I wish we had pet evolution again

I wish we had pet evolution again

in Suggestions

Posted by: Rizzy.8293


Like the one from Guildwars, where you can make your pet more tanky or more damagey.

Have like actual pet trainers that allow you to retrain the pet for a small amount of shinies.

But unlike the first guildwars, pets evolution will be mirrored in the pets appearance.
A hearty beast : looking big strong and docile
A playful beast: adorable cute but not as big as a hearty beast
An elder beast: looking much like its wild grown up counterparts
An aggressive beast: looking more feral
A dire beast: ferocious looking whilst almost as big as a hearty beast

Who knows. something like that.

Maybe give them little customizable ornaments too that reflect their training, metal claw attachments for aggressive and dire birds and moas, A collar for playful beasts, armor plating for hearty wolves, bears and boars.

Those spiked collars were one of the reasons the black moa was my favourite pet in guildwars plus the fact it was HUGE, these juvenile moas are tiny in comparison.

Oh and also, the pet AI needs serious tweaking, seriously.
They still stand 3 – 5 meters infront of me when I come to a stop and draw unwanted aggro.


I wish we had pet evolution again

in Suggestions

Posted by: Adelas.6598


DEFINITELY. My favorite aspects of normal GW were pets and heroes.
I have a character here named Elder Flamingo, for crying out loud.
I love pet evolution.

I wish we had pet evolution again

in Suggestions

Posted by: Rizzy.8293


DEFINITELY. My favorite aspects of normal GW were pets and heroes.
I have a character here named Elder Flamingo, for crying out loud.
I love pet evolution.

Lawl elder flamingo XD

I wish we had pet evolution again

in Suggestions

Posted by: Rizzy.8293


guess not enough ranger.

I wish we had pet evolution again

in Suggestions

Posted by: CureForLiving.5360



guess not enough ranger.

Oh I’m sure they’re all just ingame, actually now that I’ve hit 80 on my necro the next class I’ll be working on is a ranger.

I wish we had pet evolution again

in Suggestions

Posted by: Risika.8621


Yes! I would absolutely LOVE this game mechanic in GW2! If anything to get my pets bigger like Eir’s giant wolf. <3

Risika – 80 Ranger – Ehmry Bay – Sea of Stars [SoS]

I wish we had pet evolution again

in Suggestions

Posted by: Rizzy.8293


Yes! I would absolutely LOVE this game mechanic in GW2! If anything to get my pets bigger like Eir’s giant wolf. <3

Dire wolves :P

I wish we had pet evolution again

in Suggestions

Posted by: Seras.5702


See we don’t need dire or elder pets anymore…cuz we have 40 different animals that have their own unique stats & abilities. In GW, the only difference between most pets was whether they were elder or dire or playful….now we have blue moa, pink moa, raven, eagle, jaguar, fern hound, brown bear, black bear, polar bear, cave spider, jungle spider…….need I go on? yes, it was neat to tame a lvl 4 wolf and raise it to be your own. Only now if you tame a lvl 4 spider, it instantly becomes your level and always will be. Maybe it breaks immersion, but I like the variety we get now.

Flixx Gatebuster, Orwynn Lightgrave, Seras Snapdragon
[TTBH] [HATE], Yak’s Bend(NA)

I wish we had pet evolution again

in Suggestions

Posted by: Rizzy.8293


See we don’t need dire or elder pets anymore…cuz we have 40 different animals that have their own unique stats & abilities. In GW, the only difference between most pets was whether they were elder or dire or playful….now we have blue moa, pink moa, raven, eagle, jaguar, fern hound, brown bear, black bear, polar bear, cave spider, jungle spider…….need I go on? yes, it was neat to tame a lvl 4 wolf and raise it to be your own. Only now if you tame a lvl 4 spider, it instantly becomes your level and always will be. Maybe it breaks immersion, but I like the variety we get now.

Your arguement is non sequitur

Guilwars has 36 pets.

This isn’t about quantity, this is about having the pet play a specific role to your build
Hence Hearty, Playful, Elder, Aggressive, Dire which werent about pet abilities.

And all tameable pets in guildwars were level 5

I wish we had pet evolution again

in Suggestions

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


Why not, instead, pet gear?
Open the pet panel, and next to each portrait there would be 1 item slot.
Then you get the pet equipment piece, something like a collar.
The prefix would determine main attribute chances (e.g. +200 power&-100 vitality, +33 to all atributes, etc).
The suffix, determined by an upgrade, would be more variable.

This would also allow more customization and fine-tuning options, with PvP gear for pets.

No exceptions!

I wish we had pet evolution again

in Suggestions

Posted by: callidus.7085


I like the ideas in this thread!

I really like the idea of using items instead of evolution though because then you’re guaranteed to get what you want.. however at the same time I feel like pet evolution in GW1 was a sort of meta game where you needed to play a certain way for your pet to “evolve” as you desired.. taking out the evolution and replacing it with items, although allowing you to get what you want faster, seems to cheapen the experience in my eyes :-/

Slow down and smell the pixels.

I wish we had pet evolution again

in Suggestions

Posted by: Rizzy.8293


I like the ideas in this thread!

I really like the idea of using items instead of evolution though because then you’re guaranteed to get what you want.. however at the same time I feel like pet evolution in GW1 was a sort of meta game where you needed to play a certain way for your pet to “evolve” as you desired.. taking out the evolution and replacing it with items, although allowing you to get what you want faster, seems to cheapen the experience in my eyes :-/

Thats why I suggested Pet trainers to assure you get what characteristic you want from your pet.

I wish we had pet evolution again

in Suggestions

Posted by: Escildan.2869


See we don’t need dire or elder pets anymore…cuz we have 40 different animals that have their own unique stats & abilities. In GW, the only difference between most pets was whether they were elder or dire or playful….now we have blue moa, pink moa, raven, eagle, jaguar, fern hound, brown bear, black bear, polar bear, cave spider, jungle spider…….need I go on? yes, it was neat to tame a lvl 4 wolf and raise it to be your own. Only now if you tame a lvl 4 spider, it instantly becomes your level and always will be. Maybe it breaks immersion, but I like the variety we get now.

Your arguement is non sequitur

Guilwars has 36 pets.

This isn’t about quantity, this is about having the pet play a specific role to your build
Hence Hearty, Playful, Elder, Aggressive, Dire which werent about pet abilities.

And all tameable pets in guildwars were level 5

Okay… factual errors aside, would you not say that, with 36 different pets having several differing stat- and skill build ups, there are enough ways to have your pet play a specific role that goes with how you built your character?

Still, I am kind of in love with this idea. It deepens out the Ranger class on a more personal basis. I love the concept of actual physical evolution of your animal companion and these five stages mentioned However, the only way I see to realistically make this idea useable in GW2 would be to to have all your tamed pets match your current level, as leveling them all individually is… well… brutal!, and let the playstyle of the ranger individually influence which pet evolves in which manner. The problem I foresee in this concept, however, lies with the issue of constants:

Either a pet evolves into a certain type permanently, which makes it unchangeable and so not very forgiving for possible mistakes, or it can evolve into any type at any time, which may render your hard work in getting, say, a Hearty Pink Moa, worthless when accidentally using a quick DPS build with the wrong-coloured Moa. The problem with permanent evolution can be partially solved by the use of items and/or NPC services to “reset” your pet. (Anyone notice the rhyme there? No? Well…. alright then). The loose form of evolution may be crackable as well, though I’m less of a fan of it.

This would make for a nice bit of endgame content for Rangers; trying to obtain every type of Moas in all 5 evolutions and such. (Yes, I like Moas. Say you don’t, I double dare you!)

Smile! It’ll brighten my day at least.

I wish we had pet evolution again

in Suggestions

Posted by: callidus.7085


You could also make it so when your pet evolves a certain way it “unlocks” that evolution type for that pet so that if you wanted to you could switch evolution of that pet type at any time.

Slow down and smell the pixels.