Everything about theif is OP
This wouldn’t balance them, in fact this would cause significant damage and put them in last.
Firstly you should understand how the class works before trying to get it nerfed. Thiefs have initiative which is their cool down. Once it is all gone they can no longer spam attacks.
Thieves can use high dps burts which can down weaker players instantly but they are not the only ones.
I don’t feel thieves are OP anymore than guardians are (I hate guards :P).
because thats part of the class? they have high burst but cannot sustain it for very long.
They cannot spam all their abilities, once they have used up their initiative thats it they can’t use anything but autoattacks and utilities until it regens, thats their cooldown.
You may as well ask to nerf guardians because they can burn, regen and aegis constantly with no actual input from them, or ask to nerf rangers because they have pets or nerf necromancers because they get 2 health bars.
Funny thing is I recall you were quite vocal about no more nerfs and that they should buff others instead… strange how that only works until someone gets killed by a conceived overpoweredness that generally only exists in their minds or because they specced in a way that makes them highly susceptible to it…
Yeah and take away Mesmer clones while your at it
Really just because something is a pain to deal with does not warrant nerfing it. Now if they had a massive advantage then nerf the advantage or buff everyone else. But don’t ask to break the class just cause your mad.
I fully agree with the thief getting a big nerf. So what if they’ve used up their initiative? They can just cloak and wait for it to regen, just to do kittenedly high damage once again.
Heh. You lot realize that the upcoming Stealth “nerf” will hurt Thieves more than any other Stealth-using class? Especially considering that:
1.) Their Health is bottom-rank
2.) They have an overall lack of defensive Boons, and only one way to apply Stability.
3.) After said Stealth-modding, will not be able to perma-stealth near as easily.
4.) And, don’t forget the incoming fix to Culling. Stealthers should – at that point- render immediately upon attack.
Truth is, Thieves are frigging supposed to be a high-damage class. Get in, kill, get back out. Period. Thus, folks really need to get off their bleeding tails about it.
If I made a “Nerf, plz” thread for everything that managed to kill me, then there’d be
6/8 Professions getting nerfed. Logically, that honestly means that we then need to
buff the other 2 a bit. Then, it’ll all come down to skills.
Other 80s: Any but Warrior
go play thief; and you’ll realise how ridiculous you are
80 warr [Blaze Steelsoul], 80 ele [Blaze Nightstrike], 80 mesmer [Grim Shatterwhirl]
80 guard [Dusk Grimlight], 80 engi [Flintgear]
Play thief in spvp, is one of the weakest.
Why can a theif still spam all of there abilitys? Why cant they have a 2-3 second cool down on the skill they just used, it would balance them out and people would stop complaining about them. So please think of it and fix this broken OP class.
the ignorant players would stop complaining, about thief. Thieve players would die and never appear if they went by your logic. No, have you once asked anyone in game or in forums on effective counter’s to the various thief builds? Or you just die to one in wvw/spvp and decide it is impossible?
break. I feel like they should be back by now..”
Thieves already have several problems in pve. Asking to nerf them further would be unfair towards them. I understand that ur GC warrior got shot down by a thief in couple of seconds, their burst is short but effective. Proper use of skills and good reflexes will save you and force the thief to escape.
Oh hey, this again. Yes, let’s take away every class’s special ability and make em all the same, that’d be arsesome. Thieves have a lot of drawbacks, not the least of which being the fewest hit points in the game on top of the fewest weapon choices. And the initiative system is central to the Thief’s design; you couldn’t just take that out, you’d have to strip the class to the bottom and remake every single skill. At that point ya might as well just take the class out of the game.
You want to know how to fight a Thief? Go to the Thief board and ask for advice – they’ll give it. As it is they’ve already nerfed Stealth and are going to be nerfing it even more at the next update … it’s getting to the point where Thieves aren’t going to be an effective PvE class for much longer because they’re the punchin bag class for every upset little boy who can’t figure out how to play their characters smart.
Instead of tearing us down, maybe meet the challenge and get better at what you do.
I’m sorry I stepped outta yer box, don’ worry, if
ya whine enough they’ll put me right back.
I was going to comment, but I think kitten near everyone said what I was thinking.
Bottom line
I fully agree with the thief getting a big nerf. So what if they’ve used up their initiative? They can just cloak and wait for it to regen, just to do kittenedly high damage once again.
yeah how dare they use one of their utility cooldowns defensively! the scum!
I fully agree with the thief getting a big nerf. So what if they’ve used up their initiative? They can just cloak and wait for it to regen, just to do kittenedly high damage once again.
Do you even play thief? You realise how easy it is to counter a stealth thief? L2P son, or atleast have the courage to ask for advice. No one is likely to call you an kitten or a kitten, or even a kitten if you’re asking for advice. Asking for thief nerfs is what will get you called, a kitten.
break. I feel like they should be back by now..”
(edited by NinjaEd.3946)
I laugh at this, Theif is one of the weakest classes especially because of initiative limitations, and lack of stealth.
I laugh at this, Theif is one of the weakest classes especially because of initiative limitations, and lack of stealth.
This, PvE Thief is one of the weakest classes because they are limited to single target if they want big numbers. And even in wvw/pvp they aren’t ‘op’
Wow, this thread…
The only OP thing about thief is perma stealth which is getting nerfed this patch. PvP balance is solid and they are just as good as warriors in PvE.
If you think they are OP, try one.
If you suck as one, review your build/practice.
i wreck thieves. warrior with 50% crit chance, they cant hold up, just run endure pain.
I play thief too, it is good class, easy to play, cuz u can attack again and again and agian, then cloak, and again, and finish – in PvE r almost useless and really quickly on their back, but still with some training u can be last on yout feet, but in PvP and WvW are too strong. Their skills – used right way – r most powerful, thier cloak can regen and they can be almost always invisible, and have like tousand boons even stability
For example guardians can have max like 16,000 health, thats why they can have aegis, regen and fire almost constant, mesmers have their clones to distract u – almost nothing else, without phantasms they do small dmg and now they even nerfed their TW, wrriors is strong, can take lots of dmg – but tooo slow, but thieves can do big dmg, heal, be quick without any cool down on their skills and get invisible for too long and finish u in invisibility – theyts almost most unfair, cuz any other class cant do this
I play thief too, it is good class, easy to play, cuz u can attack again and again and agian, then cloak, and again, and finish – in PvE r almost useless and really quickly on their back, but still with some training u can be last on yout feet, but in PvP and WvW are too strong. Their skills – used right way – r most powerful, thier cloak can regen and they can be almost always invisible, and have like tousand boons
even stability
For example guardians can have max like 16,000 health, thats why they can have aegis, regen and fire almost constant, mesmers have their clones to distract u – almost nothing else, without phantasms they do small dmg and now they even nerfed their TW, wrriors is strong, can take lots of dmg – but tooo slow, but thieves can do big dmg, heal, be quick without any cool down on their skills and get invisible for too long and finish u in invisibility – theyts almost most unfair, cuz any other class cant do this
Can’t run protection, can’t get retaliation, our stability is shaky and often people can knock us out of it (which is only from dagger storm)… not sure you know anything about thief. We get little boons, and our regen is futile compared to Soothing mists or virtue of resolve because of how short it lasts. And no they can’t almost always stealth, its 4 seconds between stealthing which some say was a huge nerf. I just shrug because I don’t spam stealth like every other generic thief.
Thieves also share the lowest life pool tier with guardians but guardians can heal and sustain much more due to their virtues and being heavy armor. Plus they always run defensive builds since going zerker on a guardian is just ridiculous.
Thieves are NOT OP at all… another person who fails to ask for counters to such an easy profession. Wana know who is OP? Bunker ele. They can burst like a thief and tank like a guardian and move around while invulnerable. Pointing the finger at the wrong profession.
break. I feel like they should be back by now..”
lots of your attack are with evade too, so cant be knock well, but maybe u dont know well your class. and four seconds isnt that much, when u can be stealth for more time and get away, but mostly I dont understand nerf quickness for other classes, like TW or frenzy, and these two skills have at least some cooldown.
Haste (Thief quickness utility) is 60 seconds. TW being an elite and lasting 10 seconds has a 210 second cooldown. Frenzy has a 60 second cooldown and Quickening Zephyr has a 60 second cooldown as well. They are all the same excluding the utility skills have a drawback like no endurance or more incoming dmg or no healing. So all of them have “at least some cooldown.”.
Ranger has several evades from sources like gs, sword, dagger, and sb. Thief has dagger and sb which although spammable are either very costly or hard to control the direction you want to evade.
Highest stealth skill lasts about 15 seconds but 4 of those seconds require you to stay inside the field making you very vulnerable and/or easy to knock out. The rest are 3-4 seconds without stacking them.
So… no they don’t get a reliable stealth for more than 4 seconds unless they stack which you can say the same for anyone with access to protection (-33% inc dmg is significant when compared to how squishy a thief is). Only 2 professions with stealth access, which are either the lowest life pool or wear light armor making stealth their defensive tool (although mesmers can stealth and leave a clone).
Out of all that, I see nothing but balance. The only people who think thief are op is the ones who get ambushed from one that knows thief well which means you got out played or they sadly get killed by the LOL hs spamming thief and don’t know where they placed the dodge button. Both are very avoidable if you’re willing to l2p.
Best advice, don’t build glass cannon against the best glass cannon. You will lose. Instead you should be posting in the players helping players sub-forum and ask," I’m running X profession as a X build. Could you tell me how to avoid a burst thief?" This dead horse needs to stop getting so much attention…
break. I feel like they should be back by now..”
I fully agree with the thief getting a big nerf. So what if they’ve used up their initiative? They can just cloak and wait for it to regen, just to do kittenedly high damage once again.
I think you need to research how our Initiative system works a bit more. http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Initiative
We are the only class that(with out proper traiting) can not press 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and have all the skills kick off. By the time you 4, you have run through all your original Init.
The Thief’s Init system is basicly a trade off system. And if its nerfed any further, their is a very good chance that the class will die.
I fully agree with the thief getting a big nerf. So what if they’ve used up their initiative? They can just cloak and wait for it to regen, just to do kittenedly high damage once again.
I assume your complaint is because of PVP. There’s PVE to consider too. I get maybe 3 strong attacks with my thief before initiative is used up. Assuming thy hit, they do decent damage. After that the damage is a joke. (BTW They already stealth nerfed the thief)
Long battles in PVE are already annoying. You need to make every attack count. while other classes just mop the floors with mobs. If they get nerfed further there would be no reason to play then at all.
Use up all initiative then stealth, can’t CnD so must use one of the long cooldown utility/heal skills, stealth lasts 3 seconds, 4 if traited, if waiting for initiative to regen during that time with no other initiative regen traits or such then they will receive 3 initiative for the full 4 seconds, giving them enough initiative to do 1 single attack limited to their cheapest initiative skills.
During all this the enemy can and should still be hitting them.
Essentially people like Philip.8376 have absolutely no idea how the mechanics work, they refuse to learn them while generally running a glass cannon build actively removing all defense from their character and then complaining when they die on said defenseless character.
I got a better idea, why dont you roll a thief and learn to play one before q.q ing about how OP that weak class is?
Learn a thing or 2 about thief, stop asking for nerfs start learning to play.
break. I feel like they should be back by now..”
I think all the classes are pretty much well balanced. Each has strengths and weaknesses and it is just about how you learn to play. I don’t think there is any single class that cannot be beaten by another class. The engineer was very weak but since the last patch it has become a much stronger player. I really hope that Anet do not start changing classes and builds because of a small but vocal minority… like what happened in GW1. The problem is not the class or skills but the player’s inability to adapt and change their character to match the fight.
The only thing I would change is the ability to swap out the elite skill for a normal skill.
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