Context Sensitive HUD

Context Sensitive HUD

in Suggestions

Posted by: eindigen.1275


I’m assuming the option of being able to remove the HUD has been discussed before, but I’d like to propose a different kind of HUD experience. The Context Sensitive HUD option would not replace the HUD, but would be an option available in the settings to create a more rich and atmospheric experience while playing Guild Wars 2.

As the name implies, the Context Sensitive HUD would change depending on the context you are in. Let’s start with the basics as they might be presented in the options menu.

Out of Combat/Exploring:

[-] HUD Enabled: Every section of the HUD remains visible while out of combat. Choosing this option overrides (or “greys out”) the other selections. Unless this box is selected, the HUD will remain completely invisible while out of combat. Parts of the HUD may be activated individually with the selections below.

[=] Minimap Enabled: Turn on Minimap display while out of combat.

[=] Quest Log Enabled: Turn on Quest Log while out of combat.
[==] Context Sensitive Quest Log: Turn on Quest Log while within quest area (removes story quest visibility while not in the proper zone).

[=] Party Panel Enabled: Turn on Party Panel while out of combat.

[=] Chat Log Enabled: Turn on Chat Log while out of combat.

[=] Combat Bar Enabled: Turn on the Combat bar (skills, health, experience) while out of combat.

[=] Game Menu Bar Enabled: Turn on the bar of settings while out of combat.


That covers the options available while out of combat. The point of this feature is to give Guild Wars 2 (an absolutely beautiful game) a more theatrical experience while giving full control to the player who would like more or less screen real estate. While using a keybound feature (Ctrl + Shift + H by default), we are somewhat able to produce a very basic level of the Context Sensitive HUD, but it can be difficult and distracting when controlling it on the fly.

What about being in combat? Yes, there would be about the exact same menu as above for an in-combat selection. While fighting, a lot of information presented on the screen is not pertinent in the heat of the moment. With the Context Sensitive HUD, players would be able to remove obstructions such as Minimap, Chat Log, or Quest Log from view, allowing the player a greater look at the battlefield.

You are probably questioning how these two different HUDs would transition into one another? A simple fade in or fade out will give the transition elegance without becoming an abrupt distraction on the screen. For instance, if a player has the Minimap enabled while out of combat, and disabled while in combat, the Minimap would fade in or out in accordance to the player being hit by or initiating an attack.

While this may seem like a simple and ultimately useless change a midst a plethora of more interactive features and bug fixes, I feel as though there might be other players yearning for a similar experience. When I’m exploring the world, I’d like to not be bogged down by a bunch of unnecessary information on my screen that’s irrelevant to what I’m doing.

Unlike the current HUD removal option, the Context Sensitive HUD would not interfere with inventory, hero, or any other windows the player wishes to see while in this mode, allowing players to play the game as they normally would with minimal interruptions. Also, the HUD removal option we currently have would be able to override the Context Sensitive HUD if used.

As with any feature such as this, a keybind option for turning this feature on or off on the fly would be available to use, customizable in the settings menu.

A Final Note

For those of you who have read this and are yearning for a Context Sensitive HUD feature while playing as I am, please up-vote and comment so we can (hopefully) draw some attention to it. If you have something you would like to discuss about the proposed feature, please discuss below!

(edited by eindigen.1275)

Context Sensitive HUD

in Suggestions

Posted by: Odd Magnet.3970

Odd Magnet.3970


I absolutely love this idea.
Why the hell should I need my skillbar and some other things out of combat?
Only for blocking my beautiful view? Hell no.
More beauty outside of combat, but as usefull as always in combat.

I don’t attract, I don’t repel. That’s kinda odd

Context Sensitive HUD

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jrunyon.3012


+1, This sounds like an awesome idea.

Nesmee – Thief
[OHai] – Northern Shiverpeaks

Context Sensitive HUD

in Suggestions

Posted by: MaxJacobs.4273


I’d love to see even the most basic implementation of this (i.e. out of combat = no HUD as an option).

Context Sensitive HUD

in Suggestions

Posted by: nastyjman.8207


I actually made everything small in game (small skill bars, small mini-map, small chatbox), but it still feels “in the way”. I enjoy the scenery in this game, and when I do my adventuring, I like to take little screenshots here and there, but at times, some Jotun or Skelk comes by and ruin my photo-op.

Hopefully, down in the future, this will get implemented.

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Context Sensitive HUD

in Suggestions

Posted by: Craywulf.5793


I been hoping they would implement this idea as it definitely fosters the philosophy that ArenaNet has regarding paying attention to your surroundings as opposed too much focus on health bars.

Context Sensitive HUD

in Suggestions

Posted by: RWinter.1680


Bump, and definitely agreed. Personally, I rebound “hide HUD” to the Home key, so I have quick access to it for screenshots, but something more dynamic would be great.

Context Sensitive HUD

in Suggestions

Posted by: Voonith.2561


I’d kill for this (as well as the permanent extended zoom we saw during Halloween).

Was kinda’ wondering why ArenaNet didn’t think of it from the beginning since they seem so progressive in other areas. Until it’s updated, I should rebind my hide HUD as well… Anything that helps me better savour our gorgeous environments is a plus.

All’s fair in love and Wuv.
[ART] Gate of Madness

Context Sensitive HUD

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zeophyle.5981


This is the best idea ever

Context Sensitive HUD

in Suggestions

Posted by: Pandos.2835


Absolutely love this idea. I LOVE the UI but if this option was there i would certainly use it. It adds a certain level of emmersion. LOVE IT.

Asuran technology makes intercontinental traveling
possible. They made golems work for you. They make
boats float. You better thank them. ~Maximio

Context Sensitive HUD

in Suggestions

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


Minimap Enabled: Turn on Minimap display while out of combat.

I would need the option to keep this enabled in combat. In-combat rally waypoints for Dungeons/Fractals (in the Svanir fractal elemental fight for instance) are a must.

Context Sensitive HUD

in Suggestions

Posted by: Crusheddiamond.1895


This needs more exposure

Context Sensitive HUD

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ronah.2869


UI fading for out of combat + UI transparency sensitive on enemy approach + UI re-appear on combat hit or on mouse hover or click is a must for a more immerse adventure

(edited by Ronah.2869)

Context Sensitive HUD

in Suggestions

Posted by: eindigen.1275


Minimap Enabled: Turn on Minimap display while out of combat.

I would need the option to keep this enabled in combat. In-combat rally waypoints for Dungeons/Fractals (in the Svanir fractal elemental fight for instance) are a must.

I definitely agree! This is why there would be 2 sub menus with the same options. One that toggles all of those features IN combat, and one that toggles them OUT of combat. Some people (like me) might prefer to have the Minimap on at ALL times, but other features (like the combat bar) turned off except when in combat. Good idea to mention that!

Context Sensitive HUD

in Suggestions

Posted by: Peanuckle.2359


I would enjoy this.

Context Sensitive HUD

in Suggestions

Posted by: scalpel.5096


great idea, love the fade transition

Context Sensitive HUD

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zahld.4956


Stupendous idea. I love things with context sensitive stuff.

Context Sensitive HUD

in Suggestions

Posted by: eindigen.1275


There’s still some other context sensitive things that could be added as well, but this would be a very basic addition at the very least.

Context Sensitive HUD

in Suggestions

Posted by: pulsecodesgnl.3470


+1. This would be very nice.

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Context Sensitive HUD

in Suggestions

Posted by: Arilin.8716


Always want to have more UI customization.
Please give us scaling of UI (custom, not 4 presets) and round map like in Beta too with it.

Context Sensitive HUD

in Suggestions

Posted by: Arilin.8716


Always want to have more UI customization.
Please give us scaling of UI (custom, not 4 presets) and round map like in Beta too with it.

Context Sensitive HUD

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ronah.2869


Always want to have more UI customization.
Please give us scaling of UI (custom, not 4 presets) and round map like in Beta too with it.

I don’t agree with the round mini-map. its not fitting the interface.