Guild Management Issue: Missing Guild Leaders
We’ve got a similar issue. Seems solveable with a database query and update – take the table that manages guild membership information, find Guild X, change the account number from # to the new account #, make accompanying changes to the two accounts if necessary (I don’t know their db structure).
I know I’m super over-simplifying it, but SQL queries aren’t rocket surgery if you have a DBA who knows how the tables and account information are organized. And I’m guessing the fine GW2 team has such people available if the issue makes it to their doorstep.
I support this.
I had an issue before that got the response of ‘Anet not having the tools’, this would be something good to be able to do, for the guild member’s sake.
This seems like a good idea, I’ve had similar issues not with this game but with others and a better way to manage guild leadership when something like this happens would be amazing.
Honestly couldn’t you guys just make another guild? I know you would have to work up to all the upgrades and it would take some time to make sure everyone knows (if you can set the message displayed in the guild info then that could make it easier to let everyone know) but this is a solution. However, I do recognize that it would be simply better in your case for anet to promote someone since he has been gone for two months but I’d be worried if this became a feature and people abused it to take down guilds.
With guild bonuses being a very integral part of the game, you’d guess that this would be something GMs could do at the get-go. If that’s not the case, it needs to be.
Ampca’s concerns about it being abused to overthrow guilds is credible, but I’m sure that can be solved if the request is made by many members of the guild, while the guild leader has been offline for some time (perhaps a month or so).
Either way, /signed
Rally on a dead post, but I wonder if this was ever addressed? Shouldnt need to start over from scratch because someone goes missing.
All i say is join a better guild look at my guild yes am a leader but i have 3 other leaders and 4 other players that have the ability to use most guild features. I believe this being a better structure I did have a problem that annoyed me on the original guild wars were i was inactive for 2 weeks as my computer was bust and i had to wait for new part i came back the guild was given to someone else and i was kicked from the guild!
So giving some else leader no but having a better structured guild so it can work without the leader yes!
Having the same problem, any solutions found yet?
We really do not wanna waist all influence gotten so far to go to a guild where we really not want to be.
I’m highest ranking officer next to the guild leader that’s MIA for over 5 month’s now.
We really would like to start on guild missions, but as only the leader can activate them, we are kinda stuck in a loop.
Any Arena net dev. who can get us some info on how to approche this issue ??