Jumping Puzzle Shortcuts - not an exploit
The shortcuts is not intended. The things that make up the shortcuts is there for decorative purpose, not for players to cut the difficulty and time of the jumping puzzle by half. thats why they got removed.
The chest reward at the end of the jumping puzzles is the reward for going trough the whole thing.
Personally I dont mind shortcuts, especially when it comes to the EB jumping puzzle.
The shortcuts is not intended. The things that make up the shortcuts is there for decorative purpose, not for players to cut the difficulty and time of the jumping puzzle by half. thats why they got removed.
The chest reward at the end of the jumping puzzles is the reward for going trough the whole thing.Personally I dont mind shortcuts, especially when it comes to the EB jumping puzzle.
Whether a shortcut is intended or not, why not roll with it? Particularly with shorter, low-level-chest JPs.
I have to say, if they are going to take shortcuts we may stumble across out, they should stop mesmer ports as well.
Players helping players in both cases
Player A uses mesmer port provided by player B
Player C uses shortcut knowledge provided by player D.
The shortcuts is not intended. The things that make up the shortcuts is there for decorative purpose, not for players to cut the difficulty and time of the jumping puzzle by half. thats why they got removed.
The chest reward at the end of the jumping puzzles is the reward for going trough the whole thing.Personally I dont mind shortcuts, especially when it comes to the EB jumping puzzle.
Whether a shortcut is intended or not, why not roll with it? Particularly with shorter, low-level-chest JPs.
lol why shouldnt they remove them? Fixing mistakes is what you do. First you argue that they arent exploits then you just argue that they should just leave them in regardless.
The shortcuts is not intended.
Not many people care about that argument – for example mesmers porting people so they don’t have to do the puzzle.
Well, I care about that, too :P
For what it’s worth: I don’t care much if mesmers portal people up to chests, be they at the end of jumping puzzles or not. What bothers me is getting achievements this way.
I think for the jumping puzzle achievements, people should actually achieve to complete the jumping puzzles. And if it was my own game, I would implement several secret “pit stops” along a jumping puzzle and only hand out the achievement if a player went past all of those.
You would still be able to apply the portal skill for our own benefit (as a “save point”) as a mesmer or help another player with a particularly evil jump they can’t make, but at least players would actually have to go through the puzzle itself instead of bypassing it entirely.
Another reason is that the puzzles were designed with so much love and care (occasional annoying bugs aside) and it doesn’t feel fair to me that people bypass them without really looking at the designed landscapes, trying to figure out the mechanics, taking in the lighting and atmosphere and the funny little stories that the puzzles sometimes tell.
So, yeah, I am aware of a few shortcuts (and of course mesmer portals) and I’m not a fan of them. But it depends on the context (chest or achievement).
~ Whips ~ City Minigames ~ City Jumping Puzzles ~