(edited by Tagus Eleuthera.7305)
Give us a family and kids!
As big a fan as i am of games like The Sims where you create a family and all that i don’t think adding such elements to GW would work . Besides I know at least in the Human story-line there’s a line of quests involving what happened to your sisters unit so i cant see this happening .
Sylvari have it a bit rough in this matter.
It was annoying enough in Fable.
No thanks.
Do you even lift, bro?
this isn’t the sims and yer annoying enough in fable :p
Sylvari don’t make babies and Charr conventionally don’t raise their own children. Also overall this seems like a feature that will require a lot of work but will have little value to the game overall. In that I mean, so you have a family do a few missions and then what?
Roleplay with like minded friends? Norns as the parents and humans as children? Seems like that would be more fun than a few static quests that you can’t change.
I’ve got a family in real life; I play the game to get away from family responsibilities…
Sylvari have it a bit rough in this matter.
Can’t we spawn pods on the pale tree or something?
Sylvari have it a bit rough in this matter.
Can’t we spawn pods on the pale tree or something?
The pale tree is your mommy. I don’t think spawning pods off her is a good idea. I’m pretty sure you shouldn’t be having these feelings about her. ^^
(edited by Astral Projections.7320)
Give us virtual girlfriend please ArenaNet
Give us virtual girlfriend please ArenaNet
~Sincerely, Scissors