Future Content- All Suggestions

Future Content- All Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: raseloc.6932


So GW2 has been out for over a year and there are a lot of suggestions to improve the game. A lot of the posts here on the Suggestion forum is the same things. So I am going to compile a list of the most asked for changes that I have seen.

More Customization
This is an RPG that means players want to role play their characters. As it stands right now there are limited options for character appearances. The more personalization you have with your character the more you will enjoy playing them.


  • More body types- example: a few fat options. Not everybody wants to be a model.
  • More Hair options- this includes facial hair. Bearded Ladies!?
  • More Faces/face modifications- ugly them up a bit! big noses, warts, scars, etc

New Race
Again this is more personalization options. more than 5 options would be great.


  • Kodan
  • Dwarves
  • Tengu
  • Largos

New Weapons
There are many types of weapons that exist that are not ingame. adding more options will diversify the game and allow for more customization.

2 hand.…………………….1 hand
Great Axe………………….Javalin
Pole Axe/ Halberd……….Parasol
Great Mace…………………Fist Weapons- claws, brass nuckles
Double Bladed Sword……..Flail

New Armor
There are many armor types in the game already but more is always better! While not necessarily a ‘type’ of armor, different skins for each type would be nice. Example: scale armor looks the same no matter what race is wearing it. Why would a charr and an asura wear identical armor? Would be nice if each race had its own appearance for armor types. And some female armor is pretty skimpy/not skimpy enough!


  • Skin Options:
  • Have 2 different armor skin types to choose from (one that covers more, and another that reveals more)
  • Clean and grungy version, example is the CM dungeon armor, vendor is shiny while players is grungy. I would like the shiny version!
  • Basic armor types appear different depending on race that’s wearing it. Example: charr scale armor would be very hacked together looking, while Asura scale would be squares, and Sylvari scale would look like leaves.

New Maps
Many players have completed the map exploration and would like new areas to explore.


  • Underground maps
  • Shiverpeaks
  • Crystal Desert
  • Elona

New Classes
More customization (see a theme here?) More than 8 classes would be nice. Although I personally don’t think his is necessary right now, I would like more options in the future. Another Heavy class would be nice.

  • Monk
  • Ritualist
  • Paragon
  • Dark Knight type

Everyone wants more dragons! They are what brought most of us into the game in the first place. Killing Zhaitan was so anticlimactic that I hope we get another shot at him. There is so much lore about the dragons and it feels like nothing is happening with them. They are the main threat to Tyria we should be actively searching for ways to defeat them!


  • Bring back Zhaitan for one final battle!
  • Introduce Jormag, Primordus, or Kralkatorrik as the next challenge to overcome.

Living World
The current ‘living world’ doesn’t feel very alive. The 2 week release schedule is nice, but I think feels a bit rushed, and the content usually disappears after those 2 weeks. We want Permanent Content


  • Each map has its own main ‘bad guy’ and they will take over the entire zone if players do not fight them off. Example: The centaurs will take over all of Gendarran Fields, killing the NPCs and contesting every WP so you must travel from another map to get there.
  • Achievements are based on taking back/defending forts and POI instead of just grinding out kills.
  • Dragons!

Would be cool to ride something around to add yet more customization! Fighting wile mounted would add a whole new dynamic to the game.


  • Faster Travel only?
  • Combat abilities? Equip as an Offhand weapon, whole new weapon set, or added skill bar for mount abilities.
  • Flying mounts- would need special maps
  • No mounts in PvP or WvW.
  • Race Specific
  • Class Specific

    Other Suggesions
    Guild Halls- ANet has said this is planned
    GvG- tournaments and such between guild would be nice
    Guild Alliances- Having a larger pool to get help from would also be nice
    Change Race/Order- I think you should NOT be able to chance race. if you don’t like the race you picked, delete them and make another. Changing the Order you chose would be helpful.

Go back and read it all.

Guild – Savants[ijit]
Gate of Madness

(edited by raseloc.6932)

Future Content- All Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: raseloc.6932


i think i hit most topics. if i missed anything just yell

Guild – Savants[ijit]
Gate of Madness

Future Content- All Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dezarys.1372


Really interesting post and I agree with most points. However, it would still be nice if Mounts were included in WvW.

I think this game also needs more traveling speed. I tried one with Air trait on ele for 1 second of 100% movements speed and boy that was really really nice!!!. They should add movement spells to each class, some classes able to cast a perma (unless in combat) spell or something along those lines.

WvW maps should be expanded and made to be even larger. Permanent content is needed. LS does feel rushed. PvE needs major help.

But I can’t help but feel Anet can’t push things as quick as other Sub based games. So I feel like they HAVE to take their time. anyways, I’ll continue purchasing gems in hopes that this game will improve majorly overtime.

Maybe an expansion that requires Subscriptions would be a huge hit :> A lot of things could be improved through that

Guild Leader of Oakvale [Vale]

Future Content- All Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dezarys.1372


And to add to my previous post, “raids”, new maps needed. I love the idea of having to fend off mobs or they will overtake the map, there’s a lot of possibilities that can be implemented in that

Guild Leader of Oakvale [Vale]

Future Content- All Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Seravorn.8139


This has some awesome suggestions! One thing ive always wanted was a PLAYER city. A city where players own houses, can own a business (they get a tiny commission from crafting stations or when a trader is used?), can develop new areas of the city, new houses, can put on a show even. Youve seen dance parties… why not a place for people to put them on?! You could have race zones, where only Asura or Sylvari can go, with special racial challenges and activities – would encourage people to get a character of every race too.
You could even have “player royalty” or guilds that fight it out to be the guild in control – like family controlled provinces in ye olde times. Would be nice if someone could do some stuff, and actually progress to be “high chancellor” until someone else came along and ousted him. They could design the city logo, or set fees on asura gates to some places that you currently cant go. Why should Ellen Kiel get all the fame and glory?

I sort of see this as a Lions Arch where the vast majority of citizens are players. where the city can literally evolve on a day to day basis as people invest in it, and as “policies” are handed down. It would be like an amalgamation of guild halls, home instances, and a living city.
Do i realistically see them doing this? No, not really. Do I think it would be awesome? Hell yea!

Future Content- All Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: SiegHawk.7981


  1. wish Move all PvE players to lower Tiers and allow WvW players to transfer to the higher Tiers. That way each can Enjoy there own thing, No one QQing from PvEer about having trouble doing map completion or events, and WvWers about PvEers taking up slots.
Dragonbrand [EAT]
All I want is pure destruction!

Future Content- All Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: torukmakto.3412


I like you idea about each map having its own Bad Guy, if done correctly, it can really make things more lively. if done, for the lack of a better term, Wrong, it will be something Similar to the Karma Train in Orr, that people used to hit 3-5 events back to back for Karma.

for SiegHawks suggestion, I like that idea too in theory, but it would gave WvWers an advantage over PvEers, in the fact that they (WvWers) can guest to any World to do PvE stuff, but PvEers cant guest to another World to do WvW stuff.

unless Anet broke down Worlds like this, there are Starter Worlds which anyone can enter, WvW only Worlds, after gaining a certain WvW rank, you can transfer here, and a PvE Worlds, after gaining some sort of ranking (maybe achievement points) you can transfer here. and each World will have its benefits, like Shorter Queues and more Maps in WvW, Or Faster Event timers and or unique PvE only Skills in PvE.

but still I like SiegHawk idea, this way everyone can enjoy want they like

Future Content- All Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ezirium.8109


I very much agree with most of this post. The only thing that is driving me insane is this idea of mounts that everyone is on to for some reason. WHY do we need mounts? I can understand your idea as it adds a simple customization, but many people want it for traveling around maps. Do they not realize that all waypoints are within very reasonable distance from each other? Swiftness is very easily obtainable by most classes and even without swiftness it doesn’t take very long to get places without it. I like the idea of customization of a mount, but it just doesn’t fit into this game that well.

Future Content- All Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Elrey.5472


No mounts, please. Insane developer work needed and useless in most of the cases.

I agree 100% on the other topics.

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