GW2 has some issues like most MMOs…I think they could improve a bunch of things…
Here are some…and this is a comparison to WoW…even though I’m not playing WoW and haven’t for 2 years, I still follow their updates.
1. Models/Effects. The one thing WoW does really well is make weapons, shoulders, armors that people want to acquire. Right now, most of the GW2 weapons and models are “meh”. There isn’t much I’ve heard my group of people go…“man check that out…can’t wait to get that”. I think it has to do with going too much into realism.
It’s ok to move into the realm of unbelievable, and GW2 has some of that, but not enough. Also, weapons, armors, etc need particle effects that are better. An example is the T14 Death Knight armor from WoW. Even though it needs more polygons, that armor is just amazing looking, has it’s own unique look, with great effects on it.
Something is missing from GW2 armor and weapons. They are amazing in design/looks but I’m not WoW’d by probably 95% of the gear in GW2 (pun intended).
2. Spell effects I think they need more. WoW suffered from this early on and then they started giving each class unique procs, particles, ability effects, etc. Melee really seems to suffer, like Warrior and Thief. Also, we need much better ground, AOE effects. They are pretty bland right now.
3. Dungeons There is something ‘wrong’ with Dungeons. And it doesn’t have to do with the Trinity missing. We did all the WoW dungeons with a Ret Paladin, 2 Rogues, a Mage and Lock. We CC’d our way through with saps, fears, polys, etc.
That seems to be missing from this game.
Right now, everything feels zergy. Maybe it has to do with the way the monsters are etc, but there isn’t much ‘strat’ to runs or encounters.