Less Armour Swapping, More Armour Upgrading

Less Armour Swapping, More Armour Upgrading

in Suggestions

Posted by: Supernova.7519


One of the most tedious aspects of RPG’s in general, for me, is having to constantly swap out armour pieces for more effective ones in order to stay competitive, regardless of how ridiculously mismatched I end up looking. I find this especially jarring, considering that all the NPC’s get to stick to the same outfits throughout, in fact, I find that an immersion-breaker. The cosmetic and functional should be entirely separate. The Secret World gets this right by having your outfits’ stats tied to upgrade items that you can freely swap out when you find something you like the look of better. I would very much like to see that system in GW2, instead of having to use Transmutation Stones all the time. Granted, if that were the case, then we’d have no reason to buy them but that can easily be resolved by replacing them with Gem Store-exclusive (cosmetic) armour sets.

Given that GW2 is far less gear-dependant than other MMOs, this issue isn’t so bad here, however, I do feel like it doesn’t cater to those, like me, who prefer consistency.

Less Armour Swapping, More Armour Upgrading

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sirendor.1394


Agreed: I have this problem with alts most of the time. I like to play a character that looks good, not wearing level 1 gear… so each time I level 5-10 levels more, I need to transmute everything or give up on my looks…
I find this very, very annoying.

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Less Armour Swapping, More Armour Upgrading

in Suggestions

Posted by: Supernova.7519


Actually, I think it should be like in the KoTOR games: have the chest piece count as the whole set (in appearance), making the process oh so much simpler but also have the option of splitting it into individual pieces (trousers, shoes etc) for those who want to mix and match.

Less Armour Swapping, More Armour Upgrading

in Suggestions

Posted by: electricity.7682


One of the most tedious aspects of RPG’s in general, for me, is having to constantly swap out armour pieces for more effective ones in order to stay competitive, regardless of how ridiculously mismatched I end up looking. I find this especially jarring, considering that all the NPC’s get to stick to the same outfits throughout, in fact, I find that an immersion-breaker. The cosmetic and functional should be entirely separate. The Secret World gets this right by having your outfits’ stats tied to upgrade items that you can freely swap out when you find something you like the look of better. I would very much like to see that system in GW2, instead of having to use Transmutation Stones all the time. Granted, if that were the case, then we’d have no reason to buy them but that can easily be resolved by replacing them with Gem Store-exclusive (cosmetic) armour sets.

Given that GW2 is far less gear-dependant than other MMOs, this issue isn’t so bad here, however, I do feel like it doesn’t cater to those, like me, who prefer consistency.

Hear hear!!! Why not the option to craft/add additional upgrade slots to armor or to simply remove one one upgrade and exchange it for another? Why are we punished for upgrading more than once by sacrificing the upgrade to the ethos? Why not have both of these options? Or at least some better system that addresses the issue effectively….

Less Armour Swapping, More Armour Upgrading

in Suggestions

Posted by: Supernova.7519


Star Trek Online is another good example; you choose your outfit – including colour scheme – at character creation (or change it later at a tailor NPC) and that’s the one you get to keep for the entire game, while your stats come from a single suit of armour whose visuals you can hide, so you don’t have to care when swapping it out.

Less Armour Swapping, More Armour Upgrading

in Suggestions

Posted by: Moroch.2741


I 100% agree with this… at level 1 I looked epic, rolling up in my red and black super robes to mesmer the c**p out of centaurs. anyway, so I work up my levels and hit level 10.
“Yay, I can finally wear this new chest piece… okay… a bit tight and jazz dancer looking but that’s cool, I can roll with that”.
Next I kill some Oakheart and loot him.
“YES! A new Lv 10 legs piece to go with my new chest piece, ok let me just… WHAT THE F… A skirt?! A skirt with tights?! WHY WHY WHY!?!?!”
It is something that has truly upset me.

A Mesmer of Darkhaven

Less Armour Swapping, More Armour Upgrading

in Suggestions

Posted by: electricity.7682


d_mn…. should’ve been a femesmer… then u wouldve looked pretty…. instead of pretty silly lol

Less Armour Swapping, More Armour Upgrading

in Suggestions

Posted by: Amadan.9451


there is also the lotro option. you can show what you wear, or you can show outfits over the armor you are wearing.

i wish they could add to the current system, some tab in the hero panel only for outfits, like town clothes but they will still have your main gear stats, even better if you could chose to activate the stats of the outfit instead of the one in your main gear tab.

give this to me and i’ll collect them all

they could give us one or maybe two tab for free and purchase with gems the others.

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Less Armour Swapping, More Armour Upgrading

in Suggestions

Posted by: Supernova.7519


I like the sound of that. Although I’m not sure if that would be simpler than having all armour – be it random drop or merchant purchase – come in one package (essentially a “onesie”), with x empty upgrade slots, that you can optionally split into gloves, trousers etc so you can mix and match.

You can then have the “onesies” in the crafting menu alongside the individual armour pieces but also with all their material requirements combined, so as to keep it balanced.

(edited by Supernova.7519)