Going from 8+ hrs a day game play to maybe 4 hrs per week. I see less an less people when I do login. From my point of view this is the reason why.
1. after a player caps out many of the different class whats left? You say dungeon’s map completion, PvP, WvW heres the facts. Dungeon’s are not solo content so when fewer then 5 people no longer play you as a player are pretty much hosed. The fact the grouping systems is poor at best. You spend hrs in Lion’s Arch just trying to get a group togather. As for WvW the server numbers are not balanced an won’t be as more an more ppl get tired of waiting an leave the game. That leaves map completion great on the first time tho but no fun on 2nd an 3rd toons.
2. New content holiday events.. Really checked it out for a few hrs then logged off.. why becouse no efforts worth the rewards given.. I need how many Items to craft that neat looking weapon skin?? Oh that much.. let me do the math.. yep 4 days grinding another 2g to buy the other matz.. = no thx.
3. Real simple fix the market, perma ban the bot’s, do live events on every server even post time on the forum when such events will take place. Do random events such as traveling merchents, giant troll roaming the lands,small dragons outside starting city, air ships landing at outpost.. ect
GW2 one of the best games to come along for quit a while but to little to late the life blood of it is draining away. I’ll keep checking back in for any signs of life, I hope Anet hears my voice an try’s to revive this game.
If it were up to me.. Post on game startup an e-mails new game plan get ahead of the downward spirel there a lot of die hard fan’s/players that will get behind yah if you just take the steps. Lighten up on the loot tables an balance them.. a champion boss should Always drop Yellow items not this green an blue an even white at times.. Really 1 white item off a champion??? Make storyline dungeon easy mode.. Its storyline for crying out loud.. every storyline dungeon has in it 1 boss mob so hard its just luck if you get pass him after 4 or 5 deaths. Get the live dev’s into roll playing some boss mobs interacting with the players.. To where players tell there friends.. “Youll never guess what happen to me today out side of X starter city” an last of all take out the hidden tax on the market an lower it to where you can craft items an make some coins. as it set 15% tax is just stupid.
Anyways just my 2cents worth Iam sure there will be ppl flaming me an telling me to go back to WoW for the record I’ve not had a WoW account for many many years but at lest there market place function. I would perfer to see GW2 fix there issues an if not I dont figure I’ll spend any more hard earned cash eather buying gems or exspantion packs.