Condition damage - needs a buff?

Condition damage - needs a buff?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Crunchynut.6047


Speaking strictly from a pvp point of view condition damage is far too easily cleansed making people who specialize in this area a little underpowered.

Perhaps introducing a talent deep in the trees that would reduce the chance for it to be removed by a percentage (eg 10, 20%) or even a rune set that could achieve the same results. Another idea would be to have this rune set or talent prevent all the stacks of condition damage over a certain amount from being removed (eg, only a maximum of 8 stacks can be removed at a time)


(edited by Crunchynut.6047)

Condition damage - needs a buff?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Valle.3406


I acutally think you are right, however not being able to cleanse the conditions will be too imba as well.

Maybe condition removers should only remove like 5 conditions of a stack. Meaning if you e.g. have 9 bleeds stacked up, it will only remove 5.

This will allow condition speccs to be more inline with DD speccs. There is a reason why (in pvp) you don’t see a lot of condition builds.

Condition damage - needs a buff?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Drazharm.1829


Well, my ranger is a direct damage with pet and condition damage spec with traps, and no one is capable to resist him, except when people attacks me on zerg mode xD I mean, as a ranger, I’ve 12-15 bleeding stacks + burn + 2/3 venom that I use while the first long term poison doesnt recharge + pet damage (and if it hits with condition damage, better ;3) and I do some good damage.

Condition damage - needs a buff?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Hateborne.7942


This thread already exists in multiple forms. Let’s try to at least combine them into a singular location. Say…here:


Condition damage - needs a buff?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Azaziel.3608


As a mainly pve-wvw necro, adding some kind of condition for objects would make me very happy…
Also, idk if it would be too much to ask to give conditions the chance to crit…