I’m assuming the option of being able to remove the HUD has been discussed before, but I’d like to propose a different kind of HUD experience. The Context Sensitive HUD option would not replace the HUD, but would be an option available in the settings to create a more rich and atmospheric experience while playing Guild Wars 2.
As the name implies, the Context Sensitive HUD would change depending on the context you are in. Let’s start with the basics as they might be presented in the options menu.
Out of Combat/Exploring:
[-] HUD Enabled: Every section of the HUD remains visible while out of combat. Choosing this option overrides (or “greys out”) the other selections. Unless this box is selected, the HUD will remain completely invisible while out of combat. Parts of the HUD may be activated individually with the selections below.
[=] Minimap Enabled: Turn on Minimap display while out of combat.
[=] Quest Log Enabled: Turn on Quest Log while out of combat.
[==] Context Sensitive Quest Log: Turn on Quest Log while within quest area (removes story quest visibility while not in the proper zone).
[=] Party Panel Enabled: Turn on Party Panel while out of combat.
[=] Chat Log Enabled: Turn on Chat Log while out of combat.
[=] Combat Bar Enabled: Turn on the Combat bar (skills, health, experience) while out of combat.
[=] Game Menu Bar Enabled: Turn on the bar of settings while out of combat.
That covers the options available while out of combat. The point of this feature is to give Guild Wars 2 (an absolutely beautiful game) a more theatrical experience while giving full control to the player who would like more or less screen real estate. While using a keybound feature (Ctrl + Shift + H by default), we are somewhat able to produce a very basic level of the Context Sensitive HUD, but it can be difficult and distracting when controlling it on the fly.
What about being in combat? Yes, there would be about the exact same menu as above for an in-combat selection. While fighting, a lot of information presented on the screen is not pertinent in the heat of the moment. With the Context Sensitive HUD, players would be able to remove obstructions such as Minimap, Chat Log, or Quest Log from view, allowing the player a greater look at the battlefield.
You are probably questioning how these two different HUDs would transition into one another? A simple fade in or fade out will give the transition elegance without becoming an abrupt distraction on the screen. For instance, if a player has the Minimap enabled while out of combat, and disabled while in combat, the Minimap would fade in or out in accordance to the player being hit by or initiating an attack.
While this may seem like a simple and ultimately useless change a midst a plethora of more interactive features and bug fixes, I feel as though there might be other players yearning for a similar experience. When I’m exploring the world, I’d like to not be bogged down by a bunch of unnecessary information on my screen that’s irrelevant to what I’m doing.
Unlike the current HUD removal option, the Context Sensitive HUD would not interfere with inventory, hero, or any other windows the player wishes to see while in this mode, allowing players to play the game as they normally would with minimal interruptions. Also, the HUD removal option we currently have would be able to override the Context Sensitive HUD if used.
As with any feature such as this, a keybind option for turning this feature on or off on the fly would be available to use, customizable in the settings menu.
A Final Note
For those of you who have read this and are yearning for a Context Sensitive HUD feature while playing as I am, please up-vote and comment so we can (hopefully) draw some attention to it. If you have something you would like to discuss about the proposed feature, please discuss below!
(edited by eindigen.1275)