[DaP] Bench War Mer -Gaurdian – TC
Mad King's Ravens
[DaP] Bench War Mer -Gaurdian – TC
Bumping this . Cause it took me awhile to get all of mad king armor pieces and I’m very disappointed. Not only is it not unique you could never tell its mad king armor unless you ping it to someone. The armor could of been changed like make the faces on the armor mad kings face. Make it unique!! The ravens needs to be corrected and updated to be like the ravens that attacked us during the fight of mad
King. Or add an animation above the characters head that shows mad king when ravens are summoned. Just like
Lyssa appears when I use her skill. So much could be done with this. Come on anet!
[DaP] Bench War Mer -Gaurdian – TC
(edited by warchanter.9574)
Yes, ravens should be dark and look like ravens and not these doves which are summoned. Repair it please. Arena, i know that its easy to take “Hunter’s Call” skill from ranger and use it on mad kings runes but these birds from “Hunter’s Call” are hawks not ravens so pls rework it and make ravens look like ravens. You give almost 10g for runes and then you use it and all players around thing that it was summoned by some ranger. Make these runes original so everybody know that you have these runes. As was said by warchanter this idea with mad kings animations above character would be great and with real ravens it will be perfect. Everybody will know that you have mad kings runes and not only think that some rangers used “Hunter’s Call”.
(edited by Runcore.5107)
Yessir, I was dissapointed too. Hawks and pigeons are not ravens:(
(edited by Bubi.7942)
Could someone please show a picture or video of that skill? I am really curious. I wanted to get that one too, but now I am not so sure anymore…
Here: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/651/gw010zl.jpg/
I hope that they rework it and make these “ravens” real ravens.
(edited by Runcore.5107)
@ Runcore
Thanks for the pictures! Now I am sure that I don’t want to get that skill I really hope they will change them to real ravens.
Yeahhh, totally disappointed, I just runed out my current armor and was sad to see they just reused the rangers hawks. Please reskin these or at the very least render the textures darker/remove the lines from wings and tail feathers.
Not only that but as a mesmer when i used mass invisibility it bugs sometimes and i become visible without doin a thing. Please fix that kitten kit
Just dumped 7G on these recently – very, very disappointed. It can’t be that hard to make the graphic actually look like RAVENS. These aren’t ravens at all.
I don’t mind summoning pigeons, but yeah – I agree ravens would look cooler. Also, it would be nice if they attacked -everything- around instead of just 3 enemies now, it really tones down the previously awesome scale of the power (very visually impressive in Orr). As an aside, you know that legendary dredge mining suit in the fractals? Guess what can hurt him when he’s not superheated. :P
Has any changes been made to this ridiculous attention to detail by Anet. I was planning my gear and decided to use this rune cuz ravens would be so awesome with it, i then accidently discover that the ravens are really a copy and pasted skill from the hunter, I mean you cant be serious…
I agree with this especially since it is an Event set armor you can only gain once a year
I have the mad king armor to and I to think the ravens should be darker.
Also disappointed in this – it deserves a fix.
Phoenix down!
Still pigeons.
Bumping for Raven Love, Please Please Please…
Yep. Suggested this on Halloween last year after being supremely dissapointed in my new rune set on my necro.