Home Areas and NPCs in combat

Home Areas and NPCs in combat

in Suggestions

Posted by: jtforkner.4628


I wasn’t sure where to put this, but suggestions seemed like a good place to do so. I love the game, but there are two areas which I have been slightly disappointed in, the lack of an evolving home area, and the incompetence of some NPCs throughout personal story.

First the home area, I have been running a Human Noble Mesmer (Lvl 74) who never recovered his sister’s body and a Charr Ash Legion Thief (lvl 20) whose sire was a loyal soldier. I check both their home areas frequently and I have to say I have seen a disappointing lack of change. I would like to see NPCs talking about my deeds (not something generic like “why do you get to see all the action”)! If I recover a relic why doesn’t it go on display? When I join an order why are there not representatives there to say hi? These are things I would like to see added to the home areas.

Now on the the NPCs in combat, while in personal story I do think the player should be the star of the show it does feel odd when I am fighting next to Rytlock Brimstone or Logan Thackery and they just stand there and let the monsters (that were clearly balanced for having a working NPC) maul me to death. I mean Rytlock and Logan are supposed to be a fairly big deal yet I feel like the fame has gone to their head if they are just going to stand there and let their companion die because they don’t feel like fighting. Then there is Clawspur, who likes to talk about too many knives on one job can over complicate things and then does a spinning attack where he throws a bunch of knives around and aggros every mob in the vicinity. I mean I am fairly good at the game, but fighting a literal army of ghosts and drakes is not something I want to do regularly. So please fix NPC behavior, it is making somethings more difficult than they should be.

Home Areas and NPCs in combat

in Suggestions

Posted by: jtforkner.4628


Shameless bump of justice and winning! I would like to see if any other players feel the same way I do about the home areas and NPCs in combat

Home Areas and NPCs in combat

in Suggestions

Posted by: takatsu.9416


I feel the same thing, I have suggestions for DE in the DE subforum, i think i mentioned it here too, but I feel like the map and the history of the game should continue to evolve as players interact. We were all stoked on this game being very player based and dynamic but I don’t feel it is really dynamic because we aren’t making any permanent changes, all that happens happens within closed doors etc. Heck when I go to Vigil Keep, people should be saluting when I walk by seeing that I am a warmaster. I mean they can sell gear to me since they can detect that I am a vigil member, if it’s not too much to ask, they should also know that I am a Warmaster with the Vigil LOL. In any case, just the vigil keep alone, I enter the instance to the HQ with the mess hall and everything. After all its an instance, and I am a warmaster, recruits and crusaders should be saluting LOL.

That aside, the actual map should also be slowly evolving, like if we kill Zhaitan, later on of course, Orr should be rebuilt. (that perhaps for the next expansion/new maps/new dragons to face).

For NPCs, it really is dumb. Rytlock and Logan and the Destiny’s Edge are renown amazing fighters who faced off with dragon champions and a dragon (despite failing) themselves. They need to at least ACT smarter, even if they can’t do that much damage or may die. It is a dungeon after all and they’re “elites”. The story instances actually was somewhat enjoyable, the NPCs like Trahearne and I was pleasantly surprised by a band of sylvari, what was their names? Tegwen and her partner…. They actually fight well! I didn’t do anything and they dealt SO much damage. They were also relatively smarter and cast a lot of skills etc. If you can scale those “elite” NPC for a dungeon then it would make more sense.