Increase objects hit box.

Increase objects hit box.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Reihert.1509


I just find silly not being able to properly hit a HUGE trebuchet while standing right on top of it.

Same happens on those burrows at AC Exp mode. If I dont stand on top of it (or inside of it, if it spawns where I am), most likely I’ll miss.

On Howling King Path, for example, there is a particular burrow that is close to impossible to hit as melee — with your back to their stairs on the event room, to protect a guy while he does some research, the burrow at the upper left corner of the map.

On the third explorer mode, on that event where you have 2 protect 2 objects while it’s run it’s analyzes for that silly asura, not being able to proper hit an object, even though I’m standing on top of it, makes that place FAR too taxing on melee.

I either get lucky or AoE between CDs.

The easiest fix is just to change it’s hit box, make it either bigger or better placed.

Increase objects hit box.

in Suggestions

Posted by: RebelYell.7132


This is an issue for a great many destructible objects. +1

User was infracted for being awesome.

Increase objects hit box.

in Suggestions

Posted by: KittyWitty.7813


Yes, they have a very small, precise hitbox. I whack my greatsword around right at it, nothing, have to run around in circles, up in the object’s face if it had one and then whack it in one spot and sometimes only a certain part of my auto-attack chain actually hits it.

Increase objects hit box.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Bolthar.7192


OMG YES! I can not express how irritating it is trying to destroy a weapon rack with a giant greatsword and missing it every time when it’s right in front of me! thumbs up for this! Honestly I don’t even think this should need to be a suggestion, its obvious enough, right?

Increase objects hit box.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Aragnor.4250



I thought it was bug, to not able to hit a weapon rack with a greatsword but in case it isn’t.. I support the thread.

Increase objects hit box.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Guattanator.1524


I also support this, not just for PvE but WvW too, all too many times in WvW I’ve been able to see a straight line to a pot of oil or a trebuchet’s top yet I get the “Obstructed” of doom because I need to hit it’s base. There have been times in Dungeons and PvE fields where I have been unable to hit my target due to disproportionate hitboxes as well.

Increase objects hit box.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Egregious.9810


I also support this, not just for PvE but WvW too, all too many times in WvW I’ve been able to see a straight line to a pot of oil or a trebuchet’s top yet I get the “Obstructed” of doom because I need to hit it’s base.

I think that’s more LoS and interference issues than hitbox.

Increase objects hit box.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Guattanator.1524


I think that’s more LoS and interference issues than hitbox.

The thing is I can visually see a projectile hitting a pot of oil and it says obstructed. Also with the treb thing, I meant I can’t even target the top half of it sticking up 20 feet above a wall when I think I should be allowed to.

Increase objects hit box.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Reihert.1509


Lets keep this topic hot so arena net can see it and adress.

It is a huge issue and immersion breaking. Swinging my sword on top of it and seeing “miss”.