Fix legendaries.

Fix legendaries.

in Suggestions

Posted by: NinjaEd.3946


I have to ask, why in the world are legendaries the same stats as exotics? The costs for them are insane, I dont mind too much since all games have some ridiculous thing you save up for but you spend like 100s of gold, 500k karma, 200 sp, and months of your free time to get a skin? This is wrong imo. For how rare they are, you should feel and play boss for having one, not just to flash you shiny piece at the group of mobs beating you down or getting smoked in WvW (or killing someone with it). Every tier or rarity always got a step better in stats so why not make legendaries the next one? Legendaries look pretty awesome no doubt but I think there should be stat bonuses as the real incentive to waste all those resources for such a hard to get piece. Please respond with an answer forum moderator as to why they are just skins atm, I’m really puzzeled by this…

EDIT: Look at reponses, I have changed my opinion as making higher stats would be unfair and make obtaining these weapons an obligation rather than a trophy as it is intended.

“I’m waiting for the staff to get off their lunch
break. I feel like they should be back by now..”

(edited by NinjaEd.3946)

Fix legendaries.

in Suggestions

Posted by: TheDaiBish.9735


It’s not broken. It’s working as intended.

It’s the game design taken from GW, where max gear is easy to get, and the rest is about skins.

Surely if you wanted a Legendary, you’d be happy with just the skin?

If not, just stick with an Exotic and be done with it.

Life is a journey.
Time is a river.
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Fix legendaries.

in Suggestions

Posted by: NinjaEd.3946


Seems like a unnecessary amount of work just to make your weapon shiny. Was this system liked in GW1? because to me it seemed like in this game each tier built off the last one. Why even call them legendary if the stats are the same…

“I’m waiting for the staff to get off their lunch
break. I feel like they should be back by now..”

Fix legendaries.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sharkinu.8096


If you give bonus stats to legendaries then you will see thing like “oh, sorry. we have to kick your from our party. a new guy just arrived and we need his extra +5 vs ogres from his legendary dagger in this dungeon run.” And then you will feel like you HAVE to get a legendary weapon to not be crippled by exotics.

Legendaries are there to show your dedication in the game, to show off, not to be better than others.

Fix legendaries.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Taikanaru.5746


The legendaries need fixing. Seems like only the greatswords were made properly. The stats are fine, though.

Fix legendaries.

in Suggestions

Posted by: TheDaiBish.9735



People spent ages grinding for Obsidian gear. So yes, I’d say some did.

I don’t understand the need for stat incentives. IT’S SOMETHING TO DO. If you don’t want to put the effort for the skin, then don’t. It’s not a requirement. Just don’t complain because you can’t find the incentive for the skin.

Also,if something is of Legend, it doesn’t mean it was more powerful than any other weapon.

Life is a journey.
Time is a river.
The door is ajar.

(edited by TheDaiBish.9735)

Fix legendaries.

in Suggestions

Posted by: DivineBeing.2086


Exactly what Sharkinu stated. If they made Legendary items more powerful than exotics this would completely change the dynamics of the game. They didn’t want you to HAVE to grind for your gear like in other games. Note the keyword that is in all caps (go figure) is HAVE to grind for it.

Keeping the Legendary stats the same as exotics (exotics being gear even casual players can earn) keeps the playing field equal in terms of availability and DPS. Which means this game boils down to build and skill, rather than most MMORPG’s that include gear into that equation (or sometimes is the whole equation).

This helps everyone who is playing be capable of being equal in terms of gear than everyone else. This ensures that person A who works full time, goes to school full time, and is a single father (whoa that’s me lol) can still be on equal playing fields as say player B who has no job, doesn’t go to school, and sololy plays video games 23/6.

Lightdivinity – Level 80 Bunker Elementalist
Reshaos – Level 80 Power Necromancer

Fix legendaries.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kanojo.9527


player B who has no job, doesn’t go to school, and sololy plays video games 23/6.

What does he do for the other 30 hours?

Fix legendaries.

in Suggestions

Posted by: NinjaEd.3946


Not disagreeing with Sharkinu, but I don’t think people would kick others from party to invite someone with a legendary. In pvp, armour is seperate so there is no imbalance for gear there but in pve, I rarely have groups with people of all high end armour or same armour quality. In dungeons it comes down to player skill not who has the shiny hunk of metal that can hit harder.I can see this idea being unfair as it WOULD make legendaries almost a necessity but I’m just saying for how much work it is for a skin seems a bit unrealistic. How about instead of increased stats, it is the same as exotic but when you make it a window pops up and you can select the 3 types of stats(cond dmg, crit dmg, precision, power, toughness, etc) so it isn’t bound to one set. I think that would keep the balance in order but atleast make it custom to a “Legendary” of your liking.

Also quick question, is there going to be legendary armour? Again same stats as exotic just a sick nasty skin with the 3 stats of your choosing.

“I’m waiting for the staff to get off their lunch
break. I feel like they should be back by now..”

(edited by NinjaEd.3946)

Fix legendaries.

in Suggestions

Posted by: TheDaiBish.9735


How about instead of increased stats, it is the same as exotic but when you make it a window pops up and you can select the 3 types of stats(cond dmg, crit dmg, precision, power, toughness, etc) so it isn’t bound to one set. I think that would keep the balance in order but at least make it custom to a “Legendary” of your liking.

Also quick question, is there going to be legendary armour? Again same stats as exotic just a sick nasty skin with the 3 stats of your choosing.

1) Transmutation Stones – Doesn’t get rid of the effects and such. Anet have probably grouped stats like they have already for balance purposes as well.

2) As far as I know, no, although other Legendary stuff would be nice (Armour, Dyes ect).

And why would you want the skins of Legendary armour to be nasty? I’d personally want them to look cool / awesome / epic.

Life is a journey.
Time is a river.
The door is ajar.

Fix legendaries.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Grendel.1235


People have to realize this is Guild Wars 2 Not World of Warcraft, or Rift, or any other mmo. Half the suggestions I see here are trying to make this game a clone of WoW.

Listen, I know your probably sacrificing time from Mists of Pandaria right now, but realize before you even bought this game, if you did any kind of research whatsoever, if you read or watched any of the blog videos, you would come to realize that this game is TRYING to be completely different, and that there are no tier based items.

You should not be surprised. As someone else mentioned, in GW1 people spend eons grinding for vanity items.

I played WoW for 7 years and half the time I was raiding for VANITY, not for stats. Sure it was nice to have an item that “put be above” other people, but this is not how GW2 works. Legendaries are fine imo. They are legendary BECAUSE they take a long time to build. THATS how it should be!!

I am willing to bet that if this post wasn’t made to claim legendaries need a stat boost then it would have been created complaining about the stat boosts!

How would you feel if you DID NOT have the 2+ months of solid gaming time, and you witnessed kids running around with weapons that not only look way cooler than your own, but make your weapons far in superior based on stats.

How about I put it this way. I need people to run a dungeon with me. I can only have 4 other people mind you. Would I choose you, or someone with a legendary with higher stats than normal exotics? The answer is obvious.

Please do not give legendaries stat boosts.

Fix legendaries.

in Suggestions

Posted by: NinjaEd.3946


@Grendel, i don’t or have never played with those pandas or intend to, tried WoW for a few hours and got bored and never touched again so dont assume you know where people come from. MY game was FFXI where you spent eons getting cool skins but those pieces of gear also were superior to others. They were considered the “best” but near impossible to get items that took things like farming a 2-3 day respawn NM or killing 1000s of the same mob with a specific move and moving to the next section. And if you pick people by the looks rather than skill than you must play dungeons awefully…

“I’m waiting for the staff to get off their lunch
break. I feel like they should be back by now..”

Fix legendaries.

in Suggestions

Posted by: SolidGold.7958


I’m not going to say that your opinion is wrong OP, but rather that you are just misunderstanding what Guild Wars is all about.

GW was never about stats/gear. Especially in PvP. Stats give people unfair advantages regardless of how much skill they actually have. And GW pvp was always about skill, that’s why everyone had balanced “PvP gear” when they entered a pvp zone. To put everyone on an even playing field stat wise, and from there, it’s all about creating builds, and player skill.

I guess you’re talking more about the pve side of things, which, was the same deal really. If someone has better stats than you, then they’re more useful for your team/group, even if you’re a better player. Again, it’s the same thing with dungeons, GW is about skill, not numbers on a character sheet.

However, people will always want bragging rights, something to show off to others about how much time they’ve put into the game. And thus, it’s all about titles and shiny skins. THAT’s how you show off what you’ve done ingame.

I can understand how you feel, and it makes sense seeing as that’s how it worked where you came from. But this is GW2, not FF#. This is how our game works, and this is how we like to play it. If it suits you, awesome, come join us. If it doesn’t, then sad face.

This girl misses Cantha and her Ritualist.

Fix legendaries.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ronah.2869


Think about this: some people drive family cars others sport cars. All have to follow the same traffic rules and signs. What is the purpose to have a $1mil car instead of $10000? The answer is “for showing off” but this is determined by the affordability.
In the end, all cars serve for the same purpose – traveling from point A to point B, but only the skins differ.

Fix legendaries.

in Suggestions

Posted by: TsukasaHiiragi.9730


The problem with gearing has always been an issue because most people then take that gear into PvP situations for what amounts to easy mode wins which further unbalances PvP. So no, this game needs everything on the same page – if you want to spend countless hours + gold + $$ to make your weapon sparkle then go right ahead, if not then “” should be your next stop

protest this travesty of a patch -
Get it taken down -
Do whatever it takes if you care about this game -

Fix legendaries.

in Suggestions

Posted by: NinjaEd.3946


I played GW1 for a couple years and know, this game has its own style and approach to an MMO which is why I’ve stuck with it (and left ffxi, new devs ruined the game to the dirt). However, ffxi imo and many others, had the best pve set up out there at its prime since thats basically all it was. They hardly focused pvp because it takes months if not years to balance out skills for pvp and pve as well as making them useful. With that in mind, I would say not following but taking notes on their approach to pve could really help salvage up end game ideas. Here’s the thing about making these “end-game” pieces the best and their pro’s and con’s.

Pros: Something to work towards, skins are nice but some ultimate goal to make your guy stronger for getting end game instead of just looking end game. How i’ve seen games approach this(LoTRO, FFXI), make these pieces very very hard to get. Not just from some repetitive farming for a mat of buying them off TP, but from account bound items you have to find, and the event or dungeon or monster(Champion, veteran, legendary, something that is hard and doesnt spawn often) being the keys to these items.

Cons: people eventually get these items, and are considered OP to others with their obviously higher stats, thereby forcing others, regardless if they have the time or not, to work towards these items. This puts a strain on team builds.

Counter?: with no inspect option and transmutation, no one can know what your gear is. With the exception for legendaries, nothing stands out on your gear so there is no such thing as “picking that guy over another by looks” because not now, and not for a very long time will we see servers full of legendaries. Unless it is a guild party or people in your friends list, parties are just full of randoms that have no clue who has what and what kinda skill they possess.

To me, it seems kinda pointless atm for legendaries because if you farm enough or buy enough gold, you can buy a legendary. Whats the point? Things like end game gear should be account bound so they have to be worked for, no end game in the right universe of MMOs should be allowed to be bought, loses the unique feel to these shiny pieces. From experience, ffxi did end game really well because they didnt have just 1, but dozens of unique weapons of the same kind(multiple swords, daggers, bows, etc) that exceled in their own ways with a built in, i guess you could call it, sigil that made them well worth the trip, but they were extremely rare to find on players because the items you needed were near impossible to “Farm”. Not saying to change the whole GW system of skins but as some “end-game” gear, it shouldn’t feel like a grind for karma/gold it should be more meaningful. I only suggest this because currently, end game seems pointless. If I’m going to spend months for a pimp weapon I’d like to know it got me slightly better instead of just looking “cooler”… Maybe I just have to accept the whole skin “end-game” but it just doesnt feel right.

“I’m waiting for the staff to get off their lunch
break. I feel like they should be back by now..”

Fix legendaries.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Quick Mouse.7635

Quick Mouse.7635

I started another thread about this, but I think a great idea would be to:


This way I feel like I’m getting a bigger benefit out of getting one, since I can show off my kitten with other characters.

Especially if/when I get bored of playing the character with the legendary on it, I can switch it to my new character

Tactical Fury [TF] – Late NA/early OCX driver (SoS)
Spirit of Faith [HOPE] – RIP

Fix legendaries.

in Suggestions

Posted by: NinjaEd.3946


@Quick Mouse
Basically what I’m getting at. ATM Legendaries are just shiny pieces you can sell or grind out for well over 1000 gold. They don’t feel or play unique other than just to look cool. Sorry I didn’t see your other thread but I made this one couple days ago after finding out exotics and legendaries have the same stats.

“I’m waiting for the staff to get off their lunch
break. I feel like they should be back by now..”

Fix legendaries.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nuka Cola.8520

Nuka Cola.8520

This comes from gw1 and its perfect as it is. You want your LEGENDARY gear to deal one trillion more damage than some1 else’s? go back to your trash WoW.

Fact: every Thief tells you to “l2p” when the subject is to nerf stealth.

Fix legendaries.

in Suggestions

Posted by: SolidGold.7958


This comes from gw1 and its perfect as it is. You want your LEGENDARY gear to deal one trillion more damage than some1 else’s? go back to your trash WoW.

Hey man, lighten up. The guy isn’t hating on GW. He obviously likes the game too. He’s just trying to see if there is a way that it could be improved by what he values. There isn’t anything wrong with that. In fact, he’s being really polite about the whole situation. I disagree with what he wants to do as well, but it’s no reason to be rude.

Back on topic, I just dunno about making legendaries better stat wise. I think that even they were only slightly better stat wise, that the GW community would disapprove greatly. Earlier you suggested allowing us to be able to customize the stats that we can have on our legendaries. Not pick the numbers, but pick the categories as it were. I actually think that’s an interesting idea. It would allow them to feel more personal like you said. Although ya, I kinda figure that ArenaNet has already balanced out the stats on the weapons based on the skills associated with each individual weapon, and how they want that weapon to be used.

In general, I think that changing anything about how legendaries work at this point is/will be rather difficult, for a variety of reasons.

This girl misses Cantha and her Ritualist.

Fix legendaries.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Isende.2607


Not disagreeing with Sharkinu, but I don’t think people would kick others from party to invite someone with a legendary. In pvp, armour is seperate so there is no imbalance for gear there but in pve, I rarely have groups with people of all high end armour or same armour quality. In dungeons it comes down to player skill not who has the shiny hunk of metal that can hit harder.I can see this idea being unfair as it WOULD make legendaries almost a necessity but I’m just saying for how much work it is for a skin seems a bit unrealistic. How about instead of increased stats, it is the same as exotic but when you make it a window pops up and you can select the 3 types of stats(cond dmg, crit dmg, precision, power, toughness, etc) so it isn’t bound to one set. I think that would keep the balance in order but atleast make it custom to a “Legendary” of your liking.

Also quick question, is there going to be legendary armour? Again same stats as exotic just a sick nasty skin with the 3 stats of your choosing.

much as i hate to say it, my experience tells me you’re wrong. simple example? introduction of gearscore to wow, which led to iscore. initially players started restricting runs based ONLY on another player’s gearscore — if yours wasn’t high enough, you were passed over for a slot in whatever was being pulled together; this completely negated player competence. then, when wow introduced iscore, THEY took it one step further and set their dungeons up so that you MUST have a particular iscore in order to be able to do the dungeon.

i’m crossing my eyes in memory of some of the truly horrible runs i’ve had, in wow, and in rift, because raid members or group members had the right gear, but totally sucked at the game.

anet said flat-out that gear progression WOULD stop at a point, and any changes to be made (which endgame allows you to work toward IF you’re willing to pvp) will be aesthetic only. your idea of selectable stats, however, i do like — i’d love to customize my gear per character to reflect how I play. keep the numbers the same, but let me choose my stats? win!

anyway. that’s me two cents’ worth ;-)

Fix legendaries.

in Suggestions

Posted by: takatsu.9416


I agree but to a certain extent, like I don’t think we’d want weapons with crazy off the scale stats. Heck maybe even the same damage but maybe give a fourth additional stat or even just an extra upgrade slot to it. That would help and make us a bit better and make legendaries a bit more useful and worth it. Sometimes I know I feel bad bc I have to sacrifice other stats to get what I want but would love to have the vit or toughness boost. That would already be better than the current legendaries imo

Edit: OH I missed reading one of the posts. Selecting your custom stats would also work and already be enough. And I agree people running dungeons all die regardless what class, what gear and how much dps or whatnot ur doing. In the game, it is quite balanced in terms of the environment bc it just sucks for everyone lol

(edited by takatsu.9416)

Fix legendaries.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Vigilence.4902


Wait until people finally go through all the effort to craft their legendary only to find out that what they crafted looks absolutely ugly.

I’d think that would be the real problem.

Fix legendaries.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Isende.2607


actually, takatsu, i don’t think it sucks. our guild has found out that familiarity DOES breed competence. we die the first few runs, but once we’ve found/figured out the mechanics, we die much less. it’s about learning the fights, and how to work them and with them, not about dps etc. i don’t want to see dungeons become zergfests; even with not dying so frequently, we still have to step lively and stay aware. so yeah, i’m happy with the system overall!!

Fix legendaries.

in Suggestions

Posted by: NinjaEd.3946


To build off whoever said the current stat groups are in place for balance, how about for Legendaries we can choose which stat group to put on? That way there isn’t a stat buff, no “unblanced” stat groups which I’m not sure how that would be, its just an account bound customizable weapon to your liking. Also multiple (and I mean more than like 3) legendary skins would be nice. IT would take awhile but eventually you’ll see tons of people with the same legendary to show off, which will be like CoF armour. Looks cool, but now its overused and repetitive.

“I’m waiting for the staff to get off their lunch
break. I feel like they should be back by now..”

Fix legendaries.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Mungrul.9358


You know the really hilarious thing about legendaries?
Using the chat-link codes from, I’ve previewed all those that currently have a preview, and they’re pretty much all laughably bad design-wise.
I’m sure there’s going to be some people who grind them out without ever actually seeing them beforehand who are going to be appalled and disgusted at just how bad their new legendary weapon looks.

Indeed, if it’s looks you’re after, there are much better skins available through the Mystic Forge or even as everyday skins.

Still, I guess it saves me a buttload of grind.

Please note that due to restrictions placed on my account, I am only allowed 1 post per hour.
Therefore I may take some time replying to you.

Fix legendaries.

in Suggestions

Posted by: NinjaEd.3946


Well exactly, the skins mightn not appease all players. The dungeon tokens atleast give you options to pick what skin you like but for legendaries? its all the same. only the 1 skin. There should be numerous skins as well as the option to pick what set of stats you want (Power+prec+crit dmg, toughness+cond dmg+power, etc.) Its a large investment for a skin people may not like. Trophy/show off piece or not, it should be attractive to everyone in the game.

“I’m waiting for the staff to get off their lunch
break. I feel like they should be back by now..”

Fix legendaries.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Hologramx.6402


I think the current legendary design is okay.

However, it is like you can only have either a bicycle (exotic) or a Ferrari (legendary). You can’t have any normal car like Toyota or Ford regarding glow/particle effects. That’s why I hardly play with my level 80s because if I gave up (which almost everyone does) on the legendary, you have no objective to achieve.

They should add something in middle, some with weak glow, some with stronger, but none can be comparable with the legendary.

Fix legendaries.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Delirious.9278


For those who don’t agree with NinjaEd, you guys are missing the big picture:

*Legendaries are extremely hard to get due to the requirements necessary to get them. It’ll take months of farming, hundreds of dollars/euros, and extensive research just to get them. You really need to put a HUGE effort of yourself and even other people to get ONE legendary over such a span of time.

With all of that effort over time, wouldn’t you think that players that get legendaries deserve MORE than just fancy glow, passive aesthetics, and stats that may NOT EVEN be cumulative to their build? Most of these weapons base damage isn’t even significantly different than lvl 80 exotics and power/crit users don’t have a reason to get legendaries just for stats because it doesn’t offer precision and crit damage % like it’s precursor weapons.

In short, legendaries need a stat rehash. They’re simply too weak compared to be called legendaries at all and only just for show regardless of how much work a player puts into getting it.

Here’s what’ll make them better and more significant and worthy of legendary status that’ll make EVERYONE want to go for them:

Keep the aesthetics

Add 140-180 more power

Have each legendary hold these stats: +179 power, +179 precision, +128 toughness, +128 vitality, and +9% crit dmg

Add in a unique bonus ability unique to the weapon: E.G. with “The Dreamer” Legendary Shortbow, let it grant a 5% chance to daze an opponent for 2 seconds. Ex2: “Twilight”, the Legendary Greatsword, grant it a 5% chance to blind an opponent for 6 seconds.*

^Those bonuses WILL make legendary weapons “Legendary”. Think about it people, the game has been out for over a couple months. Out of all servers there are probably 4 dozen people at the most that have legendary weapons. Out of thousands. Those hard working few deserve more than what they currently have. Enemy players look at them and guess what, they don’t fear the players with Legendary weapons. Why? The fact is, even though the weapon is “pretty”, it doesn’t pack a legendary punch.

Fix legendaries.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Minos.5168


The main concept of Guild Wars has always been to avoid it being a numbers game of who has the best gear. You pay high costs for “cool looking” gear, but as far as stats go… No one should be superior to other players. It gives an unfair advantage in PvE and elsewhere.

Yeah, I know, WoW has always been about trying to get the latest and greatest gear. Each patch in an expansion brought better gear to try to obtain, which would substantially raise your stats…

But, honestly, it only lasts until new content arrives. At which point, the old gear becomes obsolete and new gear has better stats.

That’s the WoW way of doing things. Giving you items with incredible stats to grind through dungeons for, and then making the green items (for those unaware, green items are lower quality than blue items in WoW) in expansions even better.

In GW1, I had several sets of 75k “prestige” armor (which also required loads of crafting materials). One of which was Vabbian armor (which was extremely costly, because of the gems required). I even purchased a tormented weapon for 150k. The only extra benefit I got from these items (over regular armor and weapons)? HoM points for GW2.

The most expensive armor set in GW1 was Obsidian armor (which was from the base game), because you needed ecto to craft it. Globs of Ecto ranged from 5k to 15k (depending on the current price) and you needed 120 of them. This was in addition to the 75k base cost for the armor.

What would you get for spending 1275k on a set of armor? Certainly, by logic in this thread, it you grant you special abilities or stats that players who only purchased the 4k armor don’t get… I mean, you’re paying 320x as much!

But no, you just got a skin… Which people would know meant you had the most expensive armor in the game. It’s like wearing expensive clothing. It doesn’t actually improve anything about you… You’ll just be more likely to get noticed wearing it.

Keep in mind, we’re only two months into Guild Wars 2. As time goes on (and more people obtain legendaries and the precursors), it’ll become cheaper to get them.

Fix legendaries.

in Suggestions

Posted by: NinjaEd.3946


Keep in mind, we’re only two months into Guild Wars 2. As time goes on (and more people obtain legendaries and the precursors), it’ll become cheaper to get them.

Thats the problem I have. And not to rage, but I basically changed the post through responds since I understand how higher stats on weapons and armour makes it an obligation to get it or get left behind which is what ANet doesn’t want. But legendaries are esentially bought or you farm the materials and gold and make it. But the “buying” part bugs me since these are legendary. Whats the point of selling high end-game skins for any currency? I guaruntee that once legendaries start getting out there people will praise the ones with them but how many of those people do you think made it vs. just bought it to look cool?

I should prolly change the original post to reflect the changes I suggest but basically, I suggest 3 changes to how legendaries are:

1. You chose the stat set it comes with. So you don’t have to transmute, have it come with the set you want. Isn’t NEEDED but taking an extra expense of getting the exotic with the right stats and then transmutation stone to make out of the equation would be a relief for some.

2. Account bound. Since they are extremely hard to make it would only be fair to share these pieces across the account. This also removes anyone who intends on buying them out to keep it as a unique skin you work for. (No working towards gold doenst count because you can buy gems and sell them for gold to buy them if you wanted as I’m sure many would try.) Perhaps to keep this as an end-game account bound item, make the transmuation of them not allowed on any weapon below 80 so you don’t see a level 20 running around the The Sunrise or The Dreamer.

3. Maybe instead of making them just a recipe, implement (although it would be a little late) a quest line seperate of the main story line to get the items to make it. Currently making them is just a grind for karma and gold (or the materials if you wana save a little) which seems insignificant for a “Legendary”. One thing and sorry to bring it up a lot but FFXI did well was making these important character pieces feel special and not just drawn out grinds for hundreds of an item. The quest lines werent short, or easy and some took groups to help get the item. Someone mentioned a sort of Story behind these legendaries which would really help make these items live up to their title along with being account bound as to feel unique.

“I’m waiting for the staff to get off their lunch
break. I feel like they should be back by now..”

(edited by NinjaEd.3946)

Fix legendaries.

in Suggestions

Posted by: NinjaEd.3946


Another thing since they are very hard to obtain, would also make them a sort of “Dye” for your weapon. That way if for w/e reason you delete or lose or transmute incorrectly, you can retrieve the legendary skin without having to make another. Wouldn’t be common but like the sell back feature, things happen and you may want it back.

“I’m waiting for the staff to get off their lunch
break. I feel like they should be back by now..”

Fix legendaries.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dzonatan.5327


People have to realize this is Guild Wars 2 Not World of Warcraft, or Rift, or any other mmo. Half the suggestions I see here are trying to make this game a clone of WoW.

Listen, I know your probably sacrificing time from Mists of Pandaria right now, but realize before you even bought this game, if you did any kind of research whatsoever, if you read or watched any of the blog videos, you would come to realize that this game is TRYING to be completely different, and that there are no tier based items.

If round tires work why forcefully make square ones? Also if you have to research a game before you know you might enjoy it rather then the provider actually giving you a demo then perhaps something is wrong here.

You should not be surprised. As someone else mentioned, in GW1 people spend eons grinding for vanity items.

What worked in the past might not work in the present. From what we see today. It doesnt really work right now.

I played WoW for 7 years and half the time I was raiding for VANITY, not for stats. Sure it was nice to have an item that “put be above” other people, but this is not how GW2 works. Legendaries are fine imo. They are legendary BECAUSE they take a long time to build. THATS how it should be!!

And? So you look different then the others? what other merit does your flashy sword bring to the group? Perhaps you didnt noticed back then but current tier raid gear was what really held you in your position back then. It’s simple to prove… Did you put on sub optimal gear outside of raids? Were you treated the same when you didnt wear your top notch gear? You most likely never taken it off so I cant ultimately prove the anwsers to the above questions was “yes” but you also cant ultimately prove that the anwser to them was “no”.

Bottom line: That’s not how it should be, otherwise our would would be filled with empty vanity human beings.

I am willing to bet that if this post wasn’t made to claim legendaries need a stat boost then it would have been created complaining about the stat boosts!

and you would be wrong because the stat boost compared to the costs to get it is reasonable enough.

How would you feel if you DID NOT have the 2+ months of solid gaming time, and you witnessed kids running around with weapons that not only look way cooler than your own, but make your weapons far in superior based on stats.

Same way I feel everyday when I see people who have more then me in real life. Perhaps it is you who has some sort of insecurity issues.

How about I put it this way. I need people to run a dungeon with me. I can only have 4 other people mind you. Would I choose you, or someone with a legendary with higher stats than normal exotics? The answer is obvious.

Chances are someone with a legendary wouldnt be at your beck and call whenever you so desire.

Please do not give legendaries stat boosts.

Please do give legendaries stat boosts.

Fix legendaries.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Auesis.7301


Dzonatan, you’re asking for complete stupidity. Defeats the point of a legendary weapon if it has more stats – that means that everyone aims to get one – legendary weapons become commonplace. Leave it as an optional visual extra – that’s the entire kittening point.

Gnome Child [Gc]
Resident Thief

Fix legendaries.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Soki.3027


I think the main problem is that the road to get them is ridiculously bland.
You grind like a good Korean (Based NCsoft) and get your cool skin. Great.
No cool background. No story. No exposition. No reason why this legendary is special. Just grind and get the cool skin.
No-skill. Just time and tedium.

Fix legendaries.

in Suggestions

Posted by: NinjaEd.3946


@ Soki. Yes a million times. I really hope they add the 3 new suggestions I posted (few response up). Grinding hungreds of items or if you’re lazy just buying them all, why even bother? Legendaries won’t make you feel special with this current system. I would like a stat boost but however, it does make it a necessity then which just puts others ahead of those who don’t feel like putting THAT kinda effort in which I think AreaNet does a good job of doing. The whole goal is balance but with the lack of end-game content, how about a story line for a legendary that is ridiculously hard (as in you’ll prolly need 5 people for some parts) or maybe make a world event boss have a small chance to drop the item you need from a chest and you use these soulbound drops to complete parts ot the recipe. This accompishes a TON since it makes high levels revisit old zones and also adds more things to do since in PVE, we are lacking that desperately. Please AreaNet for the Love of Lyssa, add a story line to these Legendaries. It is much easier said than done I understand but atleast reply to this thread saying how it is considered.

“I’m waiting for the staff to get off their lunch
break. I feel like they should be back by now..”

Fix legendaries.

in Suggestions

Posted by: NinjaEd.3946


[Suggestion] for Legendary Story line.

Each race has some sort of life test they prove whether it being norn’s boasting about a mighty beast they’ve slain, or Charr competing for dominance as the top Legion, Sylvari with their wyld hunts, Asuran being the brightest and most advanced, and Humans seeking legacy amoung their people.

With that in mind and the dozens of zones that don’t get touched that often by the Main story line, this Legendary weapon creation could take you all across Tyria in places you would least expect with some instances in those areas and other times being you look for a “Suspicious spot” that rotates every few days or even just a small drop rate off a world event. (Maybe even doing something specific for that world event such as throwing rocks at the enemy with a chance of the rock turning into the item you need or shooting a Mortar at the tail of a dragon to knock off a scale you need for a recipe, many things could be thought of) The story lines for these would all be different depending on three factors: Your race, the weapon you’re after, and if that weapon is dual weild capable. So if you are looking for one dagger, it is different and easier but not the same as looking for two of those daggers. That way, if you intend to dual weild legendary daggers you won’t have to repeat the story line again, repetition is what is slowly cutting this game down. Each weapon will have some sort of story to its original owner or creator and along this story line, you will visit the place it was created or meet (or fight) the original owner whether they are alive or in ghost form. Perhaps one or two of the ghostly owners could be a side mission in Ascalonian Catacombs explorer mode. At the end anything from a master craftsman will make it for you or you tossing the items into some asuran technology to reconnect the pieces, will reward your efforts with the weapon(s) you worked for. There will be no grinding of an item, no item that makes the weapon will be purchasable by any means. The end result will be account bound, and you chose the stat set it comes with (Power, vitality, toughness; power, prec, crit; power, prec, magic find; whatever) following an epic story of how the weapon came to be and its legacy can be carried on through you.

“I’m waiting for the staff to get off their lunch
break. I feel like they should be back by now..”

(edited by NinjaEd.3946)

Fix legendaries.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dzonatan.5327


Dzonatan, you’re asking for complete stupidity. Defeats the point of a legendary weapon if it has more stats – that means that everyone aims to get one – legendary weapons become commonplace. Leave it as an optional visual extra – that’s the entire kittening point.

One does not simply get a legendary.

Fix legendaries.

in Suggestions

Posted by: NinjaEd.3946


No but one does notice people starting to get legendaries which only means a matter of time before everyone will be in CoF armour with a sunrise or twilight or The Dreamer… call me crazy but depending on whether the player has the funds, Legendaries are too easy to obtain.

“I’m waiting for the staff to get off their lunch
break. I feel like they should be back by now..”

Fix legendaries.

in Suggestions

Posted by: BobbyK.9730


Legendary weapons don’t have to have a ton of extra stats, but I agree with the OP, at least give them a little bit better stats. If they have the same stats as exotics, then I’m more than happy with my guild skin on weapons and will never take the time making a legendary just so I can look cooler. It’s too much effort for nowhere near enough reward.

Fix legendaries.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kaizer.7135


No don’t give them better stats, otherwise EVERYONE will be running around with legendary weapons if it gives them the edge. Legendary’s are a endgame weapon & endgame in GW2 is all about cosmetics, this is how it was intended to be and this is how it will stay.

Fix legendaries.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kneemin.4235


First. I’d like to point out the silly comparisons to WoW. All you people who are blabbing about how this game isn’t wow and how its not supposed to become a WoW clone; I don’t know what black box in the corner you all lived in the past 20 years but WoW is far from the forefront in MMO mechanics and design. That craptastic game has nothing to do with where gear progression came from. It also is literally a copy of a bunch of different (and IMO better) games.

Anyway; This is also NOT guild wars one. Every game series, especially MMOs, changes with each iteration. I see absolutely no problem with giving people something stat-wise to strive for. There’s no reason I should be able to completely beat the entirety of the game content playing casually after a month. That should not have happened… yet it has. I have 1 80, 2 alts, 3 400 crafters, and a full set of exotic gear (after having scrapped quite a few pieces simply to change stats until I found what I wanted). Literally the only thing I don’t have is the legendary and a few dyes. This hardly seems like a way to keep players in the game.

They don’t have to go and make them so stupidly powerful that people get excluded from groups for not having them, but it would be nice to say “hey, you worked your butt off for this, here’s a small increase.”

I’m also starting to wonder if half of you who came in here bashing about how this game isn’t WoW even have a clue about how gear progression works. It definitely isn’t some thing where you are 10X more powerful than other people just because of gear… That is almost never the case as casual players can get stuff which is nearly ‘exotic’ in quality putting them not THAT far behind the hard-core people. Its really a small advantage given to those who work for it. Skill still plays a large role, and as always (and same with guild wars) the LARGEST advantage in pve AND pvp is always class, because balance usually isn’t that great.

Fix legendaries.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Runiir.6425


There is little reason to includes a stat boost to legendaries. This game has chosen a different route of progression, a visual one rather than a power level one (any stat increase is an increase in power). This was their design decision.

Fix legendaries.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Archmortal.1027


As I understand it, the only Legendary that may need fixing is Eternity as many of the graphics associated with Twilight/Sunrise are not working on it such as blade trail during throw attacks and footsteps, plus even while showing the Twilight skin, Sunrise’s glow is seen on it instead.

Fix legendaries.

in Suggestions

Posted by: NinjaEd.3946


@Kneemin. I felt the same way, however many people pointed out and I’ve played dozens of MMOs including a few widely known MMOs to understand why AreaNet did what they did with end game gear. Yours or my definition of “Casual player” may differ so someone playing once a day for an hour or two vs someone who only has time to play a few times a week due to work family and possibly school, it isn’t equal. The people who can play almost all day every day would get these pieces much quicker and regardless if the stat difference is minor, it is still an impact. For example, WvW scales you to level 80 so you feel like you are equal to those around but, there are still traits. Traits are little bonuses here and there but make a HUGE difference depending on your build. Same goes for weapons. towards 80, weapons start getting a lot more dmg each tier so what may seem like 100 more attack power, could be the difference between an 8k crit or a 9k crit which is significant. Some (Not all) of the visual effects from the Legendaries are cool and definitly add some flare to your character but like I said… They are too easy to get for being end-game content. Lazy people can buy them and people who work towards them won’t say it was easy but they also won’t say it was fun or enjoyable. More Legendary skins would be a start but there needs to be some sort of quest line as welll as making them account bound once made. Let me ask people who have reached end-game in other MMOs: Which of those MMOs let you trade/sell those pieces? Or sell/trade the materials to make those pieces?

“I’m waiting for the staff to get off their lunch
break. I feel like they should be back by now..”