I hope someone is paying attention... 6 days left

I hope someone is paying attention... 6 days left

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Posted by: Cayden.4587


Till MoP is out. That means you have 6 days to prove to about half your players that this game can actually be more fun than WoW long term.

I am not one of these people btw I won’t go back to wow….

However about half my 180 person guild has been saying this and I am starting to see it in map chat. I hope for all of us that you have a major patch that fixes a lot of the stuff that is wrong being saved up from the 23rd or 24th.

Back to Planetside 2 beta. Where 500 v 500 v 500 happens everyday with no invisible armies.

I hope someone is paying attention... 6 days left

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Posted by: Lorgenz.6135


why on earth would you wanna go back to wow anyway? the game is hugely dated with both mechanics and graphics. this is all my oppion but guildwars 2 is the first game that ive seen that tries to innovate and not clone a top game on the market. in the end people play a game with the play style that suits them. if you want foam at the mouth raid nights and at least what i think is lackluster pvp by all means have WoW. but I myself will save my money and stick with a game that i find more stimulateing.

bottom line, you play what you want to, and with guildwars you dont ever have to have a sub to play so if you already have both games you can play both. i honestly see this thread as just another fanboi war post.

I hope someone is paying attention... 6 days left

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Posted by: TottWriter.8591


Well, look at it this way. If half the population go back to WoW, does it matter? If GW2 is enough to draw them back for an expansion when the MoP shine wears thin, who loses?

Not me, certainly. WvW queues will be shorter for a start.

These people have paid their money. This isn’t a game where if you stop playing for a couple of months, ANet lose out in a big way. You play, and you can either keep playing, or put it down for a while and come back when you feel like it. That’s the whole point of a subscription free game.

To buy character slots or not to buy character slots. That is the test of my restraint.

I hope someone is paying attention... 6 days left

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Posted by: Ceallach.8740


GW2 doesn’t have a sub.

They can go play MoP until they get their raid completions and come back whenever GW2 releases new content – without having to pay a subscription.

I hope someone is paying attention... 6 days left

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Posted by: Alviss.1256


1. WoW FanBois are WoW Fanbois. It’s their “fix” and they’ve been plugged into it for 7 or so years. Nothing is going to come out and change that aside from WoW 2.

2. I hear this sort of chat every time a game comes out. Same nonsense was said to Blizzard about Diablo 3. “OOOOoooOOoooo Blizzard! You better get your act together or you are going to lose us forever!”

The consumer base is full of arrogant entitled babies. ArenaNet sold over 2 million copies in less than a month, and it’s not like if players leave they are going to have to refund anyone or lose out on a subscription base. And it’s not like they aren’t going to continue to see revenue or new players, the game get great reviews constantly.

They have addressed issues they’ve had in a timely manner and will continue to do so. If WoW babies want to make empty threats in some imaginary attempt to “make things happen” then let them. Personally I don’t care to see these people in game.

“Oh I’m just playing this game till WoW Panda Yadda Yadda comes out cause it’ll be Soooooooooooooo better! This game sucks.” Said person who is just going to complain about that game 3 days after they get it too.

And they are empty threats by the way. Because no matter what this game is/was, or any game for that matter, they are still WoW junkies and were going to get that game anyhow.

WoW is played out. I stopped playing it in 2007. I for one enjoy something fresh and new, and this game is exactly that.

I hope someone is paying attention... 6 days left

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Posted by: Lorgenz.6135


another great feature of gw2. your not railroaded through zones like post cata wow. thing is gw2 once you own it. you dont have to fish your card out to get back on. sure youll have to buy the expansions but think of it as buying dlc for your favorite console games like fallout. new stories, new enemies and items, new skills. guildwars 2 actaully respects your time and doestn force you to no life it to get to the good content. you dont feel obligated to play every day or risk wasting your money you payed to play. thing is people can play both without signifigant impact on their wallet. play wow for your raids but come back to guildwars for everything else.

I hope someone is paying attention... 6 days left

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Posted by: DavidGX.1723


It seems like playing WoW after playing this game for a while would be almost painful. Not that WoW is bad, but like Cayden said, outdated.

I hope someone is paying attention... 6 days left

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Posted by: skaaz.4281


No need to prove anything. It is what it is.

People want to go play something else go play.

I still play wow and lotro, for my own reasons. It’s ok to play other games.

Member of Cradle Guard

I hope someone is paying attention... 6 days left

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Posted by: Blacklight.2871


People are going to flock to pandaland in droves, just like they do with every WoW expansion. And then they’ll leave again. Many will return here and many others will go to something different altogether. It’s the same thing that’s been happening for years. The only difference this time is that those droves will be a little smaller and they’ll be leaving WoW again, faster. That’s been the trend and I don’t see it changing.

I hope someone is paying attention... 6 days left

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Posted by: Feirlista Xv.1425

Feirlista Xv.1425

Hey MoP did they get Jack Black to do the Voice over for the cut scenes and is there a dragon warrior class

Opinions are like ______ everyone has one I could
put the correct term in but not everyone has kittens

I hope someone is paying attention... 6 days left

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Posted by: bettadenu.5483


I won’t buy MoP but I will definatly buy some sub time every now and then, I have been and still am a big fan of GW2 but there are aspects I miss that have yet (and im sure they will be) to be implemented such as more PvP modes.

ArenaNet doesn’t need to take away all WoW players and bring them to GW2 that was never their motto, their motto was that GW2 is F2P once it’s bought and gave us the freedom to play other games and come back to GW2 whenever you feel like it.

I hope someone is paying attention... 6 days left

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Posted by: daemonlama.5413


GW2 has sold well over 2.5 million, and is selling more copies every day, so that number is bigger now.

So, even if half the player base stops playing, we are still left will a very healthy population.

And with this being a sub free game, more people will come in and return as new content comes in.

I hope someone is paying attention... 6 days left

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Posted by: lyn.4156


I bought mop yesteday Main reason is better structured pvp. Dated graphics and mechanics mean nothing to me. I like the idea of new challenge modes and new pvp maps. When GW2 becomes more mature in ways of pvp i’ll play gw2 again. I think I got my moneys worth alredy. Had much fun leveling.

if you think pvp is ok the way it is you havent played enough. even tourney pvp got bad with all the guardian/mesmer teams not to mention 8v8 thats pure zerg/glory grind.

I dont blame Arena net for 8v8s I think they would have never imagine that people will simply grind glory there.

I hope someone is paying attention... 6 days left

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Posted by: Irishbrewed.6537


Man I hope youre right, I can’t wait til mop comes out, less of this chatter in game and a Buncha players I will not miss Seriously you leeches roam to every MMO and do the same thing in their games and in the forums…. Good riddance

I hope someone is paying attention... 6 days left

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Posted by: Eochaidh.4106


Till MoP is out. That means you have 6 days to prove to about half your players that…

Speak for yourself and your guild. If you want to go enjoy your pandas, no one is stopping you. This is not a subscription game.

I hope someone is paying attention... 6 days left

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Posted by: Cinder.4865


Any player chomping at the bit to go back to WoW (and I sincerely doubt it’s half the current population) relishes a different type of gameplay and/or prefers to grind the same content for months on end for that endgame feeling.

And there’s nothing wrong with that. Allow me to repeat: there is nothing wrong with that.

However, ANet has nothing to prove to those players. GW2 is either fun for them or it isn’t, and if it isn’t, minor improvements are not likely to keep them around long term.

(edited by Cinder.4865)

I hope someone is paying attention... 6 days left

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Posted by: Typh.8027


People seem to think there’s a ‘fix it’ switch that the developers can simply flip. The game is not even a month old yet and people are whining because it’s not the perfect game. It won’t be perfection as soon as it is released, and it will take time to fix it, as all MMOs are. I do agree though, they should have had more testers in the higher endgame zones, however, I will not complain because they are not getting ‘instantly’ fixed.

This MoP will be the same way, People will whine and complain about broken things. I bet it.

I hope someone is paying attention... 6 days left

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Posted by: Rpgtabbycat.5869


GW2 has spoiled me. Funny thing is I was looking forward to MoP. And then I started playing the GW2 beta weekend events and WoW just wasn’t the same. So I’ve cancelled my WoW subscription and I won’t be getting MoP.

I hope someone is paying attention... 6 days left

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Posted by: TSMTB.3254


OP dude…. this is for making sugestions that help improve the game. so id suggest you have fun with your pandas and not waist arena net and our time.

I hope someone is paying attention... 6 days left

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Posted by: Eternal Duty.4789

Eternal Duty.4789

Will definitely buy pandaland for the supieror PVE.

I hope someone is paying attention... 6 days left

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Posted by: daemonlama.5413


bleh What I got from this is, a certain percentage of WoW players are so arrogant to think they are the be all end all of a games success, that without them, a game will just fall into ruin.

I hope someone is paying attention... 6 days left

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Posted by: Sparkie.3465


They already got your guild mate’s money. It doesn’t matter to them if your guild mates go off and play the release of the panda expansion. In fact, they might be glad to have the load decrease for a little bit while they hammer out more release bugs.

However, this is what I’d tell your guild mates:

“Go play WoW, and have fun at it. When the severs are unplayable on the panda release day, come play GW2 for a bit. When you are sitting in queues to get on your WoW server, come play GW2 for a bit. When your DPS character is waiting for an hour or more to do the panda leveling dungeons, play some GW2 while you wait.

When the WoW servers are stable and the instances are working, go enjoy WoW. We’ll still be here in GW2 if your raid wipes give you a headache, if your class turns out to not be the PVP flavor of the month, or if you don’t like the look of your tier armor and you’d like the customizable armor of GW2. Your account will still be active since it’s free to play. So say hello to the pandas for me and don’t be a stranger – we’ll keep the porch light on for you over here."

I hope someone is paying attention... 6 days left

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Posted by: Skekzyz.1458


I seem to remember a certain, well, strong dislike for WoW players by most GW1 players, I don’t want GW2 to be like WoW, I want it to have the same, or very similiar, UI customizability and targeting mechanics as GW1, that would make me very happy, all other fixes would be icing on the cake, even if the cake is a lie.

The Dark Crystal [TDC] – Henge of Denravi

I hope someone is paying attention... 6 days left

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Posted by: theerrantventure.9185


They already got your guild mate’s money. It doesn’t matter to them if your guild mates go off and play the release of the panda expansion. In fact, they might be glad to have the load decrease for a little bit while they hammer out more release bugs.

However, this is what I’d tell your guild mates:

“Go play WoW, and have fun at it. When the severs are unplayable on the panda release day, come play GW2 for a bit. When you are sitting in queues to get on your WoW server, come play GW2 for a bit. When your DPS character is waiting for an hour or more to do the panda leveling dungeons, play some GW2 while you wait.

When the WoW servers are stable and the instances are working, go enjoy WoW. We’ll still be here in GW2 if your raid wipes give you a headache, if your class turns out to not be the PVP flavor of the month, or if you don’t like the look of your tier armor and you’d like the customizable armor of GW2. Your account will still be active since it’s free to play. So say hello to the pandas for me and don’t be a stranger – we’ll keep the porch light on for you over here."

Couldn’t have said it better myself, well put!

Trolls are like stray cats.
Feed them and they multiply.
Please do not feed them.

I hope someone is paying attention... 6 days left

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Posted by: Ragnar Dragonfyre.1806

Ragnar Dragonfyre.1806

ANet already has your money. They would have budgeted their sales expectations around boxsales first and microtransactions second. At over 2 million boxsales already, combined with microtransactions, they’ve likely broken even already.

Threatening to “quit” is hilarious because you can’t quit GW2. So go ahead, play MoP and when you run out of content there, you can come back to GW2 “for free” when they have more content. There’s no sub fee remember? ANet expects some people to stop playing when they run out of stuff to do.

In the meantime, nobody will miss you or your ilk. Please, go back to WoW and take the rest of the whiners that want GW2 to be more like WoW with you. I personally can’t wait for MoP to hit because maybe then the WvWvW queues will get better.

(edited by Ragnar Dragonfyre.1806)

I hope someone is paying attention... 6 days left

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Posted by: marianitten.1247


They already got your guild mate’s money. It doesn’t matter to them if your guild mates go off and play the release of the panda expansion. In fact, they might be glad to have the load decrease for a little bit while they hammer out more release bugs.

However, this is what I’d tell your guild mates:

“Go play WoW, and have fun at it. When the severs are unplayable on the panda release day, come play GW2 for a bit. When you are sitting in queues to get on your WoW server, come play GW2 for a bit. When your DPS character is waiting for an hour or more to do the panda leveling dungeons, play some GW2 while you wait.

When the WoW servers are stable and the instances are working, go enjoy WoW. We’ll still be here in GW2 if your raid wipes give you a headache, if your class turns out to not be the PVP flavor of the month, or if you don’t like the look of your tier armor and you’d like the customizable armor of GW2. Your account will still be active since it’s free to play. So say hello to the pandas for me and don’t be a stranger – we’ll keep the porch light on for you over here."

Couldn’t have said it better myself, well put!

Most beatiful text about the GW2vsWOW nonsense…. For Those About to Zerg (We Salute You)

For Those About to Zerg (We Salute You)

I hope someone is paying attention... 6 days left

in Suggestions

Posted by: Gave.9408


The fanboy is strong with this thread.

Comparing a sub-less, free2play cash shop MMO’s retention based on box sales, against a subscription-based, multi-million dollar giant is hardly what I would call relateable on any level.

WoW is still the kingpin, and yes the release of Pandaria will have an impact on the GW2 community, like it or not. For how long? We don’t know! But it’s high-time for ANET to kick it into high gear if they want to draw in more of those “precious” box sales.

I hope someone is paying attention... 6 days left

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Posted by: Ragnar Dragonfyre.1806

Ragnar Dragonfyre.1806

“Kick it into high gear”?

The game has only been out a month. It was in development for 5 years. They were in “high gear” for that entire time.

I don’t know how well you know the game industry, but there is a grueling amount of long hours, skipped weekends and holidays involved. Anyone working a regular Mon-Fri, 9-5 just can’t comprehend how hard a game designer works.

How about letting them have a little bit of a break before they “kick it into high gear” again? The majority of us with full time jobs haven’t even put a dent in all the content of the game. Sheesh.

I hope someone is paying attention... 6 days left

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Posted by: Draknar.5748


Seems everyone has the same line of thinking as I do. You can’t really quit GW2 and make an impact, you aren’t paying them any more money they already have it. Cash models bank on 3 types of players.

Those that purchase absolutely nothing in the cash shop and play bare bones – this applies to 75% of the population.

Those that purchase things here and there, maybe a few times a year – this makes up another 15-17%.

Those that purchase all sorts of things on a regular basis because they have the discretionary income to do so. These are the last 7-10% of players, maybe even less, but make up the majority of the cash shop’s profits. These are your most important players and the ones that end up being the most active and loyal.

The ones that leave to play Pandaland likely will never have invested money into the cash shop anyway, so its no real loss. You made your expected contribution to their coffers and if you want to move on, you can.

The only potential loss is less people on the server, but honestly there are more than enough people who are simply over WoW to keep the servers healthy.

I won’t stop because I can’t stop.

It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….

I hope someone is paying attention... 6 days left

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Posted by: Tradewind.6913


Still obligated to do Pandas because of my guild needing me, but wow I am not looking forward to 3 hour+ queues and everything that goes along with leveling on probably the largest server in the US.

At least I can run it in a window and play some GW2 while I wait for the queue.

I hope someone is paying attention... 6 days left

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Posted by: R E F L H E X.8413

R E F L H E X.8413

I really don’t see how wow players can go back to wow, when anet has changed their formats for YOUR needs.

When I leave the game I’m going to Guildwars 1. They aren’t tailoring for our needs they are pampering the wow players to compete with wow.

Wow is highly outdated and pve grind based to even be able to pvp. Don’t see why anyone would want to go back to that game.

I must’ve missed the sign that said it was a fire sale.

I hope someone is paying attention... 6 days left

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Posted by: RebelYell.7132


If what they end up eventually using to draw players back is a paid expansion, or other sort of paid DLC, then it might as well have had a subscription.

User was infracted for being awesome.

I hope someone is paying attention... 6 days left

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Posted by: mangarrage.1062


You are joking right?
I find this post to best (funniest) of the week thanks

I hope someone is paying attention... 6 days left

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Posted by: Shanna.4762


I played WoW since it came out, and I loved it. But nothing about MoP appeals to me, the game is extremely dated, and Blizzard seems to have long since lost it’s creativity because the game has just been a recycled treadmill of mildly epic proportions for years, now. I don’t think GW2 has much to worry about in the long term.

On the flip side I do wanna hear what they’ve got coming our way sometime soon

I hope someone is paying attention... 6 days left

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Posted by: zerospin.8604


Wow? Fun? How can you put the two in one sentence without including the word ‘not’ ?

I hope someone is paying attention... 6 days left

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Posted by: ref.8196


If what they end up eventually using to draw players back is a paid expansion, or other sort of paid DLC, then it might as well have had a subscription.

There will never be paid DLC

It will be free

I hope someone is paying attention... 6 days left

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Posted by: asmariya.1096


I don’t know how people can play such a nasty looking outdated games for almost what 10 years now? It’s really a terrible thing to see lol

Elesh of Norn