

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zachary.9281


so ive been playing the ele in instant 80 pvp (im lvl 43 pve atm) and ive noticed.. if you spec for damage… your damage output is ok but still and you pretty much insta die the moment another class so much as looks at you… but on the flip side if you spec for def/support sure ull live longer in the mist of combat but your damage output is so pathetic your pretty much just pointless… i really think the ele needs to be more of a glass cannon when setup for damage… ive been pvping all day and have yet to find a build that’s worth a kitten…


in Suggestions

Posted by: Doomguard.5094


I don’t get it, as you said, an ele can do good damage but dies fast (aka glass cannon), then you say they need to be glass cannon…. ? You contradict yourself. Hi-dmg and less def, or low dmg and hi def, seems perfectly balanced to me, so where’s the issue?


in Suggestions

Posted by: Azala Yar.7693

Azala Yar.7693

I’ve not done any PvP yet in this game and probably won’t until I’ve replace my present computer (lag).

In PvE I find that if you balance a character, settling for a bit less damage in favour of a bit of vitality and toughness you end up with a better balanced character.

But high damage mages will always be a primary target as they can cause a lot of grief and usually are fairly easy to kill. Most combat is a numbers game, always get rid of the easiest first that way there will be less incoming damage and less support for the enemy.

Seems you want to be high damage and tough so you will have to compromise with your stats, that’s the whole point of being able to choose what attributes you invest in. But a light armor wearer shouldn’t invest too much in toughness as it’s combined with the armor protection value, but a bit of toughness and vitality can help.


in Suggestions

Posted by: Diy.5296


Think he’s saying when he’s specced glass cannon, he wants to do damage comparable to other classes when they are specced glass cannon, probably thieves and warriors.

So he wants his glass cannon ele to be more cannon because they have the lowest hp and armor of all classes, so they are plenty glass when specced for straight dps. So it doesn’t seem like a fair trade, when your glass cannon does good damage w/ the lowest hp and armor in the game, and other classes with higher hp and armor also do noticably more damage.


in Suggestions

Posted by: Smuggler.6739


ele is totally op so no need to improve .. maybe needs to nerf him …


in Suggestions

Posted by: NinjaEd.3946


You must be new to ele. They are game breaking in spvp due to their sustain/mobility/dmg output. They don’t need any buffs of any kind, they need adjustments to their head for being so crazy.

Ele staff needs a buff if anything but scepter and dagger and focus is strong and their traits are even more horrendous if they go down water.

“I’m waiting for the staff to get off their lunch
break. I feel like they should be back by now..”


in Suggestions

Posted by: Sirendor.1394


I don’t see elementalist is any more overpowered than for example thief, warrior or mesmer. It’s just the way it is. Thief, warrior, elementalist & mesmer are the classes that have the highest dmg output, while guardians, engineers, rangers and necros are left out most of the time, unless you happen to be a professional player.

Gandara – Vabbi – Ring of Fire – Fissure of Woe – Vabbi
SPvP as Standalone All is Vain


in Suggestions

Posted by: Ent.1026


elementalist damage is just weak overall- in pvp or pve. you would think when you can stack five spells on someone in 4 seconds, there would be an effect… but… no. at best, it slows the person/mob down a bit. actual killing is a long, drawn out slog in either setting.


in Suggestions

Posted by: Catisa.6507


d/d ele is getting a much needed nerf on march 26th.