Give us some kitten TOOLTIPS????

Give us some kitten TOOLTIPS????

in Suggestions

Posted by: ElemenZ.5486


I just wasted half of my HARD EARNED fortune, 10silver on 20 light jackets on the trade post which I thought, BY ALL kitten LOGIC, could be salvaged for jute scraps.

I pick them up at the trade post, hit salvage, what does it say?
NOTHING!!!! Says “kitten YOU HA HA HA!”…… great.. THANKS A LOT.

Couldn’t you at least add a kitten tooltip to items, showing us in bright red: CAN NOT BE SALVAGED?
How the kitten should anyone know if a item can or can not be salvaged?

SO much kitten fun having wasted a day worth of precious cash ‘cos thekitten devs coudln’t add one simple basic tooltip, tooltips and item hints that ANY, ANY kitten MMO has !!! But oh no, OH NO not Gw2, cant do that, too kitten MAINSTREAM OR WHAT?

Man kitten this kittenkitten game.

Give us some kitten TOOLTIPS????

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tweaks.1806


Stop saying kitten u fricken idiots

Asura Thief LVL 80 you should probably run away

Give us some kitten TOOLTIPS????

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tarkaroshe.8370


Stop saying kitten u fricken idiots

I guessing they are substituting a swear word for the word “kitten” but can’t be sure.

Anyhow, if the OP’s request is for a label on the tooltip to shows an item CAN be salvaged, then I agree. If they are not talking about that, then I really haven’t a clue what they are saying.

Give us some kitten TOOLTIPS????

in Suggestions

Posted by: Art.9367


I wonder where that even started. It’s hilarious!

Anywho… they need to do a tooltip makeover in general. One of my abilities just says “Chill of a foe for a brief time.”… Okayyy, so how long is brief?! As a PvP’r, I need solid, clear numbers! I shouldn’t have to test all my boon and condition effects every time I make a new build when it’s very easy to display it on the tooltip.