Hirilings - Bring them back...

Hirilings - Bring them back...

in Suggestions

Posted by: ohac.8720


Sadly it is already happening on my server. Attempted now on my one toon to get help with a personal story quest for 3 days , this is how it goes….

- ask map chat for help doing personal quest
- no response
- ask again (giving 5-10 min between request so not to spam)
- no response
-log off go to another toon and play that solo
- go back to step one and repeat next day

Now joining a guild would be great, the 5 I recently joined do the same thing.. the following happens..

- Join guild
- meet and greet
- do dungeons or pvp
- mention class quest
- days go by, ask for help
- no help, but do pvp and dungeons we need points!
- start with another guild on top hoping for some real guild help and giving.

Point to it all, sure bad luck in guilds, bad luck in finding nice people I guess, for me at least it’s to a point it is just not worth logging on anymore. People wonder why many of us casual players just give up on games that are no solo friendly, it’s because of the reasons above. As much as we all would love to think everyone is nice and friendly, it’s definitly not the case.

Please don’t pander me with opinions and additude adjustments. I have been in plently of guilds in other games helping and recieving help and more. But for guild wars, I figured ok, they are trying the community MMO rout. But as I thought would happen we are right back to the me me me and my guild only additudes.

The reason GW1 was great for many of us was it was soloable or I could find a group. If I couldn’t there was a nice local npc hero that could use a job I could hire. Now that we can’t we are in many cases relied upon by other players and that all goes by the mood of that community on that server. Should I switch servers? Sure, start over again and again. No I don’t think so.

Give me the option and others who are having this issue, who is it going to hurt? Those that have 40+ hours a week to game? I doubt it.

Tracker Maximous, Guardious Maximous, Arcanious Maximous, [DH] DragonHorn Officer

Hirilings - Bring them back...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ponendus.4987


Hmmm, I have to say I really enjoyed having NPC party members in GW1. Here is just a modification of your suggestion if I may: make it so that these are only usable in story instances.

The reason I think we should suggest this compromise, is that GW2’s design philosophy was around getting random people to play together. I think this has actually worked in every area except story quests. In world events everyone jumps in and helps, and I don’t think AN will want those events crowded with NPC’s too. I think dungeons naturally involve group work, so that will need to stay as PC’s only. Also, remember GW1 was a heavily instanced world, which is why NPC’s were used, in this game the instanced parts are – the personal story areas!

However, you are right that story quests are not attractive to anyone except the person who is experience their own story, so naturally lend themselves to being soloable.

So a +1 from me, but with a suggested compromise.

Hirilings - Bring them back...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kitsunami.6241


Maybe, if we can have some sort of storyline companions. That said, you get influence for doing story quests so I dont see why people would want do it.

It would be good if you had story companions that stuck, so…asura, get your krewe with you the entire time, say you can bring them with as support if your in trouble.

Charr would be able to bring there warband on a mission as assistance..etc, it would give some nice flavoring to the missions and give some MEANING to the time you spent in the first 30 levels.

Kitsunami Lupo
Writer/Head of PR

Hirilings - Bring them back...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Mungrul.9358


Please don’t bring back heroes / henchmen. They killed pick-up-grouping completely in the first game. Yes, it was fun to spend time designing a whole team’s skill configuration, but Guild Wars 1 in the end was almost an entirely single player game in PvE.
I did not buy this game to avoid other players. Paradoxically, I managed to solo an awful lot of the game on my way to 80, and only really the Orrian areas absolutely require grouping for some skillpoints / POIs / vistas / waypoints; AI companions really aren’t needed.

Now I’m 80, being guild leader I fully intend to help lower level guild members through the tougher content. Heroes and henchmen would negate the need for this basic level of social interaction.

Besides, nothing beats the feeling of ad hoc camaraderie one gets from taking back the temples in the Orrian areas. This feeling would disappear completely with AI companions.

Please note that due to restrictions placed on my account, I am only allowed 1 post per hour.
Therefore I may take some time replying to you.

(edited by Mungrul.9358)

Hirilings - Bring them back...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Frotee.2634


Apparently, you need to join different guilds (lucky me had enough friends joining the game who’ll help out with nearly everything)
Look for guilds concentrating on PvE for example, maybe by looking through the various recruiting posts on facebook etc., or use map-chat to ask for a guild which caters to your preferences.

Heck, if I ever saw someone asking for story-help, I’d gladly jump in – I love the story missions.

Polka will never die

Hirilings - Bring them back...

in Suggestions

Posted by: PopeUrban.2578


Considering pretty much every story quest is perfectly doable solo… and nearly all of them provide you with one or more NPC helpers already I don’t quite understand the difficulty you’re having.

Are some of them harder than others? Yes. But it is literally impossible to fail story quests. There is zero penalty for death and no chance of failing objectives. if something is giving you problems and you’re at the proper level for the quest, just looks at why you’re getting killed and swap out some major traits and utility skills to counter whatever headache you’re having with the mission, and do it again.

Guild Master – The Papacy [POPE] (Gate of Madness)/Road Scholar for the Durmand Priory
Writer/Director – Quaggan Quest

Hirilings - Bring them back...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Caedmon.6798


No,it worked in gw1 since it was instance based but it wouldnt be great to have it here since many people start using it and work less together,and it would be exploited aswell,being afk letting the heros kill mobs.And when looking for a guild be sure to join a Pve – pvp guild,not pvp only,and be sure that you get help with the missions needed before even considering joining,ask what their priorities are before joining.

Hirilings - Bring them back...

in Suggestions

Posted by: ohac.8720


Story henchmen would be fine by me, that or they need to re-balance the personal story missions which the devs (after doing some searching) finally admit that it needs a rework due to inital designs and how the final changes effect said story lines.

In the end if the balance is fixed so be it, I just miss my henchmen army

PS. I did transfer servers btw (didn’t realize we could do it for free!) and WOW what a differance! night and day everyone Still miss my henchmen thou

Tracker Maximous, Guardious Maximous, Arcanious Maximous, [DH] DragonHorn Officer