Game Improvement - Suggestions
The things I would like to see added to this great game are:
1. Officer chat or player created chat channels.
2. Officer notes.
3. Language specific overflow (so no mixing English, French and German).
4. Being able to rotate between the people you last whispered with.
5. Show allies on the WvW map, not only when you are close to them. At the moment it shows the locations of where the battles are ongoing, but not how many of your allies are involved.
6. My own character listed the same as party members while being in a party. I like to have the healthbars and buffs together and not 4 of other people on the left and my own at the bottom (I like to play support).
After accidentally buying an item I was trying to preview tonight (twice), I’d really love to have the option to disable buying with double-click.
Please fix invisible mode.
- Players can’t log on as invisible.
- Invisible mode still reveals online activity, especially if you’re mutual friends.
I’ve even gone so far as to remove everyone from my friends list, but they can STILL tell I’m online because my name in the guild roster shows me changing zones even though I’m on a character that’s not in the guild. Even the guild MOTD changed to my alt’s name even though he wasn’t in the guild.
I realize this is how it worked in GW1, but this is a very different game with a different audience. Privacy should be the default state, not something I have to try to figure out. There are times when I want to play an alt in “private” without making it look like I’m ignoring my friends.
From a player standpoint, there’s nothing wrong with having each character have their own friends/guild associations, perhaps with the option to share those contacts between characters.
(edited by tanpopo.9102)
Hey Anet. First of all: GREAT GAME! I love it and i am sure i will enjoy it a long time.
I did not read all 4 pages of previos posts but i have 1 thing id like to have:
Add a item to the Gemshop which let you change your appearance. (Like going back to the Char Creation).
This should not change Race or Personal Story decisions. Just Hair,Skin, Eyes…etc…
Corvin Caboom † 80 Norn Engineer † Kodash
Corvin Mistwalker † 80 Norn Revenant † Kodash
Please add a timestamp to the roster to say when players were last online. Its very much needed and the only way really to see active players against non-active ones..
Tis only what you can do for all
To be able to play as a Kodan. Thanks! Love the game!
From what I’ve seen, GW2 approached whole equipment side of things quite more reasonably than most other games out there. Not without some issues, but overall it’s well made.
Furthermore – and most importantly – the gear is practically a tool for the job, not a penultimate reason to play the game (with sadistic content gating well known from other games, korean ones in particular).
But at the same time – it falls into the same trap of pseudo-decay bandaids known from typical “carrot-on-a-stick geargrinders in instances” – to name a few typical techniques – BoP, BoE, merciless RNG. Even in GW2, some of the equipment is unobtainable through crafting (tough to say if it’s deliberate or accidental – e.g. stuff with “soldier” stats’ combination) forcing typical (and quite repetitive) dungeon grind. And then, everything remains endless but account bound …. in a game like GW2 ? A “sword” that never breaks really doesn’t make sense. The only reasons such thing thing exists in [other] games are: content gating, money/time sinks, artificial means to inhibit item reuse.
Why not just use decay that would fit this game really well ?
It assures that nothing is endless, allowing to get rid of most/all aforementioned bandaids at the same time. It allows full tradability of everything. It allows toning down on requirements – especially on RNG / timesink front. It leads to all elements of the game naturally complementing each other – be it common stuff needed for crafting, special parts from dungeons, less special parts from regular pve world, karma-related stuff, and properly skilled crafters themselves. And situation like “ok I have my exotic gear, I don’t care anymore about the gear” never arises – the end effect is better than in any game with undestructible equipment (which generally ends with geargrind expansions once too many people grab the carrot, or get bored with chasing the old one).
To give a simple example (similar to Neocron – if anyone remembers that small, fine mmo):
- a crafter makes some item – it gets durability rating, say 100%+tiny rng. The combat use causes the durability to drop over time – which should be tuned to allow semi-hardcore player to use the item at its full strength for a few days (week?); also during crafting there could be optional components (for a solid price) to extend crafted item’s normal durability; also durability drain could be related to damage done/taken – there are tons of possibilities here
- once the period is gone (corresponding to say 50% of durability) the item starts to lose it’s performance (red light for the player: get ready to replace it)
- 40% and it cannot be transmuted anymore, 30% and it cannot be salvaged (btw: scale doesn’t have to be linear either)
The core point is – replacing is not stupidly painful people are “used to” – but a natural part of the game. Make sure everything is craftable and tradable, make sure “the best” /does/ require participation of all /parts/ of the game (and tradability assures you are not forced to participate in some – or even all – of them).
Add better fast cast of ground – targeting spells
Please change it so fast-cast works not like it does now, but instead when you push down associated button, ground targeting circle is shown at your mouse, and when you release the associated button, ability is used at the point where the cursor was at the time of release. This will both allow a single-click ground targeting spell activation, and show the range and raidus of the aoe to the user.
Just one suggestion….
Region specific forum areas please.
I know this has a reputation for splitting up the player base but I believe the benefits far outweigh the negatives
While I have several suggestions to improve the game, listing them all here would take too long so for now I will stick with the one that bugs me the most! When a skill is on cool down and you are out of combat, you are currently unable to swap to a new skill in that slot until the cool down is over. My suggestion is simple, allow us to swap to a new skill BUT keep the cool down for that slot active when the new skill is chosen. It is rather annoying having to wait for the cool down to end to swap out the skill.
Please add ability To trade between Two player charcters. either by implementing a trade feature or by implementing COD mail.
Tis only what you can do for all
Currently for me this is 5/10 game at best. You have nice looking world that is unplayable for me because of underlying problems with gameplay design.
Biggest offenders:
-Combat is boring, simplistic and feels like poorly done console port. I need more buttons to press. 8 slots per weapon + 8 slots for utility skills minimum. Combat is number one reason why I am getting bored. I am expecting entire overhaul, not basic tweaks.
-Remove 10 second cd from weapon switch. You are dumbing down my possibilities in already simplistic combat even futher with this senseless artificial limit. There should be 1 – 1,5 sec cd on weapon switch tops. Pleace notice I am not talking about GDC.
- Tons of pseudo CC you have in game is too short. What do you want me to do with 1 second stun exactly? Not enough time to even autoswing. You should have entire set of short medium and long CCs so that combat has actual depth and plays like chess, not checkers. Don’t like this route? Then make it more like arcade fighting game with “real” combos. Whatever you do, add depth and varriety to it.
-Remove rng from game. I want types of boons and conditions to apply, counter and remove. I don’t want “remove,apply,modify random buff/debuff”. Yes that will mean you will need alot more skill slots and skills to add.
-Remove autoattak from bars and put other skill in there instead. Why are you waisting 1 out of 5 slots for autoattak?
-Remove lantency on movement. You have seem to decrease it alot but it is still there. Movement cannot have lantency on it, in any game, ever! That is a basic game design rule. Having lantency on movement if equivalent of professional cook not using salt.
-All classes play the same. As far as I am concerned you have two classes in game. You have range and you have melee with different names. Why for example I have to kite on my necromancer? Why I can’t for example play drain tank + cc to avoid damage. Why does every single class have to run in circles? While we are at it, why running in circles is so effective?
-Often weapons cover the same roles making them useless. Each weapon should be specialization. Great sword should be about aoe, 2h hammer about single target and stuns/slows/whatever. Mace + shield all about serious defense. Actually shield should give serious defense boost. So that there is actually a point in switching weapons rather then everyone running with great sword.
-Dungeons are awful. 3 trash mobs with obscene ammount of health, in ridiculously small corridors and boss that spams one ability over and over? That is supposed to be fun? Well it is not. Increase the size of corridors and rooms in dungeons, spawn 30 regular mobs + several veterans + 1 champion and once and then I can call them fun and engaging. Your engine has no problems handling that in dynamic event and so there is no reason not to. And make sure no boss has less than 3 skills that require you to do something other than dodge.
-90% of “quests” are kill mobs + pick up item from ground and press tilde to put it down. Needs more variety. At level 10 I had enough of it.
-Loading times are absurd and I am using SSD. Why is there loading inside the cities? Ever heard about streaming data? It was possible 10 years ago and is even more possible now. I expect zero loading times outside of dungeons/pvp. Yes Id rather have blurry textures for a couple of seconds when changing zones.
-No 64 bit in 2012? I have 16 gb of ram. Would like to use it.
-Dynamic events are brainless zerg and are way to easy. They do not require any kind of cooperation whatsoever outside of “rez dead guys”. This would improve if you actually had proper CC in game and required to use it.
-Field of view options. Where are they? I am not playing on a console. I am playing on a PC.
Minor stuff:
-Remove floaty camera. I want zero “glide” effect on camera. Again, basics of online game design especially for pvp.
-Add item preview in trading post. Add equipped item tooltip during salvaging and trading post.
-Add trade button between players. Seriously, no trade button?
-Pvp game with no duels? Really?
-Add pvp ladder.
-Add seperate button for actions and looting.
-Add target of target and cast bar for mobs and bosses. Why? Because when I played centaur event and there were 30 players hitting boss I did not see his model at all because of all the chaos on screen, I cannot see what he is doing and if he is casting anything at all. I am unable to react at all outside of “oh snap I just lost 75% hp that means he is targeting me now I guess, I better move”.
And I expect all of that in a single patch in one month tops or game gets uninstalled and guess which company hits my personal list of “do not buy”.
(edited by Rzep.4592)
In Options→Graphics put some kind of transparency glider for spell effects.
I have only one suggestion at this time.
My main is a Norn Ranger… and before the game was even released, I wanted to become a Bear while having a bear pet…
It would seem that the elite skill “become the bear” actually puts my pet away while the elite is active. I do not see how this is fair, as all of the other elite skills are able to be used in conjunction with your pet being active.
That alone is disappointing, but it doesn’t seem to stop there. There is a really useful perk called “Master’s Bond” that makes your pet stronger and more durable as you get more and more kills (stacks up to 25x). Well if I choose to use my elite skill, my pet de-activates and my stack of 25x Master’s Bond is also lost. Why would I be penalized for using my elite skill?
The whole thing, in my opinion, should be resolved by allowing pets to remain active during Norn racial transformation elites.
Allow pets to remain active at the same time as the Norn racial elites (transformations).
As it stands currently, the transformations are the only elite skills that hide your pet, and you should not be penalized by losing pet buffs/the ability to use your pet, for using your elite skill.
I don’t know if it’s been posted already, but if it has, I am sorry for repeating a suggestion that was already made. Either way, I would really like elementalists to be able to use alternative weapon sets in combat like the other classes can. Elementalists are much weaker than the other classes and it seems highly unfair that they are limited to using one weapon in combat.
I realy love the game, but cant you have some transformations on the pet of the hunter like a character?
We need better pale skin colors for humans!
There’s really only 3 good choices IMO – Light 7, 10, and 13. Light 7 is way too pink (however it has nice contrast), 10 is good but seems too saturated (I hate neutral to warm skin tones that are really saturated – it just has thet same effect orange skin has), and 13, while lighter and less saturated than both, seems to have a grey undertone, looking unhealthy and sickly!
Why can’t we have some creamy, white based (but not undead looking) options? Look at how many pale skin choices Asura get! Even just yellow-neutral undertones, but without as much saturation would be a start.
I bring this up because I love experimenting with dyes. I can appreciate those who go for “armor realism”, and I like the common dark colors with a pop of red/yellow/blue, but what I really love is to experiment with neon, shocking colors, extremely pale colors, and unexpected or subtle color combinations. The problem is once you start doing things like this, it can very easily clash with your skintone. The best skintone to use for what I want is one is one that really neutral – not too undead and not too colorful.
I chose Light 7 for my main PvE char, even though it was too pink, because it complimented my character’s dark red hair really well. However I’m already discovering clashes. Of course, the longer I stare at what I have (or the other options), the more I get used to them (even when putting dyes with them that shouldn’t work), but noticing this at all means that the skin choices were lacking from the get go.
This is an awesome thread. Most of the ideas here are awesome imo.
Most of what I had in mind was already here. First person mode being a huge one, because I tend to be a photographer in game, and make photo albums. I would love having that.
Also I am not sure if this was mentioned but it really bothers me that the dyes are not account based and they are per character. I spent forever trying to get an expensive color, and then made another class later to try it out, immediately switching back, because I would have to work on getting that dye all over again. ;_;
I am hoping they will be unlocked for all characters in the future. With so much being shared through characters on your account, I found it odd that this wasn’t shared as well, and it discourages me from having multiple characters.
I would really love housing. Guild housing or personal housing or both. Interactive objects like places to rest and go afk.
The ability to sit in all of the chairs that are all over the world. I try to position my character to sit in a chair, but the position she sits in just doesn’t work for chairs. I would like to touch things. That is one thing that gives me immersion into a game is feeling like I can touch things.
Touching things. I guess I am a simulation person somewhat. <.<
People walking right through me like they aren’t even there kinda breaks it. An option to toggle that would be great. Make it where I snag a bit on people because it feels like they are actually solid and not ghosts on the screen. It would also help to keep people from running into me no matter where I stand and just passing through me like a ghost. Recording game footage is ruined by this and looks pretty funny lol.
I know there is more but that is all I can think of at the moment cuz I really want to go play. I LOVE the game and I am really enjoying it a lot.
(See Screenshot, lol) <3
It would be very helpful to implement a quick and cheap way to go to LA.
Everyone, when trying to get to town, goes over the Portal in the Mists and that way you can reach any capital city for free.
However I’m now playing on a really slow Laptop and started noticing how annoying the Loading Screens become after a while.
My suggestions would be to permanently change the costs of all inner-city waypoints to 0 so you can instantly travel to any city for free.
This is hardly removing a gold sink, since not so many players actually do it.
Also, as I read in another suggestion already, the travel costs associated with your personal story are a tiny bit ridiculous.
I play the story solo, when noone else is online or has time to go and play in the open world, so I end up playing multiple story steps in a row.
Traveling back and forth however is really annoying if you don’t want to spent a lot of cash. This will also be fixed by my suggestion above, reducing the travel costs for story time by about half.
Please add an option for notifications for when my friends/guildmates come online. Unless I’m constantly checking my lists i don’t know when they come online and it’s annoying.
It may have been posted before, but this is one feature I’m surprised is not in this MMO.
- Who/Social List
I thought this would be under the contacts panel, but I was wrong. MMOs tend to have a command or panel that lets us see a list of the players currently in the zone/map at the time. It’s pretty important to be able to know if there are other people around, that way I don’t waste time asking the map chat for help with a skill challenge or a difficult dynamic event if no one is actually around.
As for other suggestions.
- Isolate Particle Effects
It would be nice to to have an option that dims or reduces the graphics of many spell particles in the game except your own, so you can actually see what’s going on. This could be extended to show only your group’s particles as well, or only the monster’s, or none at all.
I am sort of reposting this to move it into the suggestions thread. Sorry if that is a no-no, the other topic is dead.
Is there any chance that we could have some of the devs sit down and write some simple roadmaps on some of the things they’re working for on each class? Areas that the devs feel a class may be underperforming or overperforming in, making some general statements about their plans for the future. Such as “we want to investigate guardian condition damage builds to improve condition variety” or “we want to to address necromancer trait trees to improve cohesion and appeal.”
I know that class design is a fluid concept, and will change as players and devs discover new things, but at the same time we left beta with the devs having commented on a number of different topics (for example mesmer and thief needing love, ranger utility skills being subpar) and more. Are those projects complete? Ongoing? Canceled because they reconsidered?
Changes were made between then and release, but there is still a lot to be curious about. A lot of people I know in the game, myself included, have been stuck waffling between different classes because while the concept may be there the execution is clunky or the numbers are simply blown away by another class doing the same thing.
For example, the flamethrower was long lamented as a subpar kit for engineer. This was recently addressed in a patch, to the tremendous joy of a friend of mine who only days ago was considering rerolling due to disappointment.
Please Anet, let us know what some of your (general) plans for the near future are. Help make us all happy about our choices, or at least educate us on what is on your radar.
Hello readers and ArenaNet! I have two suggestions, well.. maybe three. But I know the third one wont happen.
First off!
Please remove armor damage penalty when killed by a player in WvW. That is the one thing that keeps me from playing it, even though I love WvW. Gear should not be destroyed when killed by a player!
Make it more convenient to loot in WvW! Its very tedious to loot corpses. I would suggest a NPC where all your legit-earned loot arrives to, where you can browse what you want to keep and sell and so on. This allows the players to focus on the combat and the gameplay, rather than worrying about looting the corpses and check for loot bags.
And third
Please, as your next class, if its a expansion or not, please make me a heavy armored caster. Coming to this game, I havent quite found a class that fits me. So far I’ve leveled a thief, which is one of the archetypes I often play. But I often also play battlemages, shamans or druids. I would love to see something similar to this game. I really miss to play as a more heavily armored caster.
Firstly I will say that I read a few of the posts previously, but not all, and I believe in volume, the more people posting the same issue the more it’s going to get noticed. This will be one of the most extensive lists of things I find could be changed about the game.
WvW – I cannot play WvW unless I am one of the richest players in the game unless I play the game mindlessly grinding for hours on end due to the fact I have to repair armor in WvW, seriously? That’s like charging me every time that I walk outside. Why do you have this system setup to where it eats all of your pve funds? I want to play WvW without worry. So this is one of the major issues I have which leads me to direct everyone to the major inner problem, You have successfully created the most amount of gold sinks possible, it’s like gold sink-ception, gold sinks inside of gold sinks & within those gold sinks are more gold sinks. You can stop doing that now because it’s very annoying, traveling to a city should not be a gold sink, I’m sorry, but that is the mostkitten thing I have ever seen.
PvE – Waypoints are disturbing, NO I do NOT want to spend all of the money I just earned to travel somewhere, I’m using the Heart of the Mists at every possible point and I am still losing money because of your love with unnecessary gold sinks, is this here just to make people upset? It really serves no purpose other than that, I feel burdened to help out anyone because I have to spend 3 or 4 silver half the time to get to where they are.
Dungeons: The payoff sucks, can we get a serious reward from completing them? 20 – 30 silver is all that you seriously get for spending time doing those?
Gold sink-ception: Stop with the unnecessary gold sinks, nuff said
Armor skins: Is it unreasonable to ask that they become affordable? 119G for the set of cultural armor, and for the achievement I have to get that 5 different times(once for each race) are you kidding? Either make gold easier to come by, or seriously consider lowering that cost, or very little players will even consider it, all of the minipets combined may be just a tad more than that, that is crazy.
Ingredient storage: I would like to see a storage for ingredients, when crafting or cooking you have all this stuff to make items, but they flood your inventory and bank vault. I am constantly selling these items because I can’t store them anywhere and they become a waste of space.
Guilds: It would be very nice to see when all the members were last online within your gold so you can accurately judge your activity, or at least to have that as an option
World Map: The ability to see what you have done in maps that you are not currently in, if I’m in lion’s arch I want to see my progress in Frostgorge sound.
Crafting: Thank you! You made cooking much less easy. Armorsmithing was quite the gold sink and it’s worth it now, continue tweaking these and making them deeper gold sinks if need be, these should be massive so people will actually buy the services off of people who offer these.
Trophy Items: Please let us salvage these wastes of space since we can’t sell them
When you start a new character it would be nice if a waypoint in Lions Arch was already unlocked, so we don’t have to go though the PvP Area to get there.
As i hit level 80 the first thing that got into my mind was “What now?” and so i tried to WvW / Dungeon but i got bored real quick and i knew that there was something missing.
The thing is, in WvW if you defeat / get defeated by a player you will either see Invader [Guild] / Defender [Guild] now that just sucks I feel like I am fighting with NPCs, I know that there is a reason why they name everybody same so that no one could be Focus Fired or be the Only Target but you see,the thing in PvP is that when you get killed by a player and get killed by him more than 1 time and despite trying to kill or beat him and still could not, you getkitten and when you arekitten you are mad and when you are mad you want revenge and when you got hatred for that certain person who beat you, you get motivation to surpass him and once n for all try to defeat him.Then this develops into Rivalry and when there is rivalry between guilds or players it is a never ending battle.Who cares if you get FFed it is a PvP game,who cares if you always get targeted still a PvP game and if so what is your guild for? what is your server mates for?So I’d really like to see the names of whom i have defeated and who has defeated me in WvW to develop rivalry between players/servers.Because with the settings right now its like nothing, “who killed me? oh just and invader/defender”-“that guy was strong, but i cant see his name so no chance of revenge” so the thing you feel for the player who pwned you just disappears into nowhere.
I’d also like to see a Guild House or Hall where members can gather and hang out or even place crafting utilities inside of the hall and each members would receive their own respective rooms to decorate with furniture.
Add/Design another WvW map because being in 3 identical maps is getting boring.
Assign Colors for each server,Tired of only seeing Green / Red / Blue in WvW.
My suggestions:
- delete DOWNED/FINISH HIM option, it is fail like a hell
- add duel in PVP/PVE zone
- add guild wars in open world
This game is called GUILD “WARS” and i cant kill random player in neutral zone.
I can’t be the only one humming “part of your world” while underwater because ANet you made it SO believable that I was!
My suggestion is to add mermaid costumes to the cash shop for underwater fun! The costume should hide that icky breathing device, include a tail and maybe a seashell bra? xD
Yes, I’m serious.
A suggestion for waypoint-travel cost:
Make the cost dependant on region, not level. This way, you would create more of an incentive to complete lower level zones when you are a higher level yourself. Otherwise, traveling cost will eat you up without sufficient chances to win all that silver back within the region (I’d really like to complete the Charr regions and get down to Ebonhawke, but it just feels way too expensive at lvl 65…)
Reducing the traveling cost at least to Lion’s Arch (from wherever you are) to 0 would also be awesome – either hat or add some outposts allowing for bank access and crafting in the higher level zones.
Also: Do something about the Jagged Horrors, please.
I should post the troubles with other (broken, because not working as decribed in the tooltip) traits in the specific profession forum, right?
I would like to see guilds have access to in-game forums (if they so choose, could be a researchable)
Isles of Janthir
Alright here’s my list of DEFINITE improvements that this game could seriously benefit from.
1. WvWvW tokens are simply way too hard to get. Out of 800 people killed, only got like 70 tokens or whatever it is I have in my bank. You should be awarded tokens every single time you kill a player, and you shouldn’t need to loot them they should automatically go in your inventory just in case you miss them.
2. You should lower the token prices of end-game dungeon gear. It is just simply too grindy. Now, I’ve been grinding CoF a lot. I got the CoF shoulders, scepter, axe, and have around 200 so I’ve got about 1000 of them. It’s just really too grindy especially for classes that REQUIRE a weapon in each hand. That’s 600 alone just for their weapons. Definitely ridiculous. Please lower the amount of tokens that is needed.
3. Mystic forge bulk recipe is like, completely wacked. I did the exotic rampage armor recipe with the forge, 50 mystic coins all that, and the bulk recipe takes about 50% more mats than it does just to craft an entire set piece by piece. I don’t understand this at all and it doesn’t make any sense. You guys need to fix this a.s.a.p. I burned 50 of my own earned mystic coins to get this bulk recipe and it bows hog chunks. I mean why’d I craft this bulk recipe, just so I could waste an unnecessary amount of mats by using it?
4. Necromancer class needs some serious rework. I mean, serious rework. The class does not do enough burst damage at all. Warriors crit for 10k pops while we crit for 500-600 damage, and do at most 1200-2000k with an axe. I doubt we do even half their dps in a dungeon run. This class is also broken in S-pvp as we have no available balanced builds to work with because the traits are bad and don’t make sense the way they are ordered.
5. Warrior/guardian/thief are hella imba/overpowered in S-pvp compared to the other classes. Either buff the rest of us or nerf them to something more reasonable that can be compared with the rest of us.
6. WE NEED TO BE ABLE TO PREVIEW ITEMS ON THE TRADING POST. Currently you cannot do this, and I find it to be a real hindrance.
7. Flesh golem for necromancer should be able to be used underwater. There’s no reason for it not to be when the other minions can be used underwater. There’s just no reason for it and forces us to use plague under water which does no damage and is lame.
8. Condition damage overall needs to be improved based on gear more. 5% based condition damage from bleeding is way too low considering how hard other classes can hit with 10k for. Condition-damage based specs are completely obsolete compared to high damage burst dps from these other classes and it simply isn’t fair and isn’t balanced. So I suggest you seriously increase condition damage. If someone invests their entire armor set to be condition damage and does barely any damage at all that is a complete waste of time for them and it isn’t fair. This goes for any condition damage specs or classes.
9. In WvWvW you should give the team with the least amount of players in a match a buff of some sort. If they are completely outnumbered in WvWvW that simply isn’t fair and it isn’t the peoples fault that are playing in it that it happened to them.
10. You should lower the prices a bit for war machines in WvWvW.
11. You should be given a time limit to complete jumping puzzles in WvWvW maps, before it kicks you out for the remainder of the day. Too many people, and I mean way too many people, spend all their time doing this jumping puzzle instead of contributing to the war effort. It’s rather annoying when they could be helping with the fight instead of doing that bull.
12. You should put “Speed buffer” NPC’s near the respawn points in world vs world. Running back with these great distances can be really tiresome and not everyone uses speed boosts in their builds. I think it would be a nice addition and make things a little less boring and frustrating in terms of getting back to where the action is.
13. There should be a menu to see how many players each team has in WvWvW.
14. A personal DPS meter would be fantastic for figuring out exactly how much damage you’re actually doing, or some kind of menu with more details of exactly how much damage you’re actually doing with a specific build (like D3) would be just as good.
15. Black lion keys need to drop a touch more often. I’ve only opened about 4 of them, and I have 31 currently sitting in my bank. Just sayin’.
16. Cloth mats such as gossamer scraps need to be slightly less difficult to acquire.
17. Whatever you guys did to bags such as ritual bags from CoF is not good. Currently everyone only ever gets chocolate and butter from them. It’s annoying as hell.
18. Reserved for future update.
(edited by Shelledfade.6435)
- Levels just go by too fast. Ability scale or lock exp for those who want a slower experience. Even with level scaling, it just feels like you’re “cheating” in a sense.
- Add a confirmation button for selecting traits
- Option to remove that green outline when highlighting players
- Not having to rename pets every time you decide to change a pet in a slot, I seem to keep having to. Also, more pets! Ability to tame something a little more exotic like a wurm or dragonfly would be nice.
- This may be out of the realm of possibility, but ability to build our own houses or even towns in either special zones or incorporated into existing zones. That would be a unique and cool gameplay feature that no other major MMO really has. (Maybe it could be a basis for an expansion?)
- Add kodan/tengu as a playable race!
(edited by aedra.8361)
Load more characters on screen and/or load characters faster. This is fairly uncommon but can be devastating in WvW. Getting chased/killed by an invisible hate train of invaders is a bit frustrating.
It’s really annoying and kind of a game flaw if you want to help allies or want to fight enemies, but you can’t, just because of the fact you you don’t even see them!
No matter if in WvW or PvE, I experienced such things quite often.
I remember for example one case in PvE in a boss event in the starting zone of the Sylvarie… I saw the boss on the mini-map, but not in the world. I saw arrows and fireballs flying at his position, but that was all…
Couldn’t participate in it because of that. And as said, that was just an example…
- Checkbox to only show what’s in the bag for crafting discoveries : I know it is how it works currently
! But since the crafting discoveries are planned to work in the future exactly like regular crafting (include what’s in the bank) and since you’re working on it currently, this is why I’d like you to consider adding this checkbox so as to only see what’s in the bag and not what’s in the bank for discoveries. This way, people could choose to see everything (unchecked) or just what’s in their bag (checked). This is for those who’d rather plan a crafting session with only these or those mats and not accidentely use mats they didn’t plan to.
- Reset the monthly survivor XP bar after a death : And please do check if it’s intended that zoning, loging out to swap characters, count as a death. Indeed for now it is rather difficult to track this achievement and it is a bit frustrating to see it stop progressing because you just changed zones.
- Checkbox in the Hero tab to automatically switch to town cloth : when entering a town of course.
- Have the weapon previews be unsheated : On Asuras wearing long coats I don’t see how a dagger or a pistol looks like most of the time
- Allow previews from the Trading Post : I’m sure I’m not the first to ask this ha ha…
- Please bring back the Hi-Res screenshot option we had in the Beta : Please oh please, pretty please, this was such an amazing option since it was a huuuuge image that recalculated your shot and would allow cropping around your character to see all the amazing details on armors and textures.
- Re-tweak the daily quest reward just a little : Sometimes I get a mystic coin and some cash-shop boost (bank access, TP access, etc…), sometimes I get a mystic coin and nothing : it is a little disapointing. I’d rather have a bit less of the cash-shop items when I receive them and a little something to replace the “nothing” entry on your daily quest loot table. Just a random blue item or a stack of 5 carrots, or 5 ore, just a little something would make it perfect to wait for the anticipation of the additional reward on top of the mystic coin.
- Include a real guild roster : showing all the toons in the guild, not only the ones connected and more importantly not only based on showing one toon per account. The first tab when opening the guild window is fine by showing who is online and on what toon he’s on, but the roster tab should list all the different toons so we can look at all the classes available and also all the craft skills available to the guild.
- Have the hide/unhide option for helm and shoulder carry on to the character selection screen : I know it’s really minor, but this is only a suggestion
- Hide the bit of ground masking the shoes on the character selection screen when using crtl-shift-H : Some people really like to show their characters in all their glory
Thank you !!!
Annoying popup dialog
It’s a bad afternoon, lagging everywhere, all dungeon crashed again and again.
WvWvW became the most popular place.
And I, like other ranger, queue for WvWvW, and explore the world as daily routine.
After battles, I got lots of loot and used salvage tool to clean my inventory.
But the queue dialog popup at the same time , I click “Leave queue”.
Generally, this act need 3 times click, but I just had done via a double-click:
- my first click is on the salvage tool.
- At this moment, queue dialog popup.
- I saw the “Leave queue” button appear on the same position that salvage tool was.
- second click couldn’t be evaded….
It’s my story.
Make it so that town clothes allow you to move faster
One thing I’d like to see is a PvE Gear Locker like the one we have in PvP. Maybe even make the original items not disappear post transmutation in order to keep them in our collection (you’ll still making money from the stones maybe even more because if you can keep the original items and have them all accessible in a Locker more transmutations will occur eventually).
This way there will be an additional thing to do in PvE.
There are tons of armours and weapons in GW2 and collecting them all would be a big (and time consuming) carrot for lots of “end game” players.
As it stands now, with the skins destroyed after transmutations and the limited storage space I see no reason to go get more than the couple of armours I really like.
(edited by Elesthor.1450)
Character Creation
- more Hairstyles (especially stuff like twintails, ponytails I saw a lack of @ humans; but might just be my perception)
- Body Sliders (so you can actually adjust your body instead of just choosing some presets)
- More face sliders with wider effect-range and wider effect-range for existing face-sliders (in the best solution IMO the faces you can choose are just presets for all the sliders instead of already largely declaring the look that the face will have)
- Maybe more colors for eyes and such (also I’ve seen Sylvari having a ton of colors more than other races o.o)
- Bigger height range (so you can make smaller characters, maybe even children? [I’ve seen some people RP children/young-teens but it was a bit awkward since they all look like grown-ups pretty much; now you might argue you can imagine it for RP and yeah you can, but then you could just text-RP on some chat website instead of doing it in GW])
Character Window:
- A sum-up of attributes would be nice (stuff like Magic-Find or Healing Power etc) With a small explanation tooltip what they do
- Ability to bind Interaction and Looting to different keys
- [Saw someone saying that somewhere:] Have a mode where ground-targetted AoE show their ground-target circles when you push the key and are cast on the position where the circle is when you release the key
In all seriousness, I would like to suggest that waypoint costs not be reduced globally, I think they are fine as they are. I think that as you complete an entire zone, it should be cheaper to travel there, but not by much, like 10-20%.
While mounts would be nice, I think they should not be usable in WvWvW as the time it takes for a wave of attackers to be fought off and then for them to return seems just about right for any given point.
As of right now, the trading post interface is very cumbersome to use. This post is a summary of all the issues and inconveniences I encountered while using the trading post. Leaving out all the suggestions that were already mentioned.
New functionality
- Linking items from the TP in chat would be convenient.
- A transaction history. Basically “Items I’ve bought” and “Items I’ve sold” in one view.
- Add a notify icon to the BLTC icon if there’s something new to pick up.
- Show the total amount of gold in sell and buy orders.
Removing clicks
This will be very helpful for people who buy low and sell high with dozens of different items. Trading currently involves a lot of clicking.
- Replace the dropdown in “My Transactions” with Tabs.
- From “My Transactions”, let me go directly to the item listings, without having to select the item twice.
Right now, if I want to check if one of my items was undercut or outbidden, I have to remember the price from “My Transactions”. Therefore…
- Highlight my own orders on the buy/sell listings.
If I want to undercut or outbid someone else, I have to put up a new order and remove the old one. This involves a lot of clicking right now, so please…
- Let me modify my orders from the buy/sell listings.
(edited by Plyturon.5301)
Most of the suggestions I’ve thought of have already been mentioned somewhere in this thread. Something I haven’t seen have been relating to the class I’ve played most.
Mesmer: Major Trait: Deceptive Evasion
Currently, this trait creates Mesmer clones when evading (dodge rolling) that attack the nearest enemy instead of your selected target. This is incredibly irritating in both PvE & PvP. The clones should work like every other illusion by focusing your selected target as priority. However, if there isn’t a target selected, then it should attack the nearest hostile enemy.
Mesmer: Greatsword: Mind Stab
This has been mentioned often elsewhere, but the ground targeting on Mind Stab feels rather clunky and lackluster for the greatsword. Even though it’s always had a cast/root during the animation, it still felt more fluid and effective as a player targeted skill compared to the way it’s working now. While the ground targeting is extremely effective in PvE and in choice situations in WvW, in most sPvP, it’s hardly worth using over other abilities to the extent that I’ve rarely seen it used effectively if used at all.
(edited by Six.8051)
Character Creation
I saw some other game having this:
- Save looks.. So you can go into the character creation, make your char, save it’s look to reuse later on or for another character etc instead of having to set everything right again.
I’ve been redirected here from this thread, but this simple thread is not enough for the “gamers as designers” idea. You know, posting here an idea of the particular encounter like DE, boss fight, or dungeon will be lost in a ton of spam posts. Also I hoped that our thoughts will be open for community judgement and opinion.
So this is my final suggestion for the forums and i will not repeat myself 12313132 times(there is no forum suggestion thread either…). Create a section, that will be dedicated for the players, who will post their ideas of new DE’s, Dungeons, Boss figts etc. Not improvements to the current gameplay, but ideas for a new stuff.
Hello, I would like to suggest an “auto-consume” toggle for foodstacks so it keeps re-applying the foodbuff when it expires. This way you do not have to keep track of when your food-buff expires and have to manually apply it again.
Could also be good for the economy, I am sure much more food will be consumed when you can put a stack on auto-consume: right now I constantly forget about it and maybe use 1 food item per play session.
Thanks for listening!
This is tied into the lower waypoint costs, but I’d like to see a much wider alert radius of dynamic events. When the system was announced I was imagining having to choose between defending a bridge that I might need to use, stopping a raiding party making off with vendors or making a raid on an enemy base to reduce the difficulty of future events. As it happens events all happen at random times and I seldom hear of multiple going on at the same time. When I do they are so close I usually get to do both.
Replay story missions. With some striking exceptions these are really good, but the pacing is all wrong to replay them on alts. An option to replay the arc would be great.
No scaling of dungeons if you enter alone. Not mine but I really like it, the scaling system is great, but sometimes you just want to flex the muscles you’ve grown over time. Stomping over those really difficult early enemies would be satisfying.
XP bonus for playing in zones you have completed as an alt. Maybe only activate this when you have a character hit 80 but you do have to do an awful lot of the content to hit level 80 and it would be nice if you could smooth the process to alts. I think the cash shop will put pay to this though, why offer people a substantial xp bonus for playing the game when you can offer a totally menial one for money?
Difficulty modes on dungeons and story missions. Some of these make Dark Souls look like Fable. This is kind of obvious from the multitude of posts already made on the subject but not everyone likes that level of challenge.
Real autolooting.
We’re close on this one but it’s still a kind of niggling annoyance that you have to run around jabbing f and talking to people. Maybe just go that one step further and pick up all loot as long as you have space in your inventory? If you wanted to be more awesome you could add auto send crafting items to bank.
I’d like to second the idea of some solution to the 25 stack cap on Bleed damage (and for stacking limitations on Poison and Burn conditions) in major boss battles. I don’t know that the cap should be removed, but it needs to be replaced with something. I think the best solution would be that if you try to apply a 26th stack of Bleed, or if you drive the duration of a Poison or Burn stack above a certain time amount, then instead of dealing X damage over Y time, you would just deal direct damage equal to maybe half that. So like if you deal 10 dps over 5 seconds, you’d just deal 25 direct damage instead. This effect could be designed to only apply to Veteran mobs and above if necessary, or even Champion and above if absolutely necessary, but I think it would work fine for all mobs, because if you can get 26 stacks of bleed on a regular mob then it deserves to explode.
It would be important though to make sure that this effect would proc on a per-application basis, not just per move, so that if you use Death Blossom, which applies three stacks of Bleed, when a boss has 24 stacks on him, you would apply a single normal stack (which would in our example do 50 damage over five seconds), and then two of the 25 damage instant-procs with the second and third hits of the move.
you spend complaining about it on the forums, you’d be
done by now.”
Probably already been suggested, but a dramatically improved way of finding a group. We have auto-forming pvp grouping why not in pve.
I know the standard responses “LFG kills the game salts the crops and drys up rivers” Fact that every game that has a strong LFG system is still going strong escapes these people.
We need a duel function!
And we need a possibility so save at least two trait specs. So a player have the option to switch between them. Maby you could buy this function for 1 or 2 gold.
Please add aoe looting. I think events and WvW become more fun if aoe looting would be implemented. At the moment it can be hard to see if you looted all corpses.