Dodge in a Jumping puzzle

Dodge in a Jumping puzzle

in Suggestions

Posted by: zIRaX.5362


The 2x tap for dodge is really nice for those who wants to use it, but it seems tedious and in some cases it even causes Death! followed by anger and frustration.. Sure one can disable this, but what if one does not want to do so, what if one prefer to use 2x tap to dodge and not a dedicated key for it. However One need to disable 2x function every time one wishes to go on a jumping puzzle..
Surely this could be fixed simply by making it so that the 2x tap to dodge only is in effect while in combat. Pretty please? =)
Edite: I am not using Double-Tap to dodge due to this, I’ve gotten use to the dedicated button, however I would still like the option of this, without being in need of going into the options each time I come across a jumping puzzle.

(edited by zIRaX.5362)

Dodge in a Jumping puzzle

in Suggestions

Posted by: Korrigan.4837


I assigned dodge to my middle mouse button, and it’s the best thing I’ve done – It’s way more precise and fast than double tapping. Try it.

The Farstar Alliance [TFA] – Gandara Server.
A PvX guild for mature players with a life.

Dodge in a Jumping puzzle

in Suggestions

Posted by: zIRaX.5362


Thanks, but it’s not a matter of where it is. But about having a double-tap function which is not up to par in therms of customization and personal preference.

I’ve Elite on middle mouse :P and Dodge on Shift, due to games like Darksiders.
However I got a friend who play GW2 with a controller, and he much prefer to double-tap. I myself have been thinking about getting a controller for PC, but dunno yet. But still the option to activate it in combat should be there regardless.

Dodge in a Jumping puzzle

in Suggestions

Posted by: Slaven.3721


I assigned dodge to my middle mouse button, and it’s the best thing I’ve done – It’s way more precise and fast than double tapping. Try it.

Cool Beans

Dodge in a Jumping puzzle

in Suggestions

Posted by: Erin.7521


I really do not find it that much of an issue to turn of the double click for dodge for a jumping puzzle. The idea for only allowing it “in combat” is when does combat start? After I have first been hit so I can’t dodge it? If I hit them first, well we all know we don’t always get the first hit in.

To be honest the idea adds more issues then it solves.

Rocking on Piken Square – the un-official EU roleplay server.

Dodge in a Jumping puzzle

in Suggestions

Posted by: kozzy.8365


I think the system for dodging is fine the way it is right now.

Rikusuke@Crystal Desert

Dodge in a Jumping puzzle

in Suggestions

Posted by: Rage The Numbers.7943

Rage The Numbers.7943

I disagree and would not like to be able to only dodge while in combat. F11 is sufficient.

Rage The Nornynorn – Guild Leader [RR] Reddit Refugees
Sanctum of Rall – Visit the site for Recruitment!

Dodge in a Jumping puzzle

in Suggestions

Posted by: Erin.7521


Sorry what does F11 do?

Rocking on Piken Square – the un-official EU roleplay server.

Dodge in a Jumping puzzle

in Suggestions

Posted by: Rage The Numbers.7943

Rage The Numbers.7943

It opens up the options so you can uncheck the “double tap to dodge” button.

Rage The Nornynorn – Guild Leader [RR] Reddit Refugees
Sanctum of Rall – Visit the site for Recruitment!

Dodge in a Jumping puzzle

in Suggestions

Posted by: Erin.7521


Ah thank you. Didn’t realise you could get to another way I always got to it through the ESC menu, so that is one less mouse click to turn it on and off!

Rocking on Piken Square – the un-official EU roleplay server.