Give us some kitten TOOLTIPS????
Stop saying kitten u fricken idiots
Asura Thief LVL 80 you should probably run away
Asura Thief LVL 80 you should probably run away
Stop saying kitten u fricken idiots
I guessing they are substituting a swear word for the word “kitten” but can’t be sure.
Anyhow, if the OP’s request is for a label on the tooltip to shows an item CAN be salvaged, then I agree. If they are not talking about that, then I really haven’t a clue what they are saying.
I wonder where that even started. It’s hilarious!
Anywho… they need to do a tooltip makeover in general. One of my abilities just says “Chill of a foe for a brief time.”… Okayyy, so how long is brief?! As a PvP’r, I need solid, clear numbers! I shouldn’t have to test all my boon and condition effects every time I make a new build when it’s very easy to display it on the tooltip.