thrown” anywhere, and after your incredibly rude post, you will not be invited to comment.

Concept Profession: Name undecided

in Suggestions

Posted by: redrex.9634


All readers please feel free to take a gander at my newest work in progress!!!

The Mimic!

Concept Profession: Name undecided

in Suggestions

Posted by: evolverzilla.2359


Good idea but… A class that can submit others and with heavy armor and “heavy” weapons? It will be a little overpower don´t you think?

And in real world Inquisitors was just more than a priest someone with, let´s say, light armor and paladins or real guards to protect them.

I think a light/medium armor and weapons like daggers, staffs and maces is more apropriate.

Concept Profession: Name undecided

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tuomir.1830


I actually sort of like this idea – well, parts of it. First thing that would have to go is the name, as said before, it’s neither befitting nor appropriate. Second, the ability to have a foe temporarily change sides is terribly broken from the get to go, and you already provided the reasons: it would only work against a certain group of enemies. This would leave the mechanic unusable against bosses and other players, meaning largely useless.

But, other than those two things, it’s well thought of.

Only fools and heroes charge in without a plan.

Concept Profession: Name undecided

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sirendor.1394


I actually sort of like this idea – well, parts of it. First thing that would have to go is the name, as said before, it’s neither befitting nor appropriate. Second, the ability to have a foe temporarily change sides is terribly broken from the get to go, and you already provided the reasons: it would only work against a certain group of enemies. This would leave the mechanic unusable against bosses and other players, meaning largely useless.

But, other than those two things, it’s well thought of.

1- How would you name it then?
2- Why can’t you have this mechanism? Look at the mesmer and his ability to change enemies in a moa. And this mechanism is already in-game. Have you ever played Twilight Arbor? One of the bosses changes players into allies of him for a short while, rendering them useless for a short period.

Gandara – Vabbi – Ring of Fire – Fissure of Woe – Vabbi
SPvP as Standalone All is Vain

Concept Profession: Name undecided

in Suggestions

Posted by: evolverzilla.2359


Most bosses have some spawns or at least some mobs near him. You can use these mobs against the boss.

Concept Profession: Name undecided

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tuomir.1830


I actually sort of like this idea – well, parts of it. First thing that would have to go is the name, as said before, it’s neither befitting nor appropriate. Second, the ability to have a foe temporarily change sides is terribly broken from the get to go, and you already provided the reasons: it would only work against a certain group of enemies. This would leave the mechanic unusable against bosses and other players, meaning largely useless.

But, other than those two things, it’s well thought of.

1- How would you name it then?
2- Why can’t you have this mechanism? Look at the mesmer and his ability to change enemies in a moa.

1- Well, the “Warlord” wouldn’t be too bad, or perhaps something like “harbinger”, though the word is already in use during a Sylvari personal story branch.

2- That’s entirely different, as a Moa, you can still fight the mesmer who transformed you.

Only fools and heroes charge in without a plan.

Concept Profession: Name undecided

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sirendor.1394


Warlord sounds way to vague and resembles Warrior. I’d opt for something that’s more evil-based, cause the “Inquisitor” has some very dark powers.
I don’t think the name should get changed really, only if people really have trouble with accepting it. It isn’t supposed to be neutral, as I think Redrex meaned it.
But as it is we already have 2 pretty evil classes out there: necromancer & thief.

Gandara – Vabbi – Ring of Fire – Fissure of Woe – Vabbi
SPvP as Standalone All is Vain

Concept Profession: Name undecided

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tuomir.1830


Well, if you want me to give out a name that fit perfectly, give me more time. It’s not like I keep potential profession names in a little handbook around.

Only fools and heroes charge in without a plan.

Concept Profession: Name undecided

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nittles.1582


If you can’t mind control players, the entire class mechanic is useless in PvP and mostly useless in WvW. No other class loses their class mechanic when in PvP, just the usefulness of some of their skills.

Concept Profession: Name undecided

in Suggestions

Posted by: redrex.9634


Name change suggested.

Concept Profession: Name undecided

in Suggestions

Posted by: Runiir.6425


Warlord sounds way to vague and resembles Warrior. I’d opt for something that’s more evil-based, cause the “Inquisitor” has some very dark powers.
I don’t think the name should get changed really, only if people really have trouble with accepting it. It isn’t supposed to be neutral, as I think Redrex meaned it.
But as it is we already have 2 pretty evil classes out there: necromancer & thief.

We are heroes in this world.
Necromancer is evil? Since when? Many necromancers in GW world are priests of grenth, or studying in a scholarly way the line between life and death. This is not your typical fantasy world where anything dealing with undeath is automatically evil. Here Necromancy is considered nuetral, or actually GOOD if you are a humana s all necromancers are followers of Grenth…a human god they regularly pray to.
Thieves are evil? Never heard of Robin Hood? How about Aladin (The real version of aladin, not the disney version, is full of bloodshed mind you)? Thieves who fight the good fight just using shadows and trickery.

There are no “evil” proffessions here because ANet has designed the game world in such a way that we are always good guys. This is likely why we won’t likely ever have a death knight/shadow knight class. Which is sad as it fits the darker melee tanker role perfectly.