(edited by Urrid.4593)
Give Commanders a Guild Commander Option?
It wont reduce zerging if i read you right.
I assume guild commanders would only be visible to their respective guilds? It would be a handy feature but in no way will it reduce ‘zerging’.
Apathy Inc [Ai]
My reasoning for it reducing zerging is as follows:
It would give guilds a new tool to play together and effectively operate as a unit. The most effective use of players is NOT all bunched up on a single icon. People would naturally learn this fact with the introduction of a guild commander.
(edited by Urrid.4593)
Great idea and yeah, I believe it’ll help a bit with the zerging, even though it’s not the main point of implementing it
so /signed
This is vital!
Give me a nice yellow guild commander icon asap.
It would make me so happy if this was implemented… Make it happen Anet
Being able to choose the color would be cool, but just gold or something would be so helpful.
Ectoplasm Ltd [GLOB] – Elementalist
Great idea. I’ve been wanting this since the beginning….
yes please +1 very much needed
at this point i’d be happy if they gave commanders…….. anything. seriously, 100 gold for a dorito and a supply check is nuts. there’s sooooooo much that needs to be added for commanders it’s not even funny. if they want to help WvW, that’s where they should start focusing. guild commanders, ability to have squad chat without the dorito on, ability to toggle other commanders’ visible and invisible for you even if you’re in another’s squad, some form of raid frames, different colored chat in /t, NO SUPPRESSION, the list goes on and on.
but……. we got traps instead.
This has been suggested to many times to count. Not saying it’s not a good idea, but it’s falling on deaf ears after being ignored the first 1000 times suggested since BW1. IMO GW2 has the LEAST flexible grouping system I’ve used in the last 6 years of playing MMO’s. There is so many little things that could improve it.
Foremost being the ability to hide that commander pin AND still retain all the functions of a squad. This way it could be used for guild or private squads and only those within the squad see the pin.
Sure hope they put a little focus on GW2 grouping systems… they are not up to par atm.
They should really give commanders a total number of supply in the area on the UI for players around them, text commands mid battle are useless
For the sakes of guilds, yes.
I think this is a great idea. There a lot of times when we just want to run as a guild without everyone flocking to our tags.
“…let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we shall die;.”
And once again this WvW topic was moved to the suggestions thread where it can get lost in the spam suggestions about new “backpacks” or other frivolous suggestions.
It may be a suggestion, but it’s not gonna reach the people focused on WvW who don’t browse the mostly PvE suggestions.
Bye useful forum! Hello recycling bin.
up to the top with you. Maybe mass exposure here will drive the point home?
Anet, do this, RITE NAO!
Bye useful forum! Hello recycling bin.
Don’t worry, I’ll put it in my siggie. Soon this will have 100,000,000,000 votes!
Would be very nice for WvW guilds! bump!
Another thing this would do is help new commanders. Guilds/Alliances can mass on a Guild Commander and help get the new commander comfortable with the maps and leading groups so they know what to do when they’re attempting to command a zerg of pugs.
Up to the top!
Yes please.
Additionally, let us buy Commander with alternative currencies =D
Like this idea alot /signed
Maybe between two forums we will get a response!
edit: I made a more up to date post here including some ideas for functionality
(edited by Urrid.4593)
My guild has been wishing for guild commanders for a long time. We run multiple groups and it can get confusing keeping them organized with no commander icon as we don’t want to disrupt the rest of the maps forces by running one.
- Mike Obrien
Really good idea!!! + from me!!!