Daggers for Mesmers

Daggers for Mesmers

in Suggestions

Posted by: Axyl.9408


Hello everyone! I know that a lot of players are asking for a mainhand pistol option for Mesmer, however, I fail to see how a pistol fits that class description. When someone mentions daggers for an illusionist, throwing knives immediately come to mind.
It would be both off-hand and mainhand weapon. Mesmers are severely lacking in the AoE department as well, and this would help to fix that.

1.) Dancing Dagger- A simple bouncing attack that bounces twice (maybe even three times)
2.) Barrage- Raindown illusionary daggers on a targetted area for 4 seconds. Allies caught in the effect are granted random boons, while enemies are crippled for the duration. 10 second duration
3.) Vanishing Act (Or something creative like that, feel free to give suggestions on any skill names!)- Stab the foe with a dagger, and blink behind and away from the foe leaving a clone that uses dancing dagger and inflicts vulnerability. Leap combo finished 10 second cooldown (with out the trait)

4.) Blade Wall- Conjure illusionary blades around your self, granting retaliation. This skill can be activated while the Blade wall is active to blow back enemies, provide protection (5s) and distortion (2s) for allies nearby, and act as a blast finisher. 20 second Cool down. Detonating the Blade Wall increases the cooldown by 50% (30s).
5.) Illusionary Cutpurse. Phantasm. This Phatasm has a recharge of 15s. He will attack enemies from behind inflicting random conditions (Chill 4s, Weakness 5s, 3[Maybe more?] stacks of Bleeding 5s, Burning 5s, or Fear 1s) while doing decent damage for every attack. 25 Cooldown.

Thoughts and suggestions are appreciated thanks for reading!

(edited by Axyl.9408)

Daggers for Mesmers

in Suggestions

Posted by: Space Monkey Pilot.7135

Space Monkey Pilot.7135

Love this idea! With all the vanishing and mind play involved with this class it has always felt really assassin-ish to me, and an assassin without his/her weapon of choice seems just disgraceful.

Daggers for Mesmers

in Suggestions

Posted by: Axyl.9408


Thanks for supporting! I have always thought throwing knives were the coolest type of weapon in fantasy games, and it’s a shame more don’t have them!
The difficult thing about it is making it unique to the mesmer and not too close to any class, thief especially. I actually feel my “2” skills is wildly uncreative (Just taking split blades animation and making it purple essentially) .

Daggers for Mesmers

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kantharr.2308


I would definitely play as a mesmer if they have daggers. I think it fits more of their style than pistol.

Daggers for Mesmers

in Suggestions

Posted by: Acension.9270


i would definatley go back to my Mesmer if they had this.

Trolls :)

Daggers for Mesmers

in Suggestions

Posted by: GummiBear.2756


really nice idea, and while yeah your 2 aren’t too creative, the idea of it giving distortion to allies is awesome, would be a really nice support skill, would love something in line of this idea

Daggers for Mesmers

in Suggestions

Posted by: Electro.4173


Giving 2 seconds of immunity to all damage (other than DoT’s) to every ally in front of you every 6 seconds would be broken as heck, I think. I appreciate the thought behind the skill, the idea of using a unique aspect of Mesmers to buff other players, but Distortion is just too powerful for that sort of thing. While its more boring, it’d probably be better to stick with a “random boon applied to allies” sort of mechanic ala Chaos Storm. And probably kick the cooldown up to 8 seconds.

You could make the skill a little more unique by having the daggers thrown into the air and then fall down in a spread pattern and burst on impact, with each creating a small AoE (would be ground targetted). It wouldn’t be random, would have a set pattern of 5 blasts in a ) shape and the ground targetting would reflect that shape like how something like Fire Wall shows you the area the wall is going to cover. Though that would make the buff aspect less useful as allies would need to be at the point of impact rather than just the general flight path and it wouldn’t allow close-range stacking on enemies. But if you’re looking for a less “Ranger Splitblade made purple” while still working a multi-dagger angle it would work. Could bump it up to 2-3 stacks of confusion to make up for the lack close range stacking

Having a clone that applies cripple using a basic ranged attack also seems like it could be a tad too powerful. Get a couple of those out and you’ve got a self-sustaining perma-cripple. Maybe just have the dagger stab itself apply a cripple rather than the clones.

Other than that, looks like a pretty fun and interesting moveset.

Daggers for Mesmers

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kaimick.5109


I +1 this idea I like Daggers for Mesmer’s

Daggers for Mesmers

in Suggestions

Posted by: Axyl.9408


Giving 2 seconds of immunity to all damage (other than DoT’s) to every ally in front of you every 6 seconds would be broken as heck, I think. I appreciate the thought behind the skill, the idea of using a unique aspect of Mesmers to buff other players, but Distortion is just too powerful for that sort of thing. While its more boring, it’d probably be better to stick with a “random boon applied to allies” sort of mechanic ala Chaos Storm. And probably kick the cooldown up to 8 seconds.

You could make the skill a little more unique by having the daggers thrown into the air and then fall down in a spread pattern and burst on impact, with each creating a small AoE (would be ground targetted). It wouldn’t be random, would have a set pattern of 5 blasts in a ) shape and the ground targetting would reflect that shape like how something like Fire Wall shows you the area the wall is going to cover. Though that would make the buff aspect less useful as allies would need to be at the point of impact rather than just the general flight path and it wouldn’t allow close-range stacking on enemies. But if you’re looking for a less “Ranger Splitblade made purple” while still working a multi-dagger angle it would work. Could bump it up to 2-3 stacks of confusion to make up for the lack close range stacking

Having a clone that applies cripple using a basic ranged attack also seems like it could be a tad too powerful. Get a couple of those out and you’ve got a self-sustaining perma-cripple. Maybe just have the dagger stab itself apply a cripple rather than the clones.

Other than that, looks like a pretty fun and interesting moveset.

I appreciate you critiques! I was just throwing ideas out there really, I didn’t even think about being able to keep your allies invulnerable 1/3rd of the time with that either. It would be broken as heck! I would like a way to pass distortion to allies in some way (Since it’s specific only to mesmers). Even throwing The dagger up in the air and have them “Rain Down” for a targeted AoE would work, with a cool animation to boot! That way, it wouldn’t be nearly as hard to hit allies with the buff. Ultimately, everything would be left to the developers, I’m just throwing out ideas for a cool weapon to augment mesmer’s lack of AoE in the game currently.

Daggers for Mesmers

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zahld.4956


Daggers seems like something that a light-weight armor class profession would use.

Daggers for Mesmers

in Suggestions

Posted by: Axyl.9408


Edited the original post a bit to make the “2” skill more interesting and more balanced. Thanks Electro for the suggestions!